Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 27 Reciprocity

"My lord, the two people you brought to my attention are already planning to leave at the city gate."

Ke Lun reported to Li Cha, who was sitting on the chair, Li Cha told Ke Lun to pay attention to their movements after they separated from Lin Te. Although Yusidu was founded not long ago, it has definitely penetrated into every aspect of Ironwood City.

"Send these books to them."

Li Cha pointed to several books on the table. The covers were all uniform black. If you looked carefully, you could see the titles of the books "Ironwood City Law Code", "Ironwood City Rewards and Punishment Regulations", "Ironwood City Tax Law", "Ironwood City Management Rules, etc.

Without exception, Li Cha's words were written next to the titles in larger fonts.

Li Cha knew his own affairs, and Ironwood City didn't have many things that could attract such a big man. Only some management methods and concepts that were beyond the times could attract the attention of a wise man like Lin Te.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself."

Ke Lun just picked up the book when Li Cha stopped him.

Regardless of Ke Lun who was a little confused, Li Cha put the book in his bag and went out to ride his horse to the city gate.

Since you want to hug your thighs, you have to show the attitude of hugging your thighs, and you can do everything you want to lick to the depths.


"You two stay here."

The donkey carts of Lin Te and Sander were not moving fast, and Li Cha caught up with them not long after leaving the city gate.

Sander slowly stopped the donkey cart, while Lint poked his head out of the carriage with some doubts.

At this time, Li Cha also rode his horse and walked to the front of the car.

"Let me re-introduce, next, Richard, the son of Viscount Sauter, the lord of Hunter."

"Lint Lanster"

After the introduction, the two looked at each other and smiled. In fact, everyone had already made up their minds.

"I don't know if you have anything else to do?"

"I'm a visitor from afar, and Ironwood City has nothing to sell, so I can only give you a few books."

Li Cha handed over a few books in his luggage, and Sander caught the books and handed them to Lint.

Lint flipped through the book in his hand with great interest,

People with wisdom have a common characteristic, that is, they love to read books. No matter what kind of book they read, people can always gain something from it.

Li Cha didn't urge, and waited for Lin Te to turn over slowly for a while.

"This book is so detailed, there is no rush." ​​Lint put the book away.

"This gift is a bit heavy."

After saying these words, Lint stopped to think for a while.

"Sang De, hand over the Qing Zhi Qi Entraining Technique to Li Cha."

"Master, this?"

Sander was a little hesitant. Lin Te's subordinates spent a lot of money to get this green entraining qi technique, and used it for his confidant's cultivation.

Although the Lanster family has the top-level white wolf entrainment technique, it is absolutely strictly controlled. People who are not from the Lanster family are not allowed to practice. If it is spread quietly, no matter who it is, it will be executed, and the practitioners will be hunted down by the Lanster family. .

Lin Te specifically said that it was rumored that he had no chance to get in touch with a physique that could not be cultivated. For the sake of his own power, Lin Te abruptly obtained this first-class air-entraining technique.

The preciousness of entrainment technique is reflected in the fact that the common basic entrainment technique can only be used to break through from the quasi knight to the knight rank, and soon there will be no room for improvement. Only second-rate entrainment technique can have a chance to hit the great knight rank. It is conceivable that the preciousness of the first-class green entraining qi technique can be imagined.

Sander, as Lint's confidant, naturally knew the preciousness of the blue air entraining technique, so he was a little hesitant.

"Give it to him, the book Mr. Richard gave us is even more precious."

In the end, Sander reluctantly handed over the Green Entrainment Technique to Li Cha.

"Your Excellency Li Cha doesn't need to send it off anymore, I will talk about it in Piaoxue City if I have a chance."

After saying that, Lint returned to the donkey cart, while Sander drove the donkey cart away without saying a word, and even used more strength in his hands to urge the donkey to go fast.

Giving Li Cha a copy of the Green Entraining Qi Technique really made him feel distressed, and he was really afraid that this guy would come to ask for some more benefits.

"Young Master, it really hurts me to just give him the Qing Qi Entrainment Technique."

After leaving for a while, Sander still felt a little sore.

"The value of his books is not inferior to the Green Qi Entrainment Technique. It is even said that in the hands of some people, they can exert a hundred times greater effect than the Green Qi Entrainment Technique."


Lint in the car looked out the window at the farmers who were busy farming. Although they were dressed in shabby clothes and looked poor, they had an energy that farmers in other places did not have.

"If it can be fully promoted in the North..."

Thinking about it, Lin Te shook his head again, the ship turned around in a catastrophe, and he didn't dare to do this death.


Li Cha watched the donkey cart of the two gradually go away from the same spot.

Sending the books was a deliberate move by Li Cha. These books were compiled by him standing on the shoulders of countless sages in Blue Star. He understands the preciousness of such knowledge in this era better than anyone else.

However, as long as you implement these system management things, people who are interested in understanding can always get them with a little effort. Originally, Hunter’s territory was remote and unobtrusive, but now they have attracted the attention of people like Lin Te. Knowing that it is only a matter of time, it is better to be generous.

This licking posture was elegant, and it happened to scratch the itch of a wise man like Lin Te, and he got the advanced air-entraining technique that Li Cha lacked most now, so the effort was not in vain.

When the donkey cart disappeared completely, the satisfied Li Cha rode back to Ironwood City.

After returning to the city, Li Cha couldn't wait to study the newly acquired Green Qi Entraining Technique. With a hero template, he quickly got started,

As a stronger warm current was introduced into the body, the General Entrainment Technique (Intermediate Level) on the character panel disappeared and was replaced by the Blue Entrainment Technique (Elementary Level), and the four-dimensional attribute of strength also increased slightly.

The most important thing is that Li Cha can clearly feel that his battle energy has increased, and he is not a five-second man who runs out of battle energy after a few strikes, and his stamina has increased a lot.

Then Li Cha started to deal with official business again,

Recently, Li Cha paid close attention to all aspects of Ironwood City Flying Bear Army reorganization training, as well as iron ore mining and ordnance manufacturing.

It was the fourth young master of the Lancet family who deserved his delay for most of the day.

This thigh had to be hugged firmly, and Li Cha, who had benefited from it, secretly made up his mind.

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