Into the night.

The high-ranking swordsman who had finished the day's mission returned to his residence.

The sharp blade used to kill the enemy was squeezed on the ground by him with the scabbard. If he put aside his identity as a high-level swordsman, he looked no different from an ordinary blind person.

The inability to see everything in the body, fortunately, belongs to the high-level swordsman's mind and eye power, so that he will not completely lose the perception of the neighborhood. Although the action is inconvenient, it is still within the acceptable range.

When he came to the house, his pace was steady, he opened the door, and he soon came to the courtyard.

What the high-ranking swordsman didn't know was that long before he went home, someone had already set up a trap here, waiting for him to take the bait.

On the roof in the distance, there were two figures who had been waiting for a long time, waiting for the blind high-level swordsman to fall into the trap, and immediately shot at them, completely ending the life of the high-level swordsman. They are Rod & Beans.

Seeing that the high-ranking swordsman is about to step into the trap, Rod's sight can still maintain the original calmness, but Bisha's breathing has subconsciously become quicker, as if he is looking forward to seeing what will happen next.

Not only that, Bisha's heartbeat speeded up violently, and the whole person became excited. Even Rod, who was beside her, felt the strangeness in her body and made a hissing gesture to her.

Naturally, Bisha would not know how the subtle changes in her body would have an adverse effect on this mission.

This faint abnormal sound was enough to attract the attention of this high-ranking swordsman. He straddled his foot that should have fallen forward, and at the same time, he asked in the distance: "Who is there?"

A strong aura radiated from the body of a high-ranking swordsman. Any enemy hiding behind would feel fear after feeling this aura.

Seeing that the high-ranking swordsman discovered the anomaly, Bisha's expression suddenly changed. She looked at Rod in disbelief and said, "This is impossible. The range of his perception has expanded... I remember him just now. When he was blind, he could only feel a very close range around him, but he didn't expect him to be able to do so now."

Beside her, Rod just shook his head and stared at the high-ranking swordsman indifferently: "The mission is over, he can't step into those traps anymore. I'll retreat first, you can find a way to survive. ."

Rude realized that the situation had changed, and was unwilling to entangle that high-ranking swordsman. As for relying on his current body to forcefully kill a Tier 6 creature, Rude had no such idea.

Without any hesitation, for Rod, the Bisha in front of him is just a creature in the illusion, not even a real living thing. As for whether she can escape from the hands of a high-level swordsman, it is not in Rod's consideration. Inside.

When Rod was about to leave into the darkness, he found that Bisha was still standing there, looking at the high-ranking swordsman with complex expressions.

"If I leave now, when I see him next time, he is likely to have become a true swordsman... and I will never have a chance to avenge him."

Looking at the high-ranking swordsman exuding a strong momentum, Bisha gritted his teeth and said: "He killed his son in order to become a sword master. Even if I fight for my life, it is impossible for him to do what he wants!"

After speaking, Bisha quickly leaped off the roof before Rude could reply and faced the high-ranking swordsman.

Hearing what she said, even Rod had to stop.

Rod realized that if he wanted to get the soul of the sinner, this might be the only chance. If he left in this way, the situation might be like Bisa said. When we meet next time, Samson will become A seventh-order swordsman.

Although there is only a gap between Tier 6 and Tier 7, the change in strength is like a chasm. It can be said that there is a qualitative difference.

In the trial mission, Rhodes didn't have many choices. Either abandon Samson's soul and choose another mission object, or he could only take advantage of this last opportunity to destroy the enemy.

"It's you... you have abandoned your love for me, and you still have the face to come back here."

Just when Rod was thinking about it, Samson had already recognized Bisha's identity and the existence of the mind and eyes, allowing him to perceive all the activities nearby.

Bisha didn't have any words, but raised his hand, and the expanding fireball in his palm was about to bombard Samson.

At this time, the roof of Rod also made a decision. He jumped from the roof and at the same time removed the effect of the camouflage magic, and restored the dark yellow body belonging to the little monster. When he fell to the ground, the whole ground shuddered.

"Evil creature..." Samson's expression changed after sensing the aura of Rod's body. He had recognized that the monster beside Bisha was the demon who rescued her.

By now, even without Bisha's remarks, Samson understands the purpose of both of them.

"It seems that you are still obsessed with it and want to prevent me from becoming a Sword Master... It's a pity that you are just overweight."

Samson drew out the blade and pointed it at Rod and Bisha not far away.

"Before that happened, I was always the one who supported you the most. I hope you can fulfill your wish and become a true Juggernaut. Unfortunately, you are not worthy of my support." Bisha said in a deep voice.

"I don't need the support of infidels. I only need the blade in my hand and the blessing of God." Samson said loudly, "The priest did not lie to me, as long as I offer the most precious thing to God, God Will give me blessings and grace!"

A strong aura radiated from Samson's body, and Rod's complexion changed slightly. Samson in front of him has already touched the threshold of a legendary creature. As long as he goes further, he can become a true swordsman.

"What about our child?" Bisha asked, "Should he die for you?"

"You may have made something wrong." Samson snorted softly, expressing his disdain with Kisa's words, "I gave him a chance to sacrifice in glory, and I dedicated him to God, and he would feel it too. Be happy and get the supreme glory. No one can accuse me of this, but you, who betrayed God!"

Speaking of this, Samson was also angry: "How dare you do something like that to me! If it weren't for God to be on my side, I would almost never be a sword master again, and I would never forgive you."

Suddenly, continuous applause came from a distance.

The applause reached the ears of the high-ranking swordsman, which aroused his deep dissatisfaction.

"What are you doing? Dirty evil creature?"

This round of applause, like a spike, deeply hurt Samson's heart. He showed anger on his face and asked in the direction where the applause came from.

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