Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1131: Stormwind City

Ghoul Jackson is a scumbag in battle, but it is definitely among the best in the art field. He played with a group of men who have turned on lower intelligence and sang reserved tracks!

The black suit, bowler hat, and white gloves are paired together to match the unique dance steps, which has a strange beauty.

The orcs were fascinated, and they shouted for another song.

"Not powerful enough!"

"Not **** enough!"

"Not domineering enough!"

The female elves pouted, and gave three comments in a row.

"If you lose, you lose. Don't deny it!"

King Kong and the bears yelled and coaxed, in their view, this song is already very nice.

"Okay, let's burn music for you!"

Unwilling to show his weakness, Downton gave a snap of his fingers, "Casimo, you are here!"

The five hated the magic stone guitar and stereo and went to the banquet center. After connecting the line, they tried two rounds of play, and immediately there was a popping sound.

Behind them, there is a group of neatly standing 100-member choir!

"What can hate sing?"

The elves disdain, and even the orcs are puzzled. To say that after the ghoul advances, the vocal cords can be repaired, that abomination is impossible. As a dead weapon produced by the war workshop, let alone the vocal cords, they even No internal organs!

"Next, our Undead Band will present a song "Warrior's Song" for everyone!"

Casimoduo finished speaking, picking the strings quickly, and the drummer on the side banged the drum set made of Komodo War Beast leather.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by the passionate music, Casimodo's voice rang first.

We are killing machines armed to the teeth,

Between the flashes of the elements, you will be bleeding like blood,

I smiled proudly when you rushed,

Because victory belongs to me, I am a first-rate killer. It will bring you death!


Casimo's voice was hoarse and rough, but it was this rude beauty that perfectly matched the domineering lyrics. A strong tune, a **** momentum sprang up spontaneously.

The whole banquet was originally full of laughter and laughter. There was a lot of noise, but at the instant Casimodo spoke, it became silent.

At the end of the first paragraph, the abominations began to pedal their right feet neatly, slap together and began to sing along, so a majestic momentum seemed to rise like flames, sweeping the night sky!

We like fighting. Scorched the enemy country,

We trekked into the sea of ​​blood and were going to kill them all,

The throat is across, the blade is like a shark,

The fire of hell, the angel weeps,

Our shadow will be your grim reaper


The first charge, the last one left,

We are soldiers. The soldiers are advancing,

We are warriors, warriors are singing!


Listen to the lyrics full of militarism. Everyone was dumbfounded and hated the expressions of solemn, solemn, and strong voice, making every word like a siege hammer, hitting their hearts fiercely.

The elves luckily said that the orcs were already crazy. They were originally a warlike family, listening to the passionate war song at this time. I just feel that my whole body is boiling, and I can't help screaming!

"You wrote it?"

Dilan Xue lowered her voice and asked.

"Do you think I am like a war mad?"

Downton is speechless.

"Downton. If this song is a conscription song, I believe that any orc is willing to step on the battlefield!"

Tessie could not hide her excitement. Toasting towards Downton, Darong and Lei Chan also toasted.

"What a passionate song, I didn't expect those abominations to be able to sing this momentum?"

In the moving castle, Wallenstein held a glass of red wine, stood by the window, and admired the bright starry sky.

"I wish it appeared on the battlefield against the abyss of evil spirits!" Professor Abu looked sad. "When will this holy war end? To be honest, I'm tired of it!"

"Hold on, my old friend!"

Wallenstein sipped the red wine, his eyes deep!

The singing of the undead band pushed the atmosphere of the banquet to *. After fighting wine, fighting song, and dancing, the storm elves no longer found Downton's trouble, but looked at their chief.

Lan Xing got up, stood in front of Downton with a glass of wine, and handed him.

Downton shrugged his shoulders and took the drink.

"I, Maritis-Gastista-Lanxing, here as the chief leader, camp marquis, star dancers, on behalf of the storm elf tribe, announced that starting today, all of our tribe will offer a heart to His Royal Highness Downton , Allegiance for you from generation to generation, until the destruction of Xitu, the plane collapsed!"

Lan Xing took a step back, clenched a fist in his right hand, hammered his chest violently, then knelt down on one knee, sworn allegiance to Downton.

"Beast God!"

Taixi Feng was so disappointed that a few people watched, and could not help but exclaim, as the Marquis of Lanxing, the kings of the nine empires were not qualified to let her kneel, but she knelt down willingly in front of Downton .


Downton sipped a sip of wine and looked at this beautiful elf in a silly way. He thought he had heard it wrong. The whole continent knew that the elves were too proud. No race except the elf queen could get theirs. Loyalty, but this is not false, because after Lan Xing's words fell, the storm elves of the audience all stood up, knelt down with solemn faces, clenched their fists against the heart, and swore allegiance to Downton!

"Taking the stars as a mirror and swearing on the moon, the storm elves are loyal to His Highness Downton!"

The sound of the elf's melody now added a solemn and sacred breath.

"Are you kidding me?"

The orcs belonging to the Legion of Silent Death all froze, their mouths wide open, enough to plug a dragon egg. Are these storm elves crazy? They didn't even despise the orc king's solicitation, why did they loyal Downton?

"Marquise Lanxing, don't entertain me!" Downton smiled dryly, "In addition, I am not your highness!"

The title Your Royal Highness is not a scream, Downton is not a member of the royal family and is not qualified.

"Do you think I will joke about the glory and reputation of the elves?"

The Marquis Lan Xing rolled his eyes, "As for being called His Royal Highness, you will soon know the reason!"

"Fool, there is such a strong armed force joining Drankford. Can you all walk sideways in a second-rate country? What are you waiting for, accept it!"

Cheap God urged.

"What if Oolong is in trouble?"

Downton was worried about not being able to get rid of the aftermath, after all, the name of the storm elf was too big. And Lan Xing’s rank is above the legend!

"Promise. Be responsible, don't let them look down on you!"

Homer is concise.

"I will definitely lead you back to the top of the world and let the glory of the elves last forever!"

According to Homer, Downton repeated, and when his words fell, the expressions of the elves relaxed.

"Oh, I hate this tense atmosphere the most."

"Haha. The new owner is almost scared by us, but for a human being, this is unbearable!"

"Yes, who made our storm elves so good!"

The elves talked about each other, but the narcissism was indispensable between the lines.

"The host is so cool, I'm going to say hello!"

A female elf sorted out her clothes and walked directly to Downton. "Can you please dance?"

"Uh... good!"

Downton actually wanted to refuse, but looking at the elf's gaze like a blade, he simply gave up.

"It seems the rumors are true. Downton is the prince of Holy Brittania!"

Tai Xifeng was envious of Downton's good luck. He and this powerful elf have been neighbors for twenty years, and tried every means. But they couldn't convince them.

Lei Chan nodded. The Breton royal family has a bloodline of dawn and dawn. It is inherited from the Queen of the Magic Palace Rose Madeleine. Unsurprisingly, Downton is her descendant!


Barak heartily delighted Downton, and the tauren looked at Downton with curiosity and admiration. The owner and his friend were really lucky.

The banquet didn't end until late at night, and everyone was drunk. Sing and jump. Enjoying this rare calm time, because they know that the evil spirit is about to recover. The jihad is coming, when the western soil continent must be corpses like mountains, blood flowing into the sea!

When Talon Weserger, the orc kingdom that has stood for tens of thousands of years and has the reputation of the storm city, appeared in Downton's vision, he still did not relieve himself from the happiness of the storm elf. This is definitely a surge in strength, but then, his eyes were deeply fixed on the huge stone wall.

This is the barrier of glory, engraved with the heroes who have made great contributions to the orc empire, the first is Asadin, the king of the beasts and the head of the eight holy coffins.

In addition to the great orc hero, there are four other aliens, they are the hot morning star elf queen, the magic palace rose Madeleine queen, the miracle virgin Lorraine Sasha, the unbreakable army **** Heinrich, can be an alien identity Climbing the glory barrier is enough to prove their greatness and merit.

"Hey? This Asadin looks like Professor Abu?"

Walnut scratched his hair and murmured.

"Hush, do you want to be killed?"

The maidservant who took care of Walnut covered her mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the orc kingdom. For them, the king of beasts is the beacon of guidance, the omnipotent prophet, yes The epic hero admired by thousands of people, mentioning his name is blasphemy!

Di Lanxue turned around and glanced at the moving castle. It seemed that Wallenstein's identity was not simple. With the coming of the jihad, all kinds of old monsters ran out.

Downton didn't expect so much, but just thought that the main city was really magnificent, majestic, rude, and full of wild beauty.

The front face of this main city is made of boulders and huge bones. The totems of the major tribes are engraved with blood on it. It is full of clan style, but the most shocking are the huge corpses.

In the square in front of Tallon Weserge, there are several rows of flagpoles made from the bones of Titan giants, on which are inserted dragons, dragons, abyss demons, ancient behemoths, elemental kings... Xun level super strong!

Those huge corpses have long been dehydrated and dried up, but the endless momentum is still radiating, and it will easily bring everyone into a terrible nightmare!

These are the horrific records of the orcs, representing the glorious era of the empire! (To be continued)

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