Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1135: 0 Players Championship

There are many races in the Western Continent, but there are only a few who can be called dead enemies. There are only a few dwarves and dark drows fighting for the master of the underground world. The giants and elves who used to be world overlords, the undead family and all Creatures, and the most famous orcs and humans...

The peace talks between the two communities have not yet begun, and the secret war between the orcs and humans has already begun. When notified, the orcs will not place the peace talks in the palace halls as usual, but in the war memorial, representatives of the human camp collectively Declined to participate.

This memorial is in the central square and displays the cultural relics of the major battles experienced by the orc empire over tens of thousands of years, especially against humans, which can be a history of 10,000 years of war between the two tribes.

The orcs value glory and face, so the war deeds marked are based on the victory of the orcs, and humans certainly don't want to suffer this loss.

After some disputes and compromises, the two sides stepped back and held peace talks with the largest diplomat.

Although Downton bears the title of NATO Speaker, no one agrees, and the right to fart has no right, so he still sits in the back row and belongs to the type of counting together.

On the first day of the meeting, the two sides broke up, because the two people did not show up, all of them were a group of miscellaneous fish doing some indifferent disputes.

Downton had a good temper, but he couldn't stand it after listening to the nonsense for three days.

"This is a waste of time!"

Downton died.

Tessie nodded, "But is it okay if you sit here? Those representatives look at you like a traitor!"

"If I were a traitor, half of the North would fall!" Downton pouted and glanced at the audience. "Don't worry about them, a bunch of miscellaneous fish. What can I do?"


Taixi Feng gave a thumbs up and was full of envy, and he was a prince anyway. But mentally, it is much worse than Downton. At least several times under the watch of the tribe, he couldn't help but want to leave Downton and keep his distance.

"Ma Lei, do you orcs have any sincerity? Otherwise, start fighting!"

The grumpy guy cursed.

"It's you who have no sincerity? That Heinrich hasn't arrived in the king capital now, even if he is late, there must be a limit. Is this looking down on us?"

The orcs were unwilling to show their weakness, almost shouting together with their throats.

"Why? Want to fight!"

"Just hit it, who would be afraid of you bastards!"

The smell of gunpowder was almost choking to death. Finally, on the third day, a bear man could not bear the cynicism and slammed the glass on the face of the human representative opposite.

"I'm going to kill you!"

The representative of nosebleeds growls.

"I have this intention, a duel of life and death?"

The bear man held his fist and could not wait for a fight.

Just when both sides wanted to fight a catharsis of anger, Downton slapped on the long table in front of him.


The long table shattered into powder and flew away in the sunlight through the window edge.

"Enough is enough, I hate being treated as a monkey. Since the big guys are not interested in negotiating, then just go back to each one and prepare to go to war!"

Downton got up and left. "It's better to fight both defeats and injury, let the evil spirit army come out to pick up the cheap, and then everyone will die together!"

Everyone in the audience was silent, yes, noisy is not the way, the evil **** is about to recover, the jihad is coming, it is a disaster across the continent!

"Duke Downton, the meeting is not over yet. You cannot leave!"

The person in charge of the meeting rushed over and saw Downton leaving. Quickly reach out to intercept.


Downton waved his hand and turned the person in charge. "I put my words here, the big guys don't come, and I won't come again!"

"Who do you think you are? Can you compare with those Grand Dukes of the Empire?"

A representative looked down upon Downton, but the words were not over yet. A murderous sight came over, causing him to kick back two steps unconsciously, followed by a soft knee, and fell to the ground.


Downton withdrew his gaze and left the hall.

Representing the horror is undecided. At that moment, he felt that Downton was like a fierce beast that ate people, and the soul pressure was like a deep sand, and he was suffocated for a moment, until his figure disappeared into the field of vision. A kind of luck for the rest of the life.

The entire conference hall was quiet, and the delegates admired Downton. At least they did not have the courage to leave. Then they were angry. They felt that they were the pawns of the big men.

"Ma Le, I'm so bored. I'm going to drink. Those big guys don't show up. I won't come!"

There are not many representatives who are determined to make progress and want to make a career. With the departure of one, everyone seems to be inspired to start a large-scale exit.

The person in charge runs cold and sweat on his forehead after running. If the meeting ends like this, he is finished, and he must be labeled incompetent.

The central square of Noda University is full of people, and the noisy sounds almost shattered the sky. They did not come to the meeting, but to participate in the human wrist competition, eager to get the bottle of elemental kiss potions worth billions of gold coins. .

Downton shook his head silently and went down the steps.

"Before people hit the wall, they always feel lucky and think that maybe they are the lucky ones!"

Taixi Feng sighed.

Professor Abu's reputation resounded through the orc empire. No one doubted his words, so the bottle of potion was absolutely true, so no matter how slim the hope was, people wanted to try it.

Don't be a soul-level magician, that is, ordinary people, temporarily put down the work at hand and come to participate in the competition.

The Renhao Wrist Contest, as the name implies, is to compare the wrist strength, the first level, as long as 50 consecutive wins, you can advance to the second round.

"In the past two days, everyone was watching, and the strong men did not shoot, so that the ordinary Hercules also won several, which is why so many ordinary people participated!"

A Fox Fox girl appeared beside Tai Xifeng, explaining while eating a kebab.

"Let's go and enjoy afternoon tea!"

Downton greeted Taixi Feng.

"Hey? You don't want that bottle of elemental kisses? That's the ultimate potion that will allow Marshal ranks to advance easily!"

The fox girl froze for a moment, then whispered, "Oh. You are not using this inferior means to attract my attention?"

"Who is this narcissistic woman?"

Downton frowned.

"I am Megan, the princess of Fox Fox, the youngest golden robe priest!"

The fox girl raised her chest proudly. She wanted to look down on Downton to increase the sense of oppression. But even if she is not low, she still wears high heels, but in front of the tall Downton, she can only look up, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"do not know!"

Downton turned around.

"I'm not pretty?"

The fox girl walked a few steps, grabbed Downton, and then turned in a circle.


Downton couldn't deny that the Orcs were among them. Fox Fox Girl is notoriously beautiful, smart, and hailed as the most perfect butler, so in the slave market, Fox Girl has always been popular, even the most ordinary, are tens of millions of gold coins.

Being able to have a fox maid, in the human country, is a symbol of identity, status, and wealth.

In front of Megan, looking forward, there will be a natural charm. And there was a faint body scent on her body, after smelling it. It's as fascinating as if I had tasted a rich wine.

"Then don't you plan to pursue me?"

Megan wore a golden priest robe with gold threads embroidered on the cuffs, neckline, and skirt. The big tail was supposed to be hidden under the skirt, but she just let it go and played with her hand.

"Not interested in!"

Downton pouted, pushing away Megan, the big red fox tail, representing the pure blood of the fox girl. It is the nobility that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"Sicily, will this guy be gay?"

Megan leaned over to Taixifeng. Resting his arm on his shoulder, he asked in a low voice.


Tessie snapped Meghan's arm open. "Don't call me Sisi, I hate this name!"

"But I don't hate it, Sisi!"

Megan teased.

Tessie was helpless. From the beginning, he was bullied by Megan, but the relationship between the two was not bad.

People like Professor Abu must have a purpose in doing things. The Renhao wrist contest is definitely not as simple as diverting people's attention to avoid fighting, so Downton doesn't want to go through this muddy water, and then regards his age as a big one The Marshal is already very tough, and some have time to get promoted.


Although the crowd in the square was full of people, the walnut's voice was clearly heard in Downton's ears. He turned his head and saw no figures, but the shouting was so arrogant.

"Come on, challenger, I want to fight a thousand!"

Downton squeezed out the crowd and saw that in the eighth field, Walnut dominated a ring and was shouting towards the people below.

"Ordinary people don't come up, no, don't come up with the guys below the Tulong level, shame on the province!"

The words of Walnut are arrogant and can't be repeated, but none of the audience cheered, because now, this lovely loli has defeated more than five challengers, and the sturdy mess.

People are crowded here just to see what she can do!

"I come!"

An adventurer dissatisfied and stepped out of the crowd, trying to jump into the ring, but was stopped by Casimodo.

"what happened?"

The adventurer frowned.

"Did you hear the princess? The fish below the dragon-slaughter level flashed away!"

Casimodo was expressionless.

"I think you are afraid of losing?"

The adventurer sneered.

"Let him come up!"

With a wave of bravery and dryness, Walnut sat at the stone table made of obsidian, stretched out his right hand, and prepared to break his wrist.

"No magic costumes are allowed, if I find out, I will lose!"

The adventurer reminded, while secretly vigilant, that he thought the girl came to this step by relying on the best magic props.

"Big brother!"

When Walnut just thought about it, he saw Downton standing in the crowd and ran past with a smile on his face.

"Wait, are you going to escape? That's when I won!"

The adventurer thought he was hit, staring at the walnut, his expression was complacent.

"Oh, so troublesome!"

Walnut hesitated, turned and ran back, urging impatiently, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

The adventurer took Walnut's hand while looking at the maid next to him, waiting for the referee to speak.


As soon as the maid's voice fell, the adventurer was about to exert force. As a result, a huge force hit him. His talent was the power of a rhinoceros. Watching her hold her hand, she hit the stone table fiercely.


The adventurer's arm was bent and shattered into the mud by the naked eye. In the sound of the fracture, there was a spider-like crack on the stone table, which was broken and scattered.


Ignoring the loser, Walnut ran to the edge of the ring, followed by a jump, and flew to Downton.

"Big brother!"

The walnuts hanging on Downton's eyes curled into two crescents with a smile.


At the next moment, the adventurer screamed sternly.

Looking at his broken arm, watching the party subconsciously shivered, this loli was terrifying.

"What are you doing?"

Downton frowned.

"Oh, I'm in the Thousand Challenger!" Walnut waved his fist. "It's boring to win only fifty, so I'm going to hit a thousand challengers!"

Walnut's eyes dodged. In fact, she lied. She just wanted to defeat all the enemies faster, and then got the bottle of elemental kisses for Downton.

"Come on!"

Downton smiled and touched Walnut's forehead.


Walnut kissed Downton's face, then jumped down and ran back to the ring, shouting excitedly, "Next!"

"Isn't this guy a lo*ic*n?"

"Pervert~ Scum!"

"Ma Lei, I also want a beautiful loli girl to develop!"

Whispering around, staring Downton's gaze, it's not normal to look at it.

Downton was embarrassed and wanted to leave, but he was worried that someone would count the walnuts and could only stay behind to hold him in for a fight.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I lost!"

Elaine stood behind Downton with a low voice like a gnat.

"what happened?"

When she saw her sister's sad face, Downton frowned, and her right hand was actually bandaged. You know that Elaine is a scepter, even if she fractures her hand, she can be cured quickly.

Elaine was speechless, her tears falling down, and Downton looked at Tutu, who was beside him.

"She was overcast by a guy in a cloak!"

Tutu explained.

"Where is that guy?"

Downton clenched his fists.

"Brother, I am not as good as others!"

Elaine doesn't like to cause trouble, so she pulls Downton's arm.

Downton took a deep breath and touched Elaine's hair and asked Tutu, "Where do you sign up?"


Tutu feared that the world wouldn't mess up with a finger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I hope that guy will not be eliminated in advance! "

Downton's eyes were fierce. He knew that the other party must have come to himself, otherwise most men would not be so violent when facing the graceful Yilian.

"Haha, there is a good show!"

Megan clapped happily, urging Taixi Feng, "You go to sign up too!"

Tessie shook his head.

"Don't you want to compete with him?" Megan gave Tessien a white look and snapped his back. "Go ahead, you are a man, take courage!"

Among the crowd, a few eyes looked at Downton. They had no intention of participating, but after seeing him sign up, they also changed their minds. (To be continued) R655


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