In the magnificent church, several pastors and apprentices were chatting eagerly.

"I heard that Bishop Will will mobilize in the city before the battle, pray to the gods for the warriors who participated in the holy war, obtain the blessings of divine power, and defeat all evil infidels." One of the pastor apprentices said loudly, his words overflowing. With joy and longing.

"Yes, that's it! Will is the youngest bishop. He is dedicated to spreading the gospel of God. He has made great achievements and won the reward of God. We have to do the same to him." Another pastor The apprentice added.

"I really want to participate in this holy war, so that God can see my pious and heroic side, just like Bishop Will." The short apprentice said with emotion.

Beside these apprentices, a tall and thin man listened quietly to their words, patted one of the apprentices on the shoulder, and said:

"Excuse me, I'm here to see Bishop Will, where is he now?"

The man's clothes were ordinary, and he didn't seem to be different from ordinary people, and he didn't have any characteristics worth remembering. Only his eyes were sharp enough to make nearby priests a little uncomfortable.

"Bishop Will is not something ordinary people can see. Have you made an appointment with the church in advance?" The priest apprentice who was stopped by the man frowned and asked.

"No, but you can tell him that I am a friend of Samson, and I think the Church of Will is happy to comment on me." The man said.

Several pastors and apprentices glanced at each other, and they all showed doubts. They don't know the identity of the man, but hearing him say that, obviously there is another background, maybe it is Bishop Will's old friend.

"Harry, go and report to Bishop Will." The eyes of several pastor apprentices fell on the short apprentices.

The pastor and apprentice named Harry didn't dare to neglect, so he acted immediately and ran towards the inside of the church.

Not long after, Harry ran out again and said to the man: "Bishop Will wants to see you."

Hearing what he said, the man smiled inexplicably and said: "Great, take me to see him."

"You must be Bishop Will's friend! Please let me lead the way for you."

"No, he can't, I'm the best person to lead the way."

After learning that Bishop Will was going to see the man, the attitude of the apprentices of the nearby pastors changed instantly, and they rushed to ask for the man to lead the way.

The man curled his mouth, pointed at an apprentice in front of him casually, and said, "Please lead me the way."

The selected apprentice showed a look of surprise. He was the Harry who went to report the letter at the beginning.

In the eyes of other pastors apprentice or envy, or incredible, Harry led the man into the church.

"What kind of person do you think Bishop Will is?" The man asked actively as he marched.

"He is a man of noble character and recognized by God. He is dedicated to spreading the glory of God. Many people who are lost are returned to the embrace of God because of his guidance. Without him, the world would have more A lot of suffering."

When it comes to Bishop Will, Harry's words become more and more admiring in his eyes.

But the man's face was calm, and from his face alone, he couldn't tell what he was thinking at all.

"Why do you want to come to Bishop Will? Is it a painful thing and you want to come to him to confess? If this is the case, then you are looking for the right person. Many people who confess to Bishop Will are from the inside. The outside is renewed and gained the strength to overcome difficulties."

The man nodded: "I think so."

Hearing what he said, Harry encouraged: "I believe you will be able to overcome the difficulties encountered."

Soon, under the leadership of the man, they came to a room on the second floor of the church.

"Bishop Will is inside, waiting for you, so I won't go in."

The man nodded, then entered the room and saw at a glance, a man wearing a white robe with his back to him.

The man turned around. In front of the collar of the white robe, various golden medals were gleaming, and the delicate pendant hanging around his waist also made a slight noise due to the collision.

Looking at Bishop Will in the room, the man seemed to ask with some confusion: "Have I met you before?"

"Of course. Listen to Harry, you are Samson's friend, then you must have seen me." Bishop Will said loudly, "Unfortunately, I didn't impress you deeply. But I believe that after this time, you will remember me firmly."

"It sounds like you are very confident."

Bishop Will smiled, and then said: "I heard about the priests and mentioned Samson. You came to me, probably because of this..."

Speaking of this, Will's smile faded: "Those Damn it pagans, they actually made Samson fall... It took me a lot of effort to get him to prove his loyalty to God..."

I noticed the man not far away, his face was replaced with that very friendly smile: "Sorry, let you see the joke. I still don't know your intentions, what is your name?"

"You can call me Elotter." The man replied, "Before the fall, Samson spoke highly of you, saying that you are expected to become a priest of the Holy See, or even a true apostle."

"Really? I think his words are too acclaimed." Having said that, the smile on Bishop Will's face was even greater. "Have you encountered any difficulties? I believe God will help you."

"I want to know whether pure piety can be rewarded by God? If a person does nothing but piety, will God bless him?"

The man's question caused Will's smile to stagnate. This is not a simple question that can be answered. It even involves differences in doctrine within the Holy See. Will never thought about this kind of problem.

I complained a few words in his heart. Will originally thought that the man came only for some simple troubles, but he did not expect to ask such a question. Even so, Will responded quickly and replied:

"Piousness is important, but our behavior also reflects whether we are pious or not. Some people say they are religious to God, but the actual behavior is not like that at all. God will not forgive such behavior."

"How to judge whether a person is really as pious as he shows? Or is he pious as long as he shows enough piousness, even if his heart is full of evil thoughts?" the man asked.

Bishop Will fell silent. After a while, he replied: "We have no way to judge this kind of thing... But the angels who are close to God, and those apostles, must have a way to judge."

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