If it weren't for Arthur Weasley's recording, Lucius wouldn't be so anxious to clean up the evidence, and naturally he wouldn't dig out the long-preserved diary.

That's all. Lucius didn't know that the diary was Voldemort's container, and he was bewitched by him from beginning to end.

"What role did Draco Malfoy play in this?" Nietzsche continued to ask, holding his wand tightly.

"Surveillant? Informer? The first witness who discovered that Weasley was the murderer in the Chamber of Secrets?" Voldemort laughed, "Maybe he had already left with the girl when he saw that several professors were involved."

Even if they knew the Malfoy family's motives, would the Ministry of Magic still believe a murderer who killed Myrtle more than fifty years ago?

Obviously not, even if Nietzsche asked Voldemort to identify each other in front of Fudge, it would be useless, because the Ministry of Magic needs the support of the Malfoy family, because Voldemort and the pure blood have always had two intentions...

"I've been waiting for nearly half a century just to get a chance. What else do you Mudbloods have to complain about!" Voldemort screamed.

"Because you're not as important as you think."

With a sullen face, Nietzsche plowed a mark on the ground with his lightsaber, cutting Voldemort in half from bottom to top. The opponent's body, which was constantly twisting due to the Cruciatus Curse, began to gradually collapse.

Then he stretched out his hand to summon the diary back and motioned for Hermione and Lockhart to go up first. He planned to give some follow-up instructions.

"Sir, is there anything else that Dobby can do for you?" The house elf looked at him with almost admiration.

"Help me scrape off the scales of the basilisk." Nietzsche fumbled in his pocket for a long time, took out a small black bag, and continued, "Put its eyes in here by the way. Remember to close your eyes."

"No problem! Sir!"

Dobby reassured himself by patting his chest.

Nietzsche held the diary tightly, thinking about some strategies that were not worthy of being spoken out: for example, letting Gilderoy Lockhart change Riddle's thinking logic, and letting him correct Malfoy as if he were an ordinary magic item.

After all, isn’t it very reasonable for a wizard’s treasure to have the function of recognizing its master~

Nietzsche walked to the pipe that came down, and while using the floating spell to lift himself up, he thought about filling in the entrance to the secret room.

But he then shook his head and rejected the idea - he always felt that it would be useful in the future.

When he appeared at the sink in the girls' bathroom, the first person he saw was Hermione Granger.

"Where's Lockhart?" He frowned and looked around, "Isn't he running away again?"

"He was busy telling other students about his 'heroic' deeds." Hermione rolled her eyes, took out her wand and tapped his clothes a few times, "Cleaned up... but still smells a bit musty. "

"Where do we go now?"

"Let's go. I heard that Weasley's parents are in Professor McGonagall's office."

Hermione walked to the door of the girls' bathroom, stopped suddenly, and looked back at Nietzsche.

He had never seen her look so tired, as if she had not slept all night, and her spirits were listless. In his impression, Hermione had always looked that tough.

"Promise me not to use the Unforgivable Curse casually." She understood how Nietzsche learned it, so she didn't say it out loud.

If you want to put it this way, Hermione can be regarded as the one who made him learn the Cruciatus Curse.

Now that she knows how to do it, she won't give useless lectures such as 'using too much is bad' or 'this is forbidden magic', so... just use it sparingly, at least don't use it in front of her.

Nietzsche opened his mouth and remained silent for a long time before nodding.

"as the last resort?"

"as the last resort."

Volume One: Chapter 125 The Dispute About Voldemort

The two young men opened the door and saw many people crowding the office:

Harry leaned silently against the fireplace, holding a silver sword in his hand. His robes were covered with dust and the blood of the basilisk; while Principal Dumbledore stood beside him with a smile on his face, listening to what the other party said. ;

Professor McGonagall supported Mrs. Weasley, who was covering her face and crying, and then saw Mr. Weasley pacing back and forth anxiously;

Of course, Ginny also woke up. She was clutching her chest, tears falling like broken pearls, crying because she was worried that she would be expelled.

"Thank you so much...Really." Arthur greeted him immediately after seeing the door being opened.

"I have heard what happened from Harry. What interests me is what method Voldemort used to confuse Ginny. As far as I know, he still doesn't know which sewer he is in."

Principal Dumbledore added two new chairs to this room.

After hearing this, Nietzsche also neatly placed the diary on the table. When the principal said the name, both the Weasleys gasped, as if the name was some kind of taboo word.

"After our 'test' and Lockhart's judgment, this one contains Voldemort's soul, as well as his... memories before he was sixteen years old."

Dumbledore lowered his head, used his wand to open the cover, and stared at the blank pages with sharp eyes from the bridge of his nose.

With the caliber of the greatest wizard of our time, he quickly discovered that something was wrong. Dumbledore pondered for a while before he suddenly realized something, which puzzled Professor McGonagall on the side.

"What's the problem?" she said.

"Amazing... Really amazing." The headmaster exclaimed, "His attainments in the dark arts can indeed be called the best student in the history of Hogwarts. This is a perfect Horcrux... It even has a personality attached to it."

Molly Weasley held her daughter and her eyes stayed on the diary.

"But how did Ginny get this thing?"

"I don't know... I found it in a second-hand book bought by my mother." Ginny said sadly with guilt, "I thought it was something you gave me, so..."

But Mr. Weasley was stunned on the side. He didn't understand how this Horcrux of Voldemort got into his daughter's hands.

Ginny stayed with them all summer.

"I think Miss Weasley should go to the school hospital immediately." Dumbledore interrupted the speeches of several people and comforted them, "She can't be blamed for this. Wizards who are older and more resourceful than Ginny will be deceived by Voldemort."

Arthur was the first to react. He immediately left the office with his wife, daughter and son.

Judging from the situation, Ginny will not be expelled. After all, the mysterious man is involved. Mr. Weasley is also worried about whether his daughter will be under the Imperius Curse and the negative reaction of the residual black magic.

"Don't be too happy too soon. This means that the person must not only have this thing." A dragging voice sounded from inside.

Nietzsche could swear that if Snape didn't say anything, he would never find that the other party was hiding in the corner.

"By the way, Minerva, since everyone is safe, I think it's worth holding a celebration. Go and notify the kitchen." Dumbledore didn't want to say much about this matter, so he found an excuse to let the others leave.

Professor McGonagall and Flitwick looked at each other and left silently.

Now, there are only four people left here. Nietzsche looked at the headmaster's reaction and immediately understood that this Horcrux was not as simple as a wizard attaching a soul to an object...

"Horcrux, I didn't expect Tom to actually make it." Dumbledore sat down on the chair in a frustrated manner and sighed, "Voldemort has an obsession with immortality. He is willing to split his soul to achieve his goal."

Fawkes the Phoenix flew up from the stove, hovered in the air for a while, and landed on the headmaster's shoulder again.

In other words, every Horcrux is Voldemort.

"By the way, Severus, is there anything missing in your office?"

Dumbledore suddenly thought of the previous arrangement.

"All the materials for the Polyjuice Potion are not missing. I even took out the shopping list at the beginning of the school year to compare it." Snape shook his head, "Draco was just here to learn other potion knowledge at that time."

Draco certainly didn't steal the materials, because he was looking through Snape's potion notes.

Those precious materials may have been bought in advance... All this was planned before the start of school, but the Malfoys didn't know the existence of Voldemort.

"Maybe we can convince Riddle to identify it as a magic item..." Hermione explained.

"But then what?" Dumbledore interrupted her and said meaningfully, "Even if Malfoy is ruined, this also preserves Voldemort's soul, and he can be placed in the evidence room of the Ministry of Magic."

Everyone here knows how this Horcrux fell into Ginny's hands.

But Dumbledore also made sense. His purpose was just to eradicate this Horcrux. As for Malfoy... It's not a big problem, because his motive is just to ruin the reputation of the Weasley family.

If Voldemort's Horcrux is placed in the Ministry of Magic, then his chances will be far greater than when it was collected by Malfoy.

"No, I don't agree to destroy Voldemort's soul now." Nietzsche put his hand on the diary, his eyes flashing with anger, "Even if he is put in the Ministry of Magic, we have a way to get it out."

"But before that, we can't guarantee that others will not communicate with it!" Dumbledore shook his head.

So the disagreement happened here-Nietzsche's target is pure blood, while Dumbledore's target is Voldemort.

In Nietzsche's view, Voldemort himself is a tool shaped by pure blood, a powerful military machine with self-awareness... Those pure bloods are the ones who need to be eradicated the most.

"Then what is the difference between it and the other Voldemort?" Harry suddenly interrupted.

"Memory... The Voldemort who is still living in the sewers, lacks the memory of his school days, so he becomes so forbearing and impatient. He lacks the arrogance of his youth." Dumbledore said slowly.

But he is more scheming and scheming than when he was young. He divides everything into different levels, even his own stages.

He reached out to the table and grabbed the other end of the diary.

"This is evidence, Harry... If he is destroyed, everything that Malfoy has done to innocent people will become nothing in history!" Nietzsche lowered his voice and said carefully.

He is not an anarchist, and there is no way to overthrow the current order and power system of the Ministry of Magic.

Therefore, everything can only stand in the existing system and try to sentence the real murderer... The position is very important. Once he supports Dumbledore to destroy the diary, everything that Hogwarts has suffered will no longer be important.

Just as he and the headmaster were dividing the life and death boundaries of the Horcruxes, Hermione noticed that there was another person on the chair.

It was Tom Riddle... He actually sat by the fireplace and watched the show.

"If Voldemort is resurrected, then Hogwarts will not lose those few people in the hospital." Dumbledore increased his strength without hesitation, "Nietzsche, the truth is a beautiful and terrible thing."

Hermione secretly poked his lower back.

So Nietzsche suddenly let go, and because of inertia, Dumbledore staggered backwards a few times. If Harry hadn't supported him in time, he would have fallen... Anyway, Snape stood there without moving a step.

"Voldemort is just a weapon used by pure blood to expand abroad. With the first one, there will naturally be a second one... You gave them a chance to breathe, which will only let them recuperate." Nietzsche took out his wand and pointed it at Riddle.

The young Voldemort raised his hands and blinked his eyes comically.

He was like a character in a pantomime, telling them through his actions: Wow, you found me~

"I thought Mr. Holmes was also loyal to Dumbledore..." Riddle teased, "It seems that you two are not as harmonious as I thought."

"Shut up." Hermione also raised her wand.

His appearance weakened Dumbledore's tough attitude a little, and the headmaster's hands pounded weakly on both sides.

"Tom, long time no see."

"Long time no see, professor... I'm sorry that these two mudbloods are not loyal."

But Hermione was not so easy to talk to. She took a step forward and almost put her wand against the other's forehead. Under her calm face, there was endless anger and hatred.

If she was not more rational, she would also want to use the Cruciatus Curse on Riddle.

"I swear, if you say that word again, I will get rid of you on the spot..." She said with gritted teeth.

"Then you should discuss it with Holmes first, or I can go back to sleep?"

"Believe me, if I insist, Nietzsche can't stop me."

Riddle clenched his fists, but considering his situation, he was better off keeping silent.

Volume 1: Chapter 126 TMD Riddle

"Answer me, Dumbledore, do you hate me?"

Oh~ This calm question did not come from any story of a man and a woman, but from a student and a professor.

This young Voldemort showed excellent Transfiguration in the Chamber of Secrets, and it certainly came from his Transfiguration professor---Albus Dumbledore... Although Riddle himself showed respect, the headmaster was a little evasive.

Faced with this question, Dumbledore just clenched the diary, and his knuckles turned white.

"Of course you hate me, but there is no doubt... because I killed so many people who were loyal to you. It's strange that they would worship you for power, but not me---"

"What did you say? Ah, right... because of love~ a lie, those students naively thought you really cared about them."

Dumbledore no longer looked as peaceful as usual, but became very serious, with sharp blue eyes like knives. He held the diary with his left hand, and his right hand had already grasped the wand without knowing when.

"So you said these words just to ask for a way out for yourself?" said the headmaster.

"Don't be funny, if you really want to do that, who in this office can stop you?" Riddle looked at several people frivolously, "Is it these two mud... Muggles? Or Potter who is in your palm?"

This is Dumbledore's choice.

If he wants to destroy this Horcrux with memory attached, then the murderer of the entire secret room will no longer be Lucius Malfoy, but a basilisk that only obeys people.

Is this the truth?

No, Nietzsche wanted the truth to come out, even if the price was painful.

Everyone, a student, has the right to know the whole thing, instead of being passive in the information cocoon, naively thinking that all this was just Voldemort's work, a basilisk.

"Hypocrisy." Riddle said with his legs crossed.

"If Dumbledore is hypocritical, then what about you?" Harry raised the sword in his hand and shouted, "You killed my parents!"

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