Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1903: Lord's doubts

After successfully escaping from the Dragon Land, Rod and his entourage returned to the island on the Elemental Plane of Water.

"I'm finally back..."

Looking at Rowling and Inota who were lying on the shattered deck of the Persie, Rod sighed in his heart.

Although Yinota was wounded, Rowling's hair was also scattered after this period of adventure, and looked very embarrassed, but they finally escaped from the plane of air, and their lives were safe at this moment.

Came to the long-running Elemental Plane of Water, where Rod was not afraid of Molly's dragonflight.

If it is the fairy dragons of the Dragon Legion who dare to open the door of another dimension to chase, the hundreds of millions of undead creatures in the ocean will leave them a painful lesson.

Only at this moment, seeing that Rowling and Inota were safe, did Rhode be truly relieved.

After safety, Rodriguez hadn't been happy for long, and soon he was troubled by new problems.

"Rhodes, where have you been during this period of time? How dare you leave Rowling and me here, do you know how much energy Rowling has spent studying spells and rituals to guard against those mages? Humph, what are you going to do? Compensate us?"

Inota surrounded the center of the magic ship. Rhode’s previously fused body circled twice, and soon accepted the fact that the strange-looking creature in front of him was Rhode.

As far as the dragon is concerned, no matter what Rod's body has become, she can quickly accept it without any other thoughts.

On the side, Rowling didn't say anything, but there was a bit of expectation in the eyes looking at Rod.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to be like this. My body is still trapped in the treasure house in the cloud, and I need your help to wake me up again. After I fully recover, you can do whatever compensation you want." Luo De said helplessly.

"Really?" Inota asked in surprise, but then he seemed to think of something, his face full of worry.

"Of course it is true." Rod promised. As he said, he looked at Rowling who was aside, "Tell me about you, Rowling. What happened to the hero you just summoned just now? And what's the matter? , Didn’t you use Nigon’s sacrifice ritual? Where did you learn it?"

After seeing the two again, it was not Inota that surprised Rod the most, but Rowling on the side.

Rowling's various abilities were completely beyond Rhodes's expectations. Not to mention how she summoned the ancient hero, the sacrifice ritual she used alone was enough to make Rhode feel shocked.

Sacrifice ritual is a secret technique that top sorcerers are qualified to perform. It was developed by the king of sorcerers. Even in Nigon, only the royal line that had been ruled by Hardwood was qualified to conduct research.

The sacrifice ceremony possesses unimaginable power. A sacrifice ritual is equivalent to the combination of all magic and all magic.

No matter what the user wants, as long as he masters the sacrifice ritual, he can sacrifice the lives of other creatures in exchange for magic.

Of course, the sacrifice ceremony does not prohibit the user from releasing himself. The user's own life can also be used in the sacrifice ceremony, but other creatures will not do this except for the creatures in desperation.

More powerful than the sacrifice ceremony is the prayer ceremony. The prayer ritual does not need to sacrifice the lives of any creatures, it can achieve the same effect as the sacrifice ritual, and get everything the user wants. Rod recalled that at this stage of the expansion, the prayer ceremony had not yet been developed.

Because of this, when Rod saw Rowling in the sacrifice ceremony, he felt heartfelt anger in his heart. He did not hesitate to defy the general trend of the expansion and attack the dragon army that will cross the main plane afterwards.

Rod did not know how Rowling mastered the sacrifice ceremony. It seems that Rowling and the others also had their own gains during the time they were trapped in hell.

In the previous battle, due to the urgency of the situation, Rodriguez was unable to learn more from Rowling. He could only put the doubts in his heart on hold for the time being. When it was safe, Rod would naturally ask Rowling a clear question.

"Brother, during your absence, I checked the efficacy of each prophecy card. The sacrifice ceremony is the pattern drawn by one of the prophecy cards." She replied.

Rod asked: "I remember the sacrifice ritual, you can exchange for anything, can you just use the power of the ritual to teleport yourself and Inota?"

Rowling shook her head and explained: "I only used a weakened version of the sacrifice ritual. The effect is not as strong as the real sacrifice ritual. No matter how many creatures are sacrificed, the power of the ritual can only be used to awaken the prophecy card. The ancient heroes cannot exchange what they want for what they want like a real sacrifice ritual."

He nodded, but he heard Rowling continue to say: "However, because of this, the sacrifice ritual in the prophecy card does not necessarily require the sacrifice of other creatures' lives. It can also be the sacrifice of some of their traits, or Some other characteristics, such as lifespan and hero status, are just less effective. If you sacrifice your life, everything else will be included."

From her explanation, Rod also understands the limitations of the sacrifice ceremony in the prophecy card.

The most powerful and important part of the sacrifice ritual is that it can exchange whatever the user wants for whatever it wants, and can even directly take the lives of other creatures through the power of the ritual.

The sacrifice ritual that Rowling mastered was obviously improved through the real sacrifice ritual. Although the effect was similar, it was completely different from the real sacrifice ritual.

After realizing this, Rod sighed slightly. If there is a real sacrifice ritual, he can even directly transport the body in the treasure house in the cloud to his eyes by sacrificing the lives of other creatures.

Perceiving Lord's disappointment, Rowling pursed her lips and added:

"According to the number of sacrificed creatures, the summoned ancient hero abilities will also change accordingly. I can feel that the sacrifice energy provided by those undead dragons before is not enough to show the true power of that hero. It can only hold the dragon in the sky. If there is enough sacrificial energy, the ancient hero summoned can even defeat the dragon legion head-on."

"Are you really sure?" He asked suspiciously, as if he didn't believe everything Rowling said.

In Rod's view, no matter how powerful the hero is, and dragging the dragon legion for so long, it is already his limit. Unexpectedly, Rowling said that it is not the true strength of that hero.

"Of course I'm sure, brother, after I successfully summoned the hero, I felt the strong will contained in the prophecy card. That belongs to the hero's will." Rowling nodded and promised.

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