Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1905: Moriel's rebuke

"What do you guys do for eating? With so many dragons around, how can you let those people run away? The faces that belong to the dragon have lost all of you!"

After destroying the undead dragons left by Rhodes and returning to the kingdom of dragons, Moriel did not accept the fact that those few people were surrounded by many dragons and did not pay any damage. They severely wounded the dragon army and fled. There was a loud growl.

The nearby giant dragons, none of them dared to look directly at Molly's eyes, lowered their heads one after another, and was deeply suppressed by Molly's momentum.

Not far away, even the King of the Holy Dragon, who stayed in the dragon country and never participated in all of this, looked hard at this moment.

In the previous battle, the fairy dragon that suffered heavy losses in the hands of the hero was cultivated from the plane of the air element, and belongs to the core force of the dragon army. In the main plane, there are few unique dragons of this kind. .

The former King of Sacred Dragons has always been proud of growing and growing the dragons in the Dragon Kingdom, especially those fairy dragons. He did not expect that such a heavy damage occurred in this battle, which made him feel even more excited. Can't bear it.

He never thought that following the Legion of Hell and attacking the surface world of the main plane would have a good end, and hoped that this damage would make Moriel a little more sober.

"Master Moriel, the key to this matter is not the giant dragon in front of you, but the giant who appeared last. If it weren't for his spoiler, this situation would never have happened."

Beside Morel, the enchanter Jadet took the initiative to say, trying to draw Morel's attention to the last giant that appeared.

The giant hand that was teleported to the Kingdom of Dragon with Morel has been handed over to his companion by Jadet, that is, fleeing from the surface world, and has to be attached to the hands of Sandru of Nigon, and Sandru also Did not disappoint Jadet's hopes, carefully studied the giant hand turned into a dead soul, and brought him a heavy news.

Jadet's words, instead of making Molly's look better, drew her glaring: "I haven't said about you yet! I asked you to stay here and keep the ring of people's eyes. You still let that person take it away." My treasure, is there any use for you? Where are all the magic arts you learned?"

Jedet’s words were stagnant, and he issued a dry cough to ease the embarrassment. Even the Dragon Legion could not eliminate the giant. In terms of strength, Jedet was not his opponent. He could safely save his life in the hands of the giant. It is a thankful thing.

Not far away, the remaining fairy dragons were whispering for their dead companions. Under the attack of that hero, the defenseless fairy dragon was the most damaged type of dragon in the entire dragon army.

"And you! I didn't want you to send me away with a different-dimensional gate! I am not afraid of that giant. If I stay on the battlefield, this will not happen!"

The cries of the fairy dragon, instead of dispelling Morel's anger, made her even more annoyed, and she reprimanded her mercilessly.

Under Moriel's stern rebuke, the fairy dragon cried louder, and a black dragon couldn't bear it, and took the initiative to say:

"Ms. Moriel, the reason for our heavy losses this time is all because of the unfavorable command of Yusia who succeeded you after you had to leave. If you want to punish you, please don't punish those fairy dragons!"

Looking at the black dragon who came forward, the cries of the fairy dragon gradually decreased, but her face was still full of sadness.

"Humph! What you said makes sense, where is Yusia now?" After scolding the dragons, Moriel gradually calmed down and asked loudly.

Following Morel's questioning, waves of doubts also spread from the mouth of the nearby dragon.

"Which of you saw Yusia?"

"I saw her fall to the ground after being attacked. It looks like she should have died in the hands of those people and turned into those evil undead..."

"She didn't return with us, but was taken away by those people! Ms. Morel, I can assure you that I saw all this with my own eyes!"

Soon, the dragons' argument came to an end, and Molly knew all of this.

"You mean, she was taken away by those people? I have long seen that she has a close relationship with the rebellious fairy dragon. Since she reported to me, I have additionally increased the blood control over her. I did not expect Let her escape! Is it that the Holy Dragon is so difficult to control?" After knowing everything, Molly roared angrily.

"The real sacred dragon can't be controlled. Even if you have the power of a hero, you can't do this." Under the gaze of Morel's eyes that seemed to be burning, the king of the sacred dragon slowly said.

"If you hadn't handed the artifact to the Purple Wing Queen, these dragons would not have lost any!" Moriel gritted his teeth.

"That is her own choice. I respect the choice of every dragon." The King of the Holy Dragon whispered, but his eyes showed a bit of sadness.

Molly turned her head and didn't seem to want to pay much attention to him. Instead, she asked Jedt, who was standing respectfully to the side, "Have you found information about that hero? There is nothing about him in the book of greed." The record, I want to know who he is, dare to spoil my good deeds!"

For the heavy loss of the Dragon Legion, that figure with a bandaged face, Moriel had a terrible hatred in her heart. She must find out the identity of the hero, and then make him pay the price and let all the other creatures. Everyone knows that she dared to fight against her as a natural hero.

"Master Moriel, according to the records of the Thieves Guild, he is probably not a hero of this era, but from an older era... I checked the classics in Nigon, but there are not many records about that hero. Besides..." Jadet stopped halfway through.

"What do you want to say?" Moriel glared at him and asked.

"I have to use the history recorded in the Nigon royal family to understand the records of ancient heroes. Unfortunately, most of the precious historical books in the royal family were burned out in the previous battles, and only some bards were left. I’m not sure if I can find information about that hero..."

"Then what are you doing here? Why don't you go find information about that hero? Do you want me to tell you what to do?" Moryl said impatiently.

The helpless Jadet bid farewell to Morel. With the help of a fairy dragon, he passed through the door of the different dimension and returned to the place where the ancient books of the Nigon royal family were stored. In the actual story, look up the hero's information.

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