Looking closely at the card in his hand, Rod also found some unusual places.

Rhode noticed that Degar on the card looked a lot younger than when he saw him. In a way, it was more biased towards the human form than the last Rhode saw. Native vampires that can’t be maintained.

The group of human-shaped flames he held was only dark inside. Upon closer inspection, it should be more appropriate to be called a scorched body. In addition to the cloak behind him, the clothing on his body was also lit by the spreading flame, but he He didn't care.

Rhode believes that the prophecy cards like this and the pictures on the cards have some special interpretations that require a certain method to be interpreted. This requires considerable occult knowledge. The level of occultism like Rhodes is not enough. Exist, can only guess according to their own ideas.

Rod recalled that according to Diya’s internal records, Degar was active in the kingdom of the Necromancer a long time ago, and his life span spanned centuries. In addition, the Necromancer has never valued the historical records. Various deeds have long been lost in the long river of history.

The pattern presented on the card undoubtedly explained to Rod that the vampire hero also had his peak moment. It may have happened a long time ago, and no creature knew it, only the prophecy from this unknown origin Only one or two can be seen on the card.

If he could hold this prophecy card and ask Degar, Rhode might know the deeds recorded on the card, but unfortunately, as early as Rhode seized the cloak of the ghost king, Degar died in his hands. One point is destined to be impossible.

For a moment of silence, Rhode put this card back into the Prophecy card, but just pulled it out, and then he drew Degar, which was related to him, not to mention that he was wearing the ghost king cloak exactly like himself. Can not help but sigh, the strangeness of these cards.

Because of this, Rod does not want to continue to draw other cards, and continues to use these prediction cards to make predictions according to the prompts given by the system. I am afraid that bad luck will come.

Without the blessings of legendary mystery, Rhode cannot really use the prediction card to predict the future, and only those top magicians or some special scholars can do this.

After thinking about it, Rhode reinstalled this set of prophecy cards, put them in the box they had originally taken out, and put them on a pile of gold coins.

Compared with the prediction of the prediction card for the future, Rod is more worried about the reduced lucky attribute. For this kind of luck, even if Rod has no way to control it, even if he cannot increase the lucky value, Rod will try his best. Avoid lowering your lucky value.

Bursts of dragon roared from the main entrance of the treasure trove. After hearing the roars of the dragon, Inota seemed to find something, and quickly came to Rhode and said to him: "You choose the treasure you want. Is it right? The Lord of Ice Prisons can’t wait any longer and is urging us.”

Rhod nodded. Although there are still many precious treasures that Rhod didn't check, but in his mind, he had already made a decision about which treasure to choose.

Following Ino Tower, he returned to the entrance of the treasure trove together. Inota took the lead to take out a treasure for the Ice Lord to check.

Rhode noticed that Inota took out a magnificent purple cloak embellished with many gems. Due to the size limitation, this cloak can only be worn by humanoids of average size.

Consistent with Rod's previous evaluation, this cloak's temperament is still not in line with Inota itself, but it seems that she is very fond of it and can't wait to wear it.

Randomly sweeping the cloak brought out by Inota, the Lord of the Ice Prison looked at the pupil of Rhodes in the direction of Rhodes. Under the watch of the huge Holy Dragon, Rhodes slowly took out the treasure he selected, a blue gemstone necklace.

"You actually chose this?" Inota on the side surprised. "I thought you would choose a more powerful treasure, like the pair of white wings."

Rhode understands the meaning of Inota. The white wings in her mouth are the "blazing wings" in the treasure house. Due to the repeated equipment types, and this treasure will attract the attention of those angels, Rhode did not eventually Instead, he chose the "Ocean Heart" originally worn by Inota.

Looking at the treasure that Rod took out, the Lord of the Ice Prisons nodded, and then snarled at Inota, who responded in a language that Rhode could not understand.

While Inota was talking to the Lord of the Ice Prison, the spiritual imprint in Rhode’s mind suddenly shocked. This situation is not common. Since Rhode came to the Dragon Kingdom, because of the distance, he was so great Most spiritual imprints have lost contact.

After realizing the information contained in the spiritual imprint, Rod's expression fainted. Some things he didn't want to see were happening at this time.

"Rod, I'm going to the Elemental Plane with the Lord of the Ice Prison. She would love to meet the King of the Dragon. There will be a celebration ceremony after we return. Do you want to come together?" Will the Purple Cloak After putting it on, Inota asked Rod.

"No, there are some things that need to be handled by me." Rod Shen said, from his words, Inota could feel the anger in his heart.

"Do you need help from the dragon?" Inota asked.

"I think I can handle this. The only help I need is to send me to the sky, so I can cast a space spell." Waving his hand, Rhode replied.

Since he did not choose the Wings of Blazing Heaven, he wanted to come to the sky and escape from the interference ritual of the Dragon Kingdom. Rhode still needed the help of the dragon.

"It's just that we're also coming to the sky to cast spells, you come with us." Inota said ecstatically, the cloak swinging behind him.

Without rejecting this proposal, under the leadership of the Lord of the Ice Prison, Rod and Inota went outside the palace.

At the signal of Inota, Rod quickly climbed onto the back of the Lord of Ice. On top of the body of the Holy Dragon, frost continued to spread along Rhodes' bones. Rhode only felt that his body was difficult to move as if it was frozen, and there was a lot of ice scum that fell upon random shaking.

In contrast, Inota's condition is much better, hardly affected at all. Instead, he looks at Rhode's appearance with a burst of laughter.

The huge holy dragon quickly rose into the sky and came into the sky. After leaving the range of the interference ceremony, Rod didn't say much, quickly opened a bright yellow portal, and his body immediately disappeared into it.

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