Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1115: Professor Abu

The scene fell into silence. Everyone felt that their brains were not enough. They looked at this moving castle with half of its body buried in the frozen ground. …≦apex novel,

Its bottom is as big as a basketball court, made of various steel pieces, stacked like fish scales, and its head is exactly shaped like a devil fish, with two huge eyeballs installed. A huge magic headlight with a rectangular iron fence in its mouth, hung with a multi-headed snake-shaped lightning sign.


Donovan pouted, referring to the thick nose on his front face that was enough for one person to embrace. It was three meters long. "Looks like a spur for collision?"

No one succeeds, but Downton knows that this thing looks like an artillery, and there are also some square gun doors on both sides of the hull. No need to ask, when fighting, it will show fangs, let the enemy understand its terrible.

The mobile castle is about five floors tall, and the sharper it goes up, it is obviously not made overnight, but constantly improved and added, so it is full of forging and welding traces, but the whole body is made of metal, so it is full of A breath of steel.

Although some facilities were added the day after tomorrow, such as those thick power pipes, triangular open-air balconies, etc., the designer is obviously a genius and has a natural perception of the building, so the mobile castle as a whole looks full of a kind of A strange beauty.

"A bit like steel technology in the steam age?"

Homer gave the evaluation.

"What a weird feeling!"

Elaine grunted. There were dragon-shaped wings on both sides of the castle. Instead of decoration, it used a wind-powered magic device. On top of it, there was a snake-shaped wind vane. At the same time, it also has the function of lightning rod, and hangs a battle flag.

"Lay down the weapon, it is Professor Abu!"

Seeing the dragons, stars, and thunder on the battle flag as the main body, the body surface depicts patterns composed of magic books, flasks, and firewood, even the arrogant Puyol, quickly let his subordinates put the knife into the sheath. Avoid accidental injury.

"What is this Abu, very famous?"

Downton asked in a low voice.

"Humans say that the orcs are stupid because we don't have a rigorous education system, and all knowledge is in the hands of shamans. In fact, this statement is good, but in the past five hundred years, this situation has begun to change, because Professor Abu has rebuilt the orcs. The first university. Compiled textbooks for basic education, determined to allow every orc child to wander in the sea of ​​knowledge, be educated, and establish the correct three views."

Tai Xifeng is a madman with a tone of worship. If the pope of the orc is under the crown because of the exercise of divine power, as the spokesperson of the beast **** is admired, then Professor Abu is for spreading knowledge. Let people awe.

"He is a wise man, a pioneer. An irreplaceable lighthouse for the orc race!"

Di Lanxue gave a very high evaluation, and even took the initiative to dismount and stand on the side. This is respect for a pioneer.

Everyone was shocked to see Lion Ji’s movements, and Professor Abu was just a civilian. What kind of prestige did it actually allow an empire leader to willingly dismount and wait?

"Ah, it was this guy. I remember that the six empires had plotted to assassinate him, but it failed." Donovan reacted. He had never seen Abu, but he was famous for this professor, such as Lei Guaner.

Downton noticed a bitter smile in Dilanxue's mouth. After a moment of stun, he reacted and led the orc to move forward. It must be the number one enemy of mankind, but for such a person as Lion Ji, he was not willing to kill After him, let his wisdom be buried under the dust...

"Wise who can't be used by me, what's the point of keeping it?"

Juliet is a utilitarian, staring indifferently at the moving castle, without a touch of affection, awe of the wise? No, the best result is to cut off their heads.

"Ah, save people quickly!"

Little Walnut thought that she was in trouble. She scratched her hair embarrassedly, and then saw a sudden snorting of the moving castle crooked on the ground, spraying a lot of white steam, so she stepped off the calf and ran towards it.


The maid chief stretched out her hand with one hand and pulled Walnut's shoulders. This scene surprised Downton slightly. Little Lori's strength was so great that the maid chief could still stand steadily on the spot, showing how powerful it was.

boom! boom! boom!

Just like bursting armor, a piece of steel plate flew from the castle, flying aimlessly, and the scared group of people screamed and shrank their necks.

Seeing a steel plate shoot head-on, Downton's single fist gave a slight shock, and with a bang, the steel plate flew out at a faster speed like a shell.

Crunch! Crunch!

Eight long mechanical legs stretched out on both sides of the castle, first to restore balance, followed by climbing out of the big pit and stopped beside.

"Trouble everyone, and on behalf of the professor, I apologize to everyone!"

The door opened, and a housekeeper wearing a black tuxedo came out, with his right hand in front of his lower abdomen and his left hand behind his back, bowing and apologizing.

"Be careful!"

Walnut reminds.

A steel plate fell from the sky, smashed the contract, and hit the housekeeper.

"Thank you, Miss!"

The butler smiled and raised his right hand with white gloves, his fingers flexed.


To say less, there was also a steel plate weighing five or six hundred pounds that was instantly collapsed, and the blow of the fist spread out, swaying the dust around.

The whole audience was silent, and many people were able to do this, but understatement like a housekeeper would be impossible.


Tutu sighed, saying that it was action, but also a person. When the steward was middle-aged, his face was full of the taste of a mature male, like a glass of wine. The posture is simply a mess.

"The Laurel Werewolf?"

Many people took a deep breath, but the housekeeper had a crescent tattoo in addition to the silver hair of the shawl, which was a sign of the rare laurel werewolf.

The wolf clan is a large clan in the orc empire, and the laurel wolf clan is also a noble in the nobility. He actually surrendered to the world and was willing to be a steward, which also proved Professor Abu's personality charm from the side.

"This is a great opportunity, so please visit us!"

Tessie looks excited. As he sorted out his clothes, he explained, "Professor Abu is very busy. He even refused many invitations under the crown of his father and the pope."

"Yes, talk to the professor, maybe there will be some gains. Once a nobleman spent 10 million to buy his lunch time!"

Di Lanxue looked at Downton and motioned him not to be slack.

"Ah? There are such silly people?"

Donovan was stunned.

"That's the fool you mentioned, from a civilian to one of the ten richest people in the Western Continent!"

Taixi Feng rolled his eyes, and there were so many stupid people who didn't learn.

"Haha, are you stupid? How can a civilian afford ten million gold coins?"

Donovan counterattacked.

"Of course it's borrowing money, and this plan is itself a propaganda!" The maid chief came over and looked disdainful. "Of course, with your IQ, you can't understand it."


Donovan was anxious and he was not a human being, so he didn't care about Professor Abu, but after seeing the expressions of Taisifeng and Puyol, he did not dare to get angry.

"It must be His Royal Highness Dilanxue, see you today. Sure enough, the name is not publicized!"

The butler's body floated for a foot and floated in front of everyone. This hand alone makes everyone shocked. In addition to its powerful strength, it is also extremely rare because of the dance technique.

"Awesome, I want to meet Professor Abu, please also pass it on!"

Di Lanxue responded.

"Dare not!"

The butler turned sideways. Dodged, "Professor Abu came here just to see His Royal Highness."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Donovan is also full of interest in this professor, at least at the high-end banquet, there are talks.

"Sorry. The professor did not invite you!"

The housekeeper reached out and stopped Donovan.

"what did you say?"

Donovan's complexion suddenly turned green, especially in front of Di Lanxue, which made him feel humiliated.

"The professor did not invite you!"

Donovan thought his threats would work, but the butler's response did not hesitate, and even his tone did not change at all, just like sending a stranger he never knew.

"Haha, let's go, who do you think you are? How can I meet Professor Abu!" Puyolbi said a middle finger, and then invited Di Lanxue, "Your Highness, please!"

"Sorry, there is no seat for you!"

The butler shook his head.

Puyol suddenly froze on the spot, his face full of disbelief, subconsciously pointed to his nose, "Are you sure?"

The butler nodded.

"I am the prince of the royal family!"

Puyol's voice was full of anger.

"I know!"

The butler's tone is not salty, but the angry person is dying.


Walnut Nunjun couldn't help but smiled with his mouth covered.

Tai Xifeng didn't want the atmosphere to be stiff. He wanted to round the field, but he didn't know what to say, sweating anxiously.

"Your Highness, let's take a step first." Downton spread his hands. "The caravan has been spending a lot of time."

Downton was not interested in seeing any pioneer wise men. He knew that his mentor was Lord Homer, who was known as the Encyclopedia, and he could add a cheap god.

"Wait, Duke Downton, and His Highness Tessie, you are also invited by the professor, please give me a minute!"

The attitude of the housekeeper was obviously much better, which also made Donovan and Puyol more angry.

"What does this mean? Say I'm not as good as His Royal Highness Dilanxue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I recognized it, but why is this guy?" Donovan pointed to Downton's nose and snarled at the butler, there was no way, he 'S self-esteem was completely trampled on.

"Hello, believe me, break your finger?"

The walnut is very annoyed, this Donovan is so rude.

"There is no reason, but you are not qualified to see the professor!"

The butler was not angry, but the more this disregard, the more he made Donovan jump.

"Okay, don't let the professor wait for so long, what are you doing so much? It's all gone!"

The head maid came over. She was a flamboyant character. She was the least able to see this inefficient whispering. "Something dissatisfied, tell me!"

As the maid's long voice fell, all the maids rolled up their sleeves, apparently wanting to dry, and each face was an excited expression eager to try. (To be continued...)


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