Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1203: Dragon Nest

"Eh hey!"

Walnut hugged his head in both hands and made a grimace.

"Downton, you don't have to worry, the person who loves you will not become nasty because of your appearance!"

Twilight comforted Downton and spoke softly, like the sand on the beach.


With a blank face, Walnut looked down upon Dunton carefully, and then jumped up like he found the New World. "Oh, how did you become a dragon?"

"Can you be more aware of it later?"

Downton is speechless.

"It's cool, how do you do it? I want to change too!"

Walnut took Downton's arm and shook her coquettishly, "In my mind, the elder brother is the elder brother, no matter what it looks like, even if it is a muddy slime, it is also the elder brother!"

"What are you talking about?"

Downton frowned, then smiled, stroking the walnut forehead lovingly. The guy would have grown up, and he knew to comfort himself.

"Are you in a better mood? When you're done, join Juliet and find Elaine!"

Twilight didn't forget the business.

"Your body..."

Downton was worried.

"I'm fine."

Twilight stood up, a ring of light illuminated on the left hand, followed by a sick horse, appeared, and screamed weakly.

"This guy is dying!"

Walnut looked at the sick horse with his eyelids drooping and poked at the neck with its messy mane.

"It's a stupid acting, and those giant dragons will not necessarily win when they encounter it!"

Twilight rolled his eyes.

"What's the victory? Is it that I beat them all to find my teeth?"

The sick horse snorted and retorted disdainfully, "Yes, what is the origin of this one? Do you like him?"


The sick horse is unobstructed Afterwards, Twilight made a big red face and didn't know how to answer.

Walnut glanced left and right, suddenly kicked on the sick horse's buttocks and ran away with a giggle.

"Don't let me catch you!"

The sick horse ran wildly.

Downton shook his head and smiled, but the walnut actually became jealous, and it seemed that he had really grown up.

"Sorry. Won't you blame me?"

Being supported by Downton and walking side by side, Twilight was a bit unnatural. After hesitating a few times, he asked.

"will not!"

Downton knew that Twilight was referring to her true identity.

When she first met Twilight in a dark area, she was dressed as a magician, and her first-hand magic was so fascinating that Downton was shocked. But this time, the girl came to believe in all kinds of magic, martial arts is the level of killing the dragon, even if he is stupid, he knows that Twilight is a priest.

"Sorry, I have a reason!"

Twilight looked sad.

"It doesn't matter, I understand!"

Downton smiled, praying is a magic technique. The whole continent can use it. A slap is counted, and the age is combined, so Twilight's identity is coming out, but the answer is too amazing to make him dare to believe it.

The two were originally close friends, and some words did not even need to be spoken. As long as a look, you can understand.

Twilight is very erudite and has far-sighted cognition, and has profound research on various ethnic, world, and philosophical levels. During the talk, strong self-confidence and aura will be revealed. Fortunately, Downton has the great magic book and cheap **** teaching, plus the knowledge gained from the dream world in his mind, only to keep up with the twilight pace, not to lose ugliness.

"Aren't you testing me?"

Downton teased.


Twilight's complexion changed, and she secretly warned herself not to be complacent. It wasn't her self-confidence. She was the one who grew up and could keep up with her thinking. There were too few people to let her peers go.

"Uh, don't you joke often?"

Downton scratched his hair.

Twilight nodded bitterly, kidding? She didn't have the chance at all. In her identity, no one dared to talk to her. In front of her, no matter how honorable the person is, she would bow her head willingly.

You can look up at the twilight, you can have dinner with her, you can stand a few gossip with her, this is something worth showing off.

"Your idea of ​​a free trade zone is really great!"

Twilight sighed.

In the walkway, the atmosphere between the two people is very harmonious. Whether it is Downton or Twilight, I hope this road has no end, but the reality is very cruel.

"Downton, are you okay?"

After the sound of the horseshoe, Capello and his party followed the trail and chased them up. After seeing Downton, they greeted with a happy face.

"time to go!"

Downton spoke first.


Twilight sighed imperceptibly and stopped, not knowing why, she suddenly hated these uninvited guests.


As soon as Twilight stopped, it was found that his arm was pulled, and Downton turned back in amazement, and then the two found out that they didn't know when they had started, and their hands were already held up.

After a brief silence, Twilight shook Downton's hand away, his cheeks red as apples waiting to be picked in autumn.

"Do you think I'm ugly?"

Twilight asked.

"You are not ugly!"

Downton chuckled, but you are a girl with the same name as the Bavarian Rose, one of the two most recognized beauties in the world, and the dream lover of countless men across the continent. How could it be ugly?

Twilight gave Donton a white look, and there was a hint of sweetness in his heart, and there were also some sudden, right, Downton is so smart, how could he not guess his identity!

The horseshoes were flying, and the soil was splashing lightly.

When Downton rushed to the place where the portal appeared, Juliet was still locked in the cubical cage of the crystal wall, and the whole person seemed to be going crazy, constantly attacking the barrier.

"I'm going to save Downton, even if I die, I want to be together!"

The long sword had shattered, and Juliet, without a weapon, hit the barrier with a punch, so that her arms were **** and flesh-skinned.

It was originally a blue cube, but it was also stained with red blood.


Downton was startled and rushed past.


The prison cage shattered into crystal blocks and floated in the air.


Juliet collapsed suddenly. No way, she was attacking and consumed too much magic energy and physical strength, but she didn't care and struggled to get up, "Go to Downton!"

"No need to find it. I'm here!"

Downton hugged Juliet and shook her hand to bless her with a healing magic. "What are you crazy about, can't you stay quiet?"

"Are you OK?"

Juliet didn't care about herself at all. She touched Downton with both hands and made sure that there was no injury on him. Then she was relieved. As for the dragon form, she didn't feel any discomfort at all.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooingingoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this a good!"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooinging Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It It It its nice this this is your business!"

Juliet cried out and hugged Downton.

"Fool, how could I be in trouble, and if I have trouble in the future, take care of yourself first!"

Downton patted Juliet's back and looked at her tattered hands, very distressed.

"Ah. Evil destiny!"

Cheap God sighed.


Twilight apologized, and she didn't expect the girl to have such a dispute. Was she attacking the crystal wall cage for most of the day she left?


Juliet drew Downton's sword and pointed angrily at twilight, "I can't beat you, I have nothing to say, but I'm the master of my life. If there is another time, I will definitely get revenge!"


Seeing Juliet's hand holding a sword full of blood, Twilight suddenly realized that the girl loved Downton so much that she waited for the torment here. Jane was more cruel than killing her.

"Okay, Twilight is also for you!"

Downton persuaded, but he didn't notice that because of the warm atmosphere just now, when reading the name Twilight, he couldn't add it gently.

Juliet's pupil shrank sharply, looking at Downton, and then staring at the twilight. The latter ignored her completely, and was staring at Downton's back with watery eyes.

As a young girl who has eaten too much suffering from following her parents at the bottom of the adventure world, Juliet's heart and emotions are actually very slender and sensitive. She instantly noticed the share between the two. Inexplicable breath.

"Damn twilight, you have taken my chances and taken down my Downton. If I go to rescue him just now, I will definitely get his favor!"

Juliet's heart was roaring, wishing to kill Twilight immediately, but she held back because she didn't want Downton to see her twisted face and dark mind.

"You sit and rest with the bone dragon!"

Downton arranged for Juliet and went on the road. If she couldn't find Elaine, she couldn't take a break.

In order to make up for the mistakes just made, Capello and his team spontaneously formed a team to capture the natives in the cemetery and torture the intelligence.

The answer soon appeared. As a holy priest, Elaine was the enemy of these undead creatures, so the first time she was discovered, she reported it to the Dragon Nest.

Dragon Lich Xilin personally led the team, who was supposed to destroy Elaine, but after discovering her talent, she captured it alive and gave it to Queen Nicole.

Of course, the final outcome either died in human experimentation, or became a specimen, or was sacrificed as a sacrifice.

It's a dragon's nest. It's actually a huge castle. It's not made of bone materials that the undead like, but it's all made of obsidian.

In order to obtain these stones, Queen Nicole built a portal to the abyss, and there have been several wars, and the bodies of the big demons killed by her have been brought back, not nailed to the glory as spoils. On the wall, the sacrifice was made to the Dragon God.

"You stay here, just wait for me!"

Standing on a hillside, Downton looked through the binoculars at the dragon's nest. He was not as difficult as a strong man, and Capello and his party also dived into the rescue.

"Ten thousand hearts!"

Everyone is embarrassed~www.wuxiaspot.com~I will go too! "

Juliet was not assured.

"Your strength is not enough!"

Downton knew that Juliet could not be persuaded by these reasons for worrying about safety, so she vigorously stimulated her.

"Walnut stays here too. It's enough for me and Downton."

Twilight's words dumbfounded the eager walnut.

"You stay too!"

Downton frowned.

Twilight shook his head and was quite strong. "You are too dangerous to go by yourself. With my response, I can avoid many crises!"

Downton couldn't beat Twilight, he could only agree. (To be continued...)


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