Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 891: On the verge of breaking out!

When Malekith and the immortal warrior Krell were surrounded by various forces on the earth, Thor, the four warriors of Asgard, and the Destroyer, no one took action at first and just kept shrinking the encirclement. , putting more pressure on Malekith in the center position.


The Iron Man suspended in the air at the front of the Iron Man army opened its helmet as it approached Malekith, revealing Tony who was armed inside. As the main person on the Earth side, Tony thought that his status was relatively high among the people present. Therefore, he planned to chat with the guy from the extraterrestrial civilization opposite him first.

Although Tony learned from Thor what the dark elves wanted to do by invading the earth, Tony felt that the situation the other party was facing now did not allow him to continue his plan. Therefore, if negotiation is possible, Tony thinks negotiation is the best way. After all, the other party also controls something very powerful: ether particles.


However, just when Tony took off his facial helmet and prepared to speak to Malekith in front of him, a dazzling white energy beam suddenly shot down from above the encirclement. The target was Malekith in the center of the encirclement, the Destroyer. Take action!

As the big killer sent by Asgard to deal with Malekith, the Destroyer will not choose to negotiate with Malekith. His mission is to get rid of Malekith, regardless of whether he can still use the ether now. Particles devour nine planets. As long as the Destroyer's mission is not completed, he will not stop.


Facing the Destroyer's sudden attack, the undead warrior Krell, who had recovered a lot, pushed forward directly, and a piece of dark energy directly blocked the energy beam. He had been entangled with the Destroyer for a long time just now. Although he was at a disadvantage, the undead warrior could still block the Destroyer. However, at this time, the undead warrior Krell obviously could no longer rush out alone to challenge the Destroyer. He had to cooperate with Malekith beside him to win the battle from the hands of these people in front of him.

Watching Krell block the sudden attack of the Destroyer, Malekith standing behind had cold eyes. However, he had quietly taken out his scepter. Moreover, the activity of ether particles that permeated the entire battlefield became more and more obvious.

This plan to seize the ether particles to swallow the nine planets had various accidents from the beginning. First, the ether particles were brought to the atrium by an inexplicable person. When Malekith chased him, he was bombarded back by space-based weapons. He almost lost it because of this. Seriously injured; and after the dark elves paid a lot of money to learn that ether particles would appear in the Asgard Palace through the prophecy of the high priest, Malekith led a team to sneak attack on the Asgard Palace, and finally paid a lot of money. The ether particles were obtained through an unexpected negotiation at a small price.

After that, Malekith and the immortal warrior Krell finally escaped from Asgard and returned to the territory of the dark elves. They reassembled an elite team and rushed to the atrium non-stop. I originally thought that with the ether particles in hand this time, no one would be able to stop my plan. However, Malekith still encountered one accident after another on Earth. By now, Malekith's plan has been completely bankrupt.


"Damn! Can you let me finish what I'm saying!!" Seeing that the big man from Asgard who had fought with him had already taken action, Tony, who was about to speak, couldn't help but cursed.

However, now that the Destroyer has taken action, Tony naturally won't waste any more words. It seems that the other party will not negotiate with him or anything, and if Tony really wants to negotiate, he will need an interpreter from Asgard, which is not easy to do.

"Come on!! Blow them both to death!!" So, Tony had given the order to attack with a wave of his hand at the next moment.

Swish, brush, brush!

The moment Tony waved his hand, the Iron Man army that was originally suspended behind him all rushed out, and all fire systems were turned on instantly. Under the precise control of Jarvis, missiles and lasers were directed at Mahler in front of him. Case blasted through.

The scene of two hundred Iron Man machines taking action at the same time is probably the most expensive scene in the world.

When Tony followed the Destroyer to take action, people in other positions in the encirclement also took action. Before the attacks of the two hundred Iron Man units arrived, streaks of thunder had already struck down from low altitudes. It was not Thor's power of Thor, but the mutant abilities of the X-Men Storm!

Joining Storm Girl were the earth mages, and their golden magic attacks were particularly dazzling in the blue thunder. At this moment, in addition to the crimson light emitted by the ether particles, the blue thunder and golden magic also shone brilliantly in the center of London.

When these long-range attacks were launched, there were many figures on the ground rushing toward Malekith quickly. Among these people, Spider-Man of the Guardians League is very eye-catching. His improved spider suit allows Peter to better utilize his Spider-Man abilities and stand out among many powerful heroes. Front.

At this moment, the isolated Malekith and the undead warrior Krell face what can be said to be the most powerful battle lineup ever assembled from the Earth. Compared with the original plot where only Thor dealt with Malekith, the response from the Earth side was even more massive at this time.

Peter and others who were fighting in close combat on the ground rushed towards Malekith amidst the sky full of artillery fire, thunder and the brilliant light of golden magic energy. All kinds of spider silk, hammers, and special darts were quickly shot at their target. Malekith, who saw little movement in the center of the encirclement, finally took action.


In the meantime, Malekith's originally cold eyes burst into dazzling scarlet light, and the scepter, which had been repaired again, spun quickly in his hand and then was thrown high into the sky.


The next moment, Malekith's scepter had already shot into the air, rushing directly into the crimson light filled with ether particles.

"Since you want to stop me from swallowing the nine planets, then... I will swallow the atrium first!" After throwing out the scepter in his hand, Malekith glared at Tony, the earth's force, who was rushing around. Peter also said Thor and others from Asgard roared.

While Malekith roared, a strong energy fluctuation suddenly came from above his head. The ether particles that had swallowed up a lot of energy suddenly shrouded downwards under Malekith's control, and released its devouring power with all its strength.


The next moment, fire attacks from the Iron Man army and SHIELD team, as well as Storm Girl's thunder, and magic attacks from the mage lineage all hit the center of the encirclement.

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