Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1136: Challenger

"Sister Elaine, rest assured, I will avenge you!"

Walnut slammed the flat chest, and his eyes widened in black and white, looking for the **** who dared to hurt Yilian in the crowd. ∽,

"What are you going to do?"

It was the maid who was in charge of the registration process. After seeing Downton, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Will you give it back to others?"

"What do you mean? Look down on us?"

A group of orcs who had just signed up heard this and were unhappy, a few stared at the maid, and a few stared at Downton.

"If you shout at me again, you will be deprived of your qualifications!"

The maid's face froze, but when she looked down at Downton, it seemed like the spring breeze thawed, "Is there time at night? Let's eat together!"


This kind of naked naked naked disregarded the orcs, and the maid was a rare elf beauty. She was wearing a black and white maid skirt and a tender flesh without a chest. It was the slender pair wrapped in black stockings. The beautiful legs make these orcs salivate.

Most of the orcs would not love, and for women, just like animals, show their strength to win their favor, so Downton was stared at.

Downton stunned.

Seeing a group of orcs looking for something, the maid suddenly stared at them. At that moment, a group of orcs felt like they were being stared at by an ancient fierce beast that was choking on others. Cold sweat instantly soaked their backs.

Boom! Boom!

A few guts, even kneeling softly on the ground.

"My age is no longer, I can't be a child servant of a generation, I also want to marry someone, a husband's son!" The maid blinked her innocent eyes, expectant, "How? Think about it?"


Downton encountered such a bold girl for the first time. Frightened, I filled out the registration form and handed it over.

"Oh, the courageless man, bring it, ten thousand gold coins!"

The maid was dissatisfied. Banging on the table.


Downton wasn’t a fool anymore. The few orcs signed up and didn’t see any money, and there was no box for the money.

"Registration fee, isn't it?"

The maid fought back.


Downton didn't dare to argue any more, he gave money happily to leave, but he had seen these maids running wildly on the grassland, and they used their brute force to support the falling mobile castle, not their strength. As a maid of Professor Abu, it is worth a lot of money.

"Just pay the tuition!"

Downton waved his hand away, Juliet and they still studied under the guidance of their professors, but it was a golden opportunity.

"Hey, why is this good man not mine?"

The maid looked at the stack of gold tickets and sat down on the chair in disappointment.

"Idiot, don't want to think about your race. Are you going to marry him and plan to have a monster?"

"The monster is still alive. I'm afraid you will kill him when you roll the sheets. Even if you don't die, Downton will probably be pinched by you!"

"I heard that he is the body of Vulcan, isn't that fragile?"

The other maids in front of the registration desk came together and bit their ears together. There are also a few who will peek at Downton's back from time to time and can't help but spit.

Downton, who possessed the Soul Twin Tree and Vulcan Body, was like a delicious cake to them.

"Ring No. 8. Quite auspicious figures!"

Downton looked at the qualification certificate and was very happy. As a result, when he walked to the ring, he knew that it was calculated by the maid.

An orc general sat there, pulling his ears boringly, wearing a military uniform and a second-class medal from Misha.

No one was watching except for his men.

"Man? One more time, the general will advance to the next round!"

"Human beings are all waste, they dare not even take the first battle!"

"The referee in the maid costume looks good. Look at the general, and deliberately put a serious expression on it to attract people's attention!"

A group of orc soldiers chattered, they were the 6th Cavalry Regiment who defended the capital of the king, and belonged to the Ace Corps, so they all looked proud and no one was in sight.

"Hey, are you a contestant? Just, come on stage!"

Several soldiers saw Downton holding the competition card in his hand and stopped him. The general was so overbearing that no one dared to challenge.

"Don't read it, you can choose the ring casually, as long as you win fifty in a row, you can advance to the next round!"

"Just kidding, this bean sprout can win ten, and I will give you your last name!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up on stage, and drink even if you win!"

The orc soldiers surrounded Downton, all with a playful smile, in their view, this human must lose.

Downton's strength is very strong, but it is not a typical muscle ~ stick, but the perfect figure can not be added, and Yushu is facing the wind to burst the watch.

Downton shrugged his shoulders and jumped into the ring indifferently.


The Orc General glanced down at Downton, and then stopped paying attention, but looked at the maid, "Is there any time later? Will I invite you to dinner?"

"Why refused my companion's invitation?"

The maid ignored the orc, but looked down at Downton with a sorrowful face, like an angry daughter-in-law.

"You can hear such chaos?"

Downton was shocked again.

"Of course, we are the world...cough!"

The maid almost leaked and quickly covered her with a cough.

"Son, you are dead!"

The orc gritted his teeth and decided to crush Downton's hand bones, giving him a profound lesson, but when the maid called out, a great force suddenly struck.


The orc's right hand hit the ring.

"how is this possible?"

The orc soldiers were dumbfounded, and Downton's triumphant understatement was as simple as stroking a fly away.

"I must be dazzled. But the general is the Dragon Slayer. Talent or power radiation. How can it be defeated by a human?"

In fact, the orcs are not afraid of losing, just losing so thoroughly, it is really unacceptable.

"Not counting just now, I'm not ready yet!"

The general's face flushed, especially in front of a group of men. It made him feel that his face was badly damaged and he had to come back again.

"You have lost!"

The maid's face changed, "Step down!"


The orc general wanted nothing more, but the maid took hold of his collar and, like another chicken, threw him off the ring.

Such an exaggerated scene. But no one was surprised, because the orcs knew that Professor Abu’s maids were unparalleled!


The soldier who had blocked Downton and asked him to come on stage almost hung his head parallel to his chest.

"Forget it!"

The general waved his hand in frustration, and then looked at Downton with his arms around his chest. The men immediately rejuvenated. They knew that it was the general who was about to find trouble later, so he rubbed his hands one after another.

"Found it, here!"

As an orc yelled, a few guys who had been ugly before the registration desk came together. One by one sneered at Downton and jumped into the ring.

"Don't admit defeat, otherwise it will be too fun!"

A tauren sat down and drummed his muscles in protest.

The maid shouted to start, the tauren immediately exerted force, the green muscles on his back broke up, the sweat on his forehead went wild, but he couldn't shake Downton.

"that's it?"

Downton sneered.


Tauren shouted. Suffocating his face red, he saw Downton's arm pressed down a little bit.

"Come on!"

Several orcs shouted. But just before touching the ring, Downton's right hand stopped and then began to rebound.


As Downton exerted his strength, the tauren's right hand hit the ring table, his bones shattered, and the screams of his life shrieked.


Downton chuckled.

"I come!"

A leopard jumped up. Talent and rage are launched at the same time, the muscles of both arms expand, and they become several times the thighs, like a terrifying siege hammer.

"Can it be violent?"

Downton asked.

"Except for the use of magic props, it is forbidden for others to apply magnification magic. Other means are allowed!"

The maid explained.

"Are you afraid now? It's too late!" The Leopard grinned, and Downton's question made him think that this man was afraid, so he urged with satisfaction, "Get started!"

The leopard man exerted force at the moment when the maid's voice was just exported, thinking that it could take advantage of it. As a result, Downton's arm remained motionless.


Seeing the game stalemate, the maid couldn't help whispering.

"Haha, he is indeed a fool!"

The Leopard laughed pretending to be calm.

"Mine is you!"

The maid rolled her eyes. "You can't even see him in acting, and dare to go on stage and mock? Are you all **** in your head?"


The Leopard was angry and took a deep breath. His chest was swollen, like a full-horsepower engine, to crush Downton, hit his face with victory, and let the maid swallow back what he had just said, but the next second, a cry A crisp click sounded loudly.

"what sound?"

The audience beside the ring also heard it, and subconsciously looked at it, and found that the arm of the leopard was like a siege hammer, which was broken, recurved, and the sharp stubble pierced the skin, and blood was dripping.

This **** cruel scene made many people shudder.

"Ah, my hand!"

For a few seconds, the Leopard talent reacted and screamed in pain.

Looking at the blood stains on the ring table, Downton frowned, then grabbed the leopard's neckline, treated him like a rag, wiped it on top, and then lost it.


Downton's voice was warm like sunshine, but it fell in the ears of several orcs, but made them fall into the ice cave.

"What's wrong? Don't avenge your companions?"

Downton asked back.

Several orcs stared at the hippo, he was the most powerful of his companions.

"Ma Lei!"

The hippopotamus had been scared for a long time, and he didn’t want to go on stage, but the orcs had the heaviest face and couldn’t refuse.

The hippopotamus did not overestimate himself, but when the game started, he knew how wrong it was because he whispered.


In a few seconds, the hippo didn’t even hold a blink of an eye, and the onlookers only felt a flower in front of them. The hippo fell to the ground, holding an irregularly twisted right hand, and burst into tears.

"Go, call Changqi Chang!"

The orc general felt that Downton might not be able to do so and could only be called a helper.

Before the long rider came, a bear man stepped onto the ring.

"Human, get down on your own, otherwise I will make you die terribly!"

The bear man was very arrogant and activated the soul shield. Six dragons revolved around his body, which meant that he was the Dragon Slayer.

There was no exclamation on the spot, because this was already the third day of the Renhao Wrist Contest. After the wait-and-see period, a variety of strong men emerged in an endless stream. Even the scepter had several people.

"It's Sangze!"

Someone shouted, in the mercenary world, Sang Ze's name is very loud.

"Are you afraid?"

Xiongren enjoyed the attention-grabbing feeling and proudly lifted his chin towards Downton. "If you admit defeat now, you will have time!"

Downton's answer was simple, with his full strength, he hit the bear man's wrist and smashed it hard.


The giant palms of the Don’t Bear, the ring tables made of obsidian, all showed spider-like cracks.


Downton took out a white handkerchief, wiped the blood stain on his hand, and then dropped it on the bear.

The nearby orcs were silent, and Sangze lost so fast that their cheering sound was still stuck in their throats.

Just when everyone thought no one would dare to challenge this human again, a guy in a black cloak jumped into the stands.

"It's fun to bully miscellaneous fish?"

The man in the cloak sat down and saw that Sangze had not climbed away, frowned unpleasantly, and then snapped a finger.


Sang Ze was like being hit by an invisible siege hammer. The whole person flew into the sky and then smashed into a building a few meters away.

"Did you hurt Elaine?"

Downton's eyebrows twisted, the black cloak, the mighty strength, and the apparently premeditated stimulus, all knew everything.

"These maids are very strict, otherwise I can guarantee that Ilian will be twisted into twists."

The black cloak grinned, revealing teeth covered with red blood stains, "Have you ever seen the twist of the human body? Slap it, the internal organs are broken!"

"I allow you to choose a death method!"

Downton was expressionless and extended his right hand.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" The black cloak hugged his chest with both hands, and looked at Downton in horror. Then he leaned forward, stared at him, and took his hand. "Squeeze it into a pulp, and drink it, I really like this method of death. The more beautiful the meat ~ juice, the more delicious. By the way, let me count. Elaine, Juliet, Charlotte, and a walnut, you can make a few cups!"

"Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He fouled!"

The black cloak was very cunning and complained to the maid, but he exerted force in advance.

It was impossible for Downton, who had already started to stop the mirror, to suffer such a loss, and then fought back.


The two giant forces collided, even the obsidian table made of obsidian could not bear the impact, and then broke into a powder, which is not counted, the stone bench under the two people's buttocks was also broken, and then the floor under the feet Cracked, instantaneously radiated within a radius of one yard, all destroyed!


Everyone in the neighborhood felt a shock and felt uncomfortable vomiting blood. They felt like they were being put into a juicer, and the whole person was crushed.

"Downton, I'm waiting for this opportunity. For a long time, you will die in my hands!"

The black cloak grinned and broke out again! (To be continued...)


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