Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1178: Bloody night


   "Oh, this is just the child's unintentional words, you see, I finished drinking, there is nothing?"

   A human duke came out to round the field and drank the moonlight strolling wine in the glass. In his view, the pope would never poison everyone.

   Of course, no one can do anything in his reward.

   "I didn't lie, this wine really has a problem!"

   Walnut's little face turned red, and the children didn't want to be treated as lies.

   "When did the Pope have the habit of serving guests with poisonous wine?"

  The persistence of Walnut made the atmosphere a bit awkward. Some orcs glared at Downton and let him teach her well, but Di Lanxue's sudden opening directly silenced the audience.

   "Hall... Your Highness, you said..."

   The shock of human representatives is beyond reproach. If there is only one honest person in this world, then it must be Dilanxue. However, it is really incredible to do this kind of thing as the pope.


   seemed to react suddenly, everyone's eyes looked down under the crown, waiting for an explanation.

   "Inferior races, ignorant fools, naturally need to be eliminated. In this world, only the strong can rule!"

   There was no excuse under the crown of the Pope, shrugging his shoulders, and his face didn't matter.

  It was like being swept by a cold current of the frozen ground in the north, the air in the hall was completely condensed, and the faces of the guests were pale.


   just said that the human aristocracy screamed in the round. Lying on the ground, holding his throat with his hand, he retched hard.

   sonorous! Clang!

   The sound of the weapon being sheathed rang out. The human guests were alert and gathered together with Dilanxue as the center.

  The orcs don’t know what to do, whether to attack, or to capture the pope? So all froze on the spot.

   "Are you the devil's minions?"

   His Majesty Thrall roared, the roar of the ethnic talent lion shook the sky, and even the space was oscillating.

   "Don't you know it long ago?"

   The Pope sarcasm.

  Guests froze. Followed the reaction, yes. The pope is the master of the temple, the collar and sleeve of all religious figures, and has almost half of the power of the orc empire, if he is replaced by the evil spirits. That country is absolutely not saved, so there is only one possibility. The king let him do whatever he wanted for some reason.

   "Indiscriminate, actually insult your majesty!"

   A bear man stood up and yelled loudly that he is the chief of the guard, a legendary strongman, these things. He knows the inside story, so he must not let the ‘pope’ finish.

   "Yeah, when it comes to hurting your feet. Are you annoyed?"

   A **** wind wrapped in a macho walked into the hall. He held a general in his hand and looked at the epaulet. It was a long rider, but at this moment he was like a little chicken.

   "Mangyuan Thorns!"

   A guest exclaimed, like seeing the most terrifying beast.

   "Yao. Actually know me, it seems that my reputation is not too small!"

  The original thorns ridiculed. With a bite on Wan Qichang's neck, he drank his blood in a single breath. The general coughed and coughed a few times, and the naked eye became human.

   This horrible scene scared the guests back in unison.

   "Why doesn't it matter!"

   The long guard stepped out and appeared in the thorns of Mangyuan.

   "Come well!"

  The original thorns roared and waved their fists to meet them.

   This guy is only wearing a pair of leather pants, and his muscles are tangled. It is the limit of power and beauty. When fighting, his hair is flying, his body is like a vine with a magic pattern of tattoos, and it is full of wildness.

   "The chieftains are still able to sit? After tonight, you will be removed, your tribe, will change the master!"

   A man in a red and black robe walked into the hall, grinning sarcastically and satire the orcs.


   guests exclaimed, this is another legendary strongman, in the camp of evil gods, known for his excellent magical ability and mind.

   An atmosphere of suspicion began to permeate, able to sit in the position of chieftain, no one is not a traitor, just a short time, they have understood all this.

"what happened?"

  Walnut's face was puzzled and he scratched his hair. "How do I feel like these orcs are about to fight?"

"Small loli, it doesn't seem to be, it's really about to fight!" Lishen sacrifice ridicule, "Your human empire is divided, and the king has no way to take those powerful nobles, let alone the nomadic people like the orc empire. "

   "What do you mean?"

   Walnut doesn't understand.

   "The orc empire is composed of various tribes. The king seems supreme, but the power is extremely small. Except for his own territory, the orders are almost impossible to convey. Those big chiefs have the highest power in their respective cities, and they are like little kings!"

   Downton explained.

The orc kings of all generations have been committed to regaining power and achieving central~centralized power. The governors of all regions are sent by the emperor, who is responsible for commanding regional politics and military affairs, taxation, and suppressing nobles. This struggle has been in existence for tens of thousands of years. .

When he arrived at Thrall, as a talented monarch, he dreamed of returning to the Central Plains, enslaving mankind, and recreating the glory of the orcs. He replaced the Pope's crown and used his hands to eradicate the influence of those chiefs.

   Today is the harvest season.

   "It's cruel!"

   After listening to Downton's description, even the little walnuts shuddered.

   "Yeah, it's so cruel, but Your Majesty, everyone unscrupulously tidy up these big chiefs, but how can you guarantee that you will master those rights?"

   The Soul Ritual is like a competent reporter interviewing Thrall.

   "Those are not issues that you dead people need to care about."

   Thrall was expressionless. This sentence also admitted these plans in disguise.

   "Saar, you bastard. You will be nailed to the stigma of Orc history!"

  The chieftain who had drunk poison knew that he could not survive and cursed loudly.

   "Fool, didn't you find it? This two-nation meeting, the peace talks are just incidental. The real purpose is to kill us."

   A woman in a tight leather coat walked into the hall, and her charming eyes swept around. Expect frivolous.

   "It's the battlefield!"

   Another legend arrived, which made the guests exclaim. But then he closed his mouth again, because a man with broken star scars walked in.

   "Stop? These people are too self-confident!"

   This man is charming and wicked in his hand.

   "Heinrich ran away? Unfortunately, I still want to see his heroic attitude!"

  A female angel with black wings directly blasted the ceiling. Landed in the hall, "but it is worthwhile to kill Di Lanxue!"


   "Dark Angel!"

Looking at this one who has a strong reputation, leaving countless **** records on the front line of the abyss, each one is qualified to command millions of evil legends of the evil spirit army, the guests are scared by the body unconsciously shaking, there are Some cowards even peeed out.

   Downton took a step forward and covered several people and girls directly behind him.

   The audience was silent and the guests were afraid to move. Fearing to irritate the opponent, he first took the surgery, so Downton took this step. Suddenly nothing was added, and it was noticed directly.

   "Yeah, young boy, very courageous!"

   Battlefield ridicule, eye movement.

   "I like your courage, do you want to join me?"

  The dark angel solicited directly.

   "Hey. Don't **** it with me. Tune this kind of hero ~ to be a slave who listens to words. But my hobby!"

  The tongue of the battlefield stretched out his tongue, licked his red lips, and tortured the spirit of a person. It was much more fun than killing them.

  At this moment, no matter how much people feel about Downton, even Watson, who has always been unconvinced, must not admire a deep sigh in his heart.

   In the face of the powerful legendary lineup of the evil spirit army, who dare to take a step forward to protect his companions, this courage is definitely called the word hero.

   Don't look at the battlefield virgins and the dark angels to tease Downton, this is also a disguised confession, to know that in their eyes, the great marshal Watson is a ants, not worth mentioning.

   "Virgin Patriarch, you come here, won't you just show off your power?"

   Thrall said, this thin man now exudes this endless majesty.

   "Void...Void Patriarch?"

  The guests were shocked, but this is the first counselor of the evil god. When the evil **** was sealed, he was in charge of all affairs of the evil spirit army.

   "Saar, are you crazy? In order to purge us and take back power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Actually let the false patriarchs endanger the empire, you will definitely be a shame for the orcs!"

   "Shameless traitor!"

   "You must not die!"

   The chiefs cursed, some people wanted to ask the false patriarch to ask for an antidote, but the only dignity made them embarrassed to speak.

   "My plan has been completed. I came forward this time, but just to see you guys!"

  Whether it was a false patriarch or Thrall, they ignored the clamor of the ants.

Mangyuan Thorns and the Chief of Guards have already fought in the square, and the sound of the magical explosion has continued to come. If it is placed in peacetime, this is the most eye-catching battle, but now, no one cares, and the guests are staring at the false herding First, stare at these evil **** leaders.

   "This is just an appetizer before the jihad begins!"

  The battlefield son hit the ground with the heels of high heels, and made a loud, crisp sound, "Listen, let's start!"

   At the moment her voice fell, successive explosions exploded in this stormy city that had stood for thousands of years, and a bright magical light rose into the sky.

   riots are everywhere, **** night is coming!


   Those who drank the poisoned wine grabbed their necks violently, and made a screaming scream, the skin was broken, but they didn't feel anything at all.

boom! boom! boom!

   Some guests with bad physique swelled into a meat ball shape, and then slammed and burst. The splash was full of minced meat and blood, and a bad smell began to spread.

   There were also some guests who changed, all became huge, their bodies were covered with sarcomas of evil deeds, and their eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, which became a war puppet completely. (To be continued)

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