Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1132: Congregation of Heroes

Against the backdrop of the clear blue sky, Taron Weserger appeared more majestic and magnificent, like a giant, standing on the vast earth.

Whether it was the first time I saw it, or I had already experienced the scenery of the Stormwind City, all of them were deeply shocked and did not speak for a long time.

"If you want to capture this city, even if you have 10,000 conventional legions, I'm afraid you can't do it!"

Downton whispered.

"Yes, it can't be occupied, only destroyed!"

Di Lanxue nodded. The Storm City was already a symbol of the orc empire and a totem in their minds. Its standing stood for too many meanings.

"How about air raids? Is it possible to gather the air power of the eight empires to completely ruin it?"

Downton came up with an idea that it would be too difficult to attack the city through the ground troops and hit the storm city. The loss is absolutely hundreds of millions. This is unbearable for all major powers, and why the orcs were suppressed. But the reason is that the country is not broken and the species is indestructible.


Di Lanxue answered very simply.

Downton froze for a moment, and understood that the human empire’s infighting was too fierce. No one could guarantee that the allies of the previous moment would not stab them in the latter moment. .

"Cough, Downton!"

Downton had nothing more to do. Suddenly he heard Barak's cough and turned back. He saw a group of people looking at him, frowning slightly.

"Haha, just kidding, don't mind!"

Downton laughed, and then sincerely apologized, "Sorry, the professional addiction committed, seeing a city, I would think how to attack it, not against the orcs!"

"I understand how you feel!"

Long pounded Downton's chest and nodded sympathetically. As a general, he did not like to destroy the city.

"I really don't understand you guys, shouldn't you sigh her majestic magnificence and awe-inspiring work when seeing this peerless ancient city?"

Murray rolled her eyes.

"So Downton, at the age of twenty, is already recognized as the No. 1 star in the North, and you are barely a thousand people!"

Tessie looked down upon Dunton with emotion. Others would be deeply shocked when they saw Taron Weserger, and only three people wanted to capture him. Except Downton and Dylan Snow, it was the one known as Heinrich, the star of hope on the mainland.

"Are genius brain circuits different from ordinary people?"

Tai Xifeng is envious of Downton. The longer he gets along, the more he can perceive each other's thinking. This is a gift given by God, and a talent that cannot be obtained no matter how hard the acquired day is.

"Everyone has something they are good at. To bring them to the extreme is success, it is unique, so there is no need to force it!"

Professor Abu's voice came, and Taisi Feng, who was falling into a low mood, suddenly shuddered, only to feel that Dawei was initiating, a kind of enlightenment was born in the chest, and the misty front road was suddenly suddenly bright.


With the exception of Taixi Feng, including Di Lanxue, everyone bowed their heads and greeted each other, and gave way to the position, flashing to both sides. This is respect for the wise men, regardless of race or belief.

"Your Highness!"

Murray yelled in a low voice and saw that Tessie was unmoved, so he reached out to pull him, but was stopped by Professor Abu.

"Hush, don't disturb him, he's epiphany!"

Professor Abu placed his finger in front of his lips and made a mute gesture, and then Wen Yue's voice rang in everyone's heart, "Dragon, Lei Chan, protect him, let the others leave first!"

Tang Dun and Di Lanxue looked at each other, and they both saw a bit of envy in each other's eyes. Epiphany is a mysterious state. It is really rare. Even if they are geniuses like this, they have only so poor two. three times.

"I can finally be sure that Professor Abu is an orc, and he values ​​Taixifeng very much!"

Yilian sighed and distinguished from the appearance alone. Professor Abu was too young, that is, a young man in his thirties, and his ears were slightly longer and pointed, more like an ancient elf than an orc.

The neutral beauty of Tai Xifeng, even if it makes women feel ashamed, every action of Wallenstein is extremely elegant. Jane is the noble among the nobles. textbook.

Of course, the appearance of Lord Warren is also unparalleled in the world. It is the kind of existence that makes women see and is crazy, but it is still slightly worse than Professor Abu.

Or, Professor Abu’s appearance should not exist in the world at all, and Downton is also very handsome, but standing with these few people is not enough to look at.

"Downton lacks a temperament!"

Homer sees it most thoroughly. A man attracts a woman, not only the handsome appearance and muscular figure, but also the temperament, the unique temperament that has been experienced through the world and condensed.

Professor Abu and Wallenstein are definitely St. Aoxun. It is conceivable how many years they have gone through and how many times they have gone through this step!

"Downton, I have arranged the hotel. You go first. When I have arranged the Storm Elves and the Silent Death Corps, I will go and pick you up!"

Barak climbed to this position, and has long been a mixed elf. The Storm Elf has just sworn to allegiance to Downton. He naturally wants to give his best friend a long face and a silent death. Downton clearly values ​​Tai Xifeng and wants to be good with him, so Yu Gongyu Privately, he orc must arrange others.

Of course, in Barack's current status as a wealthy man, he doesn't need to do these things, but he is willing to repay Downton.

"Dare not!"

Lei Chan refused again and again.

"It's too much to see. You are friends of Downton, my friends of Barack!"

Barak grinned and his white teeth were exposed.

"Listen, don't cause trouble to Lord Barak!"

Lei Chan saw his resignation, but he turned back and told his men that the Storm City held a peace conference recently. Many people came from the Human Kingdom alone, not to mention the private armed forces brought by those chiefs. Naturally, they cannot all be put into the main city. .

Barracks were temporarily built on the outskirts of the city, but there were too many people, the site was always good and bad, and the daily supplies were always untimely. With Taisi’s inferior position, the silent death must suffer unfair treatment, so there is Barak Take care of them, they have a sense of five.

"Thank you!" Downton raised his fist. "I wait for you to drink!"


Barak and Downton hit their fists and Zema left.

The residents of the Wangdu have recently opened their eyes. The heroes and legendary legions with the holy word that can only be heard in the bards of the bards in the past are mostly displayed in front of them.

"What is the origin of these people?"

"Ah? No one recognizes it? That looks like a local fish!"

"Well, this team of elf cavalry still has a look!"

As soon as Downton walked onto the street, the citizens immediately cast their eyes and talked in a low voice. It is now a pleasure to guess the identity of these outsiders and dig their gossip.

"Fool, that's the storm elf, living next to the Khorasan territory, the tomb-guarding clan of the guardian's grave for generations!"

"What? This is the line of elves that His Majesty the King went to personally and couldn't get their loyalty? What about this man?"

"Isn't it allegiance to him?"

The orcs in the capital are also well-informed, so seeing Downton walking ahead and the storm elf waiting, naturally knows what this means.

End of Fear is one of the only three five-star hotels in the main city. It is the property of Barak and the stronghold of his chiefs’ business.

While introducing the places where the main city can have fun, the big admin led the way. Someone recognized his identity and was shocked.

In the orc business world, big managers also exist in the wind and rain, but now, they bow down to a human being.

"Please wait!"

In front of the street at the end of terror, the chief manager made a guilt, and the rabbit rushed towards the hotel, and he did not forget to yell at the doorman, "What are you still doing? Entertaining guests, carrying luggage, and holding mounts, Remember, use the finest forage!"

"what happened?"

The hotel owner stepped out and saw the big manager and the people on the street, frowning uncontrollably. "Why bring the guests again? There are no more rooms!"

"What? Didn't the host explain to reserve half of the rooms?"

The senior manager was angry. He thought that this was the boss's aim at him. After all, these men also had factions. The performance was good or bad, and the promotion was then decided.

"Do you know who is going to live? Come out, afraid to scare you!"

There was a smug smile on the mouth of the hotel owner. As a businessman, who didn’t have a few big customers, he thought that Downton and his party were the big-management accountants. This time, he refuted his face. Those big customers were angry and don’t do business. He would be good.

"I care who they are, let them get out, and quickly make the room free!"

The senior manager was impatient, but he saw Barack's attitude towards Downton with his own eyes, not to mention Dilanxue's colleagues, whose face can be as big as them?

"Get out of here? You are not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue anymore. It is the Duke of Klinsmann in Saint-Germain, the Roman Prince Totti of the Lombard Union, the prince of melancholy Baggio, the prince of Milan, Kaka, the sacred Bretta. Duke Nelson of the Nea Empire, Prince Cromwell, who are you bold enough to let go?"

The hotel owner sneered sneeredly, and every time he reported a name, the senior manager gasped.

Lombardy is an alliance country, so although the three princes are members of the royal family, their strength is not great, at least not as good as Princess Sissi, but the other three are different. They are all members of the royal family, relatives of the current king, Heirloom, unwavering supporter, so powerful, no less than the rich.

"what happened?"

Elaine came in and asked, Downton was also considered a half-host, and others, Di Lanxue, followed, and naturally could not wait for a long time.

"Sorry, there is no room!"

The hotel owner saw the beautiful Elaine, her eyes lit up, but she quickly replied indifferently.

Elaine had no words, looked at the big manager.

"The room will be available soon, wait!"

After the accompaniment finished with a smiley face, he snarled at the hotel owner, "I don't care what method you use, and now I have at least thirty rooms!"

"No room, do you want a toilet?"

The hotel owner pouted and then looked at Elaine with a little sarcasm, "You guys are late!"

"Don't let me make the room a second time, if not, just let those tenants get out!"

The senior manager was also angry. He noticed that Downton had looked at this side again, and if he couldn't even manage this, Barak would definitely pack himself up.

"Who is this? Such a arrogant tone? Who should let it go?"

A young man in a purple robe stood on the fifth floor, supporting the railing with one hand and looking toward the hall below. He had long brown hair and hung his hairband on the forehead.

Don’t quarrel loudly, which of these tenants is not powerful, even the weak mosquitoes can hear, as a noble, they naturally can not tolerate being scolded.

Every floor, guests come out and greet each other.

"Sorry, Your Highness Prince, to disturb you to rest, just some trivial things, I will let them go!"

After the hotel owner finished, he yelled at the big manager, "Go away, even if the owner comes, he will only praise my work!"

Let the big guys stay, what a great opportunity to expand your network.

"Forget it, let's go!"

Elaine didn't want to argue about this matter, it was too cheap.

"You will regret it!"

Big sneer.

"I am waiting!"

The hotel owner sneered. In his opinion, Yilian's behavior was terrified. In fact, he can understand this kind of thing. Wangdu only has three five-star hotels. It is enough for weekdays, but this time there are too many. The big guys, who want to live in, come first and don't use it at all, relying on the power in their hands.

What is a giant? What is royalty? Even when the housing is tight, you can still choose the contented house you want.

"Wait, this sister, you look familiar!"

Totti supported the railing with his right hand and turned it down in one of the most chic postures. "Below is the Prince of Rome. It is an honor to be able to meet you!"

Although polite, Totti's eyebrows are all proud, because his name is the big killer, and any woman who hears it will be happy to close her legs!

"sorry, I do not know you!"

Elaine turned and left.

"Eh? I asked you to wait, didn't you hear?"

Totti raised a brow, he had been treated like this before, so he stretched his hand to pull Elaine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your Highness, please pay attention to your behavior! "

The big manager was taken aback and hurried to intercept. If he stayed in the past, he would not dare to block a prince, but this time was different. In addition to Downton, and His Royal Highness Dilan Xue was present, she had a good relationship with this group of people. So I will definitely be in front of Elaine.

"What are you counting? Get away!"

Totti waved his hand over the big manager's face and opened him.

Hearing the movements inside, Downton flashed in and rushed in, seeing a man who was entangled in Elaine, without thinking about it, and punched past.

Totti's complexion changed, flashing back suddenly, but still got a punch, the whole person was blasted out, slammed and hit the wall.

"who are you?"

Although he was not injured, he was repulsed under the eyes of all eyes, and he lost his face. Totti became angry and roared towards Downton. R1152


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