Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 113: Daughter’s dream, the enemy of reincarnation

Chapter 113 Daughter’s Dream, the Enemy of Reincarnation

  The storm generated under the world-class Heroic Spirit Statue in Xingzhou was also staged in various places in the three continents.

At this moment, Shen Changqing’s name swept the headlines.

Because of this, Daxia became popular again.

 At the same time, we were heading towards a certain border pass in Xingzhou.

The city gate here is thousands of feet high. Inside the gate is full of vitality, but outside the gate is ashes.

Youdao's red-robed figure stood quietly on the plain outside the pass, his hands inserted into his cuffs, and his breath was quite calm.

This man is wearing a white faceless mask and is the owner of the ancient building.

 After waiting for a long time, space distortion fluctuations finally appeared.

Then an old man with long hair slowly walked out. His attire was quite different from that of the Sanzhou human race.

 “Mr. Luo.”

 The owner of the ancient building bent down slightly.

 When the long-haired old man nodded, he took out a simple storage ring from his arms.

 Judging from the luster, the space inside is probably as big as a small world.

The owner of the ancient building did not hesitate and also took out seven prisms from under his cuffs.

Seeing this, Mr. Luo frowned.

 “Only seven?”

 The owner of Gulou responded unhurriedly.

“Mr. Luo also knows that refining the original treasure of the cave is very difficult.”

“Even if I use all the power of the ancient building, I can only get seven.”

“However, as Prajna Buddha has obtained the original power of the cave, it will be much more convenient in the future.”

Mr. Luo was silent for a while and took away the seven prisms.

“Is there any news about Yunxiang recently?”

“I haven’t heard yet who has awakened from the past life or who has made a contract.”

 “Can you please bring me some more snacks? Once this is done, there will be no need to search.”

“Oh? Mr. Luo can now enter the long river of history?”

When the owner of the ancient building heard this, his eyes hidden under the mask immediately glowed with a faint light.

This person named Yunxiang is a very important figure in history.

 Especially for the place where Mr. Luo belongs, the impact is very big.

Mr. Luo always asked him to pay attention to whether someone had awakened Yunxiang or contracted Yunxiang.

The fundamental reason is still the fear that Yunxiang will take revenge on the Luo family.

“Entering the long river of history, only supernatural powers can do it.”

"Of course I don't have that ability, but there are already several immortals contracted by us."

“With the help of this treasure from the cave, several immortals will use their magical powers.”

“Crossing the long river of history and falling into that era, it would not be a bad idea to wipe out Yunxiang in advance.”

After saying this, the owner of the ancient building couldn't help but froze in his eyes.


 This is already the level of the Holy Spirit in the age of Yuling!

His magical powers are extremely terrifying and even more mysterious.

Mr. Luo wants to cross the river of time and kill Yunxiang in advance.

Not only can Yunxiang's memory be erased, but her huge influence on future generations will also be subtly changed.

 In this way, even if someone awakens Yunxiang’s previous life, or contracts Yunxiang out.

Then she doesn’t know who she is, and she has no power at all.

 Historically, it is equivalent to the absence of this person.

 Such terrifying means and abilities can only be achieved by beings at the level of the Holy Spirit.

“Mr. Luo, it’s better to take it easy. If you move too much, you and I may be dead.”

 The owner of the ancient building was afraid to speak.

 The energy behind Mr. Luo is huge.

 Sniping and killing someone across the long river of history, if successfully done, will definitely have an impact on future generations.

 This impact is immeasurable.

Even if history has the ability to repair itself, it is difficult to predict what will happen.

 “You worry too much.”

Mr. Luo shook his head slightly.

“History is history, now is now, and the two are no longer on the same timeline.”

“What we have to do is to erase Yunxiang’s memory and life in the course of time.”

“In that era, the natives could not be opponents.”

"In this way, anyone who contracts Yunxiang from the river of time will just make a waste."

 After the words fell, the owner of the ancient building fell silent.

Mr. Luo may have a point.

However, it is impossible for the display of this kind of power to reach the sky to have no impact at all.

 Otherwise, Mr. Luo’s goal will not be achieved and it will be meaningless at all.

 There is a paradox here.


Mr. Luo turned around.

 The hand of an old heroic spirit gently reached out and pulled him into the space.

 The owner of the ancient building stared silently.

 The immortals span history and are the local aborigines in history.

  It is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, with disastrous consequences.


 Daxia, discuss the cabinet.

Except for Tianshu Secretary, Daxia Yige already belongs to the highest class.

Whether it is the Hall of Heroes, the Qin Tianjian, including the treasury, all levels of influence need to follow the advice of the Yige.

 The Yige is composed of a total of twelve cabinet elders, and each cabinet elder has a very heavy voice.

 Including using the Holy Spirit of Tianshu Si, launching war, etc., the twelve cabinet elders need to be completely unanimous.

 At this moment, in this meeting room, there is an extremely majestic palace.

 There were figures sitting on the twelve seats, all wearing solemn and solemn robes.

 “Let’s put an end to the matter regarding Wu Ancestor for the time being.”

“Tianshusi received news from the Ziwei Kingdom, a Western civilization in the Xuanhuang Realm.”

“Someone tried to cross the long river of time, come to a certain era and place, and kill a very important person.”

“The Ziwei Kingdom has invited us to use the Holy Spirit to snipe them over the years.”

 “Do you have any comments?”

Dage Lao’s words fell, and the whole hall fell into silence.

 Using the power of the Holy Spirit to descend on the time and place along the long river of time is a very dangerous approach.

 “Ziweiguo, can you tell me who he is?”

 Lao Jiuge asked, he was the one who contracted the first Taoist master of Shushan.

"The name is Yunxiang. Only Tianshu Secretary knows about this matter. You only need to agree or reject it."

“All in all, Ziwei Kingdom is willing to transfer a hundred caves and blessed lands.”

 After the elder of the pavilion finished speaking, the other elders suddenly looked moved.

Hundred cave heavens, this is equivalent to selling out an entire ancient ruins!

In this case, Ziwei Kingdom must have mastered the advanced medium of Yunxiang and also knows some of the origins of Yunxiang.

 And it’s by no means simple!

On one hand, someone wants to step into the long river of time to hunt him down, and on the other hand, the Ziwei Kingdom tries its best to stop him.

This historical figure named Yunxiang is unimaginable.

"I agree."

 Lao Jiuge did not hesitate for long.

 The value of a hundred cave heavens and blessed lands is completely worth it to Daxia.

"I agree."

 Er Ge Lao is also very decisive.

 He is standing from the standpoint of Eastern and Western civilized countries.

The Xuanhuang Realm is as vast as smoke, with a history of seven million years. Of course, it has produced more than three continents of human civilization.

 In more distant places, there are other human civilizations.

"Since the second brother agrees, I agree too." Mr. Sange smiled slightly and cast his vote.

“Although it is very dangerous, the rewards are also proportional, I agree.”

“Hahaha, what I’m looking forward to is the surprised looks from Western civilized countries!”

“Transcending history requires the original treasure of the cave. We still have many historical problems in Daxia that have not been solved. Wouldn’t this be a bit wasteful?”

"According to the original treasure of the cave that remains today, it is only enough for us to cross it twice. If we encounter worse problems in the future, then this..."

"There is no need to worry about the consumption of the source of the cave, after all, we now have the Martial Ancestor!"

“That’s right, Wuzu is number one in the underground mythology list, and he is constantly gaining the original power of the underground cave!”

"Well, since you have decided this way, I don't have any objection."

"It just needs to be disguised. If it is seen by the indigenous people and some so-called miracles are spread, history will be distorted again."

“In itself, there are big problems in Qin Tianjian’s excavation of history, and it is impossible to accurately determine what is true and what is false.”

“Don’t worry, we can let Tianshu choose some stable Holy Spirits.”

 At this point in the discussion, the rest of the cabinet elders all agreed.

 A group of powerful holy spirits from ancient times will soon descend into history along the long river of time.

 This will undoubtedly cause an unprecedented sensation to the indigenous people in history!


 At this moment, the ruins of Dazezhou.

 Look at the eight wilderness areas of Dazezhou.

 Thunder surges, and there are fluctuations of formation transmission.

The foreign races that can occupy the survival territory in the Xuanhuang Realm undoubtedly have strong internal strength.

Whether it’s the Dryad Grandma of the Night Clan, or the Sea-watching Demon Buddha, etc.

They are all ancient heroic spirits contracted by foreign races, and they master various ancient magical powers, including teleportation arrays.

 So the migration of alien races is not a scene of huge crowds like famine.

Rather, it is the use of various great magical powers and the means of teleportation arrays to connect to the cave passages.

 Not long after, many foreigners were very sensible and left Da Zezhou in a hurry.

 Di Yan led many staff of the Qintian Prison to launch a more extensive search.

This place will also be taken over by the Daxia army in the near future and become a colony of Daxia.

 All resources obtained, including Cave Heaven Paradise, etc.

 It will be reasonably distributed to the registered spiritual masters and their heroic spirits in Daxia according to the list of heroic spirits of Tianshu Division.

Looking at the beginning of the Spirit Controlling Age to this day, it is possible for one side of the ruins to win without a fight, without losing a single soldier.

 Only Wuzu could make all the foreign races withdraw.

Jian Zheng smiled from ear to ear, and many heroic spirits were also ecstatic.

This time, we are obviously more motivated to dig into the history of Dazezhou.

 Shen Changqing turned back to Shen Miaoke and asked softly.

"How are you?"

Shen Miaoke shook his head.

"I'm fine. I passed the news to Sister Xuanyuan before, so I'm not too scared."

Shen Changqing was pleased, but felt a little distressed when he saw his daughter's disgraced look.

 The process of accompanying Qin Tianjian in digging up history is undoubtedly quite difficult.

 Even if it was growth and experience, Shen Miao could definitely experience other things.

“You are pretty smart, but have you been a little too hard these past few months?”

 “Why does it have to be the apprenticeship class of Qintianjian?”

 This question was asked by Shen Changqing at that time.

But Shen Miao could be secretive and prevaricate.

Today, Shen Miaoke showed a little struggle in her eyes.

 Finally, he responded.

“It’s because I always have the same dream, and what happens in the dream is very real.”

  “There are many strange pictures and many strange people.”

“I remember Sister Bai Li said before that she had a similar dream, and then she woke up from her previous life.”

 “If this is my previous life, then who am I and why can’t I remember...”

 “I want to find more history. I want to know who I am and who those people are.”

Shen Miaoke lowered her head and pursed her lips, her body trembling slightly.

 She did not dare to tell Shen Changqing about this dream, let alone anyone.

 This is her own secret, even though she knows that awakening her previous life in the age of Yuling is not a precedent.

 The things that happened in the dream were too absurd and bizarre.

She is afraid that her past life will be exposed, and those people she has killed will come to kill her after shaping the body of a heroic spirit.

 “The same dream?”

Shen Changqing looked moved, and huge ripples immediately appeared in his heart.

If the situation is true, then the daughter not only has a previous life, but her identity is not simple.

Combined with the female sculpture he saw at the Shushan ruins, I am afraid that the two women are similar.

 “In your dream, do you remember what they looked like?”

 “Or, did you hear any names?”

 Shen Changqing was silent for a moment and then asked.

 “I can’t remember clearly...they all called me Yunxiang.”

 After saying this, Shen Miaoke's eyes were a little gray.

 She wanted to know who she was, and it was an uncomfortable feeling.

 She followed Qintian Prison to dig up history, just to find traces of Yunxiang.

 “Tell me everything you remember in your dream.”

 Shen Changqing felt heavy in his heart.

Since Shen Miao could not find any trace of Yun Xiang in later generations, he could not know who he was.

 Then let’s find it in history.


 A moment later, Shen Changqing stepped into the air.

 After explaining some things to Emperor Yan, he left Dazezhou and went to Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

Combining the various dream scenes that Shen Miaoke told him, he roughly understood some information.

This information is enough for him to find the whereabouts of his daughter in reincarnation.

 Through the underground cave tunnel, Shen Changqing quickly arrived at the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

 The moment he stepped into it, there was an overwhelming source of destruction spreading.

The original power of the underground caves is all wandering around the world.

 Here is the same scene of the earth collapsing, with various ruins floating in the sky.

With the roar of black lightning, countless evil spirits cling to various ancient and dilapidated palaces and mountain peaks.

 The aura of the Heavenly Demon Emperor spread across the sky, and in an instant, one by one the demons woke up from their slumber.

Looking around Lingzhou, there are countless fanatical looks.

 “Lord Demon Emperor?”

 “It’s the Demon Emperor, it’s him!”

 “The Demon Emperor has appeared, the Demon Emperor has appeared!”

 In an instant, all the demons in Lingzhou worshiped the Demon Emperor!

Shen Changqing's eyes revealed memories, Lingzhou has been reduced to a forbidden ruin.

Countless demons and heroes gather here, and their legends are also spread.

 He is almost the master here, possessing huge energy to command all the demons in the world.

 Shen Changqing will certainly make good arrangements for this future resource.

 At the same time, his consciousness entered the chaotic space again.

 Looking up, the reincarnation fruit under the World Tree is being nurtured.

 This process does not take too long, and he can handle the matter of Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins within this period of time.

 Until one month later.

 Shen Changqing's figure sitting cross-legged under the World Tree suddenly opened his eyes.

 A new reincarnation fruit has finally matured.

 What era it was in and where it was, Shen Changqing didn't know yet.

 But there is no doubt that this is his era!

 (End of this chapter)

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