Due to the existence of plane gaps, this extremely special magical plain was created. This is what Rhodes had a deep impression on in previous games.

The difference from the Magic Plains is that when you are in the Elemental Plane, due to the different types of the Elemental Plane, the other three magical elements that do not conform to the rules of the plane, their element concentration will be suppressed to an extremely low level. .

Due to the effect of the environment, even a formal mage can hardly feel the existence of these magical elements. When the mage casts the spells corresponding to the other three magic elements, he will even feel repelled, and it is difficult to condense his own spells into shape.

In the elemental plane, due to the blessing of the rules of the plane, the basic concentration of the corresponding magic element has reached the level of the ordinary magic plain.

When in some special environments, the concentration of this magic element will increase again, reaching a level beyond the reach of the magic plain. The mage in it can automatically possess epic, or even legendary, single-line magic. special skill.

Under this circumstance, it is conceivable that the existence of the Elemental Plane can bring much strength improvement to the mage in it. Not only for the mage, all creatures in the Elemental Plane, as long as they can cast spells, also enjoy this promotion.

The unique geographical environment, coupled with the magical elements in it, has created a large number of strange creatures in the elemental plane.

Whether it is an elemental person born in it or a creature that comes to explore, when casting a spell, it must be carried out under the effect of this rule, in order to achieve the best effect of the spell.

However, for elemental creatures, when they are attacked by the same type of damage spell as their own, they will more or less reduce their damage.

Because the concentration of magic elements is extremely abnormal, it is not at all like the balance relationship in the main plane. There are naturally various abnormalities in the element plane.

Under the effect of extremely strong magic elements, various spells defined by legendary wizards as Tier 4 or Tier 5 will appear in various areas of the Elemental Plane without any guidance from creatures, thus triggering an event. The destruction of the series.

The original creatures that existed in the Elemental Plane, long before this happens, will feel the abnormality in advance, and will quickly leave the center of the spell hit, but for the mage who came to explore, naturally they are not so lucky.

In Rhodes’s impression, many wizards who tried to hunt for the core of the elements did not fall into the hands of powerful elemental creatures, but died in this special spell, even the ones made by the master Brakada. The foothold was also destroyed by this special spell.

After encountering this kind of vision in the elemental plane, the wizards naturally made a summary of it.

Since the legendary mage of Bracada came to the elemental plane, he has never stopped exploring the elemental plane.

After a long period of exploration and experience summarization, the wizards have also come to their own conclusions. They will exist in the elemental plane. The mortality rate of the wizards is extremely high, and the areas where visions are proliferating are artificially divided into forbidden areas. exist.

In these forbidden areas, there may be endless Tier 5 magical attacks, or there may be creatures that even legendary wizards must take seriously. Even in some forbidden areas, even the true legendary wizard does not know what it is. What is there.

Being in the elemental plane, without reaching the depths of the elemental plane, as long as the legendary mage is not too careless, with the strength of the legendary mage, avoiding the forbidden zone in it, you don’t need to worry too much about yourself. Safety.

It's just that the mage's exploration of the elemental plane always has certain restrictions, and it is impossible to understand the full picture of the elemental plane. Perhaps in some places where the mage thinks it is safe, the true degree of danger is even more than the general forbidden zone.

Once at the true core of the Elemental Plane, even a legendary mage must be extremely cautious.

According to the news circulated among the wizards, the true masters of the elemental planes, the spirit and magical elemental people, exist in the depths of the elemental planes, no matter where they are on the elemental planes, they have their shadows.

Unlike other types of elemental people, in Bracada's records, spiritual and magical elemental people have never appeared on the main plane. Only in the depths of the Elemental Plane, as well as in some locations divided into restricted areas by the wizard, can one find traces of such creatures.

For spirit and magic elemental people, wizards generally believe that they are beyond the existence of ordinary elemental creatures. Because of their strength, the mages naturally feel extremely afraid of the existence of these special creatures.

Among the elemental planes, the main creatures that exist are various types of elemental creatures. Among these creatures, elemental beings are the most common. For this reason, elemental beings are also the masters of the main plane and the most frequently contacted objects. .

In addition to the elemental creatures, there are also other kinds of creatures in the elemental plane.

The origins of these creatures on the Elemental Plane may be extremely different.

Among these creatures, some are like the wizards of Bracada, only to pursue the origin of magic, and then choose to come to the elemental plane. The most common one belongs to the fairy dragon among the dragons.

In addition, by chance, many creatures that existed in the main plane smoothly passed through the gaps in the planes that existed all over the world and came to this plane.

As they don’t have a strong ability to cast spells, these creatures cannot use magical protection when passing through the gap between the planes. They can only rely on their bodies to withstand the turbulence between the planes, which is obviously not something ordinary creatures can achieve. .

In addition, in the elemental plane, there are still some creatures, which were exiled by the original legendary mage using magic.

In terms of types, there may be great differences between these creatures, and they are not completely the same, but the common point that exists in them is that these creatures have extremely powerful strength.

Coming to the elemental plane, after countless years of derivation, these creatures have become more suitable for survival in the elemental plane than ordinary mages.

Existing in the elemental plane, the extremely numerous forbidden areas are also inseparable from the existence of these creatures.

Compared with the spiritual and magical elementals that exist in the records of legendary wizards, these powerful creatures that are not elemental creatures should be more concerned by ordinary wizards.

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