Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1120: combustion


Tessie begged that although these soldiers were mischievous, they were fellow citizens after all, and he couldn't bear to watch them die. After all, for Downton, stepping on them was as easy as crushing ants.


The orc's long knife was like hitting a layer of air shield, before waiting to hit Downton, he swung to the side.

"How do you let us let them go?"

Downton growled, stretched his arms, and pinched the soldier's neck. He couldn't help but be angry because the city began slaughtering humans.

Ujumqin was the first stronghold of the orc empire in the south. It used to be a military center, but as the war eased, trade with humans made it the largest and most prosperous city in the south.

Those human chambers of commerce have set up many offices in this city, and the haze of war is gradual, and most people are withdrawn, but there will always be some people who have to stay behind. After all, capital is profit-seeking, even if several countries go to war, You can make some war money.

Despite the anxiety of the left-behind people in the office, in view of the fact that there has not been a massacre in the past hundreds of years, they are still at ease. When they go on the street, they should be more careful. Consulates in some countries have not been withdrawn...

No one expected that the disaster was so sudden, some orcs broke into the office, smashed and robbed, destroyed everything that could be seen, took all valuable things, and even left the rest of the toilet paper in the toilet. Ever.

Human beings hid and dared not resist, but they still did not escape the disaster. They were found by the orcs. Fortunately, they were just beaten with a beating. They were robbed of all their belongings. The unfortunate ones were miserable. of. Others were stripped of their clothes and dragged onto the streets to parade.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The orcs walking through the streets cheered, and a team of soldiers rushed up the street. Holding the corpse in his hand as if showing a loot, he yelled to show off to the crowd nearby.

The other orcs were excited. Not to be outdone to find humans, but also to make a banner of this corpse.

"No, it's not like that, they are just scum among the orcs!"

Taixi Feng's face was pale, he was the Grand Marshal, so even at a distance of 1,000 kilometers, he could see that the human woman's body was covered with bruises and blood stains, and she had lost her breath. But panic still solidified on his face, highlighting the cruel experience he had suffered before death.

"Ma Lei, go to the highest commander of the city and let him send troops to suppress it, otherwise the riots will affect innocent people!"

Seeing those human corpses, Downton didn't care about the life and death of the orcs, but he had to say this, otherwise the governor would never send troops for some human beings, and he would wait for the orcs to robbery and miscellaneously. After venting completely, the mess is being cleaned up.

"Yes, yes. Go to the Governor!"

Taixi Feng urged the werewolf knights. This kind of riot is the easiest to spread. Killing the red-eyed soldiers, they can't control their emotions, and they will be robbed together with their compatriots.

Any race has inferior roots, and the orcs, such as the semi-nomadic and semi-farming people who often have civil wars, are naturally no exception. In order to guard against rebellion and break up local Russian relations, the legions of any country are stationed in different places, so for Ujimqin. These orc soldiers have little sense of belonging.

As the war approached, more legions arrived. Stationed in Ujimqin, mixed with fish and dragons. Don't have too little scum

"Where does this city have the most humans?"

Downton asked urgently.

"No, the orcs are not like this. Although they are rude and reckless, they are also simple and kind. What conspiracy must have happened? Yes, they were bewitched!"

Tessie was shattered and thought that he was kind enough to accept that his compatriot had become a thug.

"I'll ask you something!"

Downton roared.

"On Tucker Street!"

Tutu hurriedly said that most of the intelligent races have the nature of holding groups, and will live together spontaneously to resist danger.

"take me to!"

Downton pulls the bunny girl and performs aerial dance.

"I am coming too!"

Taixi Feng wanted to save people, but also worried that Downton would kill his compatriots indiscriminately after seeing the miserable situation of human beings, so he immediately followed.


As he flew across a street, Downton saw a group of orcs catching up with an escaped human being, and then divided him into corpses.

boom! boom! boom!

The magical energy punched down from the sky, completely drowned a group of thugs, and waited for the dust to dissipate, leaving only a crumbling pulp.

Tacy sealed her lips a few times, and finally did not say anything to dissuade.

The orcs are composed of large and small tribes, so there is no city owner, and some are governors, who are in charge of the military and political power of the place.

"what happened?"

Governor Ujimqin enjoyed a sumptuous dinner and was embracing the sweetness of his lover's sleep. As a result, there was a loud noise on the street.

"Sir, there's a riot. A group of soldiers smashed human shops and robbed goods in the city." The Secretary-General hesitated and said, "Many people have died!"

"Damn, whose subordinates are they? Let the city defense troops dispatch and arrest me and hang them all!"

The Governor is going to be mad, as long as the Ujumqin offices are safe, even if the war begins, he can continue to get rich and collect taxes, but now in the event of a riot, who would dare to do business with him?

What are the random soldiers? It's the **** thing that delays getting rich.

"The Governor, no, now there are many troops stationed near Ujumqin. Once they are beheaded, it may cause greater riots."

The Secretary-General was shocked and quickly dissuaded, everyone knows that the soldiers hold the group the most.

"You know a fart, if I don't frighten them, this city will be dead."

Although the Governor is a bear, his mind is very meticulous and has a wealth of experience, so he knows the terrible place of the riot.

Everywhere there is no shortage of ruffians and scoundrels, they will take advantage of the chaos, and ordinary civilians will be affected by then.

In the suburban barracks, a general listened to his report and was completely dumbfounded.

"Who made them act?"

The general's hair was raised in shock. Even during the war, this kind of massacre would be condemned, not to mention the present, he dare to guarantee. He must be sent to the gallows for negligence.

The staff officer had a hard face. Where did he know? He heard some people say that soldiers attacked human shops in the city. He also thought about taking the ministry down to see if there was an opportunity to make a fortune, and as soon as he entered the station. Only to find that the Sixth Corps went empty.

There are a lot of humans living on Caen Avenue, so it is inevitable that it will become a hardest hit area. When Downton arrived, he saw that the corpses were all over, obviously the street was red.

Human residents organized themselves spontaneously, relying on a hotel, established defenses, and resisted. Fortunately, those who have the courage to come to the orc empire have some strength, so despite the heavy losses, they have not been broken.

One side is fighting desperately for a small life, and the other side is making a fortune. Some saw the hard bones and evaded them. Coupled with the lack of systematic command, they froze.

"Organize a group of death squads, I personally lead the team. Attack!"

After a thousand people commanded, he bit his machete and ripped off his armor. The orc soldiers nearby were irritated and yelled in unison, ripped off their clothes and prepared to attack.

A country will never lack patriotism-educated talents. They can give everything for the motherland, but at this moment, their blood has become the object of exploitation.

"All back!"

Tacy Feng is worried that Downton will be angry. He landed first and stopped in front of the hotel. "Stop killing, these humans are innocent."

"What innocent? How much did they earn us? They also treated us as a slave trader. Today, we want to get back all this!"

"Yes, kill all humans!"

"Go away, traitor, or kill you with you!"

The orcs were so excited that they couldn't calm down.

"We want to let those noble lords who live high in the storm city understand that we are not afraid of war, we want to make a world for the orcs and civilians!"

Thousands of people clenched their scimitars.

Taixi Feng was suddenly dumb, not knowing what to persuade, these soldiers were using this method to force the orc empire and humans to fight...

"Did I worry too much and have no conspiracy?"

Listening to the generous speech of thousands of people, Downton frowned.

"Think more about it. This is the conspiracy of the evil god. These bottom-level officers are cherished with the blood and hope of revitalizing the motherland. They are also the most easily bewitched!"

Homer shouted.

"I am Prince Khorasan, Your Highness Tessie, I now order you to withdraw!"

Taixi Feng is still immature, so in the face of the country and the killings, he is confused and does not know how to refute. He can only use his identity to stop these soldiers.

Hearing that a prince was approaching, the soldiers had some riots and taboos. For these ordinary people, even if they were unfavorable princes, that was a high presence.

"He is a traitor, I saw that he came with that man!"

A sharp-eyed hundred people shouted, and everyone's eyes followed his fingers to look down at Downton suspended in midair.

call out! call out! call out!

Without any words, more than a dozen crossbows were raised and they shot Downton.

When the crossbow arrow hit Downton, it was like being caught by an invisible big hand, stopped directly, and then crushed into a mass of powder.

"Go on, shoot him down, if there is a shaman, long-range attack!"

Thousands of people stared at Downton and commanded loudly.

"Quickly stop, he is the NATO Speaker, Duke Dunton, the hand of the king of Drankford. This time he came to the Stormwind City to attend the conference of the nations!"

Tessie was shocked~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Downton could wipe out these soldiers with a wave of his hand.

"That's right, kill him, the meeting is unnecessary!"

Thousands of people's eyes brightened and their talents were activated. A blue bolt of lightning shot at Downton, and the scimitar held high. "Hey, dare to fight me?"

"Are you crazy?"

Tutu shouted, not wanting to see the patriotic general die, "His Downton is the Grand Marshal!"

"I know that he is still the first star in the North, the uncrowned king of Deranke, as long as he is killed, his country is an orc!"

"Yes, kill him as a famous general. In the future, we can die a lot less people!"

"Let the signal flare and call people!"

The voices of several centurions had not fallen, and a rapid whistle sounded. At the same time, a hurried signal flew up into the sky, bursting into dazzling fireworks. (To be continued)

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