In Orak’s eyes, even though he had already told Eli about everything that was about to happen in Bracada and the upcoming war, Eli did not make any response.

Due to his high position in the magic guild, Orak can easily observe that there is no mobilization of the resources of the magic guild. The war news he provided to Eli seemed to have been concealed by Eli. Except for Eli, all the other mages had no knowledge of the coming of this war.

And this made Olak feel very strange in his heart. For Eli himself, Olak has always been a very trusting attitude.

Because of Eli’s will, Orak believes that everything Eli does will be considered for Bracada’s consideration. This is an unquestionable characteristic of Eli. Any mage who comes into contact with him, Can feel this.

Although there were some doubts in his heart, Orak would not doubt Eli himself. Even if due to Eli's indulgence, the barbarian's army has begun to invade within the border of Bracada, Orak's trust in Eli has not weakened in any way.

Having been paying attention to the anomaly at the border, Olak clearly knew that during the time when the potions contest finals were held, the barbarian army had already invaded the border of Bracada, and was still deepening rapidly. Among.

Just as Olak predicted, under the influence of the ban orb, facing these barbarian army, the mages of Bracada have no ability to parry at all, and can only choose to flee in all directions.

At present, most of the people attacked by the barbarian army are still in the territory of the mage lords, and they have not yet reached the position of the academy, so that the academy event can proceed smoothly and the potion competition can be held as scheduled.

For the leader of the barbarian army, that is, the holder of the magic ban orb, Olak also emphatically observes, paying close attention to his every move in this war.

Through these observations, Olak discovered that the barbarian leader had a strong hatred for the wizard, and this hatred was also the source of the barbarian's attack on Bracada.

Because of this strong hatred, this barbarian leader has no possibility of peacefully resolving the war with the wizard, and the wizard of Bracada will not allow this kind of forbidden magic ball that threatens the root ability of the wizard. The war initiated by Crullod was destined to end in the complete defeat of one side.

Olak knew in his heart that when Eli heard about the war, it was impossible not to respond to it. Even for a while, Eli seemed to have not made any response to the war, but his attitude towards the war Worry is no less than oneself.

For this reason, even if Eli, who is in charge of managing the magic guild, did not take any action, Orak was only arranging in areas that he did not know.

And Orak himself, in order to deal with the next war, also made a lot of efforts, hoping that Bracada can cope with this catastrophe.

Due to the existence of the Forbidden Magic Ball, for this war, spells cannot have any effect in it. Orak’s response is to use his identity as a prophet to contact the rest of the forces around Brakada. As the most powerful human force, Alasia is naturally Orak’s primary contact.

In addition, in order to deal with the banned magic ball, Orak also contacted those superb alchemists in Bracada.

In the magic guild, there is such a group of superb alchemists. The treasures that the magic guild sells to the mage and the manufacture of golems rely on this group of alchemists.

Alchemy can bring extremely effective positive benefits, and has a systematic learning method, but these learning methods are recorded in the entire Bracada territory and only within the Magic Guild.

When Eli took control of the magic guild, the magic guild released its control over alchemy. The puppets that the wizard can control are no longer limited to the most basic golems.

Many powerful wizards will choose to make a special trip to the headquarters of the Magic Guild to learn alchemy. Among them, the Magic Guild also cultivated a group of extremely talented alchemists.

At that time, more types of puppet golems were created by wizards who were good at alchemy. Whether it is the golden golem, the diamond golem, and the most powerful Titan golem, which are more powerful than the conventional golems, they were also developed by the mage at this time.

In Orak’s idea, although the wizard cannot rely on his own spells to deal with the barbarian army, but commanding these golem puppets to fight does not require the wizard to cast any spells, just master the spiritual imprint.

Golem puppets have always been an important part of alchemy. The wizards have never given up on the improvement of golem puppets, whether it is the way of making materials or combining materials.

In the current Bracada territory, the most recognized golem puppet is the Titan Giant Puppet. In terms of biological stage position, the Titan giant puppet has reached the apex of regular creatures, which is the stage of seventh-order creatures. Even if they fight with the giants of Bimon, they will not fall into a big disadvantage, and they can persist for a long time. a period of time.

Although the Titan Puppet has reached the stage of the seventh-order creature, it is only at the initial stage of the seventh-order, and has not reached the final level. There is still a lot of room for improvement.

Earlier, through the discussions of some high-level wizards, Orak had heard that in a magic school in Bracada, a seventh-order wizard developed a more powerful dragon-shaped golem puppet.

The stage position of this dragon-shaped golem puppet has surpassed the most well-made Titan giant puppet so far, reaching the middle stage of the seventh stage, and even tends to be in the late stage of the seventh stage, even if Orak himself encounters a creature of this level, Even if the means are exhausted, it may not be able to overcome it.

However, for the appearance of this dragon-shaped golem puppet, even the high-level mage who mentioned this just regarded it as a rumor and could not confirm its true existence.

At this time, Olak moved his sight from Eli to another high platform on the airship. According to Olak’s impression, the wizard who made the dragon-shaped golem puppet was located here. On the high platform.

Whether this dragon-shaped golem puppet exists, and whether it can be used in this war, still needs Orak to visit the mage to confirm.

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