Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1110: Prince Taisi

On the prairie, the cold wind screamed and frozen everyone’s ambition to make a fortune. If it were not returned now, it would cost a lot of money. The principals had already returned.

Although it was safe to follow Dilan Xue and Downton, but they were not bodyguards, and those who had to go to Stormwind City to attend the meeting would have only themselves left.

"what happened?"

The thoughtful principals gathered, and when they saw the bunny girl, their eyes lit up.

Orc slaves have always been best-sellers in the human kingdom. In addition to being strong males who can be used as coolies, there are many beautiful female slaves.

Fox fox girls have the highest price, but the number is slightly less, and because the average IQ of fox girls is higher than that of ordinary orcs, the probability of shaman sacrifices among them is very high. Therefore, the status of this race has risen. The female, if caught, is hanged.

Albert Bunny and Kate Persian Catwoman are notoriously docile, and because of their relatively strong fertility, the number of these two ethnic groups has remained high, so the upper nobles often sell some, which not only reduces the burden of the ethnic group, but also Increase additional income.

The orc kingdom is uncivilized, either slavery or clan system, so the bottom vassals do not have any freedom at all. The aristocratic masters don’t let them be recruited at will. They are sold, and no one will say anything.

Hard-working, capable, bunny girls and catgirls are the best servants, as long as the nobles with a little assets will raise a few bunny girls, which is both clever and seductive.

There is an unwritten rule in the human country to evaluate whether an entertainment venue is upscale enough, depending on the number and quality of bunny girls and cat girls.

The bunny girl who appeared in front of everyone is undoubtedly a beautiful woman. Not to mention the petite figure, the hairy bunny ears with the crescent eyes made people want to hug her in her arms immediately.

The principals exchanged their eyes, and the greed that could not be concealed. If Di Lanxue was not in the team, they worried that their image would be damaged, and they had already sent the guards to arrest her.

Most of the businessmen who came to the sunset prairie are not good and kind people, the enemy is strong, they are businessmen who are not deceived by the child, and the enemy is weak, they will immediately become robbers, and no one will be burned and looted by foreign people. There is no psychological pressure.

"I see **** in your eyes~ Sure enough, humans don't have a good thing!"

The bunny girl pouted, pacing the frozen ground with her hands on her back.

"Come here, catch this robber scout!"

The head of the Borgia family's eyes turned and roared, and a team of guards behind him immediately screamed and ran out.

The principals looked at him in amazement, and then their eyes turned into a deep admiration. They deservedly belonged to the big family. This excuse was simply an open mouth.

As long as the bunny girl is caught, the black one can be said to be white, and Dilan Xue does not expect to be a beast girl.

Of course, it is best to resolve everything before His Royal Highness the Lion Ji arrives.

"Ah, it's terrible, the human bandits are here!"

The bunny girl screamed suddenly, raised her hands, and ran back dizzyingly. The panic expression on her face increased the guards' conquest.

"Haha, even if you go to the end of the world, you can't escape our palms!"

The guards laughed proudly, and most people subconsciously stared at the bunny girl's buttocks, because of the running, the swing was particularly tempting, and some of them were horses to bypass and intercept her way.

"Stop playing, grab it first!"

The principal glanced back and hurried.

"it is good!"

The captain of the guard responded, just to greet the men and women, they suddenly saw a flash of light in the air, like a spider's silk reflecting the sun, he instinctively waved his machete to cut, and the result was the moment of contact , Made a bitter creak.

"Come on, be careful!"

The captain's face changed, and he reminded loudly, but it was too late, so the principals saw a sudden burst of blood mist on the guards who drove the horses, and then the whole person was divided into corpses and broken into pieces of rotten meat. Get off the battle horse.

"Quick stop, there are traps!"

Little Loli shouted, but there were less than five people left. They stood on the spot and dared not move.

"It's too late!"

The bunny girl stopped, changing the expression she was scared just now, and her beautiful face was full of smug smiles. She shook her index finger and ran to the nearest body.

"Oye, get rich!"

The bunny girl squatted beside the corpse, picked up the loot neatly, and at first glance she was a gangster who was used to this kind of activity.

"what happened?"

Sniffing the **** smell in the air, Downton frowned.

"Shoot her with a crossbow!"

The captain dared not get close, and took off the crossbow hung on the saddle, but they just wound the string and aimed at the bunny girl, the whole person was cut apart, and even the horse was not spared.

This scene scared the guards behind the principals who wanted to take bows and arrows. The bunny girl's attack was too strange, and it should be a gift.

"Yao, what a beautiful woman!"

Seeing Di Lanxue and Elaine coming over, the bunny girl couldn't help but praise, and no longer picked up the body, but jumped up and looked carefully, "It's still a virgin ~ ah, um, only this way is worthy the host!"

"Hey, don't do extra things, be careful to clean up your highness!"

There was a corrugated shock in the air, and then a tall werewolf appeared. It carried a gun pocket and it was full of throwing guns. In addition to a two-handed knight sword, two handles were hanging around his waist. The scimitar, depending on the style, should be a weapon of the Persian Empire in the Middle East.

"Well, I also think about the master. These two women have good qualifications, and they can definitely give birth to perfect offspring!" Bunny Girl pouted.

The werewolf knight shook his head. He no longer managed the mad bunny girl, but put up **** towards the business group, "Two requests, one, look back immediately, otherwise you will die in Ujimqin, two, as this Revenge of the news, please release all orc slaves in your business group!"

"what are you?"

Looking at his dead man, Donovan suffocated and shouted, but he was a marshal, and it was okay to stop Downton, and an orc fish would dare to come out arrogantly.

"I've brought it to your Highness, whatever you want!"

The werewolf did not take Lidonovan and greeted the bunny girl, "Let's go, after they die in Ujimqin, those slaves will also be rescued!"

"Who is your highness?"

Downton asked casually.

"You don't deserve to know!"

The werewolf's tone was blunt.

"Are you looking for death, dare to talk to Big Brother like this?"

Walnut felt that the werewolf was too arrogant and had to learn a lesson.


The werewolf disdain, even if he came to report the news because of the master's order, but in his bones, he was still hostile to humans.

"Am I letting you go? Leave me all!"

Donovan screamed and directly teleported to kill him. With his unlucky character, his men died, he didn't care, so he just vented his anger and caught the bunny girl by the way. In the market, how can you sell a million gold coins.

"you go first!"

Poof, in two pops, the werewolf came out of the sword, dozens of blades of light flashed by, and cut to Donovan.

"Trick and worm!"

Donovan exhaled, sonic technology controlled the field, and at the same time the long sword shook, puncturing dozens of sword flowers, chopped all the invisible blades, followed by the left hand.

A harsh crunch sounded, and Donovan's hand had a thin and sharp silk thread. Due to the reflected sunlight, everyone saw that they had been shrouded in front of them.

This is a bunny girl's talent, extremely sharp, killing invisible.

"Oops, withdraw quickly!"

Seeing that the trap was broken, the bunny girl panicked and drilled directly into the frozen soil. The whole person disappeared into the air.

"Do you need help?"

Walnut asked, in her opinion, although Donovan is bad, it is human anyway, and should belong to the same camp.

Downton's eyes flickered and his left fist suddenly waved.


A heavy fist rubbed against Elaine's side, and the strong wind brought out her long black hair.

"Eh, he's seen through, run!"

The bunny girl's body flickered in the air and kept away, leaving a string of mischievous smiles.

"So cunning!"

Walnut widened her eyes and sensed the position of the bunny girl. She hated this kind of lie enemy. The retreat was completely a fraud tactic. If the elder brother was not alert, Yilian was taken away.

Downton, whose mirror is full of water, did not chase the bunny girl who had escaped, but ran towards Elaine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a long arm.


A dagger pierced Downton's arm, but he couldn't break the defense of the Overlord. .

"Look where you flee!"

Downton roared, and in the turbulence of the sound, his five fingers changed into claws, and then everyone saw that the bunny girl was pulled out of thin air.

"Tu Tu!"

The werewolf knight was in a hurry, but he was only a scepter order to resist Donovan's offensive, which had already exhausted him, and there was no way to rescue him.

"Why are you not fooled?"

The bunny girl looked at Downton with a shocked expression. She used this trick to shady many people, but didn't expect it to be planted in this young man's hand for the first time.

This beast girl is very cunning. Even this sentence is a bully. She wants Downton to be proud and relax her vigilance so that her counterattack can take effect.

"If you release your talent again, I will crush your throat!"

Downton's expression was severe, and Dou Zuanxing spread out, blocking those deadly threads.

"it is good!"

The big hand on the neck tightened, and a sense of suffocation came, and Tutu nodded with difficulty.

"Let her go, or His Highness will kill you all!"

Seeing that Tutu was captured, the werewolf broke out, hoping that Dunton and his party would be afraid.

"What Tai Xi Feng? Can it be eaten?"

Walnut pouted, and the werewolf's tone was abhorrent. It seemed that as soon as he talked about Taixifeng, it would make his elder brother serve softly, which was extremely arrogant.

"Downton, don't hurt her!"

Di Lanxue chimed in.

"Oh? That Tai Xi Feng is very powerful?"

Downton was surprised that Lion Ji wouldn't wait for a while, and he noticed that after the werewolf mentioned the name, he and the bunny girl naturally had pride on their faces, which was a heartfelt worship of His Royal Highness Tessei. (To be continued...)

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