Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1180: Dragon Tomb


  'S vision has not been restored, a smell of earthy smell has been poured into the nasal cavity, Downton can't care about nausea, the defense is fully open, the whole person is struggling, trying to get up.

   "Temporarily safe, don't worry!"

  Homer radiation detection magic.


   Downton took a breath and released the combat readiness. Just like being thrown into the meat grinder, his skin and flesh were about to tear off and rubbed completely.

   "It's a single teleportation magic. According to my estimation, you should be branded in secret when you pass the exit of the holy mountain secret realm!"

  Homer is very self-blamed and feels that he has failed.

"where is this place?"

   Downton endured the headache and opened his eyes for more than ten seconds before the blurred scene gradually became clear.

   "I don't know, but look at the situation, like a cemetery!" Homer debugs the war space, "Relax, there are no rules to block, all supplies can be used!"


   Downton looked around and found that the sky was always rushing with massive black clouds, and it seemed that there would be heavy rain at any time.

The light is very dark, and there is still a layer of mist. With Downton's eyesight, it is only a range of hundreds of yards. The ground is rotten mud. Some white maggots smell the blood, and they are working hard to Downton. Climbing on his feet.

   This is a cemetery. All the sceneries are gray-toned and full of life. It is very uncomfortable.

   "Are we still in the Western Continent?"

   Downton tune refers to a bomb, a white gold aura burst, over a range of 300 yards, all reptiles as if encountering natural enemies, fleeing frantically.

   The terrible worms sounded like the wailing of the dead, making people creepy.

   "Yes, I want to pass through the crystal wall system. Reaching other planes requires a lot of magic energy, which can not be done by single transmission!"

   Homer's expertise is beyond doubt.

   "I don't know what happened to Xia Luo?" Downton was very worried. "Can you build a teleport to connect the dungeon?"

   "No, this cemetery. Being guarded by powerful law forces, all coordinates are illusory and cannot be captured!"

   Homer suggested, "You better grab a few natives and torture the information!"

   "Do you think there will be living people in this place?"

   Downton pouted, he didn't know how to go, he simply dropped the coin and decided that the only thing that was gratifying was the arrogance as a weapon of the sacred system, for the undead creatures in these cemeteries. Has a natural deterrent.

   A withered tree stands on the wasteland. From the huge dead branches, one can imagine how luxuriant it used to be, but at this time, except for a group of crows, it can no longer find any green leaves.

  呱! Quack!

   The crows clamored, and the shadows of Downton were reflected in their black eyes, and they flew up in a rush. Chased over.

   "Immortal, get away!"

   Downton picked up a stone. Smashed the past.

   The ravens scattered, and then gathered together again, just like a curse, the clouds were not scattered, especially the unpleasant cry, it was almost the same as the life symbol. Because it will attract undead creatures.

   "I want to kill these guys!"

   Downton made a fist.

   "Forget it, as for being angry with some crows? Besides, it attracted the wise souls, just grabbed and tortured!"

  Homer advises that it is better to be cautious in unknown places.

"it stink!"

   Jackson stepped out of the gate of war. He squeezed his nose and looked around disgustingly.

   "You are an undead, what are you afraid of? Go check it!"

   Downton kicked Jackson, and a ghoul who often eats brain marrow and eats bone marrow actually has cleanliness, which is unreasonable.

   "Ah? No, Master, I am so weak. I will be killed if I leave you."

   Hearing Downton's order, Jackson was dumbfounded and knelt down directly, hugging his calf and crying.

  Tang suddenly had a black line on his head.

   "Waste, if you don't go, I will take you down now!"

  Homer was furious.

   Jackson knew that Homer was not kidding, so he seemed to be stung by a scorpion, jumped up, and ran away without a trace.

  Because of the signing of the soul contract, two people can perceive each other as long as they enter within a range of tens of thousands of yards, so Downton didn’t wait for Jackson to perform aerial dance and personally explore the way.

   When the day went dark, Downton still did not find anything. Thinking of Elaine and they might also be transported to this ghost place, he was annoying to kill!

   "Oye, today's dinner is down!"

  After a small hillside, a skeleton was lying on the ground. In its eyes, there were two groups of green flames of life. At this time, because of the excitement of finding prey, it was burning.

  Observed for a while, the skeleton began to move, it stood up, but after a few steps, the left ankle snapped and broke.


  The skull fell to the ground in front, and several ribs and half of the hand bones collapsed.


  The skeleton screamed, and immediately went to pick up the bones, but walked a few steps, and suddenly stopped.

   "Oops, such a big movement will scare away the prey!"

   paused for a few seconds, after confirming that the prey did not respond, the skull patted the chest with confidence, and it took a lot of effort, and finally picked up the bone and installed it, "Forget it, or climb, I am used to it anyway!"

   "It's so tiring, don't go back, it's the undead anyway. If you don't eat for a few months, you won't starve!"

   climbed less than tens of meters, the skeleton was discouraged, so he lay on the ground, turned a circle, and prepared to leave, "Huh? No, I’m ready to go, why should I worry about alarming prey?"

  Thinking like this, the skeleton continued to crawl, and then hit something with a bang, it reached out subconsciously to dial, and then touched a leg.

   warm body temperature came, let the skeleton stunned, subconsciously raised his head and glanced, he saw that the prey was standing in front of him, overlooking himself from the top.

   "Does this guy have no wisdom, or is he a fool?"

   Downton wanted to laugh. When this bone crawled, there was a clicking sound, even if it was deaf, I heard it. It actually wanted to launch a sneak attack.

   "You are my prey, stop, or I will kill you!"

  The skull snapped forward and took over. The knee bone snapped off because of too much force, and the whole person fell again. The bones scattered again.

   "Do you see me going to run?"

   looked at the skeleton panicly picking up bones, Downton kicked it over the ribs that fell to his feet.

   "Thank you!"

  The skeleton sat on the ground, installed bones, then froze, saying to himself, "No, why should I thank the dinner?"

   "Do you dare to be stupid again?"

  Homer was speechless.

   "Stupid? I'm a soul skeleton of the undead, believe it or not, I eat my flesh and blood in minutes?"

   Skeleton teeth, scare Downton.

   Downton was expressionless. The skeleton of this skull is relatively thin, so we can guess its age, but it is a teenager. There is no armor to cover it, and there are moldy green hairs on the bones. It looks miserable at first glance. It wears a certain large helmet. Because it often covers the eyes. The helmet edge must be pushed up frequently.

   "Okay, your death time is up. The benevolent Three-Clawed Master decides to give you a choice, whether to commit suicide or torture me to death!"

   The self-proclaimed three-clawed skeleton was carrying a round shield, holding a broken and rusty scimitar, and marched towards Tang Dunyao.

   "I don't even choose!"

   Downton said coldly.


   Three-claw dumbfounded, thinking about something to say. Click, because the scimitar carried in the right hand is too heavy, and the arm bone is broken directly, and even worse, it is behind the left hand. I touched the shield, but it didn't hold tight. I fell off with a bang and broke my left leg.

   "Oops, it fell again!"

   Three claws bent over, picked up the bones, and completely forgot that there was a Downton next to him.


   The cheap **** covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look at it again. It's amazing to be stupid to such an extent.

   "Is there still undead nearby? Take me to find them!"

   Downton gave up torture information, this kind of idiot, it is estimated that he does not even know what his name is.

   "What are you doing with them? Wait, you are my prey, no running!"

  The three claws finally remembered, and hurriedly grabbed the scimitar, then took too much force, and the spine of the waist snapped off.

"where is this place?"

   Downton frowned.


   The natural tone of the three claws makes Downton wish to kill it.

   "Okay, die well?"

   The reassembled three-claw waved the scimitar and was about to slash Downton. The result was like seeing a ghost, glaring behind him, shouting "ghost", and turned and ran.

   "Master, there's nothing, ah, skeleton!"

Jackson emerged from the thick fog. After seeing the three claws, he was taken aback. He turned around and avoided it. He could stand in front of the powerful master. It must be a legendary strongman, but after a few steps, he saw the other party. Start running away.

  Compared with IQ, Jackson slipped his head, turned around immediately, shouted and killed him.


   A crossbow arrow shot through the ribs of the three claws.

   "Goddess is on, my life is so big!"

   The three-claw was excited and scared, so one didn't pay attention, tripped on a stone, and the whole person fell out, falling apart.

   Jackson walked back with his three-clawed head easily.

   "Don't eat me! Don't eat me!"

   The two rows of teeth of the three claws collided fiercely and almost scared to death. Undead creatures can become stronger by devouring the soul.

   "Why don't you fear me?"

   Downton puzzled.

   "Why should I be afraid of you a "bread"?"

  The three claws are also quite puzzling.


   Downton stunned.

   "Yes, humans are food for our undead."

   Three claws is a natural expression.

   "I'm not scared away!"

   Downton pouted.

   "That's because your legs are scared and you can't run even if you want to run!"

   The three-claw brain repair ability is invincible, making Homer and cheap gods smile.

   "Fool, my master is a Grand Marshal!"

   Jackson and Rong Yan show off.

   "What is Grand Marshal? Can you eat it?"

  Three claws asked, "The most delicious meal I had was a brainworm of earthworms, but it took me a week to catch it!"

   "Master, I think my IQ is insulted!"

   Jackson gritted his teeth.

   "Forget it, let it go!"

   Downton sighed, the skeletons were so mixed up with eating earthworms, it was miserable.

   "Where are you going? I will show you the way, you can't go over there, there is a big villain entrenched!"

   Three claws is definitely a missing brain, or it may be lonely for too long, looking for someone to chat.

   "How many villains?"

   Jackson glanced down at Dunton.

   "Eat a skeleton soul!"

   said three claws, and wiped his saliva with envy.

   "What are your metrics?"

   Jackson swears that if he talks to this idiot again, he slaps himself a hundred.

When Downton saw the big villain, he finally understood why the three claws survived. This guy was not even a soul order, but he was lucky to open up wisdom, with its power in the soul fire, even if it was Skeletons of war ranks like the big villains are too lazy to kill them. Without it, killing the little energy he consumes can't make up for them by eating five three claws.

   "You are really weak chicken!"

   Jackson had no place under Downton's command, even the green-skin goblin is better than him, but now, he feels that his image is very large and has enough capital to despise the three claws.


   The big villain was depressed. Behind it, there were more than 100 soul-level skeleton soldiers. According to the situation, it was indeed not small.

"where is this place?"

   Downton came straight to the point.

   "Kill them!"

  The big villain brandished a huge machete and took the lead to charge.

   Downton clenched his fist in his left hand and gave a shock to the side.


   Three claws pulled Downton out, turned around and ran, but froze the next moment.

   Boom! boom! boom!

  More than one hundred magic powers that are bigger than the mammoth giant elephant fell from the sky, the dust smashed, and the bones were scattered.

When the dust settled, the big villain found that his subordinates who had accumulated for decades had died a fine light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only a group of soul flames left and went, and the ground around him had been smashed down. The depth of the meter is so high that it stands on an isolated island.


   The three claws and the big villain shuddered at the same time, but the former was even worse, shaking a few times, and the knee broke with a click.

   "This... this is the cemetery of the dragon, the home of the dead, the forbidden place of the soul!"

  The whole villain said it all.

   "Dragon Tomb?"

   Downton's eyes suddenly light up. The dragon is the top of the World of Warcraft food chain. It is a treasure. Even if it is dead, the remaining dragon crystals and bones are also precious magic materials.

   "What is the strongest undead here?"

   Homer made a noise.

   "Two dragon lich, they guard this dragon's cemetery, will destroy all invaders."

   When the big villain said this, the tone was full of awe.

   "You better put away those greedy thoughts, any race pays great attention to the bones, not to mention the dragon clan, I think the tomb keeper here is definitely more than two dragon liches!"

  Homer's voice just fell, and a huge dragon roar came, but only a moment later, a frost dragon broke through the dense fog and appeared in everyone's vision.

   "Reptile, who allowed you to disturb the dragon's sleep?"

   flapped his wings, soared in the sky, and the dragon overlooked the ground, posing a self-identified appearance.

   "Should I make my voice more hoarse?"

   The dragon was still narcissistically pondering, a dragon gun suddenly shot like lightning, shot from the reptile's hand, and soared into the sky. (To be continued...)

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