Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1116: Is it an enemy?

"Hey, don't you think our maidservant's attitude is very annoying? Hurry up and beat her!"

"Aren't you still a man? Don't let your mouth blow, just fist!"

"This guy is mine. I want to beat him so much that his mother can't recognize him!"

All the maids were afraid that the world would be noisy, making everyone stunned.

"How do I feel that these girls are more like the sisters who are trying to fight all day long?"

Walnut grunted.

Donovan and Puyol had eaten this kind of loss, so they had intentions to make trouble, but the maid's unreasonable signs made them hesitate, and they remembered that they just resisted the movement of falling from the sky just now. The castle is intact...

"be quiet!"

The maid frowned, scolding her men, "Go back and entertain the guests!"

The main humiliating minister died, and Borgia's guards and bearmen shouted, killing all over, but the werewolf steward swept the eyes, and the audience seemed to be swept by the cold and immediately calmed down.


The housekeeper gave an understatement, but the murderous intention released was like a terrifying super-order Warcraft.

"I also need to go!"

Little Walnut ran a few steps, a flutter, hung on Downton's back, hug him coquettishly.

Downton's inquiry looked at the housekeeper. If the other party refused, he would not go. Anyway, it was the orc's wise man, and he had nothing to do with him.

"Since he is a friend of Duke Downton, Professor Abu naturally welcomes!"

The key bends slightly.

"Oye, let's go!"

Walnut cheered and drew Juliet and Elaine, "Go, let's see if the professor has three heads, otherwise why should he be a pioneer?"

"Walnut. Apologies!"

Downton stared at Little Loli, and Walnut clearly regarded the visit as a zoo trip.


Walnut grunted, dissatisfied.

"Childish words are impunity!"

The housekeeper didn't care. "Prophet Xia Luo, if you have time. The professor would also like to invite you to narrate!"

"Forget it, I'm most afraid of trouble!"

Xia Luo refused.

"Professor may know your mother's whereabouts!"

The maid gave a word to the sage wolf to change his mind, so the party went to move the castle, and the United Caravan continued on.

"Come on, Missy!"

The butler sighed. He and Downton were not people of the world at all, not even qualified to stand beside him.

Didn't you see it? Neither the wealthy Borgia nor the prince of the orcs were as big as Downton.

"I know. I won't be delusional!"

Alice smiled bitterly and turned around. There was no shortage of beautiful girls beside Downton. Even the maid was powerful and possessed super beasts and devil servants. Why should she compete for pets? I'm afraid I don't know how to be killed.

"That's right, using this peer's affection, our family can definitely turn over!"

The butler nodded happily, even if he sold 10 million goods on this journey. It's not as good as knowing Downton's reward, but it is the uncrowned king of Frankfort, no. Maybe in the future, he will become the king of the whole north!

After entering the gate, a white jade-style promenade was seen, and some paintings hung on the walls on both sides. Downton's art cells were pitiful and naturally unrecognizable, but Homer exclaimed again and again.

"Wow, this is a boy with a pipe. Master Picasso's masterpiece!"

"Don't see anything, don't you?"

Walnut smacked his lips. "I painted better than him!"

"I heard that there are twenty-six lost magics in this famous painting. They are all of the level of Saint Aoxun, and they can also activate a field!"

Di Lanxue was worried that Walnut's indecision would anger Professor Abu. So quickly speak out science.

"Ah? St. Auxun's magic? What a joke, that kind of thing can also be expressed in the form of paintings?"

Walnut murmured, curious, and subconsciously leaned in front of the wall to observe carefully. Fortunately, she knew she could not touch it.

There is a law in the magic world, that is, the longer the mantra, the more laws can be contained, and the more powerful power erupts, let alone the spell of the Saint Aoxun level, which is a legendary level. Without profound knowledge, it can’t be read. Come out, let alone transform them into other art forms.

"Yes, since the birth of this painting, more than ten thousand years have passed, and a total of seven lost magics have been cracked, and the three magicians who did this step all achieved the position of St. Aoxun, the most famous of which is The eighty-second generation of the head of the Heinrich family unlocks five ways!"

Di Lanxue continued to move forward. She no longer looked at the child who took the pipe. She was not a magician. It was useless to see it. On the contrary, she would put unnecessary stress on her spirit, which would cause regret and affect her mood.

The maidservant and the housekeeper looked at each other, and their faces were full of admiration. Every guest who visited the professor would stop after recognizing this Picasso masterpiece. Snow is so simple, there is none.

No one knows, this is a test, and even his own desires and desires can't be controlled. How to become a strong man?

"This is real?"

Downton asked.

"Do you think Professor Abu, who is famous, hangs a fake here, and who lost his face?"

Cheap God rolled his eyes.

"Two people, is this painting sold?"

Downton's words made the housekeeper and the maid head silly. Dilan Xue was the first person to be unrelenting, and this guy was the first visitor to make a purchase request.

"Is your mind okay? Do you think our professor will be short of money? His lunch can sell ten million gold coins!"

"But he is so bold. Other visitors dare not mention the request for a day of borrowing. Does he even want to buy?"

"Wait, since he dares to buy, it means that he is worth a lot. If there is a billion, I will barely marry him!"

"Dead Nizi, this is winter, what spring are you sending!"

A group of maid twitters, the original attention was on the well-known Dilan Xue, but now it is transferred to Downton.

"It made you laugh, but oil paintings are not for sale!"

The steward refused with a smile.

"I took the liberty!"

Downton turned and left, with a deep heart, judging from the style of the maids. The professor should be an informal person.

"Uh, it turns out this guy doesn't care about the lost magic!"

The housekeeper sighed.

"It may also be self-aware, knowing that it cannot be cracked!"

The maid pouted. What more to say, I heard Di Lanxue asking the same question. He could not help raising his ears.

"Ah? Crack it? Homer should be able to do it, but what do I do with that energy? If I want, just go find the cheap god?"

Downton shrugged his shoulders, "As long as the sacrifices are enough, not to mention the lost magic, even the magic skills are not a problem!"

"Why tell me?"

Di Lanxue looked at Downton, "should this be a secret?"

"Fool, he meant. You can also sacrifice to me!"

The cheap **** cuts in, as long as he gets the sacrifice, its recovery speed can be accelerated, "For the sake of you being a Downton friend, I can count you 30% off!"

"No wonder you call it the cheap god!"

Dilan Xuerenjun couldn't help but show no surprise at the suddenly cheap bargain god.

"You're stupid. Seeing her attitude, obviously you already know our existence."

Homer sneered that Downton did not deliberately keep it secret, so as Di Lanxue. It is not difficult to spy on this information.

"Don't you think about it?"

The cheap **** didn't set up Homer, Lion Ji was the emperor who controlled hundreds of millions of people. If you develop her into a believer, it is a good thing for any deity!

"Sorry, I believe in justice and fairness!"

Di Lanxue refused, if it was half a year ago, let alone sacrifice, for the father, she even willingly gave her life, but now it is no longer needed.

"Cheap god? What the hell?"

The maidservant looked at the housekeeper suspiciously.

"I don't know!"

The butler was speechless and then greeted the crowd.

Short corridor. A total of more than 200 paintings are hanging, row upon row. Tai Xifeng's body shivered uncontrollably, trying to get a complete view of each pair.

"What's wrong with you? Sick?"

After watching Walnut for a while, he was not interested. Poke Tai Xifeng's waist.

"These famous paintings are all collectibles. The cheapest one can be auctioned for an exorbitant price of 100 million yuan!"

After Taixifeng finished speaking, he found that he could not get any emotions, and he could not help but wonder, "Well? Are you amazed? This corridor alone is worth 50 billion yuan!"

"Only 50 billion yuan, which is a little more than my pocket money!"

Walnut dismissed his mouth contemptuously, not to mention the generous savings of himself and his big brother. If he was short of money, he would sneak into the dwarf treasury of Forge Fortress along the secret road. The savings of tens of thousands of years would be sought. If the king of the Red Dragon dare to block, Just kill it by the way.

Tai Xifeng found that Walnut was not a joke, even Juliet and Elaine had a strange attitude.

"The ring on the big brother's hand is worth 30 billion yuan. By the way, if you lack money, I can lend you some."

Walnut is very generous.

"No need."

Tacy Feng quickly refused.

"I know the orcs are poor. If you're embarrassed, how about going to the Dragon Tomb with us? Rest assured, the loot will be distributed fairly!"

Little Walnut started to recruit teammates.

During the chatter, Downton and his party also stepped into the hall of the castle, which was obviously expanded by the space spell, because the place is bigger than the castle looks!

A blond man is sitting by the window, holding a paintbrush ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looking into the distance, and smearing a few strokes on the drawing board from time to time.

His expression was so focused that even the most naughty walnut couldn't help holding his breath, fearing to disturb him.

The setting sun sprinkled on him through the glass window, putting a touch of luxury on him, his mouth slightly curved, and the mellow smile overflowing, people could not wait to drown inside immediately.

"So handsome!"

At the moment when he saw him, the word jumped into everyone's mind. Even Dilanxue and Xia Luo were a little lost. They had to admit that this was the most handsome man they had ever seen, regardless of temperament or appearance. Perfection cannot be added.

"Law power?"

Di Lanxue bit her tongue and came awake. Xia Luo's instinct defense was not slow. The blue arc flashed over her eyes. Then she crossed her long brown hair and made her wake up.


A white halo appeared above Downton's head, radiating the Holy Light, dispelling the charm spell that shrouded everyone. (To be continued)

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