Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1181: Encounter Fox Girl



  ? Dim light and mist shrouded the horror of Frost Dragon's appearance.


   is worthy of the race claiming to be the guardian of the Western Continent, even after death, it is also domineering to talk about selling, and it is full of the majesty of super-order Warcraft.


  Because it is a dragon of the undead system, there is no trace of flesh on the body of the frost dragon, and the rest is all bones, but they have no signs of gray and decay, but instead have a blue and blue halo, like a gem.


   Their bodies are covered with some ice scum. During the flight, there will be cold frozen air from the throat from time to time. When the air is frozen, it will turn into white frost and drift.


   "Goddess is up, run!"


Three claws roared, even if only the eyes of the skeleton were almost screamed, in the status of a frost dragon, these undead were to them ants, and even the eyes were too lazy to take care of them, but the ants must avoid, Because they are touched by the frozen air they exhale, they will dissipate their souls.


   "My Emperor Polo, are you an undead? Even if you pray, you are looking for the **** of death!"


   Jackson despised, as for the dragon, it believed that the guy would soon become the master's slave.




   The three claws were too hard, the legs were broken again, the whole person fell, and the field of vision rotated. It saw that the "bread" not only did not escape, but thrown a dragon gun.


   "It's over, you're dead!"


  The words of the three claws fell, and then stopped. The green fireball in the eye socket suddenly burned up and down due to the intense emotional shock.




For the dare dare to provoke himself, the frost dragon is furious and decides to tear him alive. It **** his wings calmly, preparing to shoot the dragon gun, so that this reptile can see his own strength, but the next moment, the dragon gun Already shot.


   "Huh? So fast?"


  The dragon hadn't reacted yet, and the wings slammed and was hit. In the splash of a lot of bones and sticks, a huge force hit it, making it like a big windmill, and it turned over directly in the air.


   Dragon gun lasing. Bouncing on the dragon's body, the beaten bones flew all over the sky.


"what happened?"


  The dragon was completely stunned. Although he said that the undead had a reduction in painful nerves, he was so beaten up. It's still terrible.


   Ice ring crit!




   A white ice ring burst on the bone dragon's body, radiating to the surroundings, and the spreading place was all frozen by frost.


   "Not dead this time?"


   The dragon adjusted its posture and prepared to breathe, but because of the heavy blow just now, its head was a little dizzy, and it didn't find the correct direction.


   "Hey, reptile, look?"


   The sound from my ear. Let the dragon turn its head, and then its eyes almost fell, because the human was actually suspended in front of him, unharmed.


   At such a short distance, as long as he had a mouth, he would kill the other party, but looking at his calm face, those dark eyes, the dragon only felt a fear strike, and even the soul was trembling.


   "Should I run?"


   The thought flowed into my mind. The glory from the dragon family made the frost dragon anger, his mouth wide open, and the blue and white light flashing in his throat. That's the energy storage before breathing. With a single shot, even the soul of the soul can freeze into ice slag.


"go to hell!"


  The dragon breathed out, but a huge fist also came.




  The dragon feels that its skull is about to be broken, as for breathing, because the head turns. All sprayed off, it was just about to adjust, a huge barbarian illusion appeared.




   Boom! boom! boom!


  The endless fist shadow appeared, hitting the dragon.


Three claws opened his mouth wide, trying to shout, but one syllable could not be pronounced, it was scared and stupid, in his mind, the dragon was the top of the food chain, invincible existence, but now, it is like a rag The "bread" beats violently, and the sound is miserable, which is no different from the stray dogs running by the trash can.


  The dragon fell, and the illusion chased after the beating. For a time, the sky began to rain bones, bones thicker than adults fell down, and the smashed mud splashed.


   Jackson and the three claws dodge in a hurry, hit by these bones, they will be injured or die.




The dragon hit the ground. When the dust dissipated, the three claws found that two-thirds of the bones of the domineering frost dragon were blown away, and they looked like a remaining duck bitten by a wild dog. Skeleton, how miserable, how miserable.


   "How many creatures above the dragon tomb are there, and what race are they?"


   Downton asked.


"do not know!"


  The dragon stared at Downton fiercely and refused to answer. It regretted it a little bit.


   Downton didn't ask any more, waved the arrogance of the tyrant, and cut it on the head of the dragon.




  A burst of sparks appeared, and a long slash appeared.




  The dragon shouted.


   creaked, and another bitter sound, the bully stabs into its skull, the sacred breath of radiation, making it painless, just like the soul was thrown into the furnace.


   "Don't torture me, I said!"


   Bone dragon begs for mercy.


   Downton's crippled skull was covered with bruises all over the body. After the dragon swam around the edge of death, he stopped, so that it would not regret it.


   "Your master, great!"


   quietly approached Jackson with three claws, poke his arm with his phalange, and lowered his voice with emotion.




  Jackson pretended not to care, but his high chin still showed his pride.


   "After finishing the question, you can kill!"


   The cheap **** urged, failed to devour the gem seeds, and it was good to eat the soul of a dragon.


"what are you?"


   Feel a powerful majesty swept over, the dragon was shocked, because it realized the other party's killing intention, and the body was cold all over.




   cheap disdain, made a suggestion, "Let’s kill all the undead creatures here and take away all the bones in the dragon tomb?"


   "Do you want Downton and the entire Dragon Clan to be enemies?"


  Homa stopped, as long as it is a dragon clan, when approaching death, it will get the guidance of the dragon **** in the nether world, sense the position of the dragon tomb, and then fly away.


  The dragon believed that it could die in the dragon tomb. It is the soul that returns to the homeland, and the soul can also rest in peace, so the protection of the dragon tomb is also outrageously perfect.


  Every dragon tomb. There is a strong garrison guard, at least legendary, not to mention Downton can't beat others, it can be beaten, as long as the dragon bones are taken away. The next day, the entire Deranke was waiting for the dragon family to destroy the country!


"Well, those who are big things, can't be able to do others, aren't they dragons? What guardians of the West Territory aren't fists big enough, other races can't beat them? In any world, to put it plainly, it's all about power. Dear, as long as you are strong enough to suffocate. You can break the rules and make rules."


   The cheap **** sneered at the dragon tomb. As a deity, it has a deeper understanding of the laws of this world.


   "Digging the dragon tomb? Who does this dirty work? By then, you don't need to do anything, the dragons will obediently offer those bones, and let you ask for it!"


   Cheap God continues to bewitched.


   "Downton, don't be instigated by it. This statement is true. But before you become stronger, you will be burned by the dragon's breath."


  Homer was very nervous. Downton was also a lawless master.


   "Downton has a flame immune constitution. It is absolutely impossible to turn into ashes!"


   Cheap **** picks.


   "I am talking about metaphors, do you understand metaphors?"


  Homer was almost mad.


   "Forget it, I'm not afraid, it's just such a thing as digging someone's cemetery, it's too unreal!"


   Downton refused.


   "What kind of "people"? Is it a reptile? Is it like you are hunting and eating meat, do you care about how the prey feels?" Cheap God keeps up the effort. "Alas, it's a pity that the little walnut who shouts to kill the dragon every day is not here, otherwise she will die happily!"


   The smashed frost dragon was scared to death after listening to these words, who are these people, do you think the dragon slaughter is a chicken? And what the **** is that little walnut? Isn't her entertainment activities just boring to kill a dragon?


   "Get up without dying, take me to the lord here, remember, it is the rank of Grand Marshal!"


Downton kicked the skull of the dragon, and it was too troublesome to find someone in a place where he was unfamiliar, so he decided to make a big noise. In a short time, it caused a sensation and attracted many eyes. In the future, the safety of Elaine and his party will increase greatly.


   Of course, correspondingly, the danger of Downton increased sharply.


   "Just treat it as a hone?"


  Tang Dun clenched his fists, without any fear, peace and Koban could not create a strong man, every **** of war, was born in constant killing!


   The frost dragon that claimed to be Baresi cast the power of death. Those bones that were originally scattered seemed to be attracted by some kind. They gathered together again and put them together into a dragon shape. They were just dim light, which did not match the previous domineering.


   "Take off!"


   Downton made a jump and jumped on Baresi's back, not giving it a chance to refuse.


   "What are you still doing? Come up!"


  Jackson urged the three claws while crawling on Baresi.


   "Ao! Ao!"


   Three claws froze for a moment before reacting, panicking and climbing up a rib.


  Even letting a strong man bully, what's the matter with these two ants? The resentful Baresi was about to get angry and shocked them with the pressure of his soul, and as a result a more terrifying soul shock swept through.


   "Forget it, bear with me first and wait for the second brother to be found and work together to kill them!"


  Baresi flapped his wings, lifted off, and soon disappeared into the mist.


   "This is the most wonderful time of my life!"


  The three claws soared into the sky for the first time, still riding a dragon, excited for a while, and wanted to yell, but the result was Kaba, his chin dropped.


  The night came, the temperature was lower, and the whole cemetery was filled with dead air. It was a paradise for undead creatures.


   Jackson took a deep breath, beautiful bubbling, but the next moment, a sudden roar of dragon roared it almost fell off Baresi's back.


   "Someone is fighting below!" Downton overlooked, "lower the height!"


  As Baresi glides down, the battlefield is in the sight of everyone. An undead bone dragon with a length of more than 100 meters roars and is chasing a seven-person squad.


This guy is more domineering than Baresi. The most conspicuous thing is that it starts from the neck and runs along the spine to the tail. The bone spurs like the horse's mane, the blue halo, like blooming flowers, with death Breath.


   "It's Adebayor!"


  Baresi gritted his teeth, no need to ask, the two dragons must have hatred.


"too horrible!"


   The teeth of the three claws began to tremble again. When Adelaus fought, the overflowing super beast breath would make the fishes retreat from Sanshe, otherwise they would die in horror.


   "More than horror, this guy is a little lord!"


Jackson is envious, the higher the rank of the bone dragon, the more perfect the signs. Those bone spurs are a symbol of strength. When they become a king-level strongman, they will have a crown condensed by the power of law on their heads. Immortal, the crown never falls.


This is a one-sided battle. There are five orcs and two humans in the squad. Even if they are fighting desperately, they can feel the pressure of death. If Ade is too boring, treat them as if The toy wasted all its time.


   "Meghan, think of a way, we will die if we continue this way!"


   A little leopard chief yelled at the fox girl. As a melee, he was the most stressed. Every time the bone dragon waved his claws, he might be sent to hell.


   "The power gap is too big!"


   Megan smiled bitterly and gave his companion Centaur a look.


   "Don't be lazy, you two, or get out of the team!"


  Centaur shoots arrows to help while scolding two human beings.


   "Which of your eyes saw us lazy?"


Harry was depressed, he wasn’t really lazy. In the face of this strong enemy, any distraction may die, "I want to say that it is Megan who is lazy, she is a genius of your orcish family, can’t you single this skull Dragon? So quickly show all the cards!"


   "Then why don't you show the cards?"


  Centaurs fight back, everyone's background is not bad, there is also a life-saving magic prop on the body, I don't want to use it, because the right time is chosen, you can avoid a death.


   Let me say that the human and the beast are racial enemies. Although we have to cooperate in the face of crisis, we must beware of the other party, especially the disadvantaged party.


   "While the current state is still okay, everyone uses the hole card and kills a living path, otherwise the magic power will be exhausted later, and only one can be slaughtered!"


   Megan panted, and the chest tightly wrapped in the sacrificial robes fell together~www.wuxiaspot.com~It was very tempting~ but no one had the leisure to watch.


   "I counted one, two, three, and then blessed the bloodthirsty aura, everyone broke out together, kill out, one!"


  Megan finished shouting, but no one moved, she was almost mad, "Do you wait for feces in your head? When are you still guarding each other?"


   "We are worried about being treated as cannon fodder!"


   Harry sneered.


   "Haha, it's so interesting, I decided to give you a chance to live!" Ade said, and stopped the attack, "Whether it is an orc or a human, as long as one side is dead, the other side can leave!"




   Without any hesitation, the two humans stared at the orcs.


  Centaurs and Leopards are asking Megan with their eyes, are they doing it? (To be continued.) xh118



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