Compared with the original vampires who maintain their own form all the time, the vampires after evolution will naturally encounter certain restrictions in terms of combat capabilities.

After evolution, vampires want to fully display all their strengths and exert their most powerful combat abilities. They need to return to their pre-evolution form first to achieve this.

For the evolved vampires, the process of showing their original form is not something that can be achieved in an instant. It also takes a certain amount of time to achieve this.

In the process of changing the form, the time required has become the maximum limit for this type of vampire. Many sudden battles will not give them enough time to show their original form.

Under this circumstance, the vampire who still retains its original human form will be greatly limited in its strength during the battle, unable to use all the abilities that originally belonged to the vampire, and in general can only be regarded as a human with strong basic attributes. .

In addition, for some vampires, the process of showing their original form may even conflict with their original ability to bat.

Once these vampires intend to return to their original vampire state to fight, then in the process of transformation, they will lose the ability to bat themselves, and the danger they face can only be borne by their own bodies.

For vampires after evolution, the time required for this transformation is not long or short. Under relatively safe conditions, there is no problem with this transformation. Once a battle breaks out, the vampire will again Maintaining the post-evolution form, then there is only one way to forcibly transform in battle.

The strong vitality of vampires undoubtedly brings some convenience for them to transform in battle, but to transform in battle, you still need to take great risks. Once the transformation is completed, other creatures find flaws. , You can kill it directly.

The evolutionary vampire that has not yet completed this transformation and still maintains a human form. To a certain extent, when the vampire itself is at its weakest, the natural ability of the vampire will be greatly restricted.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, among Diya, the most powerful vampire, that is, the existence of the vampire king, has also thought of many methods in order to solve the hidden power hazards that generally exist in evolutionary vampires.

In order to solve this problem, some powerful vampire kings came up with a method to directly complete the transformation by using the special form brought by the bat transformation. That is, in the evolved human form, a bat transformation is performed, and after the bat transformation is completed, it will directly appear in the form of a native vampire.

Compared with the conventional method of transformation in battle, for human vampires, the transformation through bat transformation is undoubtedly much safer. At the same time, it can also be initiated to a certain extent by relying on the advantages brought by bat transformation. More intense attack.

It's just that, among the entire vampire community, not many vampires can master such a special technique.

Due to the existence of this technique, many aspects are involved, and it can even affect the existence of vampires themselves, be able to use them proficiently, and display their existence in battle. Except for a few vampires with extraordinary talents, there are only real ones. The Vampire King.

This special transformation technique is circulated among many vampires, but not many vampires can master it.

In addition, even the King of Vampires can only give these ordinary vampires some suggestions to allow them to complete the transformation of their own forms while ensuring safety.

For an evolved vampire, the safest thing is to always maintain the form of a native vampire. No matter when they encounter a battle, they can show their full strength without worrying about danger in the transformation process.

However, this kind of behavior undoubtedly makes them lose the meaning of choosing an evolutionary path for the evolved vampires. In the view of these evolved vampires, if they always remain in the state of a native vampire, then from the beginning, there is no need for this kind of evolution.

Especially when some of the vampires who are sufficiently intelligent and have completed the evolution, after staying in the territory of Elasia for a long time, they understand the deep gap between Diya's internal environment and Elasia. , If they have a choice, they naturally don't want to stay in Diya in the form of a primitive vampire.

For the choices made by these evolved vampires, the native vampires in Diya who are already familiar with the original environment may find it difficult to understand.

From the perspective of the evolved vampires, they did not personally come to Erathia and felt the environment different from the necromancer disputes, as well as the larger number of prey that are easier to obtain. These native vampires naturally do not understand what they want. The goal pursued.

On some special occasions, due to the differences in concepts, conflicts will also erupt between the two vampires in Diya, and the result of the conflict is often the victory of the original vampire.

Because of this situation, most vampires who have evolved are often unwilling to stay in Diya. As long as they have the opportunity, they will try their best to come to Elasia. The vampires who stay in Diya often There are also more native vampires.

Since he had known these things in advance, it was a little surprising to Rod that he was able to see the existence of such an evolved vampire here.

The emergence of this situation undoubtedly proved to Rhodes at this time that there is a great connection between the city lord Tamick in Trou's mouth and the vampire.

From Tello's mouth, when he heard the name Tamick, Rhodes also realized the existence of some things. According to Rhode’s previous game in the game, there seems to be Tamik in the information about the second expansion.

According to the information Rhodes understands, the death shadow battle initiated by the necromancer will eventually affect all the forces in the surface world, naturally not only because of the existence of Sandru alone, but also in this battle. A large number of heroes belonging to the Dia forces.

Under the effect of the artifact possessed by Sandru, these heroes in Diya gave up all previous disputes and instead used all their strengths to deal with other surrounding forces, which achieved extremely astonishing results.

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