Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1202: Twilight Embrace


Looking at the embarrassed expression on Downton's face, Twilight was also uncomfortable. She was not afraid of his appearance, but sad that he did not trust himself.

"who are you?"

Facing the sudden intruder, the Black Flames rushed up murderously.

"Go away!"

Twilight pulls the sword, suddenly a golden masterpiece, thousands of swords blasted, as if the rising dawn pierced the dark clouds, making people unable to look directly.

boom! boom! boom!

The blade penetrated the shields of the believers and hit the body, making them fall to the ground like a bird hit by an arrow.

Blood screamed and screamed constantly.

"Walnut, leave!"

Twilight greeted.

"Ah? Oh!"

Walnut scratched his hair and stopped fighting, chasing Downton. The elder brother seemed to be in a wrong state. He wanted to comfort him!


Looking at the seriously wounded men, De Minaken was suffering such a loss, and he was about to intercept it, but before moving, Twilight's cold eyes had already shot.

That majesty, it seemed that the emperor looked down on the officials, that killing intention, it seemed that the cold wave frozen the sky of the earth, Demi, the legendary order, while looking at the twilight, I only felt that my heart was frozen and suddenly stiff On the spot.

"What is the origin of this girl?"

Looking at Twilight's leaving, Demi guessed, and then saw Walnut, and could not help frowning. Why is Downton all around this powerful and unknown species?

"Haha, it's right that you didn't chase, this woman. But even the war machine can't take her."

Moshan ridiculed, standing on the spot, as if thinking.

"What should we do now?"

Demi looked at Capello and his party. The fierceness in his eyes was pervasive, and he always used some blood to wash away the shame of black inflammation.

"Ready to fight!"

The crowd suddenly came to the enemy, they did not have the strength of Twilight and Downton to destroy the enemy group by themselves.

"Forget it, time is running out, let's go to the ruins for an adventure, and spare them their lives!"

Moshan finished, glanced at the audience. The first to shoot at the battleship, these ants. He didn't bother to start.

"It's finally gone!"

When the shadow of the battleship disappeared on the skyline, Piero breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where do these guys seem to be taking risks, guys, do you want to keep up with them?"

Inzaghi proposed.

A group of people quickly shook their heads. Finally, this group of unlucky stars are hoped away, and they will be stupid enough to send them to the door to find death.

"Maybe there will be big gains?"

Inzaghi wanted to trick some cannon fodder to accompany him.

"Forget it, we can't grab those people!"

Capello sighed, neither Magic Mountain nor Demi, he could deal with.

"Since that is the case, I will leave!"

Inzaghi finished speaking and turned to leave. He deliberately slowed down the pace, hoping that someone would follow.

"Shall we also take a look?"

Someone hesitated. Want to use Inzaghi's luck.

"Hang, Inzaghi’s lucky attribute bursts into the table, and it can surely be turned into danger. How about you?

Meghan scorned and pushed Capello, "Go away, go chase Downton, just didn't help, just a pity!"


Capello lamented. Twilight's performance completely compared them.

Under the black cloud. The cold wind roared.

"Downton, don't run away!!"

Twilight shouted.

Downton pretended not to hear it. In this ghostly way, he could not face the twilight. He had almost returned for the walnuts just now, but when he saw that Little Loli had also chased him, he had no worries and would not stay.

"Stop, or I'm going to be angry!"

The twilight gas was badly corrupted.

"You got the wrong person!"

Downton disguised.

"Are you a fool? How could Walnut and I admit you wrong?"

Twilight smirked, this excuse was simply lame.

"Why run? Is it playing hide and seek?"

Walnut doesn't understand at all.

"Downton, what are you hiding from? I didn't despise you!"

Twilight bittersweet.

"I hate me!"

Downton growled, "You go, I don't want to see you!"

"Walnut, Big Brother doesn't want you anymore!"

Twilight looked at Little Loli.

"What? No, big brother, you tell Sister Twilight that you won't want me!"

Walnut was a fool who didn't see any change in the atmosphere at all, but when Downton didn't speak and tried to escape, she finally realized that it was not good.

"Go, catch him!"

Twilight ordered.


Walnut didn't hesitate, the runes spread all over, entered a violent state, and broke out in an instant. The whole person sprayed like a cannonball and chased Downton.

Because the speed was too fast, she broke through the sound barrier and even torn the air.

"Walnut, stop now!"

Downton was startled, and it would hurt his body. Then he found that Walnut bumped up straight, and at his speed of reaction, he could certainly avoid it, but he was worried about Walnut.


At such a hesitant time, Walnut ran into Downton's stomach, and then the two of them crashed into the ground like a crashed plane.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton hugged the walnuts, only to feel that the sky was spinning, hitting on the ground like a water float a dozen times, and rolled over nearly 100 meters before he stopped.

"Brother, don't you want me anymore?"

Walnut was lying in Downton's arms, holding him, looking at him with tears in his eyes, like a pup that was about to be abandoned.

"Let me go, your spine will be strangled by you!"

Little Loli was worried about Downton leaving, so he held his chest very hard, with the body of Downton's dragon, it was a bit overwhelming.

"Ha ha!"

Twilight fell and watched the two of them covered in mud, rolling like a mud monkey.

Downton said nothing, pulled the walnut, and turned away.

Twilight followed behind.

"Don't follow me. I don't know you!"

Downton spoke coldly.

Rarely seeing the awkward Downton, Twilight's mouth showed a smile, and then an angel halo appeared above his head. The whole person gleamed with white and golden light, which was extremely holy.

The melodious hymn sounded, and even the dark atmosphere around him was dispersed.

"Sister is like an angel, so beautiful!"

Walnut sighed, but Downton suddenly turned around and ran like crazy, covering Twilight's mouth. "Are you crazy? Stop now!"

Twilight shook his head gently.

"I will find a way to purify the dragon form, don't waste the small wish on me!"

Downton was anxious. The small wish is one of the township magical skills of the Holy Flame, because it can be accomplished by heart, it is called divine skill, but in this world. Any power is conserved, and the use of these magical skills has to pay a huge price.

"God's Forbidden Word!"

Downton shouted out his words, hoping to stop Twilight.


The white-golden light on Twilight suddenly flourished, as if the corona had exploded.


Downton was repulsed and vomited a gulp of blood.

Twilight stepped forward and lifted Downton. All worried.

"Why are you doing this?"

Downton smiled bitterly.

Twilight didn't answer, but after seeing her clear eyes, Downton suddenly understood. The deep concern there made him feel warm and wished he could drown inside.

"Fool, because she loves you!"

Cheap God sighed.

The sacred aria rose to the highest peak with wings, and Twilight folded his hands together. Hold it on your chest and pray reverently.

A little angel the size of a fist appeared around Twilight's body. Flying happily, leaving a string of laughter.

A holy spirit appeared. It was wearing a white robe and covered with mysterious runes. With Twilight's prayers, it glowed brightly around the body, then waved its staff and pointed to Downton.

call out!

A white-golden light beam emerged, and after hitting Downton, it became a halo, blessed on his head, and then sprinkled with light spots to purify all darkness.

A whiff of black breath overflowed from Downton's skin, they changed into various dragon forms, howling and roaring, but unfortunately to no avail, and finally they seemed to melt like ice and snow, dissipating under the holy light.

"so amazing!"

Walnut watched with his mouth wide open for a long time before digging out the Diwei crystal in a hurry, preparing to take this scene down, and then slowly appreciate it.

The cost of performing the small prayer is too high. Twilight's vigorous eyes suddenly dimmed, the skin color became dull, and the whole person couldn't support it, and collapsed to the ground.


Downton was startled, without thinking, reaching for the girl's waist and holding her in her arms.

"Sorry, cough, failed!"

Twilight blames herself.

"Stop talking!"

Downton frowned, his distressed heart was broken, and Twilight was so powerful, but now, the whole wave of the soul is weak and weak, and it is no different from dying.

"Don't worry, I won't dislike you!"

Twilight looked at Downton and reached out his hand subconsciously to touch his cheek, but reached into the air and stopped again. She dared not, she was afraid of being rejected.

"Sorry, it's my fault!"

Downton grabbed Twilight's hand and pressed it on his face. The coldness made him more blameful.

Twilight struggled for a while and found that he could not break free, so he gave up, "Fool, we are friends, do I have trouble, don't you help?"

"Of course help!"

Downton did not hesitate at all. In the three years of the Blood Martial Temple, he and this girl have become close friends who can live together.

"So, you don't need to apologize!"

Twilight smiled.

"thank you!"

Downton thanked him seriously. Although Twilight said that the small wish had failed, but that only failed to restore him to human form. In fact, this magical technique had a great effect.

Even a genius such as Capello, who has experienced a large dragon corruption, can only devour the strongest dragon soul, but Downton is different. His body and blood are so powerful that those dragon souls are all coveted, Fighting to snatch, at present, Downton's strength has soared, but in fact, these dragon souls have the brand of soul. Once Downton continues to advance, the dragon is more and more complete, and those dragon souls will also be in his Growing up in the body will interfere with his consciousness.

When the time comes, Downton will become a madman, and he will burst and die because the soul can't accommodate these dragon souls. Now, Twilight uses the small vows to completely purify those soul marks, and the leftovers are the most original. the power of.

Twilight gave Donton a blank look, and it was too common to dismiss this statement.


Downton laughed, scratching his hair embarrassedly.

Twilight lost too much power and didn't want to talk. Downton didn't know what to say for a while, which was a bit embarrassing, not to mention the two people still hugging.

"Am I letting go of her?"

His skin was close, and Downton could feel Twilight's body temperature, which made him a little embarrassed. He had intended to change his posture, but as soon as he moved, his arm was caught by the girl, so scared that he thought he got a Twilight wound, Stop quickly.

stamp! stamp!

Walnut crouched behind Downton, reached out his little finger, and poked his back.

Downton looked back.

Walnut grunted his lips.


Downton puzzled.

Walnut frowned, his neck stretched, and his pink lips rose higher, and then his hands made an embracing gesture.

"Why? Want to kiss?"

Downton lowered his voice and asked. He now has black lines all over his head. He has always kissed him with walnuts. He didn't take the initiative to kiss walnuts because he didn't want to be treated as Luo ~ Likong.

Walnut shook her head and continued to muzzle. While doing this action, she also paid attention to whether Twilight was blocked by Downton's body and worried about being seen.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Downton was angry.

"Stupid, she made you kiss Twilight!"

Homer can't stand it anymore. Why is such a good atmosphere wasted?


Downton looked at Walnut in amazement. When did the idiot know about this? "How old are you? Who didn't teach you so much?"

"No one teaches!"

When Walnut saw Downton angry, his neck shrunk and his mouth flicked, revealing a look of fear.

"Goddess is up, is it time to discuss this issue? Kiss her, you fool!"

The cheap **** is about to spit up blood, and it doesn't understand why Twilight likes Elm lump like Downton.


Downton turned his head, and saw that Twilight was looking at him, his eyes flickering, and his cheeks were flushed.

Downton is embarrassed to die, and with Twilight's hearing, even if his voice is small, he will be heard, so the current performance is definitely embarrassing.

"what should I do?"

Downton couldn't stop talking.

"My Emperor Polo, are you going to mad at me? You are still not a man, now you should not ask what to do? Instead, kiss her directly! Kiss her strongly!"

Cheap God roars.

"But... but I like Charlotte?"

Downton questioned.

Homer and the cheap **** didn't answer, and directly extended the elemental arm, grabbed Downton's head, and pressed him against Twilight's face.


Lips and teeth touched, a trace of pain came.

"What are you doing?"

Downton was worried about annoying Twilight and was about to leave, but when he saw Twilight staring at him with big beautiful eyes, he was stunned.

"She likes me?"

Downton stunned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ crap, if she doesn't like you, would she do so much for you? "

Cheap gods hate iron for not making steel.

Feeling Twilight's cold lips, thinking of all the previous things, Downton didn't know when, and was pushed away by Twilight.

Twilight stood up, but his legs softened and fell to the ground.

"Be careful!"

Downton hurried to help.

"Big Brother, you are so stupid, no wonder Sister Xia Luo cannot be chased!"

Walnut helped Twilight, making a mouth towards Downton in the blind corner of her sight.

Downton glared at Walnut and made a gesture to hit her. (To be continued)

ps: The cold is finally gone, Oye!

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