Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1904: Ace and artifact

Looking at the somewhat puzzled Rhode, Rowling whispered: "I have checked carefully. There are a total of 66 hero cards in this set of prophecy cards, and among these hero cards, only six are called ace cards. "

With that, the cards flew at Rowling's fingertips, and at a speed that dazzled Rod, he found six cards accurately.

Looking at the card she took out, Rod noticed that there were Butch, the hero she had previously summoned, and several other heroes who looked extraordinary and possessed powerful strength.


Looking at one of the prophecy cards, Luo Luo was slightly stunned. He stretched out a hand and picked up the card.

Rod noticed that there was a skeleton painted on the front of the film. The eyes of the skeleton were shining with golden flames. He was wearing a magnificent crown. At the forefront of the crown, the inlaid purple gems were shining.

What really changed Rod's face was the name marked under the hero card. It was Erich, a lich-like hero.

Rowling did not see his anomaly. Seeing Rod's attention, it was all on one of the prophecy cards, so she took the initiative to introduce:

"With my mastery of this treasure, I can only use the power of the sacrificial ritual if I want to summon the trump card in the hero card. Unfortunately, the sacrificial ritual can only exert a small part of the trump card's power. Now those heroes have the same old style."

Rod slowly put down the card in his hand and commented:

"In a sense, this is also a good thing. The power in the prophecy card is stronger than I originally expected, and there is more room for improvement. It is worth studying for a longer time. Even if compared to the power system of the legendary mage , The power of the prophecy card is not inferior."

Returning the trump card with Erich to Rowling's hands, Rod couldn't help but feel emotion in his heart.

As a treasure left by Mexiga, the prophecy card contains powerful power, and even a brand-new power system. Even a legendary mage, it takes a lot of time to completely control this power.

From Rowling's narration, Rod saw the prospects for this strength to be improved. As long as he thoroughly mastered this set of prophecy cards, Rowling's strength would advance by leaps and bounds, even no less than the self who constantly pursues strength.

As one of the trump cards, the power of Hero Butch, Lord has seen it. Just the incomplete form of Butch is enough to cause serious damage to the dragon army. If all the heroic wills are gathered, the complete form of Butch may have the power to defeat the dragon army frontally.

What made Rhode's eyes condensed was that there were five ace cards like this in Rowling's display. If he could summon all the heroes, what kind of power would he show?

In addition, Erich among the ace cards also attracted Rod's attention. From the mouths of other creatures, Rhode received diametrically opposite comments about Erich. Some people said he was an evil lich who did bad things, and some people said he was a devout priest who only did stupid things.

Shaking his head, Rod said: "Even if it is a battle between legendary wizards, there are only a few spells that are best to use. The power in the prediction card will become your advantage. Master this power."

Based on the existence of these trump cards, even in battles with legendary creatures, this power will not be outdated. It belongs to the power of the prophecy card and can accompany Rowling for a long time.

On the side, Inota tilted his head, listening to the conversation between the two, and asked with some doubts:

"Since the power in the prophecy card is so strong, why did that nasty prophet throw away this treasure, shouldn't she cherish this treasure more, right? It's the set of cards that we helped her retrieve together."

Once, Rod found this set of prophecy cards in the treasure house of the Dragon Kingdom, but he did not take it away, or when he returned to the snowy region later, he regained it from the wizard of Bracada.

Even Rod was asked by Inota for a while. He glanced at Inota with some doubts, but he didn't expect Inota to see the problem at a glance.

"I don't know... Maybe she needs to answer this question personally." Rod seemed to have thought of something, and said in a deep voice.

The trial of **** did not end because of Rod's departure. If he retrieved his body as soon as possible, Rod would still have a chance to catch up with the final trial in Fire Seal City.

At this moment, Rod seemed to have discovered something, his eyes were suddenly stunned.

"Inota, what's that?" Rod asked tremblingly, pointing to the unique treasure in front of Inota.

"This is the treasure left to me by the Purple Wing Queen! Do you think it looks good?" When Rod asked about himself, Inota replied happily. At the same time, he moved his body closer to Rod to show him the treasure.

"It's not a question of whether it's good or not... it's a powerful artifact." Luo tried his best to maintain a calm tone, but his eyes were straightened, and there was already a storm in his heart.

Prior to this, Rhodes had been paying attention to Inota's injuries and ignored other things. Only now did he discover the problem.

For some reason, there was an extra powerful artifact on Inota's body, which should have belonged to Morel. This was completely beyond Rhodes's expectations. He did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Rod recalled that in the first and mid-terms of the third expansion in the previous life, before the Hell Legion fully debuted, the Dragon Legion led by Morel had already begun to move around the main plane. , Identified as the protagonist of the expansion.

The protagonist of the expansion will definitely meet two characteristics, that is, the identity of a hero and a unique and powerful artifact.

The protagonist of the first expansion, the hero Tanan, holds the magical ban orb, and the protagonist of the second expansion, Sandro has mastered two artifacts, and Molly also fits this feature, except for being a natural hero , And mastered a unique artifact, the Dragon King's supernatural power.

For this reason, unknown players once regarded Molly as the protagonist of the third expansion, thinking that the content of the third expansion was closely related to the dragon. Until the end is approaching, the Hell Legion launched all over the main plane. After a full offensive, the player realized the problem.

At this moment, Rod was surprised that he saw in Inota's body the artifact that should have belonged to Moriel and followed that natural hero to fight in all directions. This naturally surprised Rod.

Rod didn't know what was going on. He stretched out his hand, but didn't touch the artifact, but gently brushed it across Inota's slender purple neck.

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