As the prophet of Brakada, when Orak joined the magic guild, he predicted many abnormal situations about Brakada's territory, and these circumstances were fulfilled.

As we knew the arrival of these situations in advance, under the timely handling of the magic guild, these anomalies did not cause much impact in Bracada, and even a very small number of supervisors in the magic guild knew about these anomalies. The presence.

Amidst this, a catastrophe that was about to happen in Brakada was also discovered early by Orak, and he informed Eli of the situation in time.

Through his own prophecy, Orak knew that the source of this catastrophe was initiated by Cruelod, a territory of savage creatures that the wizard had always looked down upon.

In Crullod, an extremely powerful barbarian hero appeared. From this hero, Orak truly felt the mighty will that only circulated in the epic story, this will as if it were solidified. It's all hatred for the mage.

Although Olak was able to discover this, he did not have the ability to solve this problem alone.

According to Olak, if according to some of the circumstances in her prophecy, for Crueld at this time, even the entire magic guild may not be able to deal with it. All the mages in Brakada must be dealt with. Together, we can barely cope with the upcoming attack.

In the prophecy, Orak noticed an artifact held by Crullod's barbarian leader, which can shield all the magic cast by the mage and make the space around him a real forbidden space.

Orak, who is a high-level mage, naturally understands the extent of destruction this treasure can bring to the mage of Bracada. It can be said that any mage will have a sense of powerlessness in his heart when facing this kind of treasure that forbids the use of magic.

Being able to cast spells is the reason that mages are stronger than other creatures. It is also based on various spells that mages have achieved long-term enslavement of the surrounding area.

Once the effect of the Forbidden Orb is activated, in the Forbidden Space that it generates, there will be no difference between the wizard and ordinary people. Even Orak himself will be completely restrained by the Forbidden Space. Under the influence of the ban magic ball, even a seventh-order mage is no different from ordinary humans.

Above the level of treasures, the Forbidden Magic Ball itself surpassed the category of general treasures and reached a higher level of artifacts.

For ordinary people, the most commonly heard of the existence of artifacts is the kind of artifacts that require a combination of various artifact components. Once the artifact parts are collected, the artifact can show its true effect. For any creature, the artifact has full appeal.

This is also the reason why Rhodes has been collecting parts of the Titan Arrow. Compared to others, Rod has the rewards of inheritance missions, can perceive the location of the artifact parts, and does not need to collect intelligence by himself.

Relying on this, there are already two artifact parts on Rod at this time, and he has a clue about the collection of the third artifact part. I believe this collection process will be equally smooth.

In addition to this combined artifact, there is also a single artifact. Compared with the combination of artifacts, the collection of this artifact is easier. You only need to find the body of the artifact to show its true effect.

Even if it is a single artifact, the effect it can bring is also very powerful, and it will not be weakened due to the lack of artifact components. Similar to the forbidden magic ball in the hands of the barbarian leader, it is such an artifact. Under its effect, the abilities of all mages are severely restricted.

No mage can break this restriction imposed by the artifact, and cannot cast spells around the space where the Forbidden Magic Orb is located. It can be said that the emergence of this artifact naturally restrained all mages.

If there is no ban on the magic ball, in the eyes of Olak, the war initiated by Crullod may not be worthy of too much attention at all. Even if any seventh-order mage makes all-out efforts, the barbarian's army seems difficult to deal with.

Perhaps the only thing worthy of Orak's attention is the high-ranking creatures in the barbarian army, those behemoths with the size of a hill.

Although Orak didn't know how the barbarians reached an agreement with these Beimons and allowed the Behemoths to participate in the war, Orak still knew the true strength of these behemoths very well.

Among the many high-level creatures, Beamon's melee combat ability is one of the best. What the Behemoth is good at is this kind of close combat on the ground, and it has extremely strong vitality. Even if it is a tyrannical dragon, if it engages in close combat with the behemoth beast on the ground, it cannot take any advantage.

If there is no Forbidden Magic Orb in this war, Orak only needs to unite with some other high-level mages and concentrate on dealing with these behemoths. As for the other creatures in the barbarian army, it is not worthwhile for Orak to go. Notice.

However, the emergence of the Forbidden Magic Ball changed all of these situations. Even the ordinary creatures in the barbarian army could not be dealt with by the wizard, let alone the behemoth behemoths. After losing the most powerful spellcasting ability, the strength of the wizard itself seems not worth mentioning.

Anticipating the emergence of this situation, Olak told Eli the news in the first place, hoping that he could make a series of responses in order to resolve the disaster that was about to reach Bracada.

In addition to the targets of this war, Orak also foresaw the terrible situation of Bracada at the end of the war.

In this war, the wizard group suffered a lot of damage, and countless wizards who devoted themselves to the study of spells died in this war. Bracada, once extremely glorious, turned out to be dilapidated in the end. Most of the land in the territory was turned into ruins, and various precious relics were completely destroyed. Naturally, all this was brought by the barbarian's army.

Under the effect of the ban orb, the mages seem to have only the option of sending puppet golems to delay time, allowing themselves to retreat from the military battlefield, allowing their homes to survive and being destroyed by barbarians.

In Orak’s heart, he wanted to avoid this situation, but for this artifact, even Olak, there was no better way.

Olak reported all these circumstances to Eli, but to Olak’s surprise, Eli did not seem to have taken any action to avoid the occurrence of this war.

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