According to the information that Rod has learned, the emergence of the endless long night ritual is inseparable from the witchcraft methods left in Bracada. It can even be said that the entire endless long night ritual belongs to the witchcraft ritual. a part of.

In the golden age of Bracada, after the enchanter's vigorous development of his own system, the original various magic rituals in Bracada have undergone essential changes. Relying on the development of these magic rituals, the wizards can do things that are difficult to achieve with normal spells.

It is also under such a situation, combined with the magic ritual left by the enchanter, plus the new undead magic in Bracada, this most unique endless long night ritual is displayed in this way In front of all the mages.

Under the circumstances at that time, even if you have mastered the knowledge corresponding to various witchcraft rituals, you can really apply it and have an effect, and finally found that this most special endless long night ritual also has a high level of research and development for the mage himself. Requirements.

If the mage conducting the research is unable to satisfy his own attainments, he simply cannot combine this unique witchcraft ritual with the undead spell, and naturally it will not allow the endless long night ritual to appear.

It is conceivable that among the mages who were able to conduct this kind of research at the time, there were only the most powerful legendary mages. Even other high-level mages with a certain status obviously could not do it. To this point.

For the Necromancer, such an important endless night ritual, from its appearance to the present, has not changed much except for some minor changes. Its stability is also the same as that of the original research and development. Necromancer has a great connection.

The emergence of the endless long night ritual is undoubtedly a strong impact on all the necromancers in Brakada at the beginning, and the shock generated is even greater than the emergence of the original enchantress.

Before the endless long night ritual appeared, many powerful wizards did not regard it as the same thing as the spiritism that had arisen in Brakada.

In the eyes of these powerful wizards, even though spiritualism seems extremely powerful and can create a large number of undead creatures, it is only a choice to enhance strength, just like the alchemy mastered by some wizards, it cannot bring them The most essential improvement.

For these powerful wizards, there are only a few things worthy of their attention, and a kind of spiritualism may not be worth their attention too much.

Long before the endless long night ritual appeared, even if the wizard who mastered spiritism was stronger, he would eventually return to the casting of spells. Spiritism only brought about the transformation ability for undead creatures.

However, the emergence of the endless long night ritual undoubtedly changed this situation. Through the transformation of the endless long night ritual, when the very special form of the lich appeared in front of all the wizards for the first time, even the most powerful legendary wizard would be shocked by this unique creature.

As the news spread, nearly all the mages in Bracada at that time realized what changes the endless long night ritual could bring to them.

Especially in the eyes of those powerful wizards, the appearance of the endless long night ritual undoubtedly showed them another path, completely different from anything they knew.

However, for this most special ceremony, the powerful mages at the time chose more of a wait-and-see attitude, rather than directly choosing to transform themselves, and only some Tier 5 masters whose strengths were difficult to further improve. Will make such a choice.

Before these powerful wizards waited to see what the results were, the order from the god of the wizards was first communicated to all the wizards.

What surprised these mages was that for such a unique transformation ritual and the emergence of undead magic, the order of the god of the mage was to completely abandon it, and even the undead mage who would have practiced spiritism together. Deported from the territory of Bracada.

Just like the enchanter who originally appeared, the god of the wizard still made such a decision for the necromancer that existed in Bracada.

Regarding the order of the god of mage, the mage of Brakada naturally has no way to violate it, and can only strictly enforce it. Those truly powerful legendary wizards may better understand the gap between themselves and the god of wizards.

The two unique spellcasting methods that once emerged in Bracada, necromantic spells and black magic, finally have a special connection here in the endless long night ritual. This point, even the former god of the mage, may not be able to predict it.

It is precisely for this reason that in Rod's view, it is necessary to face great difficulties to make changes to the endless long night ceremony.

The entire endless long night ritual involves three aspects of spell knowledge, witchcraft knowledge, and undead spell knowledge. It is extremely difficult for any mage to master these three aspects at the same time.

After these countless years, the endless long night ritual has long used its own existence to prove its stability. It does not need any Necromancer to question or change it. It only requires the Necromancer to strictly follow the steps of the ritual. , You can successfully complete the conversion.

Only in that most special period, when the enchanter was just expelled by the mages of Bracada, did he have such an opportunity to appear and master the three kinds of knowledge with extremely different knowledge at the same time, and finally researched this kind of The endless long night ritual allows the necromancer to be promoted to the most unique lich.

It was because of the information that he understood that Rod was extremely shocked by the purpose of Sandro coming to the City of Death in Stephen's mouth.

In Rhodes’s view, wanting to make changes to the already extremely stable endless long night ritual is not what the legendary wizard of Bracada can do. The type of knowledge involved is extremely strict for the wizard. Require.

What makes Rhode more concerned is that all the Necromancers who have mastered this knowledge in the past have made more changes to the endless long night ritual, and they still think of ways to optimize it, so that the effect of transformation is more powerful, rather than fundamentally The above denies the existence of the endless long night ritual.

It is precisely because of these circumstances that Rhode has some questions about the true purpose of Sandro's trip and whether he can achieve this.

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