Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1130: Allegiance

?Ujimqin's rebellion has no signs, it is violent and bursting, even the governor and the big shaman are pawns of the evil spirits. If Downton and Dilan Xue decisively intervened, the city was strongly suppressed by force. Absolutely finished.


Not to mention how many people died. Now the orc empire is under the haze of the heavy snowstorm. With it as the center of radiation, there will inevitably be many hungry and cold civilians responding. By then the whole mess will be together, except for fighting the human empire and passing on the domestic crisis. , There is no second choice.


  If this war starts, with the help of the evil spirits, the materials and legions consumed will be countless. When the eighth jihad arrives, the Western Turkish Alliance will definitely collapse in one battle!


   After receiving the expedited report, the Lion King was furious and executed dozens of servants in a row. Only in this way can he vent his fears and worries.


The Archbishop arrived in Ujimqin on a floating battleship for the first time, and found that the destruction was not as serious as expected, and the mood of the citizens was also relatively stable. The only dazzling thing was the body of the mob hanging from the street lamp, along the street , Lined up.


   "The goddess of harvest is coming? The great prophet sage wolf?"


Looking at the citizens with an excited expression of the virtue of the sage wolf, saying that she suppressed the riots and the question mark of the archbishop, but then there was a strong vigilance. As religious people, they are not allowed to stop being under control. The clergy established prestige among the orcs.


Archbishop    wanted to visit the great prophet who had the same name as Xia Luo, the goddess of harvest, and learned that they had left.


   On the grassland, a corps of mixed troops is heading towards the towering city of Stormwind Taron Wesergg. The cold wind is like a sword, but they cannot stop the enthusiasm of these orcs.


  The songs full of alien styles are coming one after another, and some bold ones even ran to the storm elf team to propose. But without exception, all were beaten back.


   These prairie elves are unrestrained, hot, and unscrupulous. If they don’t like it, they will refuse. If they like it, they will chase it backwards. So handsome Abu and Wallenstein are always surrounded by a dozen elf beauties.


   "You said why the professor gave the credit to Xia Luo?"


   Downton rode a hot nightmare. In parallel with Di Lanxue, both of them are human beings, and it is useless to brush up on their reputation and goodwill, so they all gave it to Xia Luo.


  The sage wolf was originally a kind sacrifice, treating the wounded regardless of wastage, and distributing the food accumulated by the governor to the poor, so that he was very happy among the citizens.


  Professor Abu became a human being, using his identity. Promote Xia Luo everywhere, and make the reputation of the sage wolf to a higher level.


   "Perhaps the shamans of the temple disappointed the professor. Will he launch a spokesperson to compete with them?"


   The function of religion is not just sacrifice and belief, but also a kind of foolish people. Di Lanxue did not say too much, because she knew that Downton could guess.


   "Walnut, Downton and Dilan Xue are lovers?". Barak, who was racing with Little Loli, looked back and couldn't help asking.


   "Ah? Who told you? Big brother likes Xia Luo!"


   Walnut regards Barak as a friend. So there is no sense of confidentiality.


   "Eh, the two girls are very good. After changing me, I don't know who to choose, otherwise, will you marry me?"


  Barak ridiculed that he was really envious of Downton's relationship with a woman, know that there is a princess Sissi chasing him.


   "嘁. When I grow up, I want to marry big brother!"


   Walnut rolled his eyes.


   "Haha, do you know what it means to marry?".


  Barak didn't think it was wrong.


   "It is to live together acridine, as long as the elder brother does not drive me away, I will be with him forever!" Walnut said. Suddenly silent, because she thought of her life.


   "Miss Lilym, the training time is up!"


   A maid ran on a polar frost, and this was the trophy she won from the Polobian bearmen.


   "Can't you just go?"


   Walnut's small face was wrinkled. That Wallenstein was not only embarrassed in painting, but also very severe. Her small **** was swollen several times.




   The maid took out the set of horses.


   "Okay, okay, let me go!"


   Walnut bowed her head obediently. She was considered to have served. The maids of Professor Abu must not be humans, because they were so terrible. As long as she refused, she would dare to guarantee that the lasso will fly over in the next second.


   After having tasted the experience of being hunted by the maids and finally being dragged on the ground by the set of horses, Walnut learned a lot.


"study well!"


  Ignored the helpless look cast by Walnut, Downton gave her a thumbs up and cheered for her. A mentor like Wallenstein could not meet the request and must seize the opportunity.


  Just a week, Juliet has made great progress because of his teaching. Just look at Dalong and Lei Chan want to follow him to practice, and people still disdain teaching, they know his value.


  The night came and the bonfire lit.


  Balak and Downton said goodbye after a few years. It was hard to restrain their enthusiasm and naturally hosted a grand bonfire banquet to welcome him.


Tai Xifeng is not welcomed by the lion king, and his men are also alternatives that are crowded out by various tribes, so they gathered in Khorasan, they don’t worry about food and clothing, plus they care about Tangdun, so they also enjoy carefree. This harmonious banquet.


   The alcoholic smell of alcohol is pervasive, the meat is overflowing, and the laughter is floating!


Not to mention Homer, Professor Abu, Wallenstein and other learned scholars, even Dilanxue and Taixifeng also have magic ornaments that can temporarily change the temperature, so after the arrangement, the whole camp is immediately as warm as spring, and I feel again Not cold in the cold winter.


   "Duke Downton, I respect you!"


   An elf, carrying a large bowl of wine, walked to Downton and looked at him badly.


"You're welcome!"


   Downton picked up the big bowl and swallowed it.


  Wait until she left, and other elves came over, just as agreed, respecting Downton one after another.


   "What's going on? Are they going to get drunk on Downton?"


  Melida was dissatisfied with her tone. She had planned to say a few words with Downton. The results were overwhelmed by the storm elves.


"do not know!"


   Lei Chan shook his head, but looking at Lan Xing's attitude towards Downton, he guessed a possibility in his heart, would it be possible that the Storm Elf should be loyal to Downton? Then he thought it was impossible, but the elves who couldn't even be convinced by the lion king, how could Downton Howard be the hand of a king?


"this is……"


   Even after a dozen bowls. Downton also found something wrong.


"Made me look bad?"


   The female elf pouted and pressed the hilt in her right hand, looking directly at Downton and asking, "Look at our Storm Elf?"


   "This wine is not enough for my stomach!"


   Downton looked up and swept away.


"it is good!"


   surrounded by a huge applause.


   "Come again?"


   Downton raised his eyebrows. He knew that the orcs liked to drink wine the most, and they could not fight in the face of friends. Then use the amount of wine to determine the outcome. The Storm Elves have lived on the grassland for generations, and probably also developed this custom.


   "Bring the wine barrel!"


   Standing tall in front of Downton, the female elf was tall and had beautiful facial features, almost covering two-thirds of her cheeks, which meant that she had a high status in the tribe.


   "Go on the wine!"


   Barak's arrogant dry cloud roared, and immediately a Tauren warrior hummed and held six large barrels of ten litres next to the two.


  The female elf picked up a wine barrel with one hand, and opened a mouth. Provocatively, he lifted his chin towards Downton, then slammed his head upward.


   Downton is naturally unwilling to show weakness.


   The clear and fragrant liquor flows from the lips. Stretched along the slender neck of the female elf, and finally dropped on the white and full chest, under the blaze of the campfire, it looked beautiful and abnormal!


   The sound of cheering sounded, full of rhythm!


   The two drank the wine in the barrel almost at the same time.


   "Drinking so slowly, not like a man!"


   The female elf wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. After dropping the barrel, he turned around and walked a few steps, then turned back, "But I like elegant men!"


   Ao! Ao!


   Hearing this blatant confession, the orcs cheered.


   Downton is embarrassed.


   Dilan Xue, who was sitting beside him, saw Downton deflated. Covering his mouth and laughing, this unique style made the men beside him stunned.


   "Am I blind?"


  Merida rubbed her eyes, Dilan Xue was cold and noble, almost expressionless, and did not talk to others, but in front of Downton, her iceberg attitude began to melt.


In fact, it wasn't Dilan Xue's coldness, but her emperor's identity and strength were too overbearing. Not to mention ordinary men, even Taixifeng and Downton felt so much pressure in front of her. Dare to talk.


   "Except for her fiancé Heinrich in this world, I am afraid that Downton is the second man who can enjoy this kind of style, can it be said that they really have a leg?"


   has always been open-minded Daron, this time can not help but a little jealous, Di Lanxue girl, is definitely the most perfect wife.


   Several female elves walked into the center of the venue, and their companions met, immediately took out the instrument and accompanied them.


The beautiful and elegant song immediately flows under the night. Although everyone can't understand the language of the ancient elves, this song has transcended the barrier of language and race, as if with wings, leading everyone to the emerald dream of the midsummer night~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ A song, no applause, but this is the highest praise, because everyone is quiet in the beauty of the song, forget the time, forget the sadness, forget everything!


   Downton only felt that in the singing, the soul tree of dawn and dawn was more lush, and the whole person also entered a mysterious realm, but soon retreated because of a whisper of walnut.


   "It is worthy of the spirit of perfection. Even the musical instruments are so beautifully made. Can they sell a lot of money?"


   Walnut was holding a roasted deer leg, eating a mouthful of oil, her beautiful big eyes were staring at the instruments of the elves, and she was happily turning around, not knowing what ghost idea she was thinking again.


   "Downton, come and sing!"


   Elf singer provocation!


   "Master, let me come!"


  Jackson finally found a chance to express, please call immediately! (To be continued...)


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