Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1179: Holy coffin comes!


   "What you drank just now is not the moonlight strolling wine, but the food of death. You should be fortunate that you have passed the test and can become a slave to the evil god!"

   Patriarch of Falseness opened his hands and announced it like a gift. ∽↗∽↗,

   The whole audience was in an uproar!

   "Now, kill these inferior races and dedicate their souls to the evil god!"


   In the turbulence of the waves, accompanied by a roar, these variants carried a smell, and rushed to the guests who had escaped the disaster without drinking the food of death.

   "Guardians! Guards!"

   People screamed and ran in a panic, but to no avail.

   "Haha, guards? They have fallen and become diseased orcs, they will only offer loyalty and life to the evil god!"

   The battlefield virgin laughed, a teleportation appeared in front of Di Lanxue, the leather whip in his hand flicked and pulled towards her neck.

   Lion Ji Yiran was not afraid, the sword of the knight pulled out!


   As if a round of morning light had risen, thousands of golden lights shot out, not only blocking the leather whip, the golden lights shone on the blighted orcs, causing their bodies to quickly decay and collapse.

   "Tai Xi Feng, join forces to kill, walnuts, protect Elaine!"

   Downton's left hand is huge, and his right hand is arrogant. The blue magic lines on his body are all over, and he immediately enters a violent state and kills strongly.

   Titan flurry!

   Boom! boom! boom!

   The violent turbulence raged. In front of Downton, he was directly razed to the ground and a passage was opened.


   Walnuts carried the warhammer, killing all the orcs in close proximity. For a time, the guests went to hide and seek refuge.


   Starbreaker flashes. Just intercepted in front of Downton, punched, all eyes are stars.

   "If you hurt my male slave, I will kill you!"

   Battlefield Virginity Warning.

   "It depends on whether he can block my broken star combo!"

   Starbreakers do not mean to keep their hands.


   Downton and Taixi Feng joined forces and used their strongest defenses to finally block the blow. But the way was also cut off.

   "Professor Abu, do you want to watch the vain patriarch continue to run like this?"

   Thrall pushed away his guard, and stared at Professor Abu fearlessly.

   "You guys are desperate for power!"

   Abu was disgusted with Thrall's approach, and he really wanted to go away, but for the future of the orc empire, he had to bear it.

   "It seems that I am going to choose a wise king personally, instead of letting you come!"

   Abu is a very sensible person. So he knew that even the king he chose would have such shortcomings and would still bear his own brand, so he no longer interfered, letting it develop naturally, but in the end, it evolved into this result.

   Power is always a corrupting nest!

   "What a beautiful man. Even I can't help but want to take him as my own!"

  Li-soul sacrifice ridiculed.

   "The painter next to him is not bad!"

  The first sight of the battlefield signaled Wallenstein who was hiding in the corner. The appearance of these two people can't be overstated with a sentence of alluring.

   "Man grows like this. Even I am jealous."

  The dark fallen angel also made a joke.

   At this moment, the entire Talon Weserge has been caught in the flames of war. Four huge portals stand up in the four directions of the royal city. The Chaos Knight with the Shadow Knights rushed wildly behind them. It is a crazier disease orc.

   The portal to the abyss concealed underground also opened, and a demon crawled out of the sewer like an ant, flocked to those houses, harvested life, and tasted the blood. Enjoy this carnival night!

The guests were desperate, and the king's court also had Saint Ao Xun and legends, but the lineup of the false patriarchs should not be underestimated. Before the reinforcements came, the whole army might be wiped out, but they were shaking and panicking all day long. At that time, Professor Abu stepped forward and stepped forward!

   "Professor, no!"

  Taixi Feng was taken aback, desperately guarding, to intercept the epidemic orcs rushing towards him, but the next moment, the endless momentum overflowed from the professor.

boom! boom! boom!

   All the orcs rushing to Abu screamed, just like the snow and ice melting in the sun, completely disintegrating into fragments.

"this is……"

  Not only did Tessie froze in place, but even the false capital Mu looked at the professor in amazement.

   "The long river of time is too long. Everyone only remembers the name Asadin. Forget that sentence, the holy court is so loud, the soul of a long time, have you forgotten the fear of Lei Di?"

  Professor Abu's voice was sentimental and bland, but like Huang Zhongdalu, it roared over the storm city and clearly passed into everyone's ears.

"you are……"

  Vice Patriarch guessed an answer, but could not believe it, because it was so incredible.

   "Then let me recall these memories again! I, Astrakhan, the emperor of the Holy Court, the thunder eater, the king of the beasts, are back!"

  Professor Abu, no, it should be called Asadin now. He took off the Holy Shield oak leaf brooch worn on his left chest and threw it away.

   Bang! Bang!

  The sky above the king's court was greatly shaken, and like a mirage, a huge fortress appeared.

   Behind the fortress is the looming holy mountain, the top of the snowy mountain, and the blessings of simplicity, vicissitudes and holiness come melodiously!

   "Is the king of beasts?"

The guests were dumbfounded. In the orc empire, Professor Abu was known for his wisdom. He was a wise man, a pioneer, and a beacon for the advancement of the orcs. But he had never heard of him as a peerless strongman. No, he was one of the eight holy coffins. It is even rarer than the peerless.

   "Isn't it fake?"

  I don't believe in the battlefield.

   "Do you think anyone can do this except for the holy coffin?"

   Lishen sacrifice face is gloomy.

The fortress of war was opened, and a team of rangers came under the fluttering flag, killing them aggressively. They held a long bow, a quiver in their backs, and a hip-blade scimitar. They were star-shaped but dead troops, known as grassland wings. , The invincible legion that once conquered the world.

   after the Rangers. A team of priests wrapped in holy helmets and robes all over the body. They are the dead court of the Holy Court and the most determined followers of Asadin's faith.


   A shrill and powerful wolf called to sweep the sky, with four wings on its back, and a two-headed Sirius appeared in the sky.

   "Even ten giant monsters appeared, it seems that this Abu is really the king of monsters. Unexpectedly, the holy coffin is still alive."

   The Patriarch of Falsehood has returned to calm. Anyway, the **** long night plan is just an appetizer before the start of the jihad. Even if it fails, it will not hurt. Now the king of beasts is blown out, but it is the biggest gain.

   "Don't see Lord Beastmaster yet!"

   A red shaman responded, roared, and knelt down with ecstasy in his face.

  The orc guests kneeled in unison. The only exception is the lion king Thrall, and some humans have bowed their knees, facing the holy coffin, they must offer the greatest respect.

   "Wallenstein, don't you plan to help?"

  Asadin looked at the painter hiding behind a colonnade. He was standing in front of an easel and splashed ink, trying to keep this scene.

   "Don't disturb me. Painting down the long night event tonight will definitely become a masterpiece handed down to the world. I can also be among the great painters!"

  Wallenstein was full of excitement, and the ink touched his body, and he didn't even notice it.

  Asadington suddenly had a black line on his head.

"ok, ok, I got it!"

  Wallenstein did not give up creation, but behind him. Suddenly, a mysterious woman wearing a cloak stepped out. Her staff waved lightly, and the whole hall immediately lit purple.

   A mysterious and complicated summoning circle was completed, followed by a huge metal palm sticking out from under the floor. Hold up Wallenstein.

   Bang! Bang!

   Earthquake, a giant war statue with a height of 100 meters rises from the ground. The huge figure and the breath of steel make it extremely visually stunning.

"what is this?"

  Guests were dull, and the strong air flow brought out by the war colossus was almost untenable.

   "Magic God!"

  The false patriarch almost spit out the name with his teeth.

   "Hey, you actually know? But this is already the third generation. Its name is Dark Blue Metatolon. It's my car. How is it? Great?"

  Wallenstein stood on the palm of the Demon God, knocking on its steel armor.

   "Compared to a painter, you should be a magic scientist!"

  Asadin Tucao.

   "Why can God control people at will? Is the destiny of man really doomed?"

   ignored Assadin, Wallenstein looked at Downton and his party, and after asking, he glanced at Dilan Xue again, apparently waiting for a reply.

   "This guy obviously may get unexpected benefits!"

   Homer reminder.

   "Fate is determined by will!"

   Downton had long considered this issue, so there was no hesitation.

"What do you think?"

  Wallenstein did not say anything, turned around and asked Juliet.

   "Fate is in my own hands!"

   Juliet clenched her fists, her eyes full of firmness.

   "Fate cannot be violated!"

   Walnut pouted, remembering his own experience, his small face was full of sadness.

   Wallenstein's mouth overflowed with a smile, I wonder if he was satisfied with Juliet's answer, or admired the cuteness of Walnut.

  Guests were envious and emotional. Although he did not know the real identity of Wallenstein, he became a friend with Professor Abu. Obviously, he had a great beginning and could be inquired by him, but it was a great glory.

   "Fate is unpredictable!"

   This is Tai Xifeng's answer.

   "The strong is the fate!"

   Di Lanxue finished speaking, and shook her head sadly, but she couldn't make up her mind on the matter of fiance.


   Watson was not questioned, which made him very uneasy, just about to speak, and said a dazzling answer, but Wallenstein had already stopped asking questions.

   "Under Saint Ao Xun, they are all ants, so don’t let the legendary hustle and bustle, the priestly priest, you come to be my opponent!"

   Wallenstein disappeared and entered the cockpit of the Demon God.

   Watson was ignored, and his face went black suddenly, but Wallenstein's confident statement and strong aura made him dare not have any complaints.

   "Implement the second plan!"

   Patriarch of Falsehood finished. Welcome to the Magic God.

   "How bad are our luck? I just wanted to come out to eat an appetizer, but I didn't expect to get a big iron plate!"

   Battlefield virgin complained.

   "I feel lucky to kill the holy coffin, this is the most glorious moment in life!"

   Starbreaker rushed to Asadin in a frenzy.

  Soul chanting mantra, a huge magic array enveloped the hall, and some young heroes had a strange soul mark on their arms.

"what is this?"

   Walnut looked at his arm. Poke with your finger.

  Don't wait for Downton to explain that he disappeared in the air as if he never existed.


   Elaine exclaimed, the whole field of vision changed.

   "Where did you get them?"

   Thrall's irresponsible question, all the geniuses and hopes of the future were transmitted.


  Li-soul sacrifice did not answer, they originally planned to personally harvest these indigenous souls and dedicate them to the evil god, but the appearance of the two uninvited guests made them have to deal with it. Even so, there is a possibility of failure.

Fortunately, the evil spirit army also prepared a preparation plan, made hands and feet in the holy mountain secret realm, and everyone who entered everything was marked with a soul mark. At this time, they have been sent to a crisis-ridden area and will become an ally hunting. Objects and offerings.

  Under the starry night. A huge battleship floated.

  Heinrich looked at Stormwind City and the war fortress named Genting City. Behind him, there is a shining subordinate.

   "I didn't expect the holy coffin to appear, a real thousand-year wonder!"

  The chief of the lava giant is emotion.

   "Hum, I hope they don't destroy the master's plan, or even kill them together."

   A female succubus stared at the flag of the dead army with a bad look.

   "Originally it was just a guess. I didn't expect the Holy Coffin to really reappear in the world!" A Fox Fox man pouted, "The Governor really has prescient!"

   "Are you going to do anything other than flattering? Hurry up and find a way, or our plan will fail!"

  Although ridiculing this fox-faced handsome man, the hilly dwarf who spoke did not mean to panic. To know that this is the first adviser under the master's account, there must have been a way.

   "Failure? No, the moment our evil army appeared, our plan was already successful!"

  The genius Rommel from the Fox family chuckled and explained to everyone.

"The plan of the vain patriarch is not as simple as it says. For hundreds of years, they have been arranging for jihad. At this time, the orc empire has been in chaos under the attack of those traitors who have trusted him. A large number of Casualties, resentment, and hatred will produce a surging power of death. They will serve as an energy source to drive the altars that have already been built, invade the grasslands for the direct team of the evil gods, and open a permanent portal!"

   "Hasn't this been said a long time ago? The orc empire that suffered from the snowstorm is the root of the unrest and the best place to invade the evil spirit army!"

  The dwarf scratched his hair.

   "Yes, so our people are also contributing to the chaos, and those who have already turned to the Governor, or those who are uncertain, will definitely stand firm when they see this scene."

  Longmeier smiled, even the closest comrade-in-arms, he would not tell these people, how did the thousand-year-old snowstorm that swept the Orc Empire occur.

"A country can only be redistributed if it is completely subverted and reshuffled. The old lion Thrall is actually doing right. Clearing those big chiefs, it will have no opponents and can use the **** wrist to suppress it. The descendants of those tribes have achieved the central~centralized power, but he has forgotten that young people are the most rebellious, and the flame of revenge is definitely buried in their hearts!"

Young people are the most rebellious, and the flame of revenge is definitely buried in their hearts! "

   "I understand that it is the reason why the master made friends with the young children of the orcs!"

   The dwarf slapped his head, revealing an expression of sudden enlightenment, followed by a trembling, "Have you already started to arrange all this?"

   Enveloping the hearts of the second generation of beasts and human rights, it can't be done in a short while.

   "I was only eight years old when I knew the owner. At that time, he started decorating, what do you say?"

   Rommel was very conceited, but in front of Heinrich, he still maintained humility, because that was the only man he admired.

   "The old lion hopes that the great chiefs will die, and the master also hopes that when the young people are in power, the scepter of the orc empire will fall into the hands of the master without mercy!"

  The female succubus sighed, but was interrupted before finishing.

   "Big mistake!"

   Rommel shook his finger.

   "What do you mean?"

   is not only a female succubus, other people are also confused.

"The master never regarded the second generation of powers as allies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if they inherited the throne of the chieftain." Rommel explained, "The war continues, the national power of the entire orc empire will quickly weaken, to At that time, the owner can easily take it, and from then on, the Western Continent will no longer have the Russell Rover Holy Court Empire. This kind of unsung power for the country is the master's pursuit!"


   Everyone present took a breath of breath involuntarily, although it was known that Heinrich often did not play cards according to common sense and had a big appetite, but this time, they were still shocked.

  Remove a country with a long cultural history and one of the nine empires. Heinrich’s great achievements will definitely be included in the history.

   "Hey, you are Fox Fox, do you just watch the country perish?"

   The problem of female succubus is very acute.

   "It's not a national annihilation, but a unity. The world under the master's control, there is no racial discrimination, no hunger, no famine, no death from war, and some are equality, mutual love, happiness, that will be a utopia of races across the continent!"

  Lonmeier's expression was fanatical.

  The dwarves and his party roared out, they followed Heinrich for one reason or another, but there is one thing that will not change, that is, his will is his will, willing to use his life to defend his glory and ideals!

   Soldiers of the "Death Star" Legion carried on the battleship, fisted with their right hand, struck the heart, and cheered all day!

   Heinrich looked dull, and looked at the left arm that suddenly glowed.

   "It's starting!"

   sighed with emotion, Heinrich just waved it, and the brand mark of his soul was erased. (To be continued)

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