For Rhode himself, after he was promoted to a Lich, this immortal ability was the key to attracting him.

After coming to this world, Rod could clearly feel the changes that existed in his body. Rod can feel that when he puts his attribute points into attributes related to physical fitness, the reaction is in the improvement of his body.

During the battle, Rhode’s injuries will not disappear with the end of the battle, but will permanently leave marks on Rhode’s body.

Compared with the beginning, Rhode's body has become too solid, and the overall body has become stronger. Rod knew that the changes reflected in his body were not only related to the attributes he invested in, but also related to the growth of the body itself.

This also made Rohde clearly aware that the body he possessed would also be subject to the same restrictions as ordinary people, and would gradually age with the passage of time.

The obvious difference from the previous life is that at this time, Rhode has long been unable to break away from the game. Different from the games in the previous life, Rhode cares only about the power that can be obtained in front of him. At this time, what he needs to care about also has his own lifespan.

Even if Rhodes successfully experienced all the things in the expansion and gained extremely powerful power, the limitations on life span still act on Rhodes's body. What Rhodes did not want was to die because of his life span after experiencing everything.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, the existence of being promoted to a legendary creature can delay its own aging to a great extent. Some creatures with special bloodlines can also survive for a long time, but their lifespan is still there. An end cannot last forever.

In the territory of Bracada, the real victory over the legendary mages is often not a powerful enemy, but the passage of life brought by time. Even the powerful legendary mages cannot resist this.

With the passage of time, the aging effect produced is enough to weaken any originally powerful creatures until they are completely decayed.

The only thing that puzzled Rohde was the existence of god-level creatures.

According to the information that Rhodes once learned in Bracada, as early as countless years ago, that is, the golden age of Bracada, the god of the mage has appeared, and will play an important role in the future development of Bracada. To a great effect.

Long before all the Liches and even the Necromancers appeared, the God of Mage already existed. Even after the endless years, the strength of the God of Mage still showed no signs of weakness.

Perhaps it was because the time was too long, coupled with the fact that the god of mage had no longer acted, and even showed the traces of his existence, by now, the glory of the god of mage has long been dissipated in Bracada.

Regarding the existence of the god of wizards, except for the wizards of the magic guild, the other wizards no longer maintain respect. They just heard the name once and regarded it as a figure in the legend, but for the god who truly believes in the wizard As far as the still-existing wizards are concerned, they obviously don't believe that the god of wizards will fall because of their lifespan.

For true god-ranked creatures, even with the experience in the previous life, the information that Rohde knew was still obviously insufficient. From the current information alone, Rhode couldn't feel the full picture of a god-level creature, whether it was their own abilities or their own limitations.

However, according to Rhode's own understanding, the god-ranked creatures are likely to have truly gained the ability to resist the lapse of lifespan. Just as the Lich can make itself immortal after completing the endless long night ritual, this also applies to true god-level creatures.

Rod can also understand the difficulty of being promoted from a legendary creature to a god-level creature. In this regard, only from these countless years, only Gwen Magnus successfully advanced and became the god of the mage praised by all the wizards. In addition, there is no existence of any god-level creatures, and it can be seen that two.

In Rhodes's impression, whether it is the creatures that appeared in the expansion campaign or the ones hidden in some special places, these creatures also have the existence of the pinnacle of legendary creatures.

These powerful creatures may not be significant in number or even well-known, but they still exist, but they can't really be promoted to god-rank creatures.

Even if they failed to advance in the end, the lifespan of these legendary pinnacle creatures also far exceeded the existence of ordinary creatures. Obviously, some changes similar to god-rank creatures have also taken place in their bodies.

In Rhode's view, successfully becoming a legendary creature and further improving its own strength is also a means to increase the original life span, and it has sufficient results. Only by further improving the strength, it can do this.

However, Rhodes is more willing to put hope on other means than to become a god-ranked creature and obtain this ability that will not decay over time.

Although relying on the existence of the system, Rhode only needs to accumulate experience points to be able to do this, but considering the experience points required to be promoted to a god-level creature, Rhode is not sure that he can really do this.

This has also led to Rhode’s tendency to be very inclined to the characteristics of the lich. Even after he knew that he was promoted to the lich, Rhode was unable to significantly improve his own strength, and he was unwilling to give up this most unique rank. Job.

If you want to be promoted to the most unique existence like the Lich, the most important thing is naturally the holding of the endless long night ritual. Even Rhodes could not deal with this most special transformation ritual.

According to the knowledge that Rod has learned, the endless long night ritual itself is actually inseparable from the witchcraft ritual.

Rod once learned that although the necromancer and the enchanter also appeared after the golden age of Bracada, there was an extremely obvious gap in time.

Long before the necromancer appeared, the enchanter appeared in Bracada. Even if the wizards were eventually expelled by the mages of Brakada, their influence still remained deep in Brakada's territory.

Under this circumstance, the necromancers that subsequently appeared naturally had various connections with those magicians. Perhaps the most fundamental power of the Necromancer, that is, the existence of spiritualism, has no connection with the wizard, but this connection still exists, and it has had a great impact on the development of the entire Necromancer.

The most intuitive manifestation of this connection is in the endless long night ritual.

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