Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 1032: three-person group preparing for split action

Yu Xiaoxiao thought about Gu Xinglang’s words. From the perspective of Mo Wen’s point of view, he asked himself that he must be a good person, and that these people are thieves, so if the thief first swears the king’s words, then he asks not to kill. Is there a few people in Jinglu?

"We have to rush back to the army," Gu Xinglang hurriedly said.

Yu Xiao's novel: "Xiao Gu, did you spread the news that Mo asked to send troops to Yan back to the city?"

Gu Xinglang said: "It has been passed."

"The people of Jing Mo?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

"The people who are arranged on the holy," Gu Xinglang said: "The people of Jingmo can't enter the temple, and I can't get out of contact with them."

Yu Xiaoxiao patted the chest, and the news spread out. "It turns out that I have arranged the manpower." After the rest assured, Yu Xiaoxiao sighed again. (Do you really want to sleep in a woman's faint? o(╯□╰)o)

Gu Xinglang looked at the jade novel with a funny smile: "There must be some arrangements for the Holy Spirit."

Jade Xiao Curious said: "What kind of person did I arrange?"

"The stonemason who repaired the Buddha statue," Gu Xinglang said.

"Oh," Jade's novel: "Also, the Buddha image has been used for a long time. It must be repaired. I can think of a way that Jingmo can't think of it?"

Gu Xinglang said: "The people who live in Yongsheng Temple don't have to spend the next day."

Jade little... Is this the thief of Jingmo?

"It's okay," Gu Xinglang said for the snow on the head of Jade Xiaoxiao, saying: "I sent the message."

"I said," the instructor heard the conversation and heard it here. He finally said: "What is okay? Kid, don't you say that you want to kill anyone?"

"Oh yes," Jade Xiaoxiao patted his head.

The instructor can't look directly at the goods. Is this stupid person actually a princess? Is the emperor still okay? (圣上......,-_-|||)

"Let's go back and protect me," Yu Xiaoxiao said to Gu Xinglang.

Gu Xinglang said: "Where are they?" Who knows who to kill first?

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the instructor.

The instructor said: "Who is Jing Mo?"

Yu Xiaoxiao... It’s too bad. Before the action, I have to talk about the world’s political economy and environmental geography.

Gu Xinglang can cope with the little brain of Yu, and naturally he can cope with the instructor's brain. Therefore, when Yu Xiaoxiao was in various sorrows, Gu Sanshao began to introduce the world with the instructors.

After listening to Gu Xinglang’s words, the instructor looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and said, “How did you hook up these characters?”

Hook up the word to make Gu San Shao’s face black.

Yu Xiaoxiao was very proud. He patted his little chest and said, "It’s all my little friends."

"Hey," the instructor looked at Gu Xinglang again. When the instructor wanted to come, there were so many men to choose from. The little **** chose such a person. Is the man in this world a weak chicken?

Gu Xinglang was stared by the instructor, and the hair of the whole body was upside down.

Yu Xiaoxiao took a step forward and took Gu Xinglang behind him.

"You are going to save your little friend," the instructor said. "I will save you."

“Hey?” Yu Xiaoxiao stayed.

The instructor said: "I listen to the weak chicken..."

"Besides little weak chicken I'll smack you!" Jade little threatened.

The instructor said: "What is your name for the little weak chicken?"

Yu Xiaoxiao turned to Gu Xinglang and said: "Xiao Gu, you will put a locust tonight and kill this dead dog."

Gu Xinglang... Do they still have to talk about business?

"Oh," the instructor sneered, what are the locusts afraid of?

"Would you like to go to St.?" Gu Xinglang asked the instructor very politely.

The instructor said coldly: "Why should I listen to the orders of the little bastard? Let me save her little friend, I have to go?"

Yu Xiaoxiao wants to kill this goods.

The instructor looked at Gu Xinglang and said, "Do you have opinions?"

Gu Xinglang-_-|||, what advice can he have?

Yu Xiaoxiao also asked Gu Xinglang: "Xiao Gu, do you think it is reliable?"

Gu Xinglang said: "Then we go to Jingmo them?"

"Also," Yu Xiaoxiao nodded, saving people, who is not saving?

The instructor came over and couldn't help but say that he pulled the small backpack behind Yu Xiaoxiao's back.

Yu Xiaoxiao was desperate to be hugged by Gu Xinglang. Gu Sanshao whispered to the daughter-in-law: "We will go down the mountain to buy food and eat more, and buy more than this."

"Do you have money?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

Gu Xinglang had no money at this time, and he had to bludge to say that he had money.

The instructor once again despised the small IQ of the jade. This mountain has not even a home. Where can I buy it? This goods is a stupid!

Yu Xiaoxiao asked the instructor: "Do you know how long I am?"

"Yu Ningsheng, don't know me, I won't ask people?" said the instructor.

"Then you have to protect me," said Yu Xiaoxiao, instructor.

The instructor nodded, as long as the emperor really loved the little **** as a prostitute, then he must guarantee the safety of the emperor.

"You go to Wangxiang," Yu Xiaoxiao painted the map on the snow.

"Understood," the instructor saw the simple map of the jade small painting and returned the backpack to Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked into the bag and the goods left a gimmick for her...

"Go," the instructor took the food together, and followed the jade novel: "We will return to the city to see you."

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the **** in the bag.

The instructor took a look at the small head of the jade, and when he was in shape, the person disappeared into the woods.

Gu Xinglang and Yu Xiao's novel: "He is standing on the street and asking who is Yu Ningsheng, isn't that good?"

"Nothing," Yu Xiaoxiao slammed the **** in the bag and said: "I can't beat him anyway."

Gu San Shao Mo.

"Wait a minute," said Yu Xiaoxiao, who spoke to Gu Xinglang and leaned over the big tree nearby.

Gu Xinglang went to the tree and waited.

Not long after, Yu Xiaoxiao took the re-bulging backpack down the tree.

Gu Xinglang said: "Is this?"

"I have topped the Tibetan tree," Yu Xiaoxiao opened the backpack and looked at Gu Xinglang. The dried meat, dried fruit, dried dumplings, kettle, snack box, everything, "I know that the goods will not let me go." Packed!" Her Royal Highness shouted: "Hey, he is stupid?"

Gu Xinglang looked at the bag in the hands of Yu Xiaoxiao with a smile. He could only speak with the jade novel: "You have worked hard."

"Take the old lady, we set off," Yu Xiaoxiao put his backpack behind his back, suddenly his ears moved, and the princess raised his hand and threw the backpack on the tree.

Gu Xinglang turned his head and saw the instructor come back.

"Do you have something?" Yu Xiaoxiao rushed to the instructor's eyes.

"Do we let the believers outside the temple look at the monsters in the back mountain?" The instructor told Yu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xinglang: "It is also important to expose the true face of Mo Qiao?"

Jade novel: "Do you want to bring people into the temple?"

"No?" the instructor asked.

Gu Xinglang held the small hand of Jade and said, "You are right, you should do this."

The instructor took the lead and said to Gu Xinglang: "Let your little bugs wait for a while, let me take some Christians to see."

To the reader:

The first is more.

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