Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 1033: instructor said that he encountered brain powder

The instructor soon brought more than twenty believers outside the temple to the entrance to the cave.

Waiting for the jade little in the cave to run out, was taken by Gu Xinglang, "Let them see for themselves," Gu Xinglang whispered with Yu Xiaoxiao.

Jade Xiaoxiao is not channeling: "Can they still think that this is what we made fake?"

Gu Xinglang smiled bitterly: "It is better to have less than one thing." What if someone thinks this way?

Yu Xiaoxiao is not loud.

Gu Xinglang watched the believers walk into the cave and said, "How can they be willing to walk in?"

Yu Xiaoxiao pouted and said: "Dead dogs push them away with the wind."

"What?" Gu Xinglang asked.

"Oh, the dead dog used a giant wind palm," Yu Xiaoxiao changed his mouth.

Gu Xinglang... Is there any use for this palm?

"After discovering the true face of Mo Qiao, do you say they will cry?" Yu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xinglang stood at the height of the cave, and looked at the instructors who used the wind to roll, and they used the wind to push, unable to help themselves. People walking into the cave.

Gu Xinglang said: "Small, can I go with you? If I go so far, will it be bad?"

Gu Xinglang suddenly turned to the topic and let Yu Xiaoxiao react for a while before he said: "The dead dog is coming, what are we going to do so? Do you want to kill it directly?"

"What about the people in Yongsheng Temple?" Gu Sanshao is still not at ease.

Yu Xiao's novel: "The people in Yongsheng Temple are not Jingmo. Do they bring soldiers to fight? I used to be alone, different, and the ability is limited. Now there is a dead dog. I can't, there are dead dogs, dead dogs can't, there are I am, this is called double insurance, both are double insurance, what other grandchildren do we have to install?"

Gu Xinglang touched the small bag head of jade.

"With the scene of Jingmo's big marriage, we didn't play the final," Yu Xiaoxiao didn't know what he thought. He looked at Gu Xinglang with his head and said, "I will go first, who is Jingmo?" I am not sure about pretending to be me, but my older brother has passed."

Gu Xinglang didn't want to ask about this, but Yu Xiaoxiao said that there was no big marriage, no worship, nothing, and Gu Sanshao's face showed a smile. He bowed his head and kissed Yu Xiaoxiao, his voice hoarsely: "I know."

"Hey!" Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Gu Xinglang, and her family Xiaogu smiled so much that she felt the flowers bloomed.

The instructor's eyes were very good. When he entered the cave, the instructor saw that the two of them were looking at each other. The instructor suddenly began to worry. These two people would not want to come here.

"Cough," the instructor coughed.

Gu Xinglang was busy looking at his feet.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the instructor with his face.

"What the **** is going on?" Hearing someone in the companion coughed, and finally some believers dared to speak.

What is involuntarily pushed away? How can this be explained? No one can explain that believers feel scared at this moment, but they also feel that this is a holy place. Can they encounter any demon and ghosts in the Holy Land?

"What is so stinky?" Another believer asked.

This question is also not answered by believers.

The locust has been hidden in the dark by Gu Xinglang’s order.

The believers were pushed by the instructors to the deep pool where the stench was stinking. The monsters in the pool smelled the strangers, all gathered in the pool. If the instructors were not allowed to use the wind, these monsters may be before the believers enter the hole. I have already reached the shore of the pool, killing the believers and enjoying the big meal.

The believers saw the monsters in the pool, and they fainted five or six on the spot without screaming.

The instructor stood behind his back and felt that this group of people should be able to polish his eyes.

"This, this is the evil spirit of Huang Quandi," when the instructor felt that he had saved the hearts of the believers, there was an old woman in the believer who said: "This is the evil spirit of the town of Yongsheng Temple." ”

"The evil spirits are not accepted, the evil spirits are not allowed," another believer in the middle age said: "Except for the Yongsheng Temple, no one can suppress these evil spirits."


The believers squatted in front of the pool together, and the forehead touched the ground, and the scriptures were devoutly prayed.

"Hey, hey?" Yu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

The instructor is also stupid, this special is different from what he thinks!

"We must protect the Yongsheng Temple," the old woman said to the people beside him: "Otherwise, the 100,000 evil spirits will come to the world, and I will wait where I am."

Yu Xiaoxiao said with a sigh of relief: "Is she telling a story? Is it still a hundred evil spirits?"

The instructor went to the rock where Yu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xinglang stood, and did not say good-naturedly: "I have encountered brain powder."

Gu Xinglang... What is the brain powder?

Yu Xiaoxiao, the instructor, said: "This is good. We asked for 100,000 brain powder for Mo."

The instructor said: "Don't be bullshit, how can it be 100,000?"

"Yes," Gu Xinglang said.

The instructor took a moment and looked at the jade novel: "This is your idea."

Yu Xiaoxiao said: "Ah, who is going to say that you want to expose the purpose of Mo?"

The instructor’s expression looked cool and said: “I just made a suggestion, and the one who made the decision is you.”

What the hell.

Yu Xiaoxiao wanted to kill the dead dog in front of him.

"Let's kill a few counts," the instructor was not afraid to talk to Yu Xiaoxiao, and after urging Yu Xiaoxiao, he went back to see the believers who still chanted and said: "Some deaths, these brains are not The brain is broken, how do you feel about Xiao Gu?"

Gu Xinglang said: "Let these monsters come up?"

The instructor said: "Not bad."

Jade novel: "I think..."

"You shut up," the instructor raised his hand and took a small jade mouth and looked at Gu Xinglang and said, "Your opinion?"

Gu Xinglang shook his head and said: "No need for this, let the monsters bite a few, the people who survive will think that these people are not pious, they believe that if you ask, you can always find the reason to believe. "Not to mention that when the Six Kingdoms and the Terracotta Warriors are killed, these ordinary people will not survive unless they find a hiding place. Why are they doing this evil person at this time?"

The instructor nodded, and the novel Xiaoyu: "I will send these brains back, you go to find a small partner."

Yu Xiaoxiao was surprised: "Are you listening to Xiao Gu's words?"

"You are with him, is it because his brain is better than you?" The instructor asked Jade Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xinglang is busy holding Yu Xiaoxiao, not waiting for this time!

The instructor took another look at Gu Xinglang. This kid is a person who is not a fake person.

"What are you doing again?" Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the instructor and stared at his own little boy, and asked with vigilance.

The instructor took a look at the little face of Jade and turned over to the rock wall.

"I don't have a good brain?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked Gu Xinglang.

Gu Xinglang said: "No, the princess is very smart."

Yu Xiao's novel: "What about the comparison with Jing?"

Gu Xinglang hesitated without saying: "The princess is smarter than Jing Mo." (o(╯□╰)o)

Yu Xiaoxiao feels perfect, and touched a piece of maltose into the mouth of Gu Xinglang.

Instructor... How can there be candy in the little bastard?

To the reader:

The second is more.

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