Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1134: Limelight

"Orc, have the courage to repeat what you just said!"

Baggio stared deadly at Barak, the marshal-level soul pressure spread out, and immediately made the people below the Tulong level fall into the ice cave, and almost died in horror.


Downton stepped on the ground, the anger of the solitary mountain radiated, but before he stepped forward to cover Barak, his dead men pulled out their long swords and rushed over.

Barak's talent is good, but the heavy business activities have left him no time to practice. Until now, he is only relying on the drug to promote the Dragon Slayer. However, as the wealth **** of the Tauren family, he does not lack the best protective magic clothes on his body, and he is surrounded by dead men. All over, they are the strong people of this race.

Under the defense of an oval magic shield, Barak pouted scornfully, "I said let you go!"

"you wanna die!"

Baggio’s anger was full of chest, but reason told him not to be impulsive. This is the orc king, the impact of killing a Barak is too great, and more importantly, the eyes of these tauren have shown that they are putting life and death away. With such a close battle, he could not guarantee that he was intact.

Everyone knows that the outcome of this peace talks determines the situation in the next two decades on the mainland. Baggio wants to benefit from it and share a slice of the soup, so he must preserve his strength and cannot hurt himself before the result is unknown.

"Haha, it turns out that you are also a soft egg. If I were so ridiculed by an orc, it would have hung its skin and hung it on the street lamp to show the public."

A young man bent over, resting his arms on the railing, smiling at the conflict below.

"Watson, you don't have to excite me!"

Baggio’s political wisdom was not bad, and he immediately found a way out of the trap, so that the onlookers only thought that he was not trying to make Watson’s instigated plan successful, without knowing that he had no plans at all.

"Huh, you are still cunning as always!"

Watson teased. But I regretted it, and I was so irritable that Baggio took the opportunity.

"He is one of the heirs of the Watson family of Kuta's magic empire. He is the most optimistic and has the nickname of Qianliju!"

The senior manager explained to Downton in a low voice.

"Hey, I said you guys. Let me all leave. The end of fear begins today and officially closes business!"

Barak interrupted the conversation between the two nobles.

The audience was stunned, and then someone scolded it.

"Are you sick?"

In this situation, the nobles had seen too much, the background was not enough, and the powerless miscellaneous fish got out, but Barak was so good that he had to drive everyone away.

"The hotel is mine, what I want to do. Just do it!"

Barak sneered.

"We are guests, we paid!"

Someone shouted another sentence, but this sentence was against my heart, not to mention that powerful people like Duke Nelson, even Prince Totti, would not pay for the room, because their power and status cannot be measured by money. Many hotels can't wait for them to be stationed and not available.

"Everyone, I am compensated ten times. I'm sorry, until the end of the peace talks, I will be used to entertain my brother at the end of my fear!"

Barak stood in the hall, his hands clasped his chest, and he announced a domineering voice.

The general business practices of Continental hotels cannot provide services if something goes wrong. Usually pay three times the liquidated damages, five times the most, and a guy like Barak who shouts ten times is definitely a local tyrant.

"you are vicious!"

After Kaka stunned, he stared at Barak. Just turn around and go back.

"Is the Chiefs Business Group? We remember this kindness, and when you go to St. Judeland, I will entertain you well!"

Another nobleman turned and left.

People like the Duke of Cromwell, said nothing, and did not tell the servants, but they had already started packing.

The more aristocrats, the more they have to be face-to-face, and the bosses are so rushed by others. If they don't leave, they are ashamed and shameless.

"Don't leave if you have the ability!"

Baggio mocked Watson.

"Oh, as you wish, I will not leave, because from now on, this hotel at the end of fear is mine."

Watson straightened his body and looked at Barak in his spare time, "Hey, Tauren, will you make a price?"

"Do not sell, I don't lose money!"

Barak gasped and refused.

"This broken hotel is worth one billion gold coins. How about I give 2 billion?" Watson's mouth overflowed with a sneer. He was not afraid of smashing this guy.


Although it is a five-star hotel at the end of fear, it is still not worth so much money, because it is located in the orc king capital, if it is a human industry, it will suffer too much suppression.

"Is this kid crazy?"

Someone muttered.

"The recent situation of the Kuta Magic Empire is not stable. The Watson family, as newly emerging giants, definitely want to take advantage of the gathering of large nobles from various countries, from the siege of traditional giants such as DuPont, Rockefeller and Mobil. Kill a way!"

There are no lack of discerning people in the aristocracy. At a glance, it is known that this is Watson's showing of the strength of the family. Only in this way can more allies be solidified.

"Hey, leave now, I can when this thing never happened!"

Barak wanted to grow a face for himself, but was targeted. Although Downton didn't like it, he couldn't keep quiet, so he looked at Watson.

"What are you? The hand of a king of a third-rate country, dare to yell in front of me? Don't say you didn't marry Sissi, even if you succeeded, I won't mind!"

Watson disdain.

No one laughs at Watson’s overconfidence, because his name is Watson, and there is an unwritten rule across the continent. Only the most outstanding heir can claim his family name. This is glory and responsibility, which means that he must defend Everything about'Watson'.

"Do you want to fight me?"

Downton asked back.

The eyes of the aristocrats brightened up, and there was a good show. If they said something else, even if it was a wealthy child, they all thought that this was a mouth punch~ cannon, but although Downton's tone was dull, everyone understood that he moved It was a killing opportunity, because there are several heirs of the giants who died under him, this one, but really don't take those giants into consideration.

"If you are not afraid of Sissi being sad. I can fulfill you!"

Watson is full of confidence. This time he came to Wangdu, he not only had to show his family's financial strength and power, but he himself had to be famous to let everyone know that he was the undisputed next head of the Watson family.

Eyes are colliding. The killing intention is boiling!

Elemental spirits in the air were resonated by their souls, and even sparks of shock appeared.

"What are you doing?"

At the moment when the duel was on the verge, Di Lanxue came in. Although there was no question, everyone felt that the temperature in the hall had dropped rapidly.

"Your Highness!"

All the nobles present immediately went downstairs to salute Dilanxue, even the great figures such as Duke Nelson, because in addition to being powerful, Dilanxue was the leader of the Twilight Empire itself. It can be said that it is more powerful than anyone present.

"Don't embarrass human beings, reckless and rude, this should not be the behavior of noble children, humble and polite, only respect others, you will be respected!"

Di Lanxue's tone was plain, but what he said made some people ashamed, especially Watson. His face was red.

"When did His Royal Highness arrive?"

"It seems to have been outside the door? Is he walking with Downton?"

"This must have been for Downton!"

The nobles are elites, although Lion Ji has no named surname. But everyone understands that she is criticizing Watson.

"Downton, if you have the opportunity, I will definitely ask you, I hope you don't make any excuses at that time? Your Royal Highness, Dilanxue, please let me back!"

Watson finished. Turning around and leaving, there is no way, he can't afford to offend Lion Ji, but this is nothing shameful, even the three largest and most arrogant princes of the Empire. Don't dare to offend her.

Tauren people know how terrible these human nobles are, even their masters are not in their eyes, but now, one by one, they respectfully respect Dilanxue one by one, and then leave, don’t say anything, that is, their faces have been With a smile.

"Downton's girlfriend, so good!"

The orcs murmured, the hotel owner tremblingly watched what was happening in front of him, and suddenly he was convinced to take the oral. The original thought was that the owner was wayward, but unexpectedly it was an old trick, and it is better to make Downton happy by tying up the nobility of this hotel. Then Di Lanxue will be happy, because they all add up, not as important as Lion Ji.

"I gotta go!"

Di Lanxue said goodbye.

"Just stay here?"

Elaine wanted to take Lion Ji’s hand, but she didn’t dare. Her temperament would make anyone face her very unnatural and feel inferior.

"His Royal Highness, the King invites you!"

A courtier entered the hall surrounded by guards. After seeing Lion Ji, he saluted immediately.

Barak and his party are going to salute, and Tingchen waved his hand directly to make them stand aside.


Dilan Xue glanced down at Downton and decided to leave.

"Oye, go sightseeing!"

After setting up his luggage, Walnut cheered, trotting to find Elaine and Juliet, ready to pull them out to play, but was blocked before they left the gate.

"Miss Lilim, your homework has not been completed today!"

The maid held a large stack of papers in her hands, which were filled with various questions.

"Ah? Can I do it tomorrow?" When the maid shook her head, the walnut head was going to die, "Big brother save me, I would rather enter the arena and fight with the giant beast!"

The peace talks started three days later. If you change someone else, you must take advantage of this opportunity to participate in various entertainments and expand your network. Downton will not work. It is a type that is unpleasant.

Put aside, the nobles must have invested in him, at least they have a familiar face, but no one dared after the rumor that he was a Brittany prince, the reputation of the **** queen was too strong, and no one wanted Because of the relationship with Downton, she was killed.

The upper-level figures knew this and did not dare to go to the door, but the bottom level was different. There were too many aspiring young people who were eager to become famous through the victory of Downton, to make everyone known, and then embarked on a happy life as a nobleman and marrying Bai Fumei.

So at the end of fear, the front door of the hotel is like a city, and they are all young people who clamor for a duel.

How did the Tauren people let these guys disturb Downton and growled and let them get out.

When some cunning guys came out, they immediately preached that Downton was afraid, elevated himself, belittled him, and then compiled various rumors just to eat a bite.

Of course, there is also a lot of guidance from people who are interested, so that Downton's reputation is so bad the next day, saying that he is not in the minority, but why not dare to come to the duel?

Barak didn't want his best friend to be vilified, so he didn't have to show mercy, punching and kicking people, proving that they couldn't even beat his subordinates. What qualifications can he challenge Downton? But in this way, those people had a new rhetoric, saying Downton was afraid.

"Tell those challengers that I will be waiting for them at eight tomorrow morning!"

After the peace talks on the first day, Downton returned to the hotel in a bad mood, just catching up with Elaine complaining, and simply angry with these guys.

At less than eight o'clock, the street in front of the hotel was full of people looking at the bustle. When the door opened, a group of people immediately flooded into the lobby, crowded.

"What about Downton, tell him to come out and defeat him, I am the first person in the north!"

"Fart, the first person is me!"

"You are a war-order miscellaneous fish, what are you going to do?"

There are many people who touch the fish in muddy water. For them, Downton is just a rumored character. They have never seen it with their own eyes, and naturally do not believe those records.

"Too many people!"

Big manager complained.

"Haha, wouldn't you want us to kill each other oneself, consume strength, and then let Downton come forward to pick up the bargain?"

Some guys are full of villains.

As soon as the big manager was about to speak, he saw Casimodo coming out.

"The host said that those above the scepter level can come in!"

"Ha, it's not a small tone!"

As soon as a werewolf finished speaking, a terrifying wave of terrible soul pressure swept over them, their knees softened, and they knelt uncontrollably on the ground.

"Don't want to die, just go!"

Before Casimodo finished speaking, the people in the hall ran out, and then found that in front of the original hotel, except for a few broken shoes that were stepped on, even the personal image could not be seen.

This is simply a farce, and if you want to challenge Downton, at least the scepter, and how can a strong man of this level appear on the street?

"I don't know who wanted to disgust Downton, so I made such a show, but unfortunately did not succeed!"

Listening to the report from his staff~www.wuxiaspot.com~Magic Mountain ridiculed that Downton would really be in a fight against those fishes, and even killing each other would be disgraceful, unlike the current situation, a wave of souls overwhelmingly clears the field and is domineering. , "By the way, the plan is not implemented enough, continue to increase!"

The magic mountain is creating chaos, Wang Du was originally flooded with a large number of humans, resulting in continuous fighting on the street, plus his subordinates fuelled the situation, there are signs of out of control, the security team is busy every day, but still Unable to maintain ~ stable.

"When the dead are in trouble, it's in trouble. Let's go ahead and hold a competition. Take the bottle of legendary potion as the prize!"

Professor Abu sighed and prepared to intervene.

The next day, everyone in the capital knows that Professor Abu, who is highly respected, known as the headmaster of the orc empire, the lighthouse, and the leader, announced that there will be a 100-man contest, and the winner will get a bottle worth 10 billion yuan. The elemental kiss potion of the gold coin, drink it, the magical person below the scepter can directly promote a large order, and above the scepter, randomly increase several ranks to promote!

So the whole king is crazy! (To be continued...)


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