Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 892 Lin Rui’s premonition

When the incident of invasion by extraterrestrial civilization in the center of London affected the hearts of people across the earth who knew about this matter, in an unknown town in Minnesota, the western United States, the people here were still living. Living a very ordinary and dull life. What happened in London had nothing to do with the people in this town, and they would not learn about such top-secret matters from other channels.

However, the residents of this small town discovered something strange in the past two days. That is, the security of this town suddenly improved a lot. In this small town far away from the big cities, the original security was at the cordon level. There were not enough security personnel in the town, and most of the gangsters and criminals were locals, so they were not easy to deal with.

But in the past two days, I don’t know why, but the number of burglaries, roadside robberies and other street crimes that often occurred in the past have decreased a lot. The police officers in the small town also felt strange, but they did not have the energy to investigate what happened. Anyway, it was a good thing that the crimes had decreased and the public security had improved, and they were happy to be free.

And just when a war was taking place in the center of London that could affect the security of the entire earth, in this ordinary town, an alluring fragrance came from the house rented by Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Soldier. It was dinner time at this time, and someone was obviously showing off his cooking skills in the room.

In the reorganized living room, Bucky was standing at the door of the kitchen, looking eagerly at the figure who moved quickly but was not too busy at all. In the kitchen, Lin Rui, who had lost his memory, was cooking, and he was cooking food from the Eastern China. Compared with traditional American fast food, Lin Rui gave Bucky a taste of real delicious food in the past two days.

Although it was not the first time to watch Lin Rui cook, Lin Rui had been limited by the lack of ingredients before and could not show off his cooking skills very well. After following Bucky out for a "walk" these past two days, they have been very protective, and now the living conditions have naturally improved. Eat meat when you should, and buy fruits when you want. Bucky hasn't had such a stable and comfortable life for a long time, and there are still people cooking for him!

However, while sighing in his heart about the changes in his life after Lin Rui's appearance, Bucky was also recalling the situation when Lin Rui followed him out for a walk in the past two days. Originally, Bucky thought that Lin Rui, a young man, would avoid trouble caused by those gangsters. But what Bucky didn't expect was that Lin Rui seemed to have more experience in dealing with street criminals and gangsters than he did. Even richer.

The way Bucky kept his composure when Lin Rui kicked a gangster away is still unforgettable in his mind, as if Lin Rui often did these things before. After Lin Rui joined them in their walking activities, it took them only two days to go through most of the street crimes in this town.

Moreover, Lin Rui was very skillful in finding the gangster leader in this small town. In front of dozens of his men, he snatched the pistol from his hand and kicked him unconscious. At this point, the gangsters and criminals in the entire town knew that there were two untouchable guys in this town. Therefore, before they could find a way to resist Lin Rui and Bucky, they could only remain cowardly for the time being.


Just when Bucky stood at the door of the kitchen and stared blankly at Lin Rui, Lin Rui, who had finished cooking the last dish, had already turned off the fire. Then, Lin Rui turned and looked at Bucky at the door.

"Why don't you come over and help with the dishes?" Lin Rui couldn't help but remind him, looking at Bucky who still hadn't responded.

"Oh! Here we come!" After hearing Lin Rui's words, Bucky agreed and walked over quickly.

Then, Lin Rui and Bucky walked to the living room carrying two plates of food. After taking a "walk" to the gangster's base camp in the local town, Lin Rui and Bucky didn't need to worry about their lives at least for a while.

"I said...Jackson, have you thought of anything from your past in the past two days?" Bucky asked as he walked towards the living room carrying the dishes.

Although Lin Rui looks very young,

He just looks like a high school student, but his strength and skill in dealing with those street gangsters show that he is no ordinary person. However, Bucky determined from the beginning that Lin Rui's identity was unusual. Through the space portal, Bucky initially thought that Lin Rui was a warrior secretly trained by Hydra. However, after spending the past two days together, Bucky had given up this idea.

Because Lin Rui seemed to be very upright, and his mind was not under any control at all. You know, the super warriors secretly trained by Hydra must first and foremost have complete control. After spending these two days together, Bucky felt that the handsome young man in front of him seemed to be an ordinary person with great strength. Perhaps Lin Rui is a high school student who has been practicing martial arts since he was a child and his family owns a restaurant.

"Uh... not yet..." After hearing Bucky's words, Lin Rui was about to answer, but fell silent mid-sentence.


The next moment, Bucky, who had already walked to the living room with the plate, suddenly heard a crisp sound from behind him. It was the sound of the plate falling and hitting the ground. This kind of situation should not happen to Lin Rui. So, Bucky quickly turned his head and looked over.

Just when Bucky turned his head to look over curiously, he saw Lin Rui maintaining the posture of dropping the plate. He was frozen there, his brows furrowed and he didn't know what was going on.

"What's wrong?! Jackson!" Bucky asked worriedly when he saw Lin Rui's appearance.

Bucky knew the pain of losing his memory very well, and he was worried that his casual question just now caused something bad to happen in Lin Rui's mind.

Faced with Bucky's worried inquiry, Lin Rui did not answer. He still frowned tightly, and his black and white eyes flashed with light cyan light from time to time, but Bucky couldn't notice it. After maintaining this posture for about thirty seconds, Lin Rui put down his stiff hands and his eyes became normal.

"I don't know what happened just now, but I suddenly felt a very bad feeling in my heart, as if something important was about to leave me forever." After returning to normal, Lin Rui looked up at Bucky and then spoke.

Just now, when Bucky asked Lin Rui if he remembered anything from the past, Lin Rui suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his heart, as if he had been pricked by a needle. Moreover, Lin Rui secretly felt that something closely related to him was happening. This situation lasted for thirty seconds before it ended, and Lin Rui was left with deep doubts in his heart.


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