Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1057: Unbelievable

In the dim dungeon, the magic energy lased, the large-scale collapse quickly spread, and the choking dust was everywhere.


  Purple blood splashed on the walls and the floor. This is the blood of the demon lord, which contains abundant energy, and all the corrosion that is visible to the naked eye.


   Downton also had blood splattered on his body, but his shield was not only fully open, but also had a holy aura on his head, purifying all the negative effects of uncleanness.


   "Damn Paladin!"


  Bath roared, photographed with his right hand, its eyes flashed again, but remembering Downton's reflex talent, he quickly stopped casting.


  A soul body intercepted, but Bath's arm seemed to break through the boundary of space, and directly caught on Downton's head.


Bath's fighter plane was too good. The moment when the attack arrived was just when the windmill stopped, when Downton's old force was exhausted and the new force was not born, so even if the mirror stopped the water and felt the attack, there was no choice but to face it hard. .




   Downton flew out, the skin on his face was half removed, blood donated and flowed, and his body was red.


   "Damn, what's going on with your body?"


Bath's slap with a rule effect can smash the super beast's head, but found that Downton was only injured, and he was killed after an adjustment. He was shocked. For a moment, he even thought that this The guy is not human.


  The place of sulfur.


  Bath stomped, the ground immediately collapsed, the hot lava spewed out, the light yellow sulfur poisonous gas scattered, eroding everything.


  Bath has not yet been promoted to legend and cannot open the field, but it has talented magic and can change the battlefield environment to suit its own home field.


  咻! call out! call out!


  Some purple tentacles covered with sarcomas were ejected from the ground, killing Downton like a crossbow. Even if it can't be hit by one blow, it will change direction and continue to chase down.


   Lava Serpent!


   The magic energy on the giant monk exploded into a giant blade, and then beheaded and slammed on the floor. The lava splashed up, followed by the formation of a large snake, and a head flick, hitting Bath.


   "Fire department immune?"


  Bath opened the serpent with a punch, watching Downton wrapped in flames, burning those tentacles to ashes, killing them powerfully, his eyes almost glaring out.


   It is an abyss demon, and is itself restrained by Downton’s sacred attributes. What's even more depressing is that it is practicing fire magic, but people are obviously also specializing in fire.


   Downton fired like a meteor in front of Bath, and then cut it again.




   This time, black lightning suddenly exploded on the giant, and they carried the power of law to impede the movement of Bath.




  Bath was shocked, the result was cut.




  The lava snake flew off. It hit a lot of demons crawling out of the portal, and they screamed when they were hot.


   Orange magma splash. The lava converged, bulging out several big bags, followed by the phantom, and turned into a lava puppet, rushing towards Bath.


  The element of fire summoned by the soul body also took shape, when he rushed to Bath. There is also a red halo radiating beneath your feet, no matter what you encounter, it is directly lit.


   was screamed by the affected demons, some could not bear the pain, turned and ran to the portal. Want to escape back to the abyss.


   "Damn, what is this weapon? Why can I draw my soul power?"


  Bath can no longer take care of the dead and wounded, and he looked at the huge roar on his chest with shock, and then his face was fanatical.


   "This is the hand that breaks the mind, yes, it is the dragon axe created by the dead clan!"


Because the shape of the giant monster was changed, Bath didn't recognize it for the first time, but this death costume is too famous. It must be known that it is the exclusive weapon of the barbarian king Tanan, and the sword spirit stored in it is a terrifying monarch. .


   was almost instinctive, and Bath reached out to grab the giant.


  Tang Dun raised his eyebrows, did not attack, flashed back.


   "Give me this magic, and I will leave this plane immediately, otherwise I will wash the city blood."


  Bath threatened, staring at the giant, and his eyes were full of greed. Before the fear of the monarch was killed, it was also a famous monarch-level strongman in the abyss. It even challenged Pluto and retreated.


"How to do?"


   Downton asked Homer that although the battle was short but dangerous, he would die if he didn't check for a while, and if it was possible, he really didn't want to provoke such series of enemies.


   "You can't run away, take time!"


   The cheap **** hopes Downton will reach the legendary strongman in Paris, or he will die.


  Bath speaks but misleads Downton’s attention. Although attributes and magic are restrained, every demon lord is also good at melee, and they can’t bother to talk under the condition that they can kill the enemy.




   A demon big hand broke out of the ground and grabbed Downton. At the same time, Bath teleported,


   Two souls intercepted and collided with Bath, but found that it was the soul of others, and the body appeared in front of Downton, who had evaded the devil's big hands, and his hands were slashed.




  The hand knife is not here, the space is already fluctuating and twisting, Downton's wrist instantly bleeds blood and half is cut off.


   "God said that grass will wither, flowers will wither, and life will die!"


   Downton launched God's Word, disturbing Bath with the strongest attack, and at the same time launched the avatar.




   The avatar was torn.




Downton knelt on one knee at the corner, coughing violently, and blood was pouring out of his throat like a flood that had opened the gate. Forcible use of God's Word brought serious backlash. But the most troublesome thing was that he found the giant robe shaking. , More and more out of control.


Before using this weapon, Downton’s right hand was burned due to the contradiction of attributes. This situation disappeared after devouring the soul of the **** behind Rose, but now, a huge amount of soul tsunami came directly from the giant robe, directly bombarded His soul.




   Downton's head fainted.




  Bath, who had been killed from the **** slaughterhouse, grasped the fighter and ran to Downton. He pointed his right hand and pointed it into a knife, stabbing him in the chest.




   entered with five fingers, Bath grabbed Downton's heart, and he was excited in his face. When he was about to pull it out for a tasting, Ju Hao was shocked, turned into a stream of light, and chopped towards his forearm.




  Bath's eyebrows fell, flashed back quickly, with its strength. Did not escape, his right hand was cut off.


  The two souls should attack and protect Downton, but they all disappeared and returned to the body of the body.


   Downton’s chest was opened with a blood hole, and his heart was exposed to the outside. The blood was dripping and thumping, and it was covered with a white light film. Also connected with some green plant fibers, so that he did not die immediately.




  Homer was frightened.


   "Don't be noisy, fear the monarch is awake."


  The cheap **** made the magic code silent.


   "Hey, he is the inheritor selected by my master anyway. What if you kill him and let me do it?"


   A majestic voice resounded in the secret passage that was almost completely collapsed.


   "If it weren't for you to interfere with his nerves, I didn't hurt him so easily!" Bath shrugged his shoulders, "I have to admit. This human is very powerful."


"Nonsense, if it's waste. I've destroyed him long ago." The dreaded monarch with the name of Skaha sneered, "Fortunately, his two soul trees tend to heal, otherwise this kind of injury, even if cured It will leave hidden dangers!"


   "A human being. If you die, my lord, I am a demon lord. I have a high bloodline. Can't I compare to him?"


   in Bath's view. If you can kill Downton, the trouble is Skaha. If you can't let it surrender, you can't exert 100% of its power.


   "You? Compared to him, it's a shit!"


  Scaha sniffed.


   "What?" The look of Bath changed, "Are you insulting me?"


   "Insult? Are you also worthy? How many years have you been to become a marshal-level lord? It has been more than a thousand years, and he has been for more than six years. Even if my brain is broken, I know to choose him!"


  Scaha sarcasm.


   "So what do you mean by coming out now? To let me kill him easily?"


  Bath puzzled.


   "Of course, to understand the power of Feng Juzai, I originally wanted to wait a bit longer, but who made you run out? The sacrifice of a demon lord's soul is enough to complete the blood sacrifice."


   As the voice of Skaha fell, the giant tremble trembles, and the fluctuation of the magic energy contained rapidly soared.


  Bath's face changed, and his eyes flicked out. Not only did his eyes emit beams of light, but the gaps on the floor also ignited magma again, and the sulfur was mad.


   The giant robe is still in the hands of Downton, but the dominance is taken away by the terrifying monarch, and he is now the puppet of the sword spirit.


   "I'm going to suffer!"


  Homer screamed. Compared with the previous time, Downton is now comparable to Bass, but this is due to the explosion of the huge potential


Tanan is the king of barbarians. He once repulsed the evil spirits, and he came to most of the western soil continent. How could his weapon be an ordinary product? The giant robe used by Downton was only its most basic effect~www.wuxiaspot. Com~To completely unblock and exert all his powers, he must at least reach the Grand Marshal.


Because of the marshal, Downton can use the natal soul and the second soul to synchronize Skaha’s magic energy fluctuations and laws, and then resonate with its soul, and then it can explode all the giants who are usually sealed in order not to destroy the real world. Power!


   Like this epic weapon, if you can't control it, you will be deprived of your mind and become a puppet who only knows to live for its energy.


   "It is worthy to be a terrifying monarch!"


The cheap **** pouted, Skaha chose to wake up at a wonderful time. In the face of Bath, Downton couldn’t escape, he suddenly exerted force, causing the host to be seriously injured, and the soul was temporarily dormant, which was convenient for him to seize the initiative. Quan, then use the magical energy that has been accumulated for thousands of years to kill the demon lord, use his soul and flesh for blood sacrifice, perfect wake up, and completely suppress the host's soul.


If it is a coward, faced with the prestigious fearful monarch, it may have escaped, but unfortunately Bath is not, it is a strong will, a demon lord killed by the blood of the sword mountain, in the terrible genius Under the temptation of the magic outfit, under the confusion, it went up against the difficulties.


   "Keep your hands obediently and become my exclusive arm!"


  Bath roared, the black light lingered in his hand, forming a spear, facing the terrifying monarch, it finally looked squarely and took out his weapon.




◇【To be continued. 『』. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】

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