Heroes And Invincible Undead Magic God

Chapter 1672 Altar and Plan

"Those altars should be important objects of protection, right?"

From Ms. Spider's words, Rod heard another meaning and asked immediately.

"Of course." She put the bracelet in front of her, her eyes exposed from the veil, exuding a vicious light, "The Elasias will definitely take those altars as their primary targets of attack, and stop the disease king at all costs. Come, but they will not succeed."

At the end, she showed confident eyes, and there was a bit of disdain in her words.

"I know about it."

Rod did not say anything yet, beside him, Samson said as if thinking of something.

He hugged the magic eye in front of him tightly, and his arms faintly trembled: "During this time, the lords of Elasia began to gather armies and march towards the eastern border. It is said that they were ordered by the gods to completely annihilate the infidels. , I didn't expect it to be like this..."

"Those Erasian people really like to make some seemingly sacred excuses." Spider lady said disdainfully.

"What you need to do is to guard the city of Sutton at the border of Diya. I believe that you who follow the existence of the King of Disease should be able to easily stop those Erasian people." Ms. Spider looked at Rhodes and said slowly. "Sutton City leads directly to three altars. It is an important town on the border. Once it is broken by the Erasian people, their army can drive straight in."

Rod nodded and asked, "How is the defense around the altar? If those Elasias can't attack for a long time, maybe they will send elites and find a way to destroy the altar directly."

"Also, Sutton City is blocked on the path of the Elasias, but what about the reinforcements of the Elasias? If the disease king is about to come, the peace-loving elves in Elli will not ignore it, right? What kind of defense are you going to use?" Rod then asked.

Hearing Rod's question, whether it was Samson or Ms. Spider, they all gave him a surprised look.

"You have a keen grasp of the situation, not like those dull demons at all. If it weren't for me to deal with other demons, I suspect that the demons have also begun to learn strategic knowledge." Ms. Spider commented.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Rod said with a shrug.

"Those altars are the top priority of defense. I have already arranged countless disease messengers around them. Don't worry about that. If this is not the case, how can a mere high priest push me back?"

Recalling the situation in Moth City before, Ms. Spider said angrily, this also gave Rhode a deeper understanding of her strength.

"As for the reinforcements of Elasia? I can't think of what reinforcements they will have." Ms. Spider shook her head and said, "What kind of place is Elli? Will allow other creatures to intervene in this matter."

Hearing this, Rod fell silent.

In the era of Rhodes, the Holy See has long since fallen and lost its former influence. The wizard has occupied the world stage, but in the illusion, the situation is just the opposite. In front of the powerful Holy See, even the northern part of Eri is also a success. A little place worth mentioning.

Judging from Ms. Spider's expression, this is not her prejudiced belittling of Airy, but a normal thought in her heart, a fact recognized in this era.

"You don't have to worry about the things on the altar. As long as one of the six altars is preserved, the King of Plague can come smoothly. I have already arranged the manpower. What you need to consider is how to deal with the army of Elasia." Looking at Rod, Ms. Spider said.

"I know a man, he is the priest of the Holy See, he should be happy to provide us with the movements of the Elasia army."

Just as Rhodes thought about it, beside him, Samson took the initiative to say to Ms. Spider.

"How do I trust you? Not long ago, you were from Elasia's side." Ms. Spider asked. "If it weren't for your sincere attitude, I would have let Deris eat you."

It seemed that she felt the words of Ms. Spider. Under her body, the giant spider showed its teeth and made a hissing sound.

"Of course you can trust me." Samson looked at her and replied solemnly, "From the moment I killed the city lord, I gave up the identity of Elasia. I have no other choice, no ?"

Upon seeing this, Rod took the initiative to say: "This is indeed the truth, Ms. Spider, you might as well listen to what he says next."

The black veiled woman glanced at Rod and then at Samson. After a while, she said, "Well, tell me what you think."

"Just like I want to be a Juggernaut, that priest also has what I want."

Samson took a deep breath and said: "He wants fame and power. To be precise, he has been promoted to the official bishop of the Holy See. He is the youngest bishop I have ever met, but he will not be satisfied. Here, he wants more, wants to be a priest, and even the most noble apostle."

Ms. Spider showed interest in her eyes: "Sounds like a good candidate, talk about your thoughts."

"If we can give him what he wants, I believe that he will surrender all the intelligence about the Erasian army, even the weakness of the defense, I know what kind of person he is." Samson said slowly, "Of course I can’t do this with my own strength, Ms. Spider, this needs your help."

"If the request is reasonable, I will not spare this help." Ms. Spider nodded and said.

"For specific things, I need to see him and discuss with him before I can give a more detailed plan." After that, Samson showed an unwilling look. "It's a pity that the previous high priests have already I can see my face, and knowing about my betrayal, I can't find the pastor in person, I am afraid it will be difficult to get in touch with him."

"I can go." It was Rhodes who said this.

"You?" Samson showed an unexpected look, and then seemed to understand something, nodded and said: "Those humans, really don't know your appearance, as long as you pretend like before, no one can see through you except the priests. An abnormality on the body."

"Yes." Rod nodded. He has full confidence in his disguise magic. "You only need to tell me that person's information, and I will bring him to meet you."

Soon, the three seemed to have reached some kind of agreement. Under the leadership of the giant spider, Rod and Samson returned to the ground, ready to meet the priest.

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