Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1262: Trial one

For the creatures of Tetalia, today is a day worth remembering. They gathered in a colosseum, waiting for a special trial.

The colosseum was full of human voices, and the peripheral stands were already occupied by a large number of creatures, and even some rare beast trainers gathered here at the moment to witness a major event.

As the lords of Tetalia, the trainers have their own stands, and they are not worried about their vision.

In the preparation area of ​​the Colosseum, in the huge iron cage, the sturdy ogres are constantly rubbing the weapon in his hand, a heavy and strong wooden stick, which is also a handy weapon he chose specially. .

There are a lot of scars left on his body after healed. If this level of injury is placed on ordinary creatures, I am afraid that there is no possibility of survival at all. Shi is unaffected.

"Badu, the lord asked me to ask you, how has your injury recovered? Are you sure you can solve the enemy?"

The ogre looked around, and a human was standing outside the prison to communicate with him. Relying on the clever wisdom of the ogres, Badu recognized that the person in front of him was Barren the Staff next to the lord.

"I have never felt so good. Is this the power of the mage? I was very weak the day before, but now, I can feel enough power to continue flowing in my body, and I can tear any enemies!"

Seeing the ogres answering this, Baierlun carefully cautioned: "Don't be careless. More creatures than you are gone. The lord knows the grievance between you and the lizard man. The task is left to you, you have to be careful, otherwise the lord will be very disappointed."

Baierlun’s instructions made Badu seem a little manic: “When it comes to power, ogres are not afraid of any creatures. If it wasn’t that lizard man used some means last time, how could she be my opponent? I would be In the presence of the lord, show the glory that belongs to Kruod, of course, I am more concerned about it, or my freedom."

Baier Lun nodded: "It's good, I will let the lord start this battle, remember the agreement between you and the lord, when you win the battle, you will get the freedom you want."

After speaking, Baierlun turned and left, leaving the ogres panting alone in the cage, ready to face the powerful enemy who had brought him painful injuries.

After leaving the player's preparation area, Baierlun boarded the highest stand in the ringstand outside the Colosseum.

"Everything is ready, Lord Lord." To the middle seat, Baierlun leaned over.

Above the seat, a dark brown robe, nominated by the female human being called Lord by Barren, nodded, and with a burst of mana, her voice immediately resounded throughout the Colosseum.

"Beast trainers and residents of the marsh from afar, today, we are here to celebrate that we have made remarkable progress in the fight against evil."

With the spread of this word, the original noisy Colosseum quieted down at once, and except for the voice of the lord, no other creature whispered for a while.

"I don't know when we will start. Our hometown, Moth, Talalia, is covered with a layer of evil clouds. The dead creatures will not be peaceful, but will stand up again in the form of undead and destroy everything they used to know. In this situation, the Necromancer is making trouble."

Surrounded by the stands outside the Colosseum, many Tatalia creatures were infected by these words, breathing for a short time, and the expression of hatred in their eyes.

"Fortunately, at this time, the evil has been pulled out in Tetalia. Under the leadership of my "Witch of Fire" Edney, and the cooperation of many beast trainers, the Necromancer has been wiped out by us. Worried about being infested by the Necromancer. Not only that, even the leaders of the Necromancer have already been captured."

The cheering cheering sounded from above the stands. The creatures belonging to Tetalia will naturally not begrudge their praise after receiving this news.

After the cheering stopped, Edney's voice echoed again throughout the Colosseum:

"For the leader of the Necromancer, I believe you all have heard and heard that she betrayed the lineage belonging to the lizardmen because her evil deeds are called'painful bites', and they are evil and deep in Tetalia. Hurt this land."

As the term "painful bite" came out, the entire Colosseum suddenly disappeared, and the creatures on the field appeared more fear than resentment. The prestige of "painful bite" has already penetrated into the hearts of all Tatalia creatures.

"What I like most to do is to do a single duel with powerful creatures in the abandoned Colosseum, but there is no fairness in her duel, any showdown with her The creature was either seriously injured in advance or bound by an iron chain. She was only enjoying unilateral slaughter. These creatures will be transformed into undead creatures after her death."

Roars burst from the mouth of the Taltalian creatures in the field. These creatures vent their anger in their own way. More creatures still hide this anger in their hearts, only by chance in the eyes Revelation can give a glimpse of one or two.

"Now, on behalf of the creature of Tetalia, I will bring down the trial to this necromancer who has abandoned her lineage and committed evil. She will die in the favorite way, with humiliation and sorrow, on the Colosseum. ."

At the corner of the Colosseum, the heavy wooden door slowly opened. When it was fully opened, with the heavy chain falling on the ground, the huge green creature detached from the cage and strode into the center of the Colosseum.

"This ogre was also a victim of'painful bite'. Looking at the scars on his body, he knew what treatment he had suffered, but he survived stubbornly. Now, he will become'painful' The bitter's executioner."

Badu, who had been waiting, listened to Edney's words in his ears. At this time, he raised the wooden stick in his hand and made a loud roar.

All the emotions of Badu are contained in the roar. The strange thing is that there is no resentment towards the enemy, but only the desire for victory.

Badu's roar echoed above this piece, igniting the atmosphere of the entire Colosseum, and even the marsh creatures on the stands, at this time, they all screamed out, and the whole will of Tytalia began with this battle. Cohesion.

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