Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1189: Technology despised by Rocket Raccoon

Ten minutes later, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Drax, who was still obsessed with the tablet in his hand, walked out of the weapons laboratory of the SHIELD branch. Drax and Groot were the same as before entering, one was staring at the tablet admiring the scenery around the earth, and the other was still shaking his head and tail. However, Rocket Raccoon had a clearly disappointed look on his face.

"Hey, your weapons are not good! Except for those two weapons that are still in the experimental stage, the power of the other finished products is not good. Moreover, the attack method is relatively single, and the energy operation is also very simple..." The door behind him slowly closed. , Rocket Raccoon finally couldn't help but express his feelings.

Obviously, he didn't like the weapons SHIELD showed Rocket Raccoon. After all, Rocket Raccoon himself is a weapons expert. After seeing so many high-tech weapons from advanced civilizations in the universe, of course he looks down upon the current weapons on Earth.

"Uh...Mr. Rocket Raccoon..." Coulson, who was walking in front, felt a little embarrassed when he heard Rocket Raccoon's comment.

However, before Coulson could finish his words, he was interrupted by Rocket Raccoon, "You don't have to call me sir, just call me Rocket Raccoon."

"Okay, Rocket Raccoon. Our S.H.I.E.L.D. is already the best in terms of technology on Earth, and the weapons you just saw are also the best on Earth." As someone who is now taking guests to visit S.H.I.E.L.D. As for the host, Coulson felt that it was still necessary to let the guests know the status of SHIELD on Earth.

"Hey! That only shows that the technological level of your entire planet is low! It doesn't mean anything. Moreover, isn't the technology on that spaceship quite high? It's much better than the one in the laboratory just now. Isn't that what your god Made by SHIELD?" After hearing Coulson's explanation, Rocket Raccoon waved his little paw and continued, and finally asked.

"Uh... that spaceship..." Seeing Rocket Raccoon mention the E-class aerospace battleship, Coulson was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Coulson is already the highest-ranking agent in S.H.I.E.L.D., and he does know that the E-class aerospace battleship brings together all the resources of S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark Industries, the X-Men and the Guardians. Just made. However, he didn't know where the surreal technologies in the E-class aerospace battleship came from. Therefore, he could not answer this question.

"Forget it, if it's confidential, there's no need to answer. I don't like your spaceship anyway." Seeing Coulson's hesitation, Rocket Raccoon continued to wave his little paws and said nonchalantly.

"Hey! Coulson, can you take us out and have a look? What's the point of wandering around this base all the time?" Rocket Raccoon stood next to him after unknowingly despising SHIELD's technology. Drax finally put down the tablet in his hand and shouted to Coulson.

After learning about the basic situation of the earth through the tablet, Drax was no longer content to continue to hang out in the base. While Rocket Raccoon is only interested in various high technologies, Drax still likes to go out and see. Moreover, Groot, the tree man, obviously felt much better after hearing Drax's words.

"If I want to go out... I don't have this authority yet." Hearing Drax's request, Coulson replied with some embarrassment.

It is enough to attract attention with these three strange-looking aliens wandering around the SHIELD branch base. This is still in SHIELD. Every scientific researcher and agent has undergone rigorous training. , then he didn't show too much surprise at the appearance of the three Rocket Raccoons.

If Colson took them out, they might be surrounded by countless ordinary people as soon as they walked outside. The earth has just experienced an attack from unknown terrifying creatures from the universe. Now countless people outside are staring at S.H.I.E.L.D. Therefore, it is really inappropriate for them to go out at this time.

"What kind of permissions are there? Aren't Star-Lord and Gamora already going out to play on their own? Look!... They are already shopping in the mall now." Just as Coulson finished speaking, Rocket Raccoon took out something He took out something like a translucent plate and pointed at the picture above.

Hearing Rocket Raccoon's words, Coulson glanced at the translucent tablet. Then, he saw a man and a woman shopping in the largest shopping mall in New York. The man among them is Star-Lord who changed his clothes in one blow, and the woman cannot be recognized, but according to Rocket Raccoon, it seems to be the green-skinned alien.

Apparently, Rocket Raccoon left tracking means on both Star-Lord and Gamora, and was able to transmit their real-time footage back. This made Coulson even more embarrassed, because it was difficult for him to explain that Rocket Raccoon and the others were not suitable for going out.

"Hey? Is that Gamora? Can her color still change?" Drax asked strangely after seeing the picture on the tablet in Rocket Raccoon's hand.

"You stupid guy! That's a disguise. If you want to change, I can change it for you!" After hearing Drax's words, Rocket Raccoon replied angrily.

"Hey, I don't need it."

"Groot!!" After Drax refused, little Groot next to him suddenly shouted.

After staying in the spaceship for a long time, Groot really wanted to go out for some air, which obviously didn't count in SHIELD's base. Therefore, he also wanted to go out and have a look. If he could go out by changing his appearance, Groot would be very happy.

"Oh! Groot, that method is not suitable for you. However, if you can stay still, I don't think anyone can see what's wrong." Rocket Raccoon, the only one who could understand Groot's words, stood there. After Root finished shouting, he stretched out his paw and stroked his branch, and then continued.

"Colson, how about this? I can guarantee that no one will see any problems when we go out. Moreover, as long as you can take us out for a walk, I will give you some technical guidance, not just the weapons in those areas. Research and development!" After both Drax and Groot said they wanted to go out for a walk, Rocket Raccoon raised his head and said to Coulson, who looked confused in front of him, and also put forward his own conditions.

Coulson's eyes lit up when he heard Rocket Raccoon's condition, but he still didn't agree, "This..."

"Agent Coulson, just take them out for a walk. Just be careful. I believe it won't have any impact." Just when Coulson was about to refuse, Captain Rogers' voice came from his communicator. There was a sound inside.

"Okay, Captain." After hearing Rogers' words, Coulson quickly agreed, then looked at the three Rocket Raccoons, "Let's go, three."

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