The professors all agreed with her speech. Even Snape surprisingly did not mock her for her eloquence. He just quietly lay down at the end of the guest of honor seat and drank, hiding in the corner, one cup after another.

‘Maybe she is right, maybe I am just a pathetic victim...’ Drunk Snape kept playing Hermione's words in his mind.

Maybe the harm done to him by the pure-bloods has never faded.

Because turning a victim into a new perpetrator is the greatest harm in itself.

Volume 1: Chapter 130 The most pleasant end of the school year

Next, their days are spent completing homework and playing.

Because the final exams are gone~

Nietzsche always heard Hermione complain about Vice Principal McGonagall's arrangements. It was rare that she actually began to question the professor's teaching.

"I've been preparing for so long just for the final exam!" Her mood has been declining since she heard that the school canceled the exam, "In the end, because of rewarding students, my final assessment of this semester was cancelled..."

"Isn't this good?" Nietzsche said while standing on the lawn and feeding the dragon.

"Not good! Even if I can keep my grades higher than yours, that's only last semester!" Hermione was stubborn, "Otherwise you will say: 'There are no exams in the second year, but I have surpassed you.'"

Nietzsche coughed a few times and wiped off the saliva splashed on his face.

In fact, he really planned to say so in the future, at least he could eat and live with Hermione before the final exam of the third year...

In the summer, when the mandrake was fully mature, the three students attacked by the basilisk and Mrs. Norris were all relieved of the petrification effect, but the first thing they said when they woke up was that they were hungry.

Before the end of the semester, everyone spent time under the sun.

Nietzsche also accompanied Smaug to visit the Forbidden Forest and occasionally read Lockhart's new book.

Finally, a few days before the end of the semester, he finally got some good news - Lockhart didn't need to teach classes or prepare for exams, so his "Flying Car and My Fantastic Adventure" was finally completed.

"Perfect, I even highlighted its advantages of being crash-resistant and more comfortable than a flying broom." Lockhart sat in the co-pilot seat and said by the car window.

Nietzsche flipped over and over, and finally understood the novel. He had to say that Lockhart was really a talent. He actually took all the credit for himself, and even involved the basilisk.

In this book, he became a hero who fell from the sky - when the professors were struggling to persist, Lockhart drove the car to knock over the basilisk, winning a glimmer of life for everyone.

Good, good, this can also be connected.

If Smaug could speak, maybe the first thing he would do would be to crush and burn the car that stole his credit in front of Lockhart.

"You forgot one thing." Nietzsche said.

After Lockhart handed over the manuscript, he didn't dare to breathe. After all, he knew how outrageous his story was. But he didn't expect Nietzsche to think it was not enough? !

He raised a malicious smile like Snape and said to the professor: "Why didn't you write that you found out that Draco Malfoy secretly collected herbs and made polyjuice potion."

"Well, this, this..." Lockhart scratched his golden hair and said with a smile, "Isn't this intended to be left to my most capable assistant, Nietzsche? In the future, you can be as popular as me and be welcomed wherever you go."

In fact, he just didn't dare.

First, he didn't dare to take the credit of Nietzsche, and second, he didn't dare to offend those pure-blood families.

Nietzsche put down the novel, slowly walked to the front of Lockhart's car window, put his hands on his shoulders, and his shadow was projected on the table, blocking the last bit of sunlight of Professor Lockhart.

"Write, I allow you to write." Nietzsche dusted him off and said softly.


Wait, that's not right, Lockhart came back to his senses and remembered that he was still a professor~

But Riddle's screams immediately rang in his ears. He twisted his tie restlessly. Nietzsche's gentle breathing made him start to touch his neck, as if it would break at any time.

"Smart Professor Lockhart saw the big picture and discovered Malfoy's conspiracy, so he drove the magic car and hurried to the secret room... How about this story?"

"No problem." Lockhart shrank his neck and said hesitantly.

No problem, right?

He didn't know either, he could only hope that he would not be targeted.

That's it. Through Lockhart's novels, most wizards in the magic world realized the benefits of flying cars and modified Muggle items, gradually changed their minds, and made the Muggle Protection Act lose some of its effects.

This is Nietzsche's "gift" to wizards.

"By the way, clean up your ass as soon as possible." He continued to remind, "You know what I'm talking about..."

"That's totally unnecessary. In fact, no one knows those things except you." Lockhart said confidently, "My forgetfulness spell allows those old wizards to stay comfortably in Muggle villages."

But Nietzsche knew that once Lockhart's book was released, the response it caused would not only be a trend.

No, far more than that, it might prompt the improvement of certain laws, which also shows that there will be a direct conflict of interest between Nietzsche and the pure blood, and Lockhart will be the first to be cut.

As long as something is likely to happen, it will definitely happen, so Nietzsche needs to take precautions in advance.

"You are not just a novelist, but also the image spokesperson of the flying car. I don't want anything to happen to you." Nietzsche said again carefully, "Make up for the mistakes you made in the past."

How easy is this?

"Make up?" Lockhart was distracted, "Do you want me to clarify the facts myself? If a wizard uses the Oblivion Spell on someone at will, he will be imprisoned in Azkaban!"

Nietzsche rolled his eyes. He really wanted to grab Lockhart's ears and loudly ask if his brain was destroyed by the Vanishing Spell.

"Issue a statement, implying that your inspiration comes from the stories you heard when you were wandering around. Since those people have forgotten it forever, you just need to pick yourself out of this mess!"

Just say that it is a folk magic spell you heard, and then borrow it for your own use. Who will care whether this is true?

As Lockhart said, wizards only want to see a handsome, young wizard complete one thing after another for them, and will not think about whether this "source of inspiration" really happened.

In this way, even if someone finds something wrong, it will not involve Lockhart himself.

"Stories are just stories... You just need to keep accurate descriptions of those spells and dark creatures, understand?" Nietzsche picked up the teapot and poured a cup of honey water for the other party.

"This... I'll try." Lockhart's face was very ugly, but he could only deal with it temporarily.

Think about it carefully, from a long-term perspective, Nietzsche is right. If this mess is not solved, the risk will not disappear, but will expand infinitely.

But he was so immersed in these stories that he deceived himself.

(Wait... Why do I feel like Mike in Breaking Bad?)

"I will contact you during the summer vacation, and then we will make another magic car, but... Remember, for ordinary people, you only need to claim that this is a 'floating car', and you have the core technology, which is enough."

As Nietzsche said, Lockhart sat there and wrote obediently.

All the plans were arranged in an orderly manner. Lockhart was sure that as long as he completed them safely, he would enjoy more than just signing autographs for others... He could even become an international celebrity.

That's international! A figure comparable to Dumbledore!

"You mean, let wizards make magic cars and sell them to Muggles?" Lockhart found something wrong.

"Of course, do you sell them to wizards themselves?" Nietzsche looked at him in confusion.


Wizards can make 'hover cars' themselves, why do they still need to buy them?

"But the Statute of Secrecy..."

"Professor Lockhart doesn't seem to want to be printed on the Chocolate Frog card. Okay, I'll find someone else. You just be a mascot." Nietzsche quickly changed his mind and agreed immediately.

Lockhart, who was provoked, patted his head, put on a thick face again, and smiled.

"No, I'm just asking~"

Volume 1: Chapter 131 The Sun of Great Britain?

Nietzsche walked aimlessly in the corridor of the train filled with sunlight.

When he was almost at King's Cross Station, he returned to the compartment, took the newspaper that Hermione had not finished reading and began to read it. He suddenly found that the ribbon that tied the newspaper this time said "Celebrate the hot sale".

Mercury got out of the cage and stuck his head out of the window. The speeding train blew his eyes so hard that he couldn't open them.

"Tom Riddle attended the courtroom---was it Dumbledore's conspiracy against Malfoy? The headmaster of Hogwarts pointed his cane at the Minister of Magic"

Immediately below the title was a photo of Minister Fudge. He and the deputy minister were together. The two fat bodies squeezed in front of the camera, wanting to stay in front of the camera for one more second.

The two people acted very angry. If you didn't read the content, you would think that the minister and the deputy minister were angry because Malfoy deceived them.

"It seems that Fudge didn't know that Riddle was Voldemort, but at least Lucius was dismissed from his position as a school director." Nietzsche said proudly, "Because of the wizards' gossip, Fudge temporarily threw him into Azkaban."

Because of the irrefutable evidence, coupled with the memory extracted by Lockhart from Riddle's diary, Lucius had nowhere to run.

As soon as the news was released, those wizards who lost their jobs because the Malfoy family's territory was taken back also attacked in groups. They shouted wildly on the street that Malfoy was a despicable villain.

In that black and white picture, Fudge was hit on the head by a rotten egg.

Hermione took a sip of iced lemon juice, and when the golden sunlight shone through the leaves, she couldn't help but squint slightly.

"Azkaban... that's a good place." The girl stretched lazily, "Maybe Lucius won't be lonely, after all, it's a gathering place for dark wizards, maybe he'll run into a few acquaintances as soon as he enters."

As she fell sideways, she lifted her legs and closed the wooden door of the compartment with her toes, then leaned on Nietzsche's knees, and she pulled the newspaper from below like a hamster.

The whole action was smooth and flowing.

"Although Ginny was controlled, it still affected Mr. Weasley's Muggle Protection Act."

However, Hermione had no way to deal with this, after all, Voldemort did open the Chamber of Secrets through Ginny's hand, and it would have some impact if it spread out.

This is exactly what Nietzsche wanted. With Lockhart's subsequent stimulation, wizards can secretly study Muggle items.

Nietzsche secretly glanced down and looked at the pair of chocolate-colored eyes that were reading the newspaper seriously. He was relieved. At least she didn't know what Lockhart had done. She just thought that the other party was a liar who made money by stories.

The leisure of summer officially began from this moment.

When the train stopped at the station, Nietzsche was the last one to get off. He supported the handrail with both hands and moved forward little by little.

This time, it was Mycroft who picked up the person. He was wearing a black suit and stood seriously beside the Grangers. Although he had behaved very formally, he still couldn't stop the funny look in his body.

"What's wrong with your leg?" Mycroft supported his cane and looked at him strangely.

"It's okay, but my legs are numb from the luggage all the way. I'll be fine after a while." Nietzsche looked at Hermione, who was jumping up and down, and added, "It's quite heavy luggage, probably heavier than when I took it to school."

After hugging her parents, Hermione pouted and showed her teeth.

"Is there no place to put a suitcase on the wizard's train?" Mycroft simply nodded to the Grangers and said hello.

Of course there is a place to put the 'suitcase', but what if she insisted on freeing up a large space.

"That depends on whether the suitcase is willing to do it." Nietzsche straightened his legs and stepped forward stiffly.

"You wizards' things are really strange..."

In fact, he was not curious about why Uncle Mycroft came to pick him up in person, because he had told him about the plan for the magic car long before leaving school.

This is not a trivial matter. You know, if a car that does not need fuel and can fly is spread out, people's speculation alone is enough to cause discussion. When Nietzsche got on the car, Mycroft couldn't hold it back.

After he got into the driver's seat, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if walking from the parking lot to the station was a long and intense exercise.

"You want wizards to rely on labor production and enter human society?"

Mycroft's words hit the nail on the head, accurately grasping the purpose of the other party's plan.

"If you can find a faster and more stable method than this." Nietzsche spread his hands without comment, and fell on the rear driver's seat without taking off his shoes. He stepped directly on the cushion.

He slowly bent his legs, and the numbness turned into a snow screen on the TV in his mind.

Damn it, why didn't he resist at that time?

While driving, Mycroft saw the shoes on the cushion through the rearview mirror on the roof. It felt like there were ants crawling on it, but his spiritual cynicism made him ignore this behavior.

Great! Nietzsche stepped on his vanity!

"I'm not saying this method is bad, it just sounds a bit..." Mycroft pondered for a moment and continued, "a bit communist, you know many people are more neurotic about this."

But as Nietzsche said, in order to connect wizards with the outside world, in addition to war, it is trade and production.

It's just that in some aspects, the source of this theory is closer to the former Soviet Union. Although it is gone now, some people in the UK are more neurotic and sensitive.

"Our goal is to open the door for wizards. At least this huge benefit will make your boss accept it. Besides... if you don't explain the source of the theory, who knows?" Nietzsche said weakly.

"Dealing with a group of short-sighted ghosts every day, this is the most helpless part of me. Well, I can help you save a place at the exhibition this summer..."

Mycroft seemed very humble, just sighing.

Is there always a curse for people in the Holmes family?

Sherlock will remember all the details he sees, but he is giving advice and cleaning up some short-sighted ghosts all day long, so what about Nietzsche?

I hope wizards are guys who can change their fate...

"My boss is very interested in this matter. You are really lucky, because there is no hope for the British economy now. Even the Queen of England is planning to cut some royal families who are just eating and drinking."

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