Wizards are like house elves bound by rules. Most wizards can only endure the suffering silently and can never change.

Nietzsche came to the Slytherin common room with painful thoughts.

Because the celebration was about to start, there was no one here and it was empty, so he walked to Draco's bedroom, where only Dobby was left rummaging through the cabinets.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Dobby heard the noise as soon as the door was opened a crack.

"You did a great job." Nietzsche opened his mouth and could only say this.

what is this?

He could win as much victory as possible for his classmates and make Malfoy pay the price; he could write a book for the sake of Slytherin's reputation... Now, only Dobby is left.

"Yes, we won, just like Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord." It nodded simply and said, "Dobby will always remember this honor in his heart, but now Dobby has to start again. It’s work.”

It is like an old horse that has been whipped.

Working tirelessly, I don’t think about hating, like a lifeless machine that only works.

"I mean...is there anything you want?"

Dobby put a school robe into the box and looked at the boy he admired in surprise.

"What you want? Dobby has experienced something more terrifying than this. Those Death Eaters gathered at the master's house to torture Dobby for fun... Sir, being able to defeat the Dark Lord again is enough to make Dobby happy."

"Dobby firmly believes that Mr. Holmes will become a great wizard like Harry Potter!"

In this slave's cognition, the only big person it can know is Harry, and now, it even compares Nietzsche with the greatest person in its heart.

This kind of respect from the heart made Nietzsche feel the greatness of life.

"Have you never thought about finding another place?" He said, leaning on the desk.

"Dobby can't leave." The elf blew his nose. He was a little confused about Nietzsche's respect. "A house elf can only leave his former address if he is given new clothes by his master."

Hearing this, Nietzsche looked thoughtfully at Dobby who continued to work.

He grabbed a green scarf from the messy beds and hid it... Nietzsche could see the helplessness of the house elf, because this kind of regulations has almost become a law.

Although he didn't know what the house elf would experience if he left his job on his own initiative, at least he got it.

A slave like this allowed by the Ministry of Magic would probably be killed without saying anything, let alone a fine. Farmers across the sea would call him extreme.

But Dobby didn't notice that there was a school uniform scarf missing. Maybe it was because the Malfoy family had too many clothes.

"Goodbye then, sir." Dobby levitated the box and ran out.

After hearing the footsteps walking away, Nietzsche made many expressions in front of the mirror in the lounge. Then he cooled down and quickly chased after him. He walked through the basement corridor and walked quickly towards the hall.

In the courtyard, when Dobby was about to take Lucius away, he stopped.

"Don't leave Malfoy's things here!" Nietzsche deliberately made a look of disdain, as if he was specially coming to humiliate the other party, and attracted many passing students.

He threw the thing hard and hit Lucius in the face.

Malfoy looked at the other party's expression and immediately understood what was going on: This mudblood must have felt that Dumbledore was not tough enough and was too gentle, so he was dissatisfied and took this opportunity to vent his emotions.

Mr. Malfoy threw it to Dobby impatiently, looked angrily at the malicious onlookers, and then looked at Nietzsche.

"You should learn more from Principal Dumbledore. You are always so impatient. Sooner or later you will suffer. At least it is not your era yet." He chuckled, "Let's go, Dobby, Draco is still here Waiting at the school gate..."

But Dobby held up the green scarf as if he had found a treasure, with tears in his eyes.

"The master gave Dobby a scarf! The master gave Dobby freedom!" it screamed.

"What? No! That's Draco's scarf. I didn't give it to you... I gave it to you, but I asked you to put it away!" Lucius raised his foot and wanted to kick it over to give this stupid servant a little. lesson.

But what happened next.

Many students passing by were standing at the gate. When they saw Dobby just flicking his long index finger, Lucius flew backwards as if he had been hit by a Bludger and fell into the fountain pool.

When Lucius got up, he still had that aristocratic aura - he was soaked to the skin, and there were a few pieces of duckweed and fallen leaves on his disheveled head.

"You have no right to do this to me again, no! Dobby is a free elf now!"

"You...you ungrateful thing." Lucius took out his wand and pointed it and Nietzsche angrily, "I never thought that a slave who served my father would do this!"

The wizard pulled out his wand and placed it on the street like a Muggle pulling out a gun.

This action made everyone's faces darken.

"Malfoy! We will never forget what you did to this school!" Cedric also pointed his wand at him.

Under his leadership, two, five, and slowly dozens of...all the students crowded around Nietzsche and pointed their wands at Lucius Malfoy, who even saw Slytherin inside. s student.

When he saw Nietzsche smiling with his hands in his pockets, that familiar fear filled Malfoy's heart again.

'No, this is impossible---' He didn't dare to think too much, and quickly disappeared into the yard with his luggage.

Volume 1: Summary at the end of the chapter

OK~ Everyone, all eyes are on this!

Here are the answers to some of the previous questions, and of course, the fox’s explanation.

Some readers may think that Deng Duoduo is a bit OOC, but in fact, Deng Duoduo is indeed very conservative in his old age. He only pays attention to Voldemort. Even from the fact that Harry Potter did not kill Draco in the later period, You can see the shadow of Deng Duoduo.

Deng Duoduo, after experiencing Voldemort, the biggest change in his dealings with others was to give everyone a chance to change.

As for Draco - Fox uses him to show the differences between the protagonist and Dundor.

And Lockhart - of course, like Malfoy, is used to show the difference between him and Hermione.

Regarding the readership... Hey, I haven't had this idea recently. When Fox writes an extra chapter that cannot be reviewed, I will send it to book friends in the next end-of-chapter summary.

Okay, the main plot of the Chamber of Secrets is over, and the follow-up is the part where the protagonist Lockhart joins the gang and officially enters the magical world.

(What? Eunuch? The fox is still waiting for perfect attendance. What kind of eunuch is that? As long as you read it for one day, I will write for one day.

PS: Try not to be unfinished. )

Volume One: Chapter 129 Dumbledore Wants to Retire

"I don't understand, you obviously want to fire him."

In the principal's room, many principals expressed their dissatisfaction based on the decisions of Malfoy and others. Among them, the loudest one was Principal Armando Dippet. He puffed his beard and stared at Dumbledore.

More than fifty years ago, Armando was in office when the Chamber of Secrets was opened.

"To be honest, this is a bit unnecessary..." Everard was silent for a moment, and then ran to the Ministry of Magic.

"Why are you mute? Speak, old fellow." Principal Delise mocked Phineas Black below, "This is all the trouble caused by you purebloods."

Even if he was ridiculed in the face, Principal Black couldn't say anything. He just folded his arms and sat on the chair with his head hanging down, pretending not to hear.

But in response to the group attacks from the principals, Dumbledore calmly accepted the words.

"Draco is just a poor guy who takes orders from his elders. He doesn't even know who he is helping." He put the diary away in the drawer. "Rather than this, I'm more worried about Nietzsche Holmes."

"Aha! You admitted it." Phineas suddenly changed the subject and drew the fire away from himself, "You just don't like Slytherin!"

Why worry about Nietzsche? He took care of this matter.

So Dumbledore has no good intentions. This crooked-nosed old man is specifically targeting Slytherin!

"You see, this is what I am most worried about. Now everyone's thoughts are on him. His influence in the school far exceeds that of Tom. Believe me, I am too familiar with the gratitude in the eyes of the students... "

The principal sighed alone, showing a little sadness.

Fawkes, who had been keeping warm by the stove, raised his head and chirped like a song. Perhaps sensing Dumbledore's mood, he immediately flapped his wings and flew onto his arm.

The old man stroked the flaming red feathers on Phoenix's body, but from the perspective of others, this scene looked even more lonely.

"Riddle accepted the overtures of those families in Slytherin and thought he was one of them. The most important thing is that pure bloods hate Muggles as much as he does."

"He needed purebloods to build momentum for him. When Riddle became the student council president, Slytherin almost became his voice."

Speaking of this, Principal Phyllida Spohr, the author of "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Fungi", was very confused.

"Then how did Holmes surpass Voldemort?" she asked.

"The cornerstone - the biggest difference between Nietzsche and him is the means and objects of wooing. It is undeniable that if I were to go back to my youth now, I would choose Nietzsche, because he knows how to distribute benefits and honors."

The cornerstone of the wizarding world is not made up of a handful of people at the head.

Especially in the wizarding world that has experienced the Magic War and the World Magic War, there are very few pure bloods. Nietzsche rationally used everything that happened around him to tilt the balance in his direction.

It's like... Dumbledore couldn't tell.

That's an amazing thing - Nietzsche seemed to see through what was going on, and even if he couldn't change the direction of things, he could change the outcome.

For example, a fruit tree is planted on the ground. Sooner or later it will bear fruit, but Nietzsche will buy it in advance, and the result will naturally be his.

"Isn't that bad?" Phineas muttered, "Anyway, you keep saying that Voldemort will come back sooner or later. Now there is someone who can shoulder the burden, even better than Harry Potter. What's the problem? What!”

Dumbledore asked himself, is there anything wrong with Nietzsche?

Of course it's good, at least for now there is no problem, but the most important thing is a person's philosophy. Dumbledore always felt that Nietzsche was a little strange when it came to wizards.

He couldn't figure it out... to be more precise, he wasn't good at it.

"Oh~ I'm about to retire, but things are getting more and more complicated every year." Dumbledore was a little tired.

"What? You want to retire?" Armando said with a cheerful smile, "Then what do you think of that girl, that Gryffindor student... I think she is neither humble nor arrogant, and she is very classy. "

Several principals couldn't help laughing when they thought of Granger's attitude towards Riddle.

"Maybe." Dumbledore blinked, not breaking the headmasters' amusement.

He seems to have been busy making amends all his life. He is cautious in everything he does now. He needs to worry about Harry's growth, and he also needs to take care of the students' unwillingness to be ordinary. It is inevitable that there will be too much speculation.

Hermione Granger is not an ordinary child, but she at least tries to understand him.

"Forget it, let's go see him during the holidays this year---" Dumbledore could only give up.

Since he is not good at this kind of thing, he can only ask another person to evaluate it~

However, while Dumbledore was thinking about traveling, Nietzsche was already having fun at the celebration... This was not the first time that Hogwarts held such a banquet, but as for the atmosphere, we still have to look at today.

Because the party after killing the basilisk lasted until the early morning!

That’s right, early morning! Everyone can take a night out tonight! !

This made Filch very angry. He kept saying to the professors: "How can this be...this...this is all messed up."

But Professor McGonagall didn't take it seriously at all, and while pulling him out, he said: "Okay, Argus, you can rest for a while tonight. They have been holding it in for so long and they should let it out. "

The witches even returned to the lounge halfway through, changed into their pajamas, and then ran back to continue the fun.

"Oh~ It's a pity that Colin won't wake up until next month." Theodore put two donuts in front of his eyes, acting as telescopes, and was sighing at the beauty of life, "I declare Ravenclaw one point. "

"Just one extra point?" Ernie swallowed his dry throat.

Ravenclaw has the largest number of witches, and those thin pajamas accentuate their figures even more clearly.

Nietzsche didn't escape either. After he was pushed and bumped into Hermione, he just raised his head in embarrassment and looked at the ceiling above his head and the candles hanging in the air. He just wanted to take a sip of butterbeer, but the cup was all occupied. Taken away.

"You actually killed a basilisk!" Cedric clapped his hands vigorously, making his palms turn red.

The focus is on a Slytherin who killed the basilisk raised by the founder of Slytherin. This meaning is what they focus on.

This further illustrates that Nietzsche was not a traditional Slytherin.

"Please note, I'm not the only one." Nietzsche habitually put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and said to them, "Look here, friends... weren't Salazar and Godric also friends back then! "

Hermione just wanted to escape, but now she was pulled back. Her face was red, but she was smiling happier than anyone else.

Now that Draco Malfoy has gone home, the remaining group of people will naturally remain silent. She has seen that the four colleges have truly stood together.

At this moment, Hermione felt that everything she had suffered before was worth it.

Surrounded by her classmates, she saw the needs of these people - they needed her and Nietzsche, and in turn, she also needed them. If there was no support, what could she and Nietzsche do?

Hermione quickly got used to all the stares.

"Do you think it was just a basilisk that died?" she said loudly, clearing her throat.

Everyone fell silent. They were all listening to Hermione's speech. No one laughed because of the girl's curly hair that she didn't have time to take care of.

"No, those people's obsession with blood is also dead! The distortion of Salazar Slytherin! Just today, at the moment when Harry Potter inserted the sword into the head of the basilisk, everything It’s all over!”

At least the boundaries deliberately drawn by some Slytherins have been erased.

If Nietzsche was the spear and shield that made them feel reassured, then Hermione was the inspiring battle flag.

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