Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 112: Three reincarnations, a sensation in three continents

Chapter 112: Three reincarnations, a sensation in three continents

So, the human martial ancestor who created the martial arts system is Shen Changqing?

 After the passage of long years, he became the martial ancestor.

  Reincarnated as Taoist Master Kunlun in the Middle Earth, and then reincarnated as Laozi Qingyunzhai in the Great Wilderness?

 As Cang Qiong’s words resounded, Shen Changqing’s body experienced unparalleled power fluctuations.

Jian Zheng was shocked beyond measure and stared blankly at the figure in mid-air.

 At the end of the dynasty, he founded Qingyunzhai to help the people and had thousands of disciples in the wilderness.

Another hundred years of fighting demons in the troubled times of demons, and personally ended an era of chaos in Middle-earth.

Moreover, in the period of the end of the Immortal Road, when the spiritual energy is exhausted, and when the cultivation of immortality comes to an end, a new way of practice is created!

The background of each era is different, but every reincarnation of Shen Changqing has had an immeasurable influence.

He is the sage, he is the Taoist, and he is the martial ancestor!

Compared to the three reincarnations of Prajna Buddha, the light on Shen Changqing's body is undoubtedly too dazzling.

At this moment, it is not just the staff of Qintianjian who are causing a sensation.

The sky is filled with powerful men of the night clan, including the Night King himself and the three top myths of the Dryad Granny.

Their minds were buzzing, and their minds were making huge ripples.

Martial Ancestor has long returned to the age of Yuling, which indeed everyone did not expect.

"The ones who want to throw you into the strange forbidden ruins are the Sea-watching Demon Buddha and the Dryad Grandma. I have never said such a thing."

 “You guys chat slowly and I’ll say goodbye!”

The man in blood robe turned around, turned his head and exploded with extreme speed, vaguely opening the space crack.

 When the Night King saw this, he couldn't help but cursed.

 He waved his sleeves, and the family's inherited treasure was also activated.

 There is a teleportation formation slowly revealed, but it has not yet been fully opened and closed.

 Seen a destructive force coming, and a square inch of space formed a cage of heaven and earth.

Shen Changqing’s face was cold and he clenched his fists on the spot.

The teleportation formation was directly shattered, and the man in blood-robed escaping in the distance did not even let out a scream, and was reduced to a blood mist in an instant.

Grandma Dryad and Sea-watching Demon Buddha's expressions changed drastically.

 The aura of time on the two of them is extremely old, obviously beyond Shen Changqing's era.

 But in terms of real combat power, it seems that he is not Shen Changqing’s opponent?

 “The Golden Body of the Demon Buddha!”

 “The Shadow of Ten Thousand Laws Tree!”

 The sound of clear drinks sounded one after another.

The two of them burst out with all their strength and displayed their strongest magical powers.

 In an instant, the body of Ksitigarbha Buddha, a hundred thousand feet long, was revealed.

It's just that his whole body is completely black, and the piercing light in his eyes carries the murderous intention of devouring all living things.

In addition, the shadow of the tree that blocks out the sky and the sun appears, and it is the true form of the tree demon grandma!

Shen Changqing's eyes calmly swept away, and he punched him on the spot.


The space was crushed.

 The body of Ksitigarbha Buddha, which is one hundred thousand feet long, is shattered inch by inch.

 A vortex is formed in the chest until it collapses.

The tree demon Grandma, who was blocking out the sky and the sun, even let out countless piercing screams.

The billions of demonic bodies clinging to the trees were instantly annihilated by flying ashes.

 The two were knocked back to their original shape, looking at each other in panic, and no longer dared to have any desire to fight.

They all turned around and tried to escape in the chaos.

Unexpectedly, Shen Changqing appeared behind the two of them at some unknown moment.

 A creepy feeling ran up his spine, and his big hand gently placed on his forehead.

Just as soon as he lifted it up, his head fell to the ground, and the body of the heroic spirit was smashed to pieces.

“Is this the realm of Emperor Wu?”

Ning Yuan, the general manager of Daxia Hall of Heroes, showed deep shock in his eyes.

Everyone in the world knows that the end of the martial arts path is the Martial Saint, which comes from the inheritance of the Tianbei.

 This was recognized by everyone when Wu Yi Zhenjun was contracted for the first time.

  After all, in the inheritance of Tianbei, it does not exceed the level of the Martial Saint.

But now, the person who created the path to martial arts is right in front of him.

  The message of the heroic spirit that he revealed in the Mythical List of the Catacombs was clearly told to the people of the world.

The end of martial arts is not the Martial Saint, but the Martial Emperor!

How strong was Emperor Wu?

The Myth List of the Catacombs records that he is invincible to the land of gods and wonders on land!

 Perhaps this is just a vague concept, and no one really understands the power of Emperor Wu.

With the current three top myths, he is a powerful man who lives in the same era as the Taoist Master of Shushan.

 The scene of Shen Changqing easily tearing the heroic spirit's body apart is revealed.

In Ning Yuan's mind, the Martial Emperor realm suddenly reached an unimaginable level.

His own practice is also a martial arts path, not a path to immortality.

 Emotions of worship, awe, and longing arise spontaneously!

This scene also fell in the eyes of all the powerful men of the Night Clan, forming an indescribable deterrent.

 The Night King was frightened, and the child contractor turned pale.

“You are the aliens who built the soul furnace, right?”

 Shen Changqing finally looked back.

The Xuanhuang world is called an alien in the name of the human race.

Although it cannot be beaten to death with a stick, it completely denies the right of the Xuanhuang tribe to survive in the Xuanhuang world.

 But this kind of soul furnace creation has given the human race countless heroic souls.

 Suffering endless torture is absolutely intolerable to Shen Changqing.

What's more, among those soul furnaces, most of them also have his disciples and descendants, people who are connected by blood.

 “Hahaha, it’s made by the Soul Furnace, and it’s not just me, the Night Clan?”

“Although you are the Martial Ancestor of the human race, you can’t change this situation!”

“Greed breeds countless evil thoughts, and the human race is no exception!”

 The Night King suddenly laughed.

He knew in his heart that no matter what happened today, he would inevitably die.

 As the contemporary patriarch of the Night Clan, he has made great contributions to the Night Clan.

Even if you die today, you will be remembered forever.

There was just a pop, and the knife in his hand pierced his chest, killing him on the spot.


 Many powerful men of the Night Clan, including the spiritual masters, looked frightened.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Yan no longer had any nonsense and directly led many Daxia heroes to launch a purge.

 While Shen Changqing stopped where he was, he was thoughtful.

 There is something in the words of the Night King, which should be related to certain groups among the human race that collude with alien races.

At this moment, looking at the horizon, the gazes of the ancient heroic spirits in Da Zezhou are filled with deep shock.

These people are either on their way here, or they are hiding in their clan territory and have never shown up.

They clearly saw the annihilation of the Night Tribe’s Dryad Grandma’s ashes.

   Including the scene of the other two mythical beings, including the Guanhai Demon Buddha, being crushed by Shen Changqing.

The heroic spirits contracted by these ethnic groups are all without exception. They have obviously also received news from within the human race.

 It is very clear about Shen Changqing’s identity!

“The three top myths are no match for Martial Ancestor. This Martial Ancestor seems to be the strongest among the immortals!”

“Dazezhou is the hometown of Wu Ancestor. I’m afraid we can’t stay here. We’ll notify the whole clan to move immediately!”

 Looking beyond the horizon, many ethnic groups are in chaos.

 One piece of news is delivered with urgency and fear.

As a continental boundary in the Xuanhuang Realm, Dazezhou has nurtured all living things from generation to generation, making them endlessly prosperous.

Every time the spiritual energy in the Xuanhuang Realm ebbs and flows, Da Zezhou never misses a moment when the spiritual energy revives.

 Just as history changed and civilizations were buried one after another, the traces of human race were lost in Da Zezhou.

 This gave many foreign races the opportunity to occupy this place and divide their territories among themselves.

But now, it seems they dare not stay any longer.

No one can be sure whether Wu Zu will go on a killing spree.

In just a moment, Emperor Yan had completely annihilated the Ye Clan army.

“I didn’t expect that my brother would be reincarnated in three lives. If I had known that my brother would be reincarnated as Kunlun Taoist Master, why would I have come to Da Zezhou to look for relics?”

Di Yan hugged Shen Changqing tightly, with tears in his eyes.

Ever since the spiritual energy of the Sky Monument burst out and he recovered a large amount of memories, he has been eager to find traces of Shen Changqing.

But there is almost no news about Wuzu in this world, and he is buried in the long history.

 After several months of searching, many people in Qintianjian even had doubts about his memory.

 It was not until Prajna Buddha unveiled the list of myths in the underground cave that the name of Wuzu was announced to the world.

“How was my mother after I left Dazezhou?”

 Shen Changqing's face looked a little complicated.

 He actually didn't want to show up.

After all, with Daxia’s foundation over the years, there is also the presence of the Chief Director of the Hall of Heroes.

 The immediate crisis can be solved without his taking any action at all.

However, there were too many alien mythical-level heroic spirits coming over.

The other three myths of Ningyuan's contract, the head of the general company, did not show any signs of appearance.

This is enough to show that during the excavation of the Dazezhou ruins, only one myth, Emperor Yan, was in charge.

 He couldn't see Emperor Yan being besieged, so he had no choice but to take action.

“Since my brother left, my mother has been talking about it day and night. Later, when I got old, I couldn’t remember many things.”

Emperor Yan sighed.

 Time flies by, and 40,000 years have passed so far.

 He had been waiting for Shen Changqing for two thousand years, hoping to see Shen Changqing return from the strange continent when he was leaving.

 But even when the new era began, Shen Changqing did not appear.

“Brother has been away for two thousand years. Did he discover something in the strange continent?”

Emperor Yan asked again.

  About the secrets of the strange continent.

He was unable to spy on it back then, and it is the same now 40,000 years later.

 The sacrificial tribe appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air.

 Whenever the end of the law comes, the power of the curse begins to spread.

 There are shadows of the strange continent in many eras.

Now the Weird Continent has also evolved into a forbidden ruins, with nine major masters living in it, and there are rumors that there are even Holy Spirit-level heroic spirits.

Even those strong men from the human race who became immortals did not dare to step in easily.

“I did go to the strange continent, but there was no sign of life there.”

 Shen Changqing shook his head, his eyes showing traces of sadness.

This reminded him of the stone statue of a woman found in the Shushan ruins at that time.

 There will be no such coincidence in the world.

As for the secrets of the strange continent, he had a glimpse of it.

 It's just very vague, and it's impossible to connect it together based on the information we have now.

“This is the original treasure of the cave. If you find the relics of your mother or great-uncle, you might as well shape their heroic spirit body.”

Shen Changqing said and handed the two prisms to Emperor Yan.

Now he ranks among the top ten in the Catacomb Myth List and has been bestowed with the original power of the Catacombs.

 He can completely build this kind of original treasure by himself. The two prisms are no longer isolated pieces.

“Is this... condensed on the plateau?”

Di Yan took it and then seemed to remember something.

The Forbidden City on the Plateau completely collapsed, and all the evil spirits flew into ashes and were annihilated.

The fact that the Demon Emperor killed the Emperor of Plateau has long been spread among all the foreign races.

 As for the original treasures of these two caves, their aura fluctuations belong to the plateau.

“That’s right, I just got it by chance.” Shen Changqing nodded.

However, Emperor Yan suddenly sighed softly.

“Brother left too quickly back then, and it’s a pity that I didn’t get to know the Lingzhou Demon Emperor.”

Shen Changqing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Why are you sorry?"

Emperor Yan looked awe-inspiring: "Although the Heavenly Demon Emperor practices the devil's way, he is always chivalrous and courageous."

“When the Sacrificial Clan spread evil spirits to Lingzhou, he led tens of thousands of demons from the Heavenly Demon Sect to come out to resist, and actually killed the Sacrificial Clan without leaving a single piece of armor.”

“Later, the Demon King led the demons to assist other surrounding areas.”

“Even if Gui Xu passes away in the end, he still leaves behind the legacy of Huang Long Jue.”

“The Heavenly Monument was built by the Wulao Peak. It can suppress evil spirits, absorb the energy of life and death, and at the same time erupt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.”

“Just some time ago, the Heavenly Demon Emperor even killed the Plateau Emperor!”

“After the incident spread, many heroic spirits revealed the origin of the Demon Emperor.”

“It turns out that the Heavenly Demon Emperor once appeared in the world of demons and demons, and seems to have been reincarnated?”

“If my brother can get acquainted with him, I’m afraid we can become brothers.”

When Emperor Yan said this, Shen Changqing couldn't help but look weird.

 He has a good identity as a demonic hero.

 Why do you feel like there is a tendency to be whitewashed in later generations?

“In addition, Lingzhou has also become a forbidden ruin, and there are thousands of demons and heroic spirits inside.”

"I guess that the Demon King of that day should be in the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins now, and he has mastered this treasure of the origin of the cave, so he can come and go as he pleases."

Emperor Yan looked solemn, and he obviously respected the Heavenly Demon Emperor very much.

Shen Changqing coughed twice and responded: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go find the relics of my mother and great-uncle."

  Following the massive annihilation of the Night Tribe, many alien territories in Dashezhou began to move in panic.


 The other side, when chaos occurs.

 In the direction of the cave, an overwhelming number of heroic figures have appeared.

 Yuan Tianzun Liu Xianwen led the Xuanyuan family's myths and hurried over.

 Their speed was actually faster than the Shushan Taoist Master.

Liu Xianwen looked around and spoke in a deep voice.

“There are a total of thirty-two foreign races living in Dazezhou here, and they all have strong foundations and strength.”

“It must be noted that our task is to build a teleportation bridge, and we must not cause greater riots.”

Even though the Xuanyuan family has quite a lot of mythical heroes.

But it would obviously be impractical to start a head-on war with the thirty-two foreign races in Da Zezhou.

 Their main task is to resolve this crisis.


But before they could cast the spell, the demon painter Xiao Siquan was beside them.

Then he smelled the strong evil spirit floating in the air.

Extremely dispersed, unable to condense, and continue to drift along the strong wind.

“Grandma Dryad was shattered into a heroic spirit?”

Xiao Siquan looked stunned for a moment, then took a breath of cold air and felt a big wave in his mind.

At that time, he was holding a demon painting book.

 Look for monsters in the world to copy the spiritual energy, and then use the power of the monster painting to suppress them and use them for your own use.

 In that era, he was known as the Demon Painter and the Demon Spectator.

It can be said that he is invincible and makes the monsters in the world frightened.

 Until he met Grandma the Dryad in his twilight years, an old monster who had lived for who knows how many years.

 Hate that he didn't know what to fear back then, and was beaten by the tree demon grandma without any way to fight back, so he died.

 So, he is very aware of the power of Grandma Dryad.

However, now the world of heaven and earth is filled with the broken aura of Grandma Dryad!

 “There is no need to build a bridge, the Martial Ancestor has arrived.”

The cursed Heavenly Master Luo Yuanming suddenly spoke with a trembling voice.

 He was staring at the jade communication slips inherited from the Xuanyuan family.

On it, the message from Xuanyuan Xue was displayed.

 Liu Xianwen and Xiao Siquan both looked at each other in surprise.

 “Who made the contract?”

Luo Yuanming shook his head slightly.

His lips became increasingly dry and pale, as if his soul had been hit by an unprecedented blow.

“Martial Ancestor was not contracted, but awakened to his life experience.”

“Currently, the news has spread throughout Daxia. Tianshu Division has acted quickly and has recorded Wu Zu’s name as number one in Daxia mythology.”

"Before this, this name was Kunlun Dao Zun, the first generation sword master, the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family...Xuanyuan Hen!"

Luo Yuanming finished speaking with difficulty and looked up at the two people.

 The expressions of Liu Xianwen and Xiao Siquan froze on the spot.


Looking back to Xingzhou.

 Under the world-class heroic statue, the live broadcast has naturally been interrupted long ago.

The sudden title of Martial Ancestor disrupted the plans of the three chief directors of the Hall of Heroes.

This live broadcast to Zhongzhou and Shuzhou was originally to promote the reputation of Prajna Buddha.

Unexpectedly, man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation.

  No one expected that among the top ten areas in the cave mythology list, the name of a heroic spirit would already exist.

 “What’s the reaction outside?”

The head of the Nanguo General Division asked Gu Chong in a low voice.

 “The trouble is big, no one is discussing Prajna Buddha at all on the Internet, it’s all hot news about Wu Zu.”

Guchong also looked ugly and felt confused.

The deterrent effect of Xingzhou has not been achieved, which will also have a certain impact on the future development of the entire ancient building.

 After all, the senior officials in Nanguo have not seen what they should see, so they will not continue to favor ancient buildings.

At this moment, next to the Heroic Spirit Statue, the other two chief ministers of the Heroic Spirit Hall heard angry curses.

 “How shameless!”

 Everyone heard this and went away.

"This Great Xia is too shameless! Why should Wu Zu be listed on their mythological list?"

Gu Chong was shocked. As soon as the name of Martial Ancestor was revealed, Daxia actually put Martial Ancestor on his own list?

“According to Daxia’s internal information, this Martial Ancestor is actually their Kunlun Taoist, who has awakened for the third time!”

After saying this, the two chief directors of the Hall of Heroes immediately widened their eyes.

 “What are you talking about?”

 The people below were frightened and quickly took out Shen Changqing's information.

“About two years ago, in a small city in Daxia, a legendary level heroic spirit was contracted, named Qingyunzhai Laozi.”

“It didn’t take long for me, Qingyunzhai, to have his second awakening, and in one fell swoop he reached the top of the Tianshu Division legend list, and was named Kunlun Taoist Master.”

“Then, the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Monument exploded, and the golden age of the Immortal Martial Era was discovered.”

“The first-generation swordsman who once suppressed the genius of his generation actually killed three mythical heroes from a noble family in the Southern Kingdom for the sake of Kunlun Taoist Master!”

“No one knows the relationship between the first-generation Sword Master and Kunlun Dao Zun. This has caused quite a storm a few months ago.”

“There are all kinds of speculations outside, but I never thought that...this Kunlun Dao Zun is actually the reincarnation of Martial Ancestor!”

The trembling sound spread all around, causing everyone gathered near the Heroic Spirit Statue to have their minds buzzing.

 Guchong was stunned on the spot, if he remembered correctly.

This Kunlun Taoist Master's most precious treasure, the Kunlun Mirror, was taken from the senior officials of the Ziwei Kingdom by him at that time with the help of the Wang family.

The first-generation swordsman took action for Kunlun Taoist, killing the three major myths of the Wang family, and also involved a mysterious force.

 This has caused a strong shock to Gulou.

 So far, the Wang family is gone, and Gulou will certainly not continue to stand out for the Wang family.

With the protection of the first-generation sword master, some ancient heroic spirits could only endure the hostility towards Kunlun Taoist Master.

But now they are told that Kunlun Dao Zun is the reincarnation of Wu Zu?

 A man who created Dharma and preached the gospel during the period when the Immortal Road was at the end of the Dharma period.

The heavyweight historical figure who created the Martial God Realm and the Martial Emperor Realm?

Guchong staggered, his expression suddenly turned pale, and he felt even more frightened.

If this is known to Kunlun Taoist Master, and the Kunlun Mirror is operated by Gu Lou behind the scenes, then what's the point?

 “Daxia…it’s Daxia again.”

 Several chief directors of the Hall of Heroes looked at each other in disbelief, and couldn't help but feel a surge of sadness and anger in their hearts.

 Hate the sky why it favors Daxia so much.

Every time some powerful heroic spirits appear that shock the past and present, they are all contracted by Daxia!

This time it is not easy to have Prajna Buddha, a sea-fixing needle of this level.

 It can severely shock the outside world, including Daxia!

Who would have thought that among the heroic spirits contracted by Da Xia, there is still a Martial Ancestor...

 That is the number one myth in the world today and has influenced the existence of later generations for 40,000 years.

This status is among the ranks of myths.

I'm afraid there will be a long, long time when no heroic spirit can shake the slightest.

 “Can I still see Nanguo becoming a world-class country in my lifetime?”

 The chief director of the Hall of Heroes in the Southern Kingdom looked up to the sky in despair and sighed.

On the other side, many senior spiritual masters from Xingzhou were looking at their mobile phones silently.

“Alas, Daxia has become popular again. It has only been a few minutes, and the Internet is full of news about Daxia Myth List.”

 Everyone looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Within the three continents, countless spiritual masters, including various heroic spirit organizations, are all paying attention to Daxia.

 And the Martial Ancestor of Daxia who was reincarnated in three generations.

 In fact, as early as when the first generation of Sword Master came out, the reputation of Kunlun Dao Zun was already high.

Has already begun to spread from within Daxia to the outside world.

 At present, Wu Zu's life experience has been announced to the public by Daxia.

 It is like responding to people’s speculation about the identity of Kunlun Taoist Master a few months ago.

 Daxia gave the answer!

And if it were true, Daxia would have known about the life experience of Kunlun Dao Zun.

 But it has always been kept secret and not made public until now. Sanzhou was not announced until now.

 Is this more of a knock and a warning?

 They teamed up to excavate many Buddhas in Prajna.

Continuously squeezing out the proportion of heroic spirits on the underground mythology list, relying on Prajna Buddha to perform live broadcast dramas.

 This is a provocation to the world's first-class countries, an arrogant challenge to ancient ruins, cave heavens, and the uneven distribution of various resources.

 Now Daxia's response came, and they were once again ruthlessly suppressed.

 “I knew that Daxia would never fail…”

The chief director of Soochow Guoyingling Hall was completely powerless, suffered an unprecedented blow, and his eyes were filled with gloom.

 (End of this chapter)

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