Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1119: City Break

There is a lot of noise in the nightclub. If they are resting on normal days, these rich businessmen with long pockets have already let go of the waves, and they have to ask a dozen dancers to accompany their drinks. ~The exposed Beast Girl is deeply afraid of being found out.

"Your Excellency, please make a price, as long as we can leave the setting prairie as soon as possible, we will do everything at all costs."

As the leading businessmen spoke, the others all echoed, and Downton was their life-saving straw, and must be grasped.

"I will try my best to talk about the current situation of the orc empire first?"

Downton didn't dare to drink the ale brought by the waiter. Who knew if they spit in it, but some merchants didn't realize it.

After drinking the bad luck of a big head, I saw a dead gecko, his face changed, and he turned and vomited.

"Waiter, how do you do business? Come on and see what's in this ale?"

The businessmen were accustomed to all kinds of prestige on weekdays. Anyone who had eaten this kind of loss called out and asked for something, but when he finished, he saw some companions beckoning him to shut up.

"Little voice, I'm not deaf!"

The waiter dug his ears, which was very disdainful.

"What do you think this is?"

The businessman hung the glass in front of the waiter.

"Everyone commented and judged that this guy got a dead gecko in the wine and wanted to ridicule people!"

Instead, the waiter sued the wicked.

"You, well, I won't tell you, call your boss."

The businessman was almost mad.

"Sorry, our boss has no time to take care of you." The waiter knocked on the table. "In addition, the vomit soiled the floor and demanded compensation at the price."

"Did you see it? I said it earlier and don't shout."

A timid businessman sighed, and war was imminent. The orcs weren't so busy with business as before, so they whispered to please them.

"Compensation for 10,000 gold coins, bring it!"

The waiter urged.

"How much? You are a poor ghost. Crazy about money?"

The businessman was stunned, not to mention ten thousand. Even ten silver coins are worthless.

"Who do you call a poor ghost?"

The waiter glared and snarled at the businessman, "Don't pay for it, don't want to get out of this door today!"



Seeing the lively orcs could not bear the luck of human beings, so they shouted in unison, and the violent sound made a group of businessmen sweat.

"One more thing is worse than one less, is it still out?"

Some businessmen discouraged.

"Ma Lei. What's this called?"

The vomiting businessman was very depressed. Ten thousand gold coins was nothing for him, but he was too suffocated.

"No compensation, shall we plant it here today?"

The merchants muttered.

"You can't treat guests like this!"

Tai Xifeng couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and accused the waiter.

"Are you an orc?"

The waiter asked back.


Tai Xifeng's answer is decisive, although he is completely the appearance of the elf family except for the tail, but he has always regarded himself as an orc.

"Then why are you going to humans? Are you a beast~ a traitor?"

The waiter's sarcasm made Taixi dumbfounded.

"Don't be noisy. Let's leave when the people who go to the toilet come back."

Downton got up, and these orc officers were masters who feared that the world would not be chaotic. The bloodthirsty craziness in his eyes, he didn't want to poke the horse honeycomb.

The vomiting businessman unwillingly took out his wallet and scolded for a gold ticket. Before the time came, he was snatched away by the waiter.

"One thousand gold coins are still missing. Forget it, don't care about you!"

The waiter glanced at the wallet, and I gave you a high attitude.

"Fart, I have hundreds of thousands of gold tickets in it."

The vomiting businessman was anxious. This was not a small sum of money, so he reached out and grabbed it. As a result, the orc officers gathered together and blocked his way. In the push, he punched him hard.

The guards brought by the merchants are not many, but they are all elite, and they immediately rushed over to block.

"Stop it all!"

Seeing the situation expand, Tessie shouted, releasing the pressure of his soul, as if swept by a cold current, and the entire hall suddenly became quiet.

"Why not come back?"

The businessman was ready to let the ministry go down to see what the guys were doing, but the crowd split apart, and a dozen orcs of large orcs walked over with several businessmen who had been interrupted.

boom! boom!

Several wailing businessmen were left on the ground.

"This guy peed me without saying a shoe, and still killed my soldiers. How about this account?"

The headed orc officer had a scar on his face. When angry, he was like a centipede. He glared his eyes and asked the group of people.

This guy looks reckless, but in fact very cunning, because he avoided Taixifeng and Downton.

"what happened?"

The businessmen are going to be mad, how can they go to the toilet?

Several businessmen wanted to talk and explain, but their mouths were broken and their jaws were broken. The swollen mouth could only make a whine.

"Indiscriminate killing of the orcs, but they are going to be hanged, let's say, do you want to be private or public?"

The Scar Orc questioned.

"Hey, is it too much to find a beggar to pretend to be a soldier?"

Downton couldn't bear it anymore. The dead guy had frostbite on his hands, feet and face. That military uniform was completely put on temporarily.

"I said he was a soldier, he was, kid, Captain Ben Wan gave you a face, don't you know what to lift?"

The Scar Orc squeezed his fist straight, and gave Dunton a hard look.

"What's the secret law?"

Some businessmen inquired that if you become public, you will naturally have to pay for your life.

"One million gold coins!"

The Scar Orc's staff reported a price.

"Why don't you grab it? One million gold coins are enough for me to buy dozens of slaves."

The merchants were angry, but the orcs were even more angry. In their view, the slave in this guy's mouth meant the orcs.

"Slay these **** slave merchants!"

"Yes, kill him!"

"No money. Pay your life!"

The orcs drank the wine originally, and then stimulated again, and the group was indignant. Those in the front row have already started to push.

"Stop them!"

The Scar Officer gave orders to his men and then reminded the merchants. "My patience is limited, I gave the money, I will send you away, otherwise, you should be able to guess the result."

"it is good!"

The businessmen hesitated to compromise.

Hearing this, a few officers exchanged their eyes and looked overjoyed. This is just the first step. As long as human merchants give money, it proves that they killed people, and then they can get a crime of bribing officers and squeeze another sum.

"Come on, go back with us and get the money!"

The businessman is not stupid, and he is going to go back to the hotel first.

"No, you send someone back to get the money."

The officers disagreed, and the merchants could not bear it. When preparing to compromise, Tai Xifeng, who couldn't see it, stood up, but he didn't wait for his words. Downton was pulled behind him.

"I want to sue you for abusing violence and slandering us for killing!"

Downton blamed.

The orcs around him froze for a moment, then laughed.

"Are you kidding me? Tell me? Where do you go? In front of the king? Your majesty has no time for these idle things!"

"Do you still use interrogation? It must be human's fault!"

"Yes, we are all witnesses, seeing these human hands hurt people."

The officers chattered and watched Downton and his entourage all the time. The number of witnesses and evidence was as many as needed.

"Duke Downton, forget it. We consider ourselves unlucky!"

A group of businessmen looked despairing. In fact, still playing a small abacus, they deliberately called Downton's name. It is hoped that the orcs will retreat in times of difficulty.

"Boy, I know that you have an extraordinary history, but this is the orc empire, even if you are a dragon, you have to hurry me!"

The Scar Officer came to Downton and reached out to pat his cheek.


Downton grabbed the officer's wrist.


The scarred officer was furious, and his soul swept across, suddenly throwing a fist, and the pestle was directed towards Downton's eyes.

"beat him!"

The onlookers shouted.

Downton's fist was faster and hit the scarred officer's stomach. He flew out like a broken sack.


Before he could fly away, Downton held out his hand, grabbed his hair, pulled it back, and lifted it up with his knees, banging on his chest.


In the sound of a crisp fracture, the orc's vomit spit with blood.

"Your Excellency, what are you doing?"

The businessmen are stupid. Don’t Downton do this, is it not to offend the dead orcs?

"I am here to save you!"

Downton seemed bitter-hearted, but sneered at the bottom of his heart. He saw through the calculations of these guys, so he deliberately caused chaos and sent them to die.

The audience was silent for a moment, the orcs stared blankly at a sergeant who had been overturned, and then left the ground and became angry.

"Go, kill them!"

The orcs swarmed up.

"When are you still thinking about calculations, is this the root of humanity?"

With the coercion of Downton's soul, he could naturally sweep across the hall and stun them, but the recent experience made him hold his stomach, so he waved his arms and punched to the flick of the meat.

Most orcs don't know Downton's identity, and after the riots, the blood is on top, regardless of the consequences.

boom! boom! boom!

The orc rushed to Downton and was beaten at a faster speed. The entire field of vision was full of dense human bodies, and the roar and screams of the sky rang through the ears.

"Don't fight, stop!"

Taisi Feng persuaded him, but some orcs thought he was a traitor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ beat him together.

Those human merchants did not have such good luck. In the chaos, they were killed by the orcs, and they were quickly picked up and dragged onto the street.

"Hey, something is wrong!"

Tacy sealed Downton a hand, "Listen!"


Downton grabbed the two orcs and flicked them as human flesh, opened a passage, and after walking out of the nightclub, he saw half of the city blaze with fire, and there were brigades of soldiers running on the street.

"There are humans here!"

Several soldiers saw Downton, and immediately shouted, and then more soldiers ran over with sharp blades, and their expressions were grim and rejoicing.

"No robbing, he is mine!"

An orc centurion yelled, a horse's first charge, and a human head, which can be exchanged for twenty gold coins, enough for these orcs to work hard. (To be continued)

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