Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 111: Three sleeps! Sign up as Martial Ancestor!

Chapter 111 Three awakenings! Sign up as Martial Ancestor!

 The ruins of Dazezhou.

 In the dense forest.

 There are pairs of dark eyes, staring closely at many senior staff of the Qintian Prison.

“So, these people came here a few months ago just to find the relics of the Martial Ancestor?”

The Night King narrowed his eyes, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 Beside him, there are many senior spiritual masters of the Night Clan.

One of the children had a black seal on his forehead, branded with the Night Clan’s totem.

 The faint luster flickers, exuding strange aura fluctuations.

Looking to the rear, I saw a large black army of Night Clan, all of them lurking.

“Whether they are looking for Wu Zu’s relics is unclear for the time being.”

“But the owner of the ancient building clearly informed that Wu Zu was born in Dazezhou that year.”

“If my guess is correct, these people may have learned about Wu Ancestor a few months ago.”

 The child spoke in a low voice, possessing a calmness that was beyond his age.

After hearing this, the Night King nodded slightly.

“No matter whether these people are looking for Wuzu’s relics or not, they can’t keep them now.”

"The foreign races outside have also received the news and are rushing here. They need to be solved as soon as possible."

The Night King waved his hand gently, and instantly the army came forward, and many spiritual masters also summoned a huge number of evil spirits.

 In the annals of history, there are precedents for foreign races to make strong human beings through contracts, but they are only a minority after all.

The Night King knew in his heart that the probability of a Martial Ancestor coming out of the contract was very small.

  However, it can be said that it is inevitable to obtain the relics of Wu Zu.

 The foreigners outside must have the same thoughts as him.

 As long as the relics of the Martial Ancestor are sacrificed to other forbidden ruins masters.

 Then you can get very generous rewards from the Forbidden Ruins Master.

 This reward can definitely make up for their Night Clan's losses in the Forbidden Ruins on the Plateau.

As for whether the Forbidden Ruins Lords can suppress the Martial Ancestor and refine the original power of the Martial Ancestor, this is not what they need to consider.

 “Grandma Dryad, it’s your turn to show up.”

 The child stared ahead and whispered.

 In an instant, a dark luster bloomed from his forehead.

Grandma Dryad, wearing a black robe, purple lips, and smoky makeup at the corners of her eyes, slowly walked out of the space.

She didn't say a word, but the formation spread out as soon as she raised her hand, directly covering a radius of a hundred miles.

The supervisor, Ning Yuan, and others who were watching the live broadcast in the depths of the forest frowned and raised their heads at the same time.

The live broadcast was interrupted, and the communication tools caused interference due to the isolation of the formation.

 “Have evil spirit.”

Di Yan narrowed his eyes and turned around slowly.

 He felt great pressure.

Many Qintian Prison staff also stopped their excavation work and looked to the horizon, their faces suddenly darkened.

Without any hesitation, a large number of heroic spirits appeared on the spot.

"If there are any relics of the Martial Ancestor, you might as well hand them over and spare your life."

Grandma Dryad’s calm voice echoed in the wild forests of the mountains.

The demonic power fluctuations that covered the sky and the sun covered the top of the sky, forming a shocking black chain.

There are overwhelming evil spirits walking in the sky, all kinds of evil spirits from all eras!

 As the most powerful foundation of the entire Night Clan so far, the notoriety of the Dryad Granny intimidates many alien tribes.

At the same time, this is also one of the sources of the Night Clan’s incomparable strength.

“What a joke, how can I hand over my brother’s relics to you?”

Di Yan snorted coldly and suddenly flicked his sleeves.

With unparalleled divine power, he blasted towards the tree demon grandma at the end of the sky.

 The waves of light exploded and overturned the clouds.

 The battle started instantly. The Night King was at the rear, frowning as he looked at the figure of Emperor Yan.

 Obviously he did not expect that there would be such a powerful ancient heroic spirit among this human team.

“There are high-level personnel from the human forces here.”

 The Night King scanned slowly, trying to find the person.

 At the same time, the news of the fighting spread to other alien territories in Dashezhou.

 Many ancient heroic spirits appeared one after another, looking at them with gazing faces.

In just a moment, a rainbow swept across the sky, shattering the void and causing huge ripples in the sky, arriving in an instant.

 “Are the Night Clan going to eat alone?”

 The person who came was wearing a **** robe.

His entire body was filled with evil energy, and his head of black hair was entangled like a poisonous snake.

Those abyss-like eyes carry the ultimate killing intent.

 When the Night King saw this, he snorted in his heart.

He responded calmly: "Why do you say that? There must be more than one relic of the Martial Ancestor. Whoever finds it first will belong to him."

“But the premise is that we need to deal with the ancient heroic spirit in front of us.”

As the words fell, Grandma Dryad was fighting with Emperor Yan, but she saw the man in blood robe directly intervened.

There was a loud bang, and Emperor Yan was forced to take a few steps back.

Facing the two top mythical heroic spirits, his pressure increased.

“Interesting, you just said, Wu Zu is your brother?”

Grandma Dryad noticed that there were more ancient heroic spirits coming towards here, so she didn't hurry up.

“What I’m curious about is, if this Martial Ancestor was thrown into the strange forbidden ruins, would you save him?”

Grandma Dryad’s faint words made Emperor Yan’s eyes surge with murderous intent.

The weird continent back then has now evolved into a forbidden ruin.

 There is the most terrifying forbidden area for living beings in the entire Xuanhuang Realm so far.

Many heroic spirits in Daxia have investigated it, but none of those who have been there have come back.

It is reported that the Weird Forbidden Ruins has nine masters in total!

Suppose the brother's relics are thrown in by a foreigner and become a sacrifice in the soul furnace.

Then he really couldn't estimate whether his brother would be able to come out.

"I advise you not to do that, otherwise it will be a disaster for the entire Weird Forbidden City."

Di Yan smiled slightly, but was not angered by the dryad grandmother.

 Grandma Dryad's expression was calm and calm.

While I was talking, I saw many ancient heroic spirits appearing from all directions in Dazezhou. This place is the territory of many foreign races.

 Since the battle started, it has attracted their attention.

"Really? Then I want to see how he caused the disaster in the ruins."

The sound from the sky was loud and attracted everyone’s attention.

When the Night King saw this, his face darkened again.

 Another competing force is here!

That was an old man with flowing white hair, with demonic power surging throughout his body.

This is the Guanhai Demon Buddha!

  Emperor Yan paid attention and felt unprecedented pressure.

 At this moment, the three top mythical heroic spirits of the alien race have arrived.

 As time goes on, more alien heroes will appear.

 “Junior, why don’t you speak?”

The Guanhai Demon Buddha examined and opened his mouth.

 As he raised his hand, the wind and clouds swirled, and unparalleled pressure swept towards Emperor Yan's body.

 This scene made many Qin Tian Jian staff extremely nervous.

  Cold sweat broke out on Jian Zheng's forehead, and he clutched the communication tool in his hand tightly.

 He has received news that the Taoist Master of Shushan is on his way.

But looking at the situation, I'm afraid there will be casualties before the Shushan Taoist arrives.

 But at this moment, a sigh suddenly sounded.

 Shen Changqing's figure slowly condenses in the space.

The whole body is filled with golden light, just for the moment when it is reflected in the Kunlun Mirror.

 Let a large number of evil spirits scream in the sky and be annihilated by flying ashes.


  Shen Miao was used to Shen Changqing's figure, which often saw the beginning but not the end of the dragon.

  As for the reason why Shen Miao did not panic when faced with this crisis situation, it was before the battle broke out.

 She had already passed the news to Xuanyuan Xue.

As expected, many mythical heroes from the Xuanyuan family are on their way.

 “Senior Dao Zun…”

Jian Zheng looked back and saw Shen Changqing walking slowly.

“Senior, I’m afraid the battle there is beyond your control!”

The supervisor is hurriedly advising.

 Shen Changqing is at the legendary level, how can he fight with a group of mythical levels?

 In this case, Emperor Yan was the only one to support him until Daxia reinforcements arrived.

 But soon, his eyes became glazed over.

All the senior staff of Qintianjian saw ripples of light on Shen Changqing's body.

 There is an astonishing power that far exceeds the legendary level, slowly appearing!

 “Senior, what are you doing?”

Jian Zheng's mind suddenly boomed, and he was filled with disbelief.

Three sleeps!

 Shen Changqing is about to awaken for the third time?

He had long learned from Chen Xiangyang's speculation that Shen Changqing might have other identities.

  However, due to Tianshusi's list, there has been no change from beginning to end.

 He didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

 However, judging from the power that exploded from Shen Changqing at this moment.

 It’s really time for three sleeps!

 The first time was Laozi from Qingyunzhai in the Great Wilderness, and the second time was Taoist Master Kunlun from the Middle Earth.

 What kind of mysterious life experience is this third time?

 The power storm was set off, and the evil spirits in the sky were annihilated by flying ashes, attracting the attention of everyone outside.

Grandma Dryad looked over, and the sea-watching demon Buddha couldn't help but frown.

 The Night King was shocked.

 “Are there any masters among this group of people?”

  Looks turned towards Shen Changqing one after another.

 I saw the robe dancing and changing instantly.

 The long hair swayed and turned pale.

The terrifying fluctuations in the Martial Emperor Realm have descended on the entire world and continue to spread outwards.

The Martial Ancestor back then appears again today!

 “Who is this...”

Grandma Dryad's face looked solemn as never before.

 Unable to help himself, the aura emanating from Shen Changqing's body seemed to put the world under unimaginable pressure.

The Guanhai Demon Buddha stared intently, feeling a strong uneasiness suddenly well up in his heart.

At the same time, Emperor Yan also felt a familiar aura appear, and the body of the heroic spirit suddenly trembled.

 He was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with disbelief.

  When he turned around in a daze, he saw the thing that haunted him.

The people who had been waiting for two thousand years came walking in the air.


 Di Yan’s eyes were red and his voice was choked.

Traveling thousands of miles across mountains and rivers, I went to my hometown of Dazezhou.

He just wanted to find his brother's relics and meet him again in the future.

But he didn’t expect that his brother was far away and right in front of him!

 The words came out like thunder.

 In an instant, the whole place fell into deathly silence.

The prisoner was stunned in place, and all the senior staff of the Qintian Prison took in the cold air one after another.

Looking at the tree demon grandma and the sea-watching demon Buddha, their expressions all became solidified.

 “Are you looking for me?”

 “I’m right here, you might as well give it a try.”

Shen Changqing slowly glanced at the overwhelming number of powerful men from the Night Clan.

The sound spread out and turned into the sound of heaven!

 (End of this chapter)

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