Rod stretched out his hand and took out the thing that attracted his attention from the closet.

It was not a treasure with unique effects, but a dark yellow garment that was too ordinary to be ordinary. It was placed in a closet where a pile of clothes existed. If it weren't for Rod to observe carefully, it would probably not be possible to discover its existence.

Compared with the other clothes in the closet, this dark yellow garment seemed to shrink. It was so small that ordinary people couldn't fit it in. It was only a little bigger than Rod's palm.

This piece of clothing is not prepared for ordinary people. According to its size, it should be prepared for a child.

This discovery also made Rod frowned slightly. Before that, he didn't know that that high-ranking swordsman actually had a child, and if he could find this child, it would be an excellent threat.

"Elott, what are you doing?"

When Lord was in the house, looking for an effective means to deal with the high-level swordsman, Bisha also returned with the trap, and at a glance she saw Lord in the bedroom and the children's clothes in his hands, and questioned him.

In Bisha's words, there seemed to be a faint strangeness, but Rod didn't care. He just threw the child's clothing on the ground and said: "You didn't tell me that the high-ranking swordsman has a child."

Bisha was silent, just staring at Rod.

"Find that child, and see if that high-ranking swordsman has the consciousness of sacrificing for it." After discovering that Samson might have a child, Rod seemed to have found his weakness.

Rod knows how to deal with all kinds of enemies, especially humans. Taking advantage of the weaknesses in the human heart, sometimes even without fighting at all, can disintegrate the fighting spirit in the hearts of strong enemies.

"You are really a demon..." On the side, Bisha's body seemed to be trembling, and she said slowly.

"I thought you knew it a long time ago." Rod glanced at her and sneered. "Don't you want revenge? Don't you really want to kill him? Why are you so weak now?"

Bisha did not answer Rod’s words. She bent down, picked up the child’s clothing from Rod’s feet, folded it meticulously, and put it back in the closet with a loving look. Where De took it out.

Rod seemed to realize something, narrowed his eyes, and asked, "Should I..."

"Samson's child died a long time ago, and he was killed by himself." Bisha let out a deep sigh, interrupting Rod's words.

"What happened?" Rod's expression changed slightly and asked, "And what role do you play in this process?"

Bisha did not answer, but Rod had already roughly guessed what happened from everything before.

Judging from everything Bisha showed, especially the words she said after finding out the hidden key, it was obvious that she had lived here for a long time, and she might be the mother of that child.

"Did you lure him into making these actions? Or is this a task given to you by the king?" Rod seemed to think of something, with a look of alert in his eyes.

"Me? If I let him do all this, why should I take revenge on him?"

"What happened? You better tell me in its entirety."

I don’t know when Rod has already held the iron sword he found in the house. He stared at Bisha. If Bisha’s answer would not satisfy Rod, the sword in his hand would not be satisfactory. Will hesitate.

"Samson wants to be a Juggernaut, and there is no distracting thoughts in his heart." Bisha showed a look of memories, but his face was a little bit painful, "Once, this trait in him attracted me, and I ignored the opposition of my family. Marrying him, I feel I am in love with him."

Rod was silent, listening to Bisha's account

"It's a pity that he didn't have the potential to become a sword master after all. To become a high-level swordsman is already the limit of his ability. As he grows older, his body slowly becomes weakened, and his sword blades, It’s not as fast as it used to be."

While talking, Bisha turned her head slightly, wiping away tears with her hand.

"His physical fitness is not as good as day after day, and he becomes anxious and irritable. Until that day, a priest found him."

As if thinking of something, Bisha's hands began to tremble uncomfortably.

"The priest told him that if he wants to become a Juggernaut, his own strength is only one aspect, or even an unimportant aspect. What is really important is to get the appreciation of the Holy See, and thus the reward of the stigmata."

She showed an expression of pain.

"The pastor also said that if you want to be appreciated by the Holy See, you only need to present your most precious sacrifice to God when the harvest festival is approaching, and God will satisfy all his wishes."

Bisha looked at Rod, both eyes flushed slightly.

"I thought that the most precious thing in his heart was those exquisite swordsmanship. He would dedicate those swordsmanship secrets to God... I should have realized all this..."

Her words did not go on, and Rod already understood what had happened.

"Is that why you want to avenge him?" Rod asked.

She nodded: "I prayed to the powerful fallen angel and gained the power belonging to the Krigan. I subdued Samson with a witch’s potion. I don’t want to kill him like that. It’s too cheap for him. I dug out his eyes, cut off all the possibility of him becoming a sword master, and let him live in pain forever..."

"But what I didn't expect is that even if he loses his eyes, he can still fight with the ability called Hawkeye, and his strength is even stronger than before. Maybe it won't be long before he can become a true Juggernaut... "She gritted her teeth, "I won't let this happen. I will kill him before he becomes a sword master. He is not qualified to receive such an honor!"

At this moment, looking at Bisha in front of him, Rod also showed a somewhat satisfied look in his eyes: "What price are you willing to pay for killing him."

"My everything." She replied without thinking.

"In that case, you can give up even your own soul, right?"

Bisha stared at Rod in a daze. For some reason, looking at the dark-yellow demon transformed into an evil human being, Bisha always felt that this was the true appearance of that demon.

Even so, Bisha still nodded and said: "Yes, I am willing."

"Excellent." Looking at Bisha in front of him, Rod slowly said.

Before that, Rod originally thought that the guilty man who completed the illusion mission was the high-ranking swordsman Samser. It wasn't until Bisha told all this that Rodr could understand that the man of sin was actually Bisha.

(Ps: Ming has a special occasion.)

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