Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,190 Egg says hello

Following Coulson, the three Rocket Raccoons walked towards the gate of the SHIELD branch base. Drax looked very happy, and Groot waved his branches more enthusiastically, but would pause suddenly from time to time, as if he was practicing something. Rocket Raccoon, on the other hand, was very calm, as if he already knew that the other party would agree to his request.

Indeed, the offer Rocket Raccoon just made was something Captain Rogers couldn't refuse. As Coulson said just now, SHIELD's technology and weapons are already the best on Earth. Even if Stark or some other technology companies have some exclusive high-tech products like steel suits, they can't shake SHIELD's status.

However, SHIELD can't always rest on its laurels. Especially when they begin to contact extraterrestrial civilizations and sprint into the interstellar age of navigation, the development and progress of science and technology cannot be stopped. Therefore, since Rocket Raccoon is willing to provide them with some technical support, they have no reason to give up.


When the three "people" of Rocket Raccoon followed Coulson and left the SHIELD branch in SHIELD's special car, in the command and control hall at the core of the base, Rogers was looking away from the area where the base was placed. The screen at the door retracted.

"Captain, do you really want them all to hang out?" When Captain Rogers withdrew his gaze, Hawkeye standing next to him suddenly asked.

Although they had just fought against Dormammu with the Guardians of the Galaxy, except for Lin Rui, no one else knew the Guardians of the Galaxy, and naturally they couldn't trust them much.

"Don't worry, they won't cause anything. Moreover, several teams will follow them to deal with some unexpected emergencies." Knowing what Falcon was worried about, Rogers smiled and replied.

When he was in the universe before, the combat prowess displayed by Drax the Destroyer alone was enough for Rogers and the others to take him seriously. However, Rogers believes in the Guardians of the Galaxy, and he believes in Lin Rui even more. Therefore, as long as they didn't know how to cause trouble when they were hanging out, Captain Rogers thought it wouldn't be a bad thing to let them go out and have a look.

"Even if they are calm and don't cause trouble, they can still disguise themselves very well, just like Star-Lord and Gamora. However, if they are not protected, some guys and forces will pop up, and the special operations team may not be able to solve some of them." That's how it is sometimes, you trust some people, but there are always people who will come out and cause damage.

The disguises of Rocket Raccoon and the other three "people" may be enough to deceive ordinary people outside, but they cannot deceive specially trained agents or people with special abilities. If a special organization discovers them while they are wandering around, many things that are difficult to deal with may arise out of thin air.

After all, for the Dawn and the E-class aerospace battleship, they all claim to belong to S.H.I.E.L.D. No one knows that the Dawn is a real spaceship from the universe, and that there are several special aliens inside. It would not be good if other organizations knew that there were aliens hiding in SHIELD.

"They will take action if they dare. I want to see who else dares to take action at this time!" Captain Rogers' tone instantly became serious when he heard Falcon's subsequent inquiry.

"Besides, what if their identities are really exposed? For this time, it doesn't seem like a bad thing for us to have a few friendly aliens in SHIELD." Seeing the Falcon seemed a little bit a bit confusing. Worried, Captain Rogers finally said a few more words.

"Huh?...Friendly aliens..."

When Rocket Raccoon went out for a walk in Coulson's company at the expense of providing weapons upgrades for S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the secluded place of the Earth Mages in the Himalayas, where the Ancient One lives, the Ancient One who brought Stephen Strange back is standing in his yard. Opposite Master Ancient One stood an old man with the aura of a European and American aristocrat, who turned out to be Star-Lord's biological father, Egg.

After Dormammu's body also left through the plane, Egg drove the spaceship to the earth. However, he did not go to Star-Lord immediately, but came to the Himalayas to meet Ancient One. Because the performance of Ego's spaceship was very good, the earth did not notice that in addition to the E-class aerospace battleship and Dawn, a third spacecraft entered the earth.

"Ego, are you here just to find your son who has been missing for decades?" After looking at Yi Ge for a few times, Master Gu Yi immediately asked.

Regarding the helper who suddenly appeared when dealing with Dormammu, the Ancient One Master did not know the origin of Ego. Regarding his revelation that it was Star-Lord's father who came to find him, the Ancient One Master did not immediately believe it. It's not that Master Ancient One doesn't believe that Ego is Star-Lord's father, but he always feels that the guy in front of him is not that simple.

"Well, I never knew where he was before. This time I found out his whereabouts by chance, so I searched all the way here." Hearing Master Gu Yi's inquiry, Yi Ge replied with a smile.

If there was no Ancient One Master on Earth, Ego would not have come over, but would have gone directly to Star-Lord to explain everything to him. However, in the battle just now, Yi Ge also clearly saw the strength of the ancient mage. Therefore, in order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Yi Ge decided that it would be better to come over to Master Gu Yi first to say hello.

"Really? I won't care about this kind of thing. As long as you don't cause any harm to the earth, I won't stop your father and son from meeting." Didn't find anything wrong from Egg's answer, Gu A mage continued.

"That's good. If nothing happens, I'll go find my son. Nice to meet you, Master Ancient One." Always smiling, Yi Ge nodded and said after Master Ancient One answered.

Then, after the ancient mage nodded in the same greeting, Yi Ge flew directly into the air, and then entered the pure white spacecraft suspended in the air.


The next moment, the pure white spacecraft accelerated away from the Himalayas. Judging from the direction it leaves, it should be the direction of the American continent.

After the spaceship left, Master Gu Yi, who was still standing in the yard, withdrew his gaze and looked calm. Just like what he said to Egg just now, as long as he doesn't cause trouble on Earth, Ancient One won't care so much. Moreover, now that the earth has begun to contact cosmic civilization, it is not a bad thing for someone with Star-Lord's status to appear.

"It's just... Strange..." Putting the matter of Egg to the back of his mind, the Ancient One mage muttered again.

. vertex m.

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