Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1109: Hell airdrop

Downton climbed straight up with Toure, and immediately went straight into the clouds. He could no longer see the ground. Even the stars seemed to be within reach.


   "What is this kid doing?"


   Tu Lei was puzzled, not knowing what this must-do trick, but his resistance did not stop.


   Collapse! collapse!


   With the outbreak of brute force, the flame chain wrapped around the two people, even with a trace of the Vulcan law, is constantly breaking, breaking into sparks and drifting across the sky.


  The Soul Twin Trees are running at full strength, a large amount of magic energy overflows, condenses into a brand new chain, and confines Thunder.


   Downton has seen the potency of this medicine. After being injected into the body, less than a minute, all the effects of the medicine will explode, so that the combat effectiveness of the user will increase, so he must be killed before Toure’s momentum rises to the peak.




   Wings vibrated again. This time, a huge flame aura burst at Downton's feet, generating a huge propulsive force, causing him to shoot like a shell at the ground.




  The wind pressed against his face and poured into his nostrils and mouth, causing Toure's face to be temporarily deformed, and the ears were all ripped by the strong wind.


   Boom! boom! boom!


   Downton continued to accelerate, leaving a circle of flames in the air, gorgeous like a cloud, and like the aurora in the sky!


   "Are you crazy?"


   Tu Lei was stunned and hit the ground at this speed. He would be crippled even if he didn't die, but Downton wouldn't feel better because of the two people tied together. This is definitely a big move.


   "My body of overlord can be carried over!"


   Downton showed a proud smile.


   "Then you die!"


   Seeing that he couldn't leave in time. Toure concentrated all his magic energy on his defense. His muscles were tight and his scale armor was thickened, covering his whole body like heavy armor.


   was aware of the change in Toure's tactics, and there was a flash of joy in Downton's eyes, so he speeded up again. However, the chain no longer extended, replaced by flames sprayed from the surface of the body, forming a ball that wrapped the two people.


   Many people looked at the starry sky, but the shadow of Downton was not found. Instead, he saw a huge fireball descend from the sky with a dazzling tail flame, almost tearing the sky.


   "The meteorite is here, run!"


   There was a magician who had not fainted, shouting, and fleeing anxiously. The meteorite hits the ground, and the impact will kill everyone nearby.


   "You crazy!"


   The ground was approaching at a rapid speed, and seeing Downton was not intimidation, but was really about to die together. Toure finally changed color and began to regret the task he took.




   Downton growled, with a clatter, the whole person melted into a state of flame. Get out of the fireball.




   Seeing Downton disappear, Toure was shocked and unable to add. Even a legendary strongman can't do full body elementalization, but why did he do it? He reached out unconsciously to grab, but he didn't even touch a hair.


   "It's over!"


   Downton left, loosening the chain, but Touré found that he still did not get free. The fireball surrounding him was still strong. When he was about to smash the fireball with full force, he noticed that the whole person hit the ground.


   "Go to death, **** airdrop!"


   Downton flew away from the fireball without forgetting his arms. Give it a downward force, and then he flapped his wings and tried his best to avoid it.


   "Fly up!"


   The frost on the grassland with frost is expanding rapidly in the field of vision. Downton almost wiped the ground and flew more than one hundred meters before climbing up.




   The fireball hit the ground, and a huge flame mushroom rose up instantly, destroying everything around.


   The ground shattered and sprayed around with strong shock waves and black smoke.


   Downton's arc-shaped tail flame left behind when he dodge had not disappeared, he was drowned, and then the whole person was swallowed by the flame.




  Yelian roared, but the dust in the sky obscured her vision, so she could not see Downton at all.


boom! boom! boom!


   Sand and stone hit everyone's shield, leaving a dense sound.


   "Don't panic, he's fine!"


   Di Lanxue had already appeared beside Yilian, propped up a holy shield to prevent everyone from being injured by rubble.


   Xia Luo casts magic, summons light wind and drizzle, and blows away purified smoke.


Di Lanxue glanced at the sage wolf, because Downton's big move, the surrounding elements were affected, and it was in an abnormally chaotic state. At this time, the cast is very easy to be countered, so what I dare to do is powerful. genius.


The breeze swept away the gravel, the cold freezing rain floated down, and people couldn't help holding their arms and shuddered one by one, but no one cared about it anymore, the magicians looked at the battlefield in front, and fell into a huge In the shock.


   A large pit with a depth of 100 meters is located in the field of vision, and the range of a thousand yards is completely affected. Except for the broken area, there are traces of flame burning, and there are no traces of life remaining.


   Tu Lei's death can no longer die, even the soul has completely dissipated.


   Donovan's complexion became ugly. The Marshal ranks he was once proud of was a joke in front of Downton.


   "It is worthy of being a fierce man who can leapfrog!"


  Donovan exhaled, not knowing what attitude to face him!


"Wow, what a terrible destructive power!" Walnut rode on the back of the air ray, glancing at the pergola with his hand, and couldn't help but show off happily, "I have known for a long time that the four heavenly kings are here, and they are also giving people head! "


   "Go to Downton!"


Di Lanxue was very cautious. If someone attacked at this time, then the overburdened Downton would have to eat a big loss, but as soon as she finished talking, she discovered that the little walnut had flown out, leaning on the smell and perception. Dayton's location.


   Although little loli is a fool, sometimes, it is still very reliable.


   "Actually let the original... so concerned, what means did he use!"


   Di Lanxue tilted her head slightly, looked at the walnut that was holding Tang Dun floating, and his face flashed a little dignified. Ask Xia Luo, "You don't know her origin?"




   Xia Luo understands what Lion Ji refers to.


   "Then do you still let them stay together?"


   Di Lan Xue stunned.


   "I believe Downton!"


   Xia Luo's answer is not well.


   "This is not a question of trust or not. Xiao Walnut's identity is destined to hurt him!"


   Di Lanxue was a little angry.


   Xia Luo was unsure.


"what are you guys saying?"


  Ilian puzzled.


"It's nothing?"


   Di Lanxue lost his calmness for the first time, his tone became unwelcome, there was no way. Anyone who knows the life of Little Walnut can't be indifferent!


   Elaine uttered her tongue and ran towards Downton, "Yeah, brother, how did you get burned?"


   Fully fired, so that Downton was exhausted, and he could not care about any image, so he lay on the back of the air rays. Although he was wearing a robe, he was covered with burnt black marks, and even smoked, and the fool knew he was seriously injured.


   "There are demon servants, why are you so desperate?"


   Juliet's tears flowed uncontrollably, and he took the potion in a mess and smeared it for him.


   "It's okay, it was caused by elementalization!"


   Downton comforted everyone. But when I moved, it hurt and twitched. Take a breath.


   Killing Thunder uses a martial art, called **** airdrop. In addition to using the potential energy falling from the extreme height, in the process, there will also be multiple crazy savings of Vulcan power, and the fireball finally hits the ground. The destructive power caused by the instant release of energy has already approached the legend.


   This is a big finishing technique. As Downton's strength increases, the power of **** airdrops will also increase. After all, it was born for the purpose of killing enemies across the ranks.


   In order not to let the strong enemy escape. During the show, Downton will be imprisoned in the lava chain with the enemy at the same time, but in the moment of impact, he can be fully elementalized, that is, let the whole person become a flame, free from the bondage.


The legendary stage can't do pure elementalization of the body, not to mention Downton. He only relied on the combination of the fire **** body and the fire bird to barely do it, but this process is only three seconds, even In this way, he was still hit hard by the original power of the law of Vulcan.


   Fortunately, with the super healing effect of the Soul Twin Trees, plus the partial immunity of the body of Vulcan, Downton can survive, otherwise he will definitely die.


   Di Lanxue and Xia Luo didn't speak, but the movements were uniform, using their best magic skills to treat Downton's injury.


   A green light like a snake, cruising along Downton's body, wherever he went, the burnt skin was like a tender bud that was moistened by the spring rain, directly extinguished the dead skin and exposed the new skin.


   The white Holy Light on Downton's body surface resonates with the soul tree and stimulates the potential, making him like a dry hot spring watered by spring water, instantly full of vitality.


  Ilian, the scepter, couldn't get in the way. There is no way. Although her magical effect is good, but compared with the two girls, there is still a gap, which is directly covered.


   "Thank you!"


   Downton sat up and took a sip of the spring of nature to replenish the depleted magic energy and entered a state of meditation.


   "Camp in place, don't leave tonight!"


   Seeing Elaine around Downton, Xia Luo did not mean to preside over the big picture. Juliet could only stand up and instruct Alice and his party.


   "Oh! Oh!"


   It wasn't until Juliet said the third time that Alice reacted, nodding busy.


   "Goddess is up, that is His Royal Highness Dilanxue, so young!"


   Alice bit her finger violently, and only then could she shout out without excitement.


The nine emperors of the nine empires represent the highest right in the world, and Lion Ji is in charge of the king's scepter of the Twilight Empire. It is one of them. In the younger generation, even if it is known as the hope of the mainland Star's Heinrich could not compare with her because of her origin.


   "It's getting late, and it's more dangerous to rush by at night. Should we stay overnight? Let's rush together tomorrow?"


   Elaine invites,


"it is good!"


   Di Lanxue.




Yilian was only a polite invitation. Although Dilanxue was a girl, her robbers came to her door with her mighty strength, so she could only find her own way. Therefore, after the other party agreed, she was quite surprised and unconsciously pointed at Downton. Glance.


   "Wouldn't these two people really have a problem?"


   Elaine glanced at the sage wolf again, and then looked at Juliet. Hey, fortunately Princess Sissy is not here, otherwise it is definitely Shurachang!


"sorry to bother you!"


   Di Lanxue nodded towards Alice.


   "No trouble! No trouble!"


   Missy didn’t expect Lion Ji to be so approachable. When she saw her thank you, her cheeks turned red and her hands shook. "No, it's my pleasure to serve Your Highness!"


   The steward was kneeling next to him, his lips trembling, and he couldn't say a word. The former head of the family, not to mention the king, was the Duke of the Eastern Realm. But this time it was better. I didn't talk about it when I met Downton. I even saw His Royal Highness Dilanxue.


   "His Royal Highness..."


  Donovan wanted to invite Di Lanxue to dinner, but they didn't give him a chance at all, which made him vomit blood depressedly.

  'S rumors, he didn't believe it, but how to explain the current situation?


   "Everyone be careful. There are enemies watching!"


   Dilan Xue reminded.




   Little Walnut jumped on the air rays and looked around with a binoculars.


   "If they attack. You better escape, I will try my best to stop them!"


   Di Lanxue looked to the sky


   "It turns out so!"


  Donovan was relieved.


   "Master, let's go out?"


   On a floating battleship, a man in a **** robe was standing on the side of the ship, looking down. A dozen guards stood beside him. At this time, they all looked excited to fight.


   "Go give Dilan Xue a head?".


   The Soul Worshiper's lips were licked, and Lion Ji was too annoying. Without her, she could kill Downton with her canary. Solve this new star.


"the host……"


  The guards were not convinced. They were all marshals. The strong men killed in the **** sea of ​​corpses in the abyss battlefield. Will they join forces and not kill a Dilan Xue?


   "Don't talk nonsense, we can't expose it yet, otherwise it will disrupt the master's plan!"


  Rejection of the spirit-offering sacrifice, let alone these people, even if he came out personally, it is estimated that he would not take advantage of it. The genius like Lion Ji cannot be judged by common sense at all, not to mention that she still holds the Excalibur.


   Dilan Xue sat cross-legged in the tent for meditation, and suddenly opened her eyes.


   "Actually retreated?"


   Di Lanxue was a little surprised. With the madness of the evil spirits, he would launch a strong attack in all likelihood, but unexpectedly, it was so simple, but it made her more worried. The other party was obviously planning a conspiracy.


   Early the next morning, Downton appeared alive in the caravan.


Not to mention Downton's own self-healing ability, not to mention the twin angels and Elaine, just the great prophet Xia Luo with the title of sage wolf and the temple knight Dilan Xue are enough to heal his injury, he doesn't even know The precious potions given to him by the two girls were worth ten million gold coins.


The five marshals that were attacked were all dead, and the three robbers were all dead and wounded. Downton’s abandonment of cargo anti-killing tactics was naturally impossible to execute, but as the war flags seized on three sides were hung, the thieves were everywhere Avoid, even the regular army dare not provoke them.


   There are always some smart people in this world, so Juliet did not kill everyone, and because of the joining of Di Lanxue, those unowned goods, Downton is not easy to swallow.


   "The maid rest assured that we will make up for a generous gift!"


   The principals are still in the business group. In addition to safety, they also want to catch up with Di Lanxue. In their capacity, they can't touch the door when they want to give gifts, so they must also catch their cheeks.


  Pogia and Habsburg Chamber of Commerce is even more so, although it is named a giant, but in front of Lion, there is no noble at all.


   solved the three big robber groups, the future is worry-free, so the atmosphere of the joint business group is very relaxed.


   "In two days, you will be able to reach Ujimqin, which is a pearl of the orc empire!"


  Donovan stuck to Di Lanxue like a dog skin plaster, showing off his experience and achievements.


  Lion Ji will not refuse people, so he can only adopt a strategy of disregard.


   "This is such a good opportunity, why not go talk?"


  Homer questioned.


   "Is it necessary? I'm not going to eat soft rice?"


   Downton rolled his eyes. If he wanted to be a little white face, he would have become a lover with Sissi.


   "Well, she is the empress of the Twilight Empire, do you know the concept? Marry her and make her happy, this empire is yours!"


   Cheap God encourages.


   "If I want land, I will conquer myself!"


   Downton retorted.


   "So I said you are an immature young man!"


   Cheap God feeling.


Downton thought about it, and Zema ran towards Dilanxue, although he didn't plan to be a little white-faced, but Homer said it well. If you want to mix on this continent, it is necessary to make more allies, especially Dilanxue This heavyweight.


   "I'm sorry about the NATO speaker!"


   Downton doesn't have much contact with girls, so he has a stupid mouth.


   "That's just an insignificant title!"


   Di Lanxue interrupted Downton's words.




   Downton was speechless. He thought Dilanxue was Heinrich's fiancé, so he must be grudged about it and didn't expect to step on the thunder.


   "Haha, make you proud!"


   Donovan secretly.




   Downton scratched his hair embarrassingly. It seemed that Di Lanxue supported herself at that time, completely to make trouble with Heinrich.


   "Why apologize? What did you do wrong?"


   Di Lanxue strongly asked back, once again let Downton can not take the words.


   "His Royal Highness is angry, he is just too nervous!"


   Donovanba didn't see much of Downton's ugliness.


"I'm not angry!"


Di Lanxue's tone is cold~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But she feels guilty in her heart. What she said is all about her, because of her identity and experience, she only has a friend who is not very common, so she doesn't Know how to talk to friends.


   The atmosphere was embarrassing, Donovan was so happy, and he didn't make a siege.


  While Downton was sweating anxiously, a walnut drink came in front.


   "Where are you robbers?"


"I went to see!"


   Downton had an excuse to leave quickly.


   "His Royal Highness, don't know this kind of pariah!"


  Donovan had just finished speaking, and found that Dilanxue didn't pay attention to himself, and had rushed out riding a snow lion, chasing Downton's back.


   "Who told you we are robbers?"


In front of the business group, a bunny girl in a tight leather jacket chewed a carrot and white walnut glanced, "What about the principal? Let him come out, I have something to say!"


   "Speak to me!"


   Walnut stood up with a small breast and banged it twice, completely like a little adult.




◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by the Flash God Tuban Edition@随风飘杨2". If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the official website to subscribe for rewards. Your support is your biggest motivation. 】Bring your friends (@影承@du_新城@字书文)


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