When the Battle of Shadow of Death broke out, for a while, the number of heroes in Diya far exceeded the expectations of other forces.

Before the arrival of this battle, the creatures of Dia's surrounding forces could not have imagined that in their eyes, those Necromancers who had always used conspiracy and trickery had such a large number of existences with heroic will.

With the blessing of the artifacts in the hands of Sandru, these heroes showed strength far surpassing ordinary necromancers. Throughout the Battle of Death Shadow, there were also a large number of heroes Necromancers who rose up. Even in the third expansion, their prestige is still prominent, and they never disappeared because of the end of the Death Shadow Battle.

Even the artifact in the hands of Sandru has a limited range of influence in a war facing the entire surface world, and it is impossible to involve all battlefields. It can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of these extremely large numbers of heroes and necromancers that the Diya side won successive victories in the early stage of the Battle of the Shadow of Death.

Compared with ordinary necromancers, heroic necromancers can easily surpass their limits and achieve what they can't do, and the powerful specialties attached to heroic will can completely change the situation of a battle.

It is also because of the emergence of the Death Shadow campaign that other forces around Diya are able to face up to the powerful internal strength of the Necromancer for the first time, and no longer believe that the Necromancer can only invade the surrounding territories. , But really has the power to destroy it.

These powerful Necromancer heroes originally existed in Diya, but in the internal conflict of Diya, they appeared extremely inconspicuous and were not noticed by the surrounding forces. The appearance of Sandro and the artifacts in his hands undoubtedly gave these heroes a chance to unite.

According to the information that Rod obtained from other players in the game in the previous life, this extremely harsh environment for ordinary people in Diya is of great benefit to the production of heroes.

Of all the forces in the entire game world, only Diya has the highest rate of hero appearance and the largest number of heroes.

According to the understanding of the players at the time, it was Diya's unique internal power system, that is, the ability to create undead creatures, that led to such a situation.

Due to the existence of spiritism, even a seemingly powerful Necromancer must always keep fear in his heart. At that moment, he will be transformed into an undead creature by a more powerful Necromancer.

Such a harsh environment naturally causes Necromancers to generally have a strong will. As long as this will is firmer, they can become the will of a hero.

This special environment inside Diya cannot be imitated by any other forces.

Of course, there are also some Necromancers with low endurance ability. Under the special environment inside Diya, they can't bear the fear that they have to feel all the time. They can only paralyze themselves in their hearts or fall into pure madness.

This type of necromancer does not have the potential to become a hero, unless they are extremely strongly stimulated, otherwise the existence of the hero's will will always be unfavorable to them. And their ultimate fate, most of them become undead creatures controlled by those more powerful necromancers.

Extremely harsh environments are often more able to stimulate the emergence of heroic will, while those relatively comfortable environments can easily fail to do this.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, among all the forces, Bracada is also recognized as the place with the least number of heroes.

Naturally, the power of the wizard hero does not need to be said, even if it does not have the identity of a hero, as the apex of the promotion of a regular wizard, that is, the existence of a legendary wizard, it is enough to maintain Bracada’s dominance over the surrounding forces for a long time. It wasn't the appearance of Tanan. I don't know how long this kind of dominance will continue to be maintained.

Among all the legendary creatures, the existence of legendary mages is also extremely difficult to deal with. Relying on the cooperation between various spells, the legendary wizard can easily accomplish things that no other creature can do. In addition to the legendary wizard, this also applies to the legendary wizard.

Once the originally extremely powerful legendary mage still has the identity of a hero, one can imagine the strength it possesses.

The true purpose of the hero template needs to be manifested in higher-ranked creatures, and this will be fully demonstrated by the legendary mage.

It's just that the number of hero-level legendary wizards is extremely rare, and there are almost not many wizards who can study spells while still having a heroic will.

According to Rhodes’s own understanding, it is very different from Diya’s internal environment that Brakada’s mages, as long as they have enough talent, can be promoted all the way to the fourth rank in the magic school. Among the ranks, in this process, no special experience of the mage himself is required.

After that, according to the mage's own wishes, he can choose to stay in the magic academy for further study, or under the academy's arrangements to build his own territory, no matter how he chooses, overall it seems extremely comfortable.

Relying on the various special abilities after learning the magic, some of the talents are insufficient. After being promoted to the official magician, the magician who cannot continue to improve their strength can often live more comfortably than other creatures. Under such a comfortable environment , Naturally it is difficult to have a heroic will.

There are only a handful of special mages who are dissatisfied with the status quo. After gaining strong strength, they are unwilling to stay in Bracada. They will choose to travel across the entire continent. In Rhodes’s impression, Sandru It is such a mage. The choice of most other mages is to stay in Bracada and enjoy this kind of comfort.

It is also the existence of this situation that causes the number of heroes in Bracada to be far fewer than other forces. In such a comfortable environment, you can gain powerful strength without having to endure too much danger. The heroic will is naturally difficult to appear.

Mages who can generate heroic will and awaken as heroes mostly have certain special experiences after gaining powerful power, and they have nothing to do with the process of gaining power.

Compared with the extremely harsh environment in which the Necromancer is located, the environment of the Bracada Master is obviously more comfortable. Whether it is to gain power or do other things, there is no need to risk his life, but from a certain In a sense, they undoubtedly also lost the opportunity to awaken the hero's will.

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