"Success is also a dragon knight, and defeat is also a dragon knight."

As soon as the young man said this, Lin Te was refreshed, and he was no longer lazy and laughing like before.

Sander on the side also looked sideways at him, this man actually said something similar to the young master.

"How?" Lint continued to ask.

In fact, when Li Cha said this, he meant a little bit of confiding, but if you want to hug your thigh, you can't tolerate your shy and hesitant appearance. You have to take a gamble to arouse the other party's interest first, anyway. As a result, it is impossible for the other party to drag him out and chop him on his own territory.

"It's just born in sorrow and die in peace."

"Born in sorrow, died in peace?"

Although the order of these words is a bit strange, Lin Te's comprehension ability is very strong, and he can quickly understand the meaning, and his interest is greatly increased.

Then Lint stared at the young man on the opposite side again, with an obvious intention to let him continue talking.

The person on the opposite side was not polite, and since Lint was willing to listen, he began to talk endlessly.

"The kingdom, or our human race's own strength, is not qualified to occupy the central great plains, river valleys and other fertile areas.

Since Emperor Charlemagne formed a friendship with the Golden Dragon Clan, the kingdom has expelled the orcs in the east and the ogres in the north. The Golden Dragon Clan has helped in many battles. Our human race has jumped from a third-rate clan occupying a corner of the south to a second-rate clan in the mainland.

The human race lived too comfortably under the protection of the golden dragon. Over the past 300 years since the kingdom was established, the population of our human race has increased by more than ten times, but the number of knights has probably increased by less than three times.

Now our clan has a population of hundreds of millions, but the knight-level combat power among them is probably less than 10,000.

The aristocrats cherish their brooms, even the most common breathing method will not be easily passed on to the common people, and it has even become a customary rule among the nobles not to teach exercises easily.

If there is no external threat, the order and rule can be better stabilized, but when will we be safe? If there is no golden dragon,

The orcs in the east, the Naga in the south, and the dwarves further away, whoever we can beat, I am afraid that the country will be destroyed in a few years.

In the royal capital, everyone is intoxicated in the prosperous age under the protection of the golden dragon, and they can't see the crisis at all.

Even if there are so few sensible people, it's just a bit of luck. "

"But what you said is what if, the Zhenguo Dragon Knight has always been there."

Lint has remained silent all the time. He is actually a sensible person with a little fluke mentality.

At this moment, Sander couldn't help but speak.

"Emperor Charlemagne has passed away for two hundred years. For so many years, five golden dragons have died fighting for mankind. No matter how great the kindness is, it should be repaid, right?"

The more powerful the individual, the more difficult it is for a race to reproduce. The number of golden dragons has never exceeded a hundred, and it is already a terrifying number to lose five heads for human beings.

"It's just your guesswork."

Although Sander was a little shaken by what was said, the Zhenguo Dragon Knight has existed for so long after all, it is still hard for Sander to imagine losing the Dragon Knight one day,

If there is no Golden Dragon, can the Golden Dragon Kingdom still be called the Golden Dragon Kingdom?

The young man on the opposite side seemed to have completely opened up the chatterbox, started the hate mode, and continued to say:

"It's not speculation, it's reasonable speculation."

"Three hundred years ago, the Golden Dragon Clan directly mobilized more than a dozen ancient golden dragons to help Emperor Charlemagne defeat the orc army.

Every fifty years in the future, adult golden dragons and ancient golden dragons will reach an equal contract with the Charlemagne family,

But since the death of Emperor Charlemagne, no ancient golden dragon has reached a contract with Charlemagne's family.

Even the number of adult golden dragons is gradually decreasing. There were as many as twelve Zhenguo dragon knights at most. Now Charman's family has only five Zhenguo dragon knights, and three of them are made up of low-level dragons like green dragons. Dragon Rider.

Fifty years are approaching, how many will be reduced next time, or will there be no one at all? "

The young man's words hit Sander's heart directly. Sander opened his mouth, but he couldn't say any more words to refute.

Although Lin Te expressed his calmness, he felt a kind of pleasure in meeting his confidant in his heart.

"So, the Dragon Knights of Zhenguo have guarded and paralyzed mankind. How can the future and destiny of a family and a country rest on a kindness, a paper contract?"

"Okay, after hearing your explanation, I feel like clearing the clouds and seeing the fog. I will drink this cup first."

Lint finally spoke, raised the wine glass in his hand to signal to the young man, and drank it.

The young man on the opposite side was still saving face, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Bang, if you want to know what happened next, please listen to the next chapter to break it down."

"Damn, you just like to talk with your appetite."

"It's boring, it's boring." With the sound of a gavel, the storyteller packed up his things and prepared to leave.

The diners in the hall complained a few times and started talking to each other.

The atmosphere of chatting between the two on the second floor seemed to be broken by the noise.

"There are still some things to do today. If there is a chance, we can talk a little more next time."

After finishing speaking, the young man got up and prepared to leave.

Lint waved his hand as a farewell. But seeing that the other party had already reached the stairs, Lint seemed to think of something again, and said:

"Remember to buy the bill."

The young man was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed and said

"It's natural."


The young man went downstairs to the lobby and waved his hand to call the boss over.

"Old Mark, remember to waive the bill when you go to the table on the second floor."

"Yes, master."

The person who had a good chat with Lin Te, the fourth young master of the Lanster family, was naturally Richard.

Li Cha was patrolling Ironwood City in a micro-clothes, but he didn't expect a piece of information to jump out of his consciousness the moment he saw Lin Te:

Lindt Langster

Race: Terran

Strength: 0.7

Constitution: 0.8

Agility: 1.1

Spirit: 4.7

Skills: Financial Management (Master), Diplomacy (Master), Home Affairs (Master)

Specialty: Premonition (his premonition is quite accurate, and he can always make decisions that are more likely to achieve his goals).

This is the first time that Li Cha found a person with a hero template among people other than those related to the system. He almost drools when he has good attributes.

However, the appearance of Lancet in the name column extinguished the fire in Li Cha's heart. He is not qualified to recruit this person, at least he is not worthy now.

After thinking about it quickly, Li Cha went up to start a conversation. At least he had to leave an impression first. It's good to hug his thigh temporarily.

Hence the following scene.

After Li Cha left, the entire table fell into silence again.

"What do you think of this man?"

"He has good skills and good conversation. He should not be a simple person."

"If nothing else happens, this person should be Richard, the actual controller of the Hunter family."

Sander was not surprised by Lint's words. With his eyes, he could see that Richard should be a knight-level master. Coupled with such a young and good conversation, he could react to Lint's words.

"This person is ambitious and has corresponding talents and means. Letting him grow up may not be a good thing for our Snow City."

Sander is not a fool either, and what he has seen recently has made him take Richard and Hunter seriously.

"It's good to be ambitious. When there is a chance, we have to help him."

You are the inner ghost of Snow City, Sander couldn't help but slander after hearing Lint's words.

"You do not understand."

Seeming to see Sander's doubts, Lint started talking to himself again.

"If it was a hundred years ago, I would have pushed the Jingbei Army to mobilize and wipe out the Hunter Territory with a thunderbolt.

Even fifty years ago, I had to find a way to limit its development,

But why is there less and less dragon knights in the kingdom? Recently, the orc kingdom outside Longxi Pass has been probing frequently. If another war breaks out, I don't dare to hope for the aid of the Golden Dragon Clan. "

"Master, do you think that if the golden dragon disappears one day, he will be able to stop the orcs?"

Even if Sander had given Li Cha a high look, he didn't think he had the ability.

Lint shook his head. Even though he has a high opinion of Richard and Hunter's current management, this kind of national and species-level confrontation cannot be controlled by a small Hunter.

"It's just an idle move, maybe there will be surprises."

"Go, go out for a stroll, and go back tomorrow morning."

After that, Lint stood up and walked to the street, followed by Sander carrying some luggage.

Came here on a whim, and it was a pleasure to chat with the rightful owner. Lint seemed to have achieved his goal this trip.


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