As early as in the golden age of Bracada, the mages of that era had already begun to explore the elemental plane.

Relying on the efforts of these mages, they raised the land for the survival of ordinary creatures in the extremely harsh environment of the elemental plane, and kept it stable without being affected by the elemental plane itself.

After consuming a lot of resources, the wizards built a teleportation monument that could be maintained forever. With these special teleportation monuments, even ordinary creatures without a step position can come to the elemental plane.

For ordinary wizards, as long as they can enter the elemental plane, they can deepen their perception of magical elements. Even if they wait and return to the main plane, their ability to cast spells will be partially improved.

However, even with the strength of a legendary mage, it is nothing compared to the entire elemental plane. The legendary mage who has just entered the seventh-order, in the elemental plane, only has the ability to explore freely, and for some things that exist in it, even the legendary mage has to be cautious.

Whether it was the mage's record of the elemental plane or the impression of Rhode in his previous life, he clearly knew that the magical elements in the elemental plane were extremely rich, far beyond what Rhode could perceive at present.

According to Rhode’s memory, the only area in the main plane where the concentration of magic elements is close to the elemental plane is the very special magic plain.

In the Magic Plains, the wizard can get extra bonuses when casting spells, which is considered to be a very special terrain. Earlier, when Rhodes was in the territory of Eri, he learned of a magic The location of the plain.

Since all kinds of magic elements in the magic plain are extremely rich, the mage can directly obtain the blessing of the expert level four magic special skills when casting spells. If the quality of the magic plain is higher, the special skills blessed can even be Reached the master level.

For ordinary wizards, when they are in the magic plain, the spells they cast are not much different from those cast by high-level wizards.

Even after leaving the magic plain, these mages lost the blessing of special skills, but the special experience in the magic plain can also help them master higher special skills.

In Rhodes’s impression, the Magic Plains is such a special location, which is also information that ordinary players know. However, for the existence of the magical plain, Rhode obviously knows more.

Due to the anomalies in the Magic Plains, as early as the previous life game, it attracted many players to observe.

In the Magic Plains, even a melee professional who has only learned some low-level spells through wisdom can exert extremely powerful strength. For this reason, when encountering some difficult enemies, the player Will also find a way to introduce it into the magical plains, and then start a battle with it.

Rhodes in his previous life also came to the magical plains. It's just that Rhodes at the time was not trying to rely on the characteristics of the magic plain to fight other creatures, but to pass this special location and enter the elemental plane.

The existence of the magical plain is inseparable from the elemental plane. According to the information that players learned at the time, the rich magical elements in the Magic Plain originally originated from the elemental plane, and only the existence of the elemental plane can provide such a rich magical element.

The existence of the four planes of elements is not completely isolated from each other, but there are various close connections.

Due to the existence of this connection, within the elemental plane, there are also intertwined and overlapping parts. What is manifested on the outside is that there is a kind of gap. With these gaps, the player can come from the elemental plane where he was originally. Into another elemental plane.

Even among the most stable main planes, there is such a gap. And this gap is what caused the magical plain to take shape. It can be said that there must be such a gap in the place where the magical plain exists.

According to the information that Rhodes learned in his previous life, the magic elements gathered around the magic plain are not like ordinary players imagined. They are released from the elemental plane through this gap, but are originally there. The magical elements in the main plane actively gathered towards the gap position, which formed this special terrain.

Just like the existence of elemental creatures, and the elemental cores in their bodies, they will constantly absorb the magical elements around them, allowing them to gather toward their own location. This special gap also has this ability and can absorb all the time. The magical elements that exist around.

The existence of the gap is not static, but will also change due to changes between the planes.

Because of this, even the magical plains do not exist in a stable manner. Once the core gap changes and the ability to gather magical elements is lost, the magical plains will even dissipate completely.

It's just that the time required for changes between planes is extremely long for ordinary creatures.

This special situation only appeared in the classics recorded by Master Bracada. At least in Rhode’s previous game, the magical plains did not dissipate. On the contrary, because of some special events, the number of magical plains increased significantly.

Due to the different types of element planes corresponding to the gap, there are also some differences in its ability to gather magic elements.

Although in the Magic Plain, the concentration of all kinds of magic elements far exceeds that of the outside world, but there are still some subtle differences in this.

A mage with a wealth of experience can judge the type of element plane corresponding to the gaps in the magic plain just from the subtle differences in the concentration of magic elements in the magic plain.

Relying on this special distinguishing ability, the mage can make an accurate judgment about the gap that is about to enter, thereby ensuring his own safety to a large extent.

In order to pass through this gap and enter the elemental plane, before that, Rod deliberately collected a lot of information about this gap, whether it was about the magical plains or about the elemental plane itself.

After obtaining this information, Rod memorized it accurately to avoid errors in the process of passing through the gap. Even if he came to this world, and a long period of time passed, Rod did not forget the information that existed in his own memory.

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